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DianneS 05-13-2009 02:11 PM

Watery eyes and red eyelids-Herceptin?
Anyone have watery eyes and red (well, pink) eyelids and believe it is caused by Herceptin? Also, crusty stuff on eyelids esp. in the a.m.???

It's not an infection, had that checked out.

I'm not on anything else except Heceptin so I don't know what else to blame it on. I've never had anything like this before. Eye doctor said my tear ducts and oil glands are blocked, suggested warm, moist washcloth soaks 10 mins every day. My tear ducts aren't blocked, I can cry a bucket. Didn't work, so tried Gen Tears ointment or something like that. Seems to help...but my onc and pharmacist said that when looking through Herceptin side effects, watery eyes and irritated eyelids weren't a side effect. Huh?

What say those of you who are on Herceptin only?


DianaT 05-13-2009 05:20 PM

I have the same problem but it started with the taxotere, which I was told was the culprit.

Laurel 05-13-2009 07:08 PM

I am not experiencing the eye problems, but I will say that this Spring has been hellish hard on my allergies. I have never had a worse Spring season. With 4 more Herceptins to go, I am hoping my nails, and nasal problems abate with the cessation of treatment. I suppose I should not complain, but I must confess I cannot wait to be finished with the H and have my port removed! Now only 4.5 more years of hormone therapy!

DianneS 05-13-2009 08:47 PM

Red eyelids
Hi DianaT,

Thanks for response. Would I still be having side effects from Taxotere/Carboplatin, because I finished those on March 12?

How darn long does it take for this crappola to leave the body anyway?!


DianneS 05-13-2009 08:49 PM

I know, Laurel. Seems never ending, doesn't it?

What are you doing for the nose problems?


ElaineM 05-13-2009 08:57 PM

Watery eyes and red eyelids-Herceptin?
Taxanes (Taxotere is one of them.) can cause that. It is quite possible that other medicines can cause it. Warm compresses will soothe them and make them feel better. If it is an infection an eye doctor should be able to diagnose it. Good luck.

Laurel 05-14-2009 05:53 PM


Sorry, I didn't see your post. For some reason the threads I post on are not being emailed to me as others follow up or respond. Don't know if it is an Outlook problem or what. Danged annoying!

Anyway, my nose troubles. I was so irritated 2 weekends ago because the Wisteria was in bloom outside my bedroom window and didn't I go and sleep with the window open and breathe the pollen all night. When I awoke my throat was a scratchy, sore mess, and my nose was equally affronted. I used Zicam for 2 days which seemed to help me get a handle on it. I was slated for my nipple recon that Monday, so I was praying it would resolve. When they asked if I had a cough or sore throat, I could honestly answer the nurse that I did not. Well, in truth I still had the cough and some lingering lung congestion, but since I wasn't having gas I decided she did not need to know! Ha! Nothing was getting between me and my new nipples!

My son uses Zyrtec for his seasonal allergies with good effect. His eyes are a mess this year. Your symptoms sound like his. I think we may have hyper-sensitive immune systems while on Herceptin. Pollen and other allergens assault our immune response systems and they respond defensively. I am wondering if it is indeed a terrible year for allergies and in light of the Herceptin treatment, perhaps we are even more susceptible to the irritants in the air?

I suggest trying Zyrtec for your sinus problems after checking with your Onc. I doubt there will be a objection. Good luck, Diannes.

By the way, I read your post where you expressed the notion of ending your Herceptin treatment prematurely due to SEs. I encourage you to try to see if yours is not a seasonal allergy problem, perhaps worsened by Herceptin before you drop the program. Her2, as Brenda said, is not something to be trifled with. It is a killer and Herceptin is its number one enemy.

Sheila 05-15-2009 05:23 AM

As a long time Herceptin user, with and without other agents, I developed constant watery eyes...finally, after stents in my tearducts, and every OTC med available, i was prescribed Restasis Eye Drops for chronic dry eye...they have made an amazing difference....there are a few of us who have endedup with this from the herceptin we guess. See an eye Dr and have them order the Restatis and see if it helps!

Mary Anne in TX 05-16-2009 12:41 PM

My eyes did this on Taxol, Carboplatin and Herceptin. Stopped after a few months on just herceptin. ma

Ellie F 05-17-2009 04:45 AM

My eyes did this when I was just on herceptin, along with painful sinus problems and a crusty nose. Now on taxotere and herceptin it's back! So I am assuming it's mainly herceptin thats the culprit.

robind 07-09-2009 04:53 PM

Herceptin - nose that constantly drips
Don't have any eye concerns but...my nose just runs, constantly. I may have my head down reading and I have to run to wipe my nose. My 97 year old grandmother had this when she was alive ... it's embarassing. It has to be the Herceptin. I finished taxol the end of November so it can't be that.

