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Lisa1967 10-07-2011 10:42 AM

Port Placement
Hello My HER2+ Sisters,

I hope you are all doing well today, I had my port placed today and I'm feeling great! I know there are dozens of posts already existing RE: Ports however, when I was first told I would be getting a port I was panic stricken. "Oh my goodness, I am going to have a doorbell inserted in my chest" I did tons of searches on ports, I needed to know what they looked like once inserted. I Goggled, I Binged, I was on every Cancer forum....I couldn't find what it looked like. All I found for the most part was posts of praise. Everyone was thrilled with their port choice and for the most part basically everyone said they would do it again if they had to (well wishes to everyone and hopes that they will NEVER have to deal with ports again...)
I've decided that for the neurotic individuals out there like myself that will spend hours upon hours researching ports and what they look like as soon as I can remove the gauze I would like to post a picture.....it will be a surprise to me too as I still have no idea what it looks like :-/

Any objections?

Hugs to you all.....Lisa

BonnieR 10-07-2011 11:21 AM

Re: Port Placement
No objections from me. I've seen worse! I will say that port placement and appearance can be different with individuals. And there are more than one type, I think. But as a general reference, why not. You might want to let it heal a bit first.
Keep the faith.

Ellie F 10-07-2011 11:32 AM

Re: Port Placement
I would be very grateful if you would post a picture! I am under pressure to have my hickman line changed to a new port. I can see the advantages but have the same concerns as you. I know we are all different but to see a picture and know which type of port it is would be GREAT!

YellowTail 10-07-2011 12:21 PM

Re: Port Placement
Hi, you will really like the PORT, I've had mine in a few weeks, has healed well and I can sleep on my tummy or side without any issue now. It is quick and easy for the nurses as well. I use the Emla patch to numb the area prior to my chemo sessions, just so I don't feel any prick, tired of the prick of the needle feeling. I run and do yoga with it no problem just a slight 1-inch scar that's it. No worries in the shower or while swimming, and I don't have to cover it up, very pleased with it! Take good care, YellowTail

Jackie07 10-07-2011 01:19 PM

Re: Port Placement
Glad you like your port.

I kept my 2nd one for two extra years after finishing my treatment in 2008(usually it is adviced to keep it for 1 year after treatment). Finally had it removed this past summer after having been 'bugged' by my oncologist for a long time. He acted like I was having some kind of attachment issue - while in fact I just did not want to be 'poked' everywhere since there're always problems drawing my blood with a regular syringe.

It makes sense since I won't need to see him until next summer.

YellowTail 10-07-2011 01:22 PM

Re: Port Placement
If you google POWER PORT you should be able to see what the device looks like with information on how it works as well.

Lisa1967 10-07-2011 02:39 PM

Re: Port Placement
Yellow Tail, yes...that is what I was able to find. I saw dozens of pictures of what the unit itself looks like but no actual pictures of what it looks like once its placed under the skin.

Jackie, I can see me becoming attached to my port too. I think in some way while Chemo and Ports are reminders to our situation, I think they also act as a security blanket for us in some odd way.

Ellie, I will be able to shower in two days I will post a picture then. Like Yellow, mentioned from what I can tell its rather small and does not extend very far out. According to the size of the bandage (2" x 3/4") the incision has to be only about an inch!! YAY!!

Bonnie, I agree there are different typs of ports and of course different bodies that they will belong to. I am a very visual person and I need to see things in order to grasp them fully. It may not be exact but it at least gives a better understanding of what is somewhat expected.

Hugs to All.....Lisa

YellowTail 10-07-2011 03:40 PM

Re: Port Placement
1 Attachment(s)
Hi again, I just took a photo of where my port is. It was put in Aug. 22 with no complications. It is just above my left breast as I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node on my right side. Just one finger width below the scar the PORT now lives. There is a tube that runs just under my skin up to my collar bone and into my juggler vein. You can not see it unless I tilt my head to the right and the skin tightens. Not sure if I mentioned this prior but I use an Emal patch which I place on top of my skin 1-hour prior to having the treatment which simply numbs the area and I don't feel the needle. It is really remarkable and better on our system as it is the largest vein and the blood flows through it the fastest carrying the meds throughout compared to the smaller veins, that is how my Onc explained it. I hope that photo helps a little, no one can see it on my other than the scar. When people hug me I am very careful and request light hugs no bear hugs please. I hope you can see the photo, if not let me know and I will try to upload it again.

