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Joy 03-28-2008 02:45 PM

Hi guys,
i got a call from my doctor about my scans and the lungs and bones are stable, but there are 2 new spots on the liver since december. She is not 100% convinced it is cancerous and we will be doing a PET next week to check that. She said it could be focal hyperplasia or necrosis or something like that too. My blood work came back great as far as function tests go.

I could use some advice or experience from you wonderful people about any of this. I'm pretty upset. Love to all of you and thank you in advance.

kareneg 03-28-2008 04:10 PM

Hi Joy,

I don't have any information that you are looking for but I wanted to say I hate you have to go thru this. I pray that is it nothing you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Becky 03-28-2008 05:25 PM

Dear Joy

I won't say oh rats because it is not time for that. Let's wait for the PET scan and go from there. Have a wonderful weekend - are you still seeing that wonderful man?

Love and a hug,

sassy 03-28-2008 05:53 PM

Keep in mind that it "may not be cancerous." Hold that thought until you have a definative answer. My prayers are that it proves to be nothing!

SoCalGal 03-28-2008 06:23 PM

Hi Joy-
I know there are many ways to attack the liver in addition to chemo if everything else is stable. Although I don't have first hand knowledge there are many women in my group who do. And many on this board too. Hopefully the pet will show good results. It is so hard to ride this stuff out but try not to let your mind get the best of you. EGBOK. (Everything's gonna be o.k). xoxo Flori

Lolly 03-28-2008 07:49 PM

Joy, I know it's hard not to be bummed but really try to just relax and wait to see what the PET shows. It may well be nothing, so keep in mind "innocent until proven guilty", eh?!

tousled1 03-28-2008 10:35 PM


Since everything else seems to be fine let's assume that the PET/CT will also show that there is nothing goning on. Prayers coming your way.

AlaskaAngel 03-29-2008 11:44 AM

Hi Joy,

We all hope this is just another benign scare. Relatively speaking, livers have such limited methods of detection so there are bound to be more scares with them. Did you get any specific description of the spots as to size or shape, or where they are?

MUCH love,


Mary Jo 03-29-2008 02:02 PM

Just wanting to send a hug, my love and prayers your way sweet Joy.

Mary Jo

goops 03-29-2008 03:14 PM

I am sorry that you are going through this - I also had spots on my liver which they later confirmed were not cancerous through a pet scan, I hope you will have the same result.

I don't think anyone else can understand the anxiety that a person goes through when something like this happens - I know from experience that it is not easy to relax but I hope you can do it. Good Luck with your pet scan.

Faith in Him 04-01-2008 11:03 AM


I was just wondering how you are doing now. I hope you are feeling better. I am praying for good pet scan results.


Sheila 04-01-2008 11:19 AM

I have also had you on my mind (and in my prayers), hoping the results were good and you are out celebrating.....

fullofbeans 04-01-2008 11:40 AM

Just wanted to send you some good vibe your way and wishing that the spots are nothing.

However know that there are still various options to explore. I really hope that all is fine. But know that whatever happens you will find a way to go back to the nice life you created for yourself and for your family, and, to the love that surrounds you.

Lots of love

Joy 04-01-2008 01:22 PM

thank you
You gals are the best. I had my PET yesterday, don't know anything yet. I feel fine physically, just freaked out about this junk. If these are mets per the PET my ideas anyway are: explore RFA, going back to menopause and using fulvestrant with t/x ot just t, the super charged herceptin trials, gemzar, fractionated cyberknife, SIR spheres, t and avastin. Any thoughts? I've been on a lot of treatments, I hope my liver isn't giving out. That is my big fear. I see the doctor on Thursday morning and will know more then.

On a little bit different note, I told my boyfriend this weekend about the phone call I go on Friday. We went on a little weekend trip and I didn't tell him until we were coming home on sunday about the suspicious spots on the CT and he said, "Why didn't you tell me?" And then I said that I didn't want to ruin our weekend-which was surprisingly great given the worry I have. And his response to my news was, "So I guess the question now is, when do we get married." He was serious you guys-he said that this was a proposal and that he'd like to get married in July. I am so overwhelmed and freaked out about so much I just don't know how to approach this whole thing. Kids and families and pets and homes would be affected by this. Not to mention my uncertain future. What to do?