DianneS 07-11-2009 11:22 AM

Herceptin side effects
I have the drippy nose as well, sometimes very unexpected! I found that my eyes cleared up once the doctor found the cause: I had 4 ingrown eyelashes. Can't tell you how good it felt to get those little suckers pulled out. Eyelashes are growing in slowly. I look pretty ratty with my scraggly hair and patchy eyebrows and lashes :) but happy to be alive.

Karen Wheel 07-15-2009 04:55 AM

eye issues with Herceptin
Yes, I too have this - and have had 5 treatments of Herceptin but before the last 2 cycles - I was on chemo too and I didn't know if it might be the combination of the two... but now I know it has to be the herceptin. I also have had a allergic reaction every time to the therapy, but they have given me a bunch of cortizone and antihistamines - and it seems to help, but not the eye issue. My face and chest and upper body alway get real red for a day or so after - and then that passes. The eye thing hasn't --- is not fun, but now after reading a lot of posts on this site - I know its the Herceptin.

donna77 07-15-2009 06:21 AM

red crusty eyes
I had the same thing and I use a once prescription now over the counter allergy eye drop called Zaditor. I also find if my nasal symptoms are bad my eyes are worse so I use the Zyrtec, sudafed and a steroid nose spray when this happens. I am turning into a druggie!

juanita 07-15-2009 03:02 PM

wow i remember those days. my eyes watered so much i felt like i was crying alot of the time. it does go away eventually so hang in there!

donna77 07-16-2009 05:58 AM

I guess I feel a bit duped. My oncologist and PA both told me there were rarely if ever any side effects with herceptin! They told me I would feel good!

DianneS 07-20-2009 04:16 PM

Herceptin's side effects your doctor may not mention
Glad to know there are lots of other women who have the red watery eyes. I mean, I'm not glad you have the red watery eyes.....you know what I mean! I have been told by: pharmacists, my onc and other doctors that Herceptin does not cause this. So, what is it then? It is the only thing I'm taking and I never had this before. I'm blaming it on Herceptin.

I also blame Herceptin for diarrhea, which I have daily and have had since I began Herceptin in Nov. 2008. My onc says to take Immodium. For almost a YEAR? Anyone else find Herceptin caused this? What did you do?

I have noticed a tinge of nausea after my herceptin treatment in June, for the first time. Anyone had that, and if so, what did you do for it? Premeds helpful? And I continue to be a bit queasy, not much appetite. I blamed it on the aromatase inhibitor, Arimidex and stopped it on Sunday after 3 weeks. I do feel better today. The nausea seemed to be worse when I began the AI in early July and nausea is a side effect. We are all different and I guess Herceptin and AI's being relatively new - how do they know how everyone will react when taking the two together? I am only weakly ER positive, anyway, which in Canada is rated +1.

Any stats on how much AI's can reduce recurrences if one is WEAKLY ER POSITIVE?

Thank you ladies.

Karen Wheel 07-21-2009 01:03 AM

Herceptin - eyes and side effects
I also have a bit of nausea the few days after Herceptin, but not the entire 21 days.

Eyes water .... all the time and the outside edges seem to be now almost always sore from all the tearing. UGH!

My Dr. here in Sardegna - blames the Herceptin.

I haven't had diarrhea, per say, but they keep saying that I can take a pill for constipation, well, I don't have that problem ... I have some diarrhea, but not super bad - and bowels are mostly always loose, so maybe this is the Herceptin also.... I thought it might be the chemo, but I stopped chemo 5 weeks ago.

So, hang in there... I have a heart altrasound again today, here my oncologist has had me do one every other treatment, so this will be my third one. Not sure if this is the same also in the US??? Thoughts ladies?


suzan w 07-21-2009 09:30 AM

Chiming in on red watery eyes...as I was only on Herceptin I blamed the eyes/sinus goo on that!!! My nose always felt like I has snorted water, that stingy-feeling. My onc. agreed. My eyes are still really sentitive to "stuff" in the air and get itchy and red. A lingering side effect! Just to remind me of the miracles of Herceptin!

Ellie F 07-21-2009 01:22 PM

Hi Karen
Here in England heart scans are done 3 monthly whilst on herceptin. There are moves now I hear to extend this interval to 4 months. hope this helps

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