Happy Thanks Giving,

YellowTail 10-07-2011 03:42 PM

Re: Port Placement
Ops should have mentioned, I had a friend visit yesterday and she asked me if the nurses slice it open each time to access the PORT I thought that was very funny and proceed to show her the photo of the unit and the special needle they use to activate the PORT and administer the meds. It was so very innocent and cute :)

Lisa1967 10-07-2011 03:53 PM

Re: Port Placement
YellowTail....this may sound strange, but darlin your port is just beautiful :)

Pretty sure mine will look just like yours, I had my face all up in the mirror trying to see where the tube going into the jugular is....can't see it. Going back to the mirror and doing the head twist...LOL

Tell your friend thanks for the laugh. I can clearly understand how she may have thought that...not sure if at some point I was thinking the same.....

Hugs to all.....Lisa

Ellie F 10-08-2011 03:16 AM

Re: Port Placement
Marlene-Thank you so much for posting this picture. It looks fabulous ! Could you tell me which make of port it is?? Here in England ports are very new and though I attend a major onc centre there are only a couple of ppl with them. I mentioned to them that I would like one with a low profile so hopefully it would look like yours. If I had manufacturers name I could persuade them to order one. Many thanks.

Lisa-Glad your port is healing well. Look forward to a picture of yours also. I'm sure it will be brilliant!


YellowTail 10-08-2011 04:26 AM

Re: Port Placement
Good Morning Ellie from across the pond,

Here is the contact information:


Bard Access System Inc.
Salt Lake City Utah, 84116 USA
801-596-0700 (phone)
clinical Information Hotline 800-443-3385

I hope this helps in your request, keep us posted!

Take very good care,

Ellie F 10-08-2011 08:17 AM

Re: Port Placement
Once again many thanks! I am boggled by the number of ports available. I notice there is one powerport that says 'slim' and suited for thin or petite patients and those concerned about cosmetic appearance. I guess I fall into the 'concerned' group!
I am going to print it off and take it with me!
Will let you know how it goes.
Best wishes

patz64 10-08-2011 09:31 AM

Re: Port Placement
I'm glad to see these posts. I'm having a port put in next Tuesday...really had no idea what to expect. Thanks for all the info!

tricia keegan 10-09-2011 01:00 PM

Re: Port Placement
My port looked very different to this and felt it fair to mention, I'm very small on top and during chemo lost so much weight the port stuck out so much from my skin that I had to only wear certain sweaters or tops or it would show to everyone!

I was still glad to have it as it did help me a lot but felt I should warn others who may have the same experience, I wish I had known this may happen and although I still would have had it, I would'nt have been quite so shocked!

BonnieR 10-09-2011 02:40 PM

Re: Port Placement
I am in Tricia's camp. My port looked NOTHING like this. I am small around this area and my doc could not find any "fat" in which to imbed the port (too bad she couldn't use my thighs, plenty of fat there!). We tried to avoid where straps would rub but to no avail. The port protruded considerably and was very annoying in terms of clothing and undergarments. I, too, was happy to have it but also glad when it got removed.
Important to point out the possible negative results!
Keep the faith.

Lisa1967 10-09-2011 02:59 PM

Re: Port Placement
your post just cracked me up...Tomorrow is my big unavailing, I will post pictures. When I went for consultation with surgeon, I told him I was concerned by what this thing was going to look like sticking out of me like a doorbell. Most of my concern is that nearly every weekend I am attending some gala or likewise function and formal ware tends to be a bit reveiling.....
He touched my chest and said "you don't have enough fat in this area, it will unfortunately protrude" Damn, I have enough fat in all other areas of my body bat wing arms, fat @ss, thunder thighs etc... Just my chest has to have no fat!! Really??
I asked him if there was such thing as a pediatric size port and if that could be used assuming that it would be smaller...he smiled at me and said he didn't think it would be possible.
After surgery when I was in recovery m sister was all smiles...she said to me that everything went well and that Dr. told her he had given me the smaller port.
When I saw the Dr. I am so happy to get the heck out of there, don't you know that I never asked him what my sister meant about him giving me a smaller port??!!
As I said I am still bandaged but when I run my hand over it, it feels like its sticking out a good 1/4 inch.

Ellie F 10-09-2011 03:49 PM

Re: Port Placement
Hi all
As previously said I have been following this with great interest as I am concerned about a port protruding a lot! I have checked the bard website and it would appear there is a slim power port designed for ppl who have not much fat/tissue in the chest area.It would be good to know if Lisa or anyone else had been fitted with this type?
Lisa- looking forward to the unveiling!

Pray 10-09-2011 09:09 PM

Re: Port Placement
I don't have much fat on my chest so the surgeon put the port in the strap area. The natural dip helped a tiny bit. but mostly it showed. I could easily hide it. (Bonnie and Lisa I too suffer from the fat thigh thing. I also have not found anything useful to do with that problem area!) Peace.

tricia keegan 10-10-2011 11:39 AM

Re: Port Placement
Bonnie I wish I could have had it on my thighs or back side too lol!!!

Mine also was a Bard port and since then I've heard of one for more petite or thinner women but it was not offered to me at that time.

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