Any thoughts on that business as well? I love you all so much!

Sheila 04-01-2008 01:33 PM

You know in your heart if it feels right or not....we live everyday in an uncertain life, and if you can spend it with someone you love & deeply care about, go for it.....he sounds like a gem.....just let us know if we can all come....!!!!

lilyecuadorian 04-01-2008 02:16 PM

OMG ...
"So I guess the question now is, when do we get married."
it change all the worried ..complete ...he he what else ......he is great really good targeting therapy ......Hey I think God send him to you Joy !!!..I really hope that your PET come back clear ....if is not is many treatment available ...!!!

Faith in Him 04-01-2008 02:18 PM

I have to agree with Shelia. It if feels right and your heart tells you this is something you want to do, do it. The other details will work out. He does sound wonderful.


chrisy 04-01-2008 03:00 PM

Yeah, that was a little bit different note! I like the way you tossed that little "joy" grenade in there!

Joy, I agree with Lily - this guy sounds like the targeted therapy you needed for your heart and soul. Go with your heart. You know well by now that nothing is certain, and kids, pets, houses and families can survive a lot. Just like you. Going with your heart works pretty well especially when your head is overwhelmed.

now on the other thing, you seem to already have a very very long list of options in case the PET doesn't confirm "nothing" is wrong. From what you say, 2 spots is still quite limited disease and you seem otherwise very healthy - including your liver.

So take a couple of days to breathe; you will make the right decisions.

Much love

lexigirl 04-01-2008 04:46 PM

Dear Joy,

I am hopeful that the scan will show nothing worrisome. The waiting is the pits.

As for your sweetheart, he sounds like quite the stand-up man. Take YOUR time on making a decision on marrying him in July. Pray about it, meditate, listen to your heart and think of the kids. Whatever your decision, it will be the right one for you and your girls. I must admit, I am feeling kind of excited at the prospect of our sweet Joy having a lovely wedding. hummmm....

Big Hugs,

Bill 04-01-2008 05:26 PM

Joy, I didn't post before, but you have been in my thoughts and prayers. Try not to worry too much until all of the results are in. I'm so glad that you have someone special in your life, and are considering marriage. It sounds like you have met a wonderful man, but, little Sister, if you want me to fly out there and talk to this guy, and make sure he's gonna do the right thing and treat you right, you just let me know. Love, Wild Bill

juanita 04-01-2008 05:36 PM

Ahh, Bill you are too sweet. But I feel the same way. We could all gang up on him and really make sure!

Bill 04-01-2008 07:45 PM

Yep, Bonita, we are family here and we gotta watch out for each other.

SoCalGal 04-01-2008 08:44 PM

Wow. That's all I can say. Oh- and of course praying for good news. xo Flori

MJo 04-02-2008 10:34 AM

Bill is on the right track. Does that nice guy of yours know he will have to answer to the Her2 Support Group? I hope those spots on your liver are just the usual bumps and dots none of us knew our bodies develop -- until we became survivors. As for the marriage...take your time. I think your decision will become clear with time.

Carolyns 04-02-2008 01:41 PM

HI Joy,

I pray that the PET proves it to be nothing.

Sounds like a great guy. You deserve the best.

Love, Hope, Peace, Carolyn

Hopeful 04-02-2008 02:45 PM


I hope your results are the best possible. You have been through so much with such class and an indominatable spirit. You have had the courage to reach out and find the love you have been seeking. I agree with everyone else here, you will know in your heart what the right answer is. Life is about change, and, while it is understandable that you have your children (and pets!) to consider, this is also your one and only life, and you need to live it for you. How you have handled both bc and being a parent are great examples for your kids. If you are doing the right thing for you, you will be doing the right thing for them, too.

Best of luck to you with everything,


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