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kat in the delta 06-23-2006 03:15 PM

How can I look more appealing??depressed kat
I feel plain UNATTRACTIVE !!!! One breast gone, big port poking out on other side, shorter hair.....husband looks at me with this terrible disgusting look. I am 5'3''have always exercised, but now a little too thin at 100lbs which i don't mind because I can always go UP! What can I do to get his attention ladies????or men, You'd know !!! I need some HELP in this area..... How in the world can I look a little bit sexy??? --kat in the delta

Unregistered 06-23-2006 03:27 PM

If your husband thought you were sexy before Cancer it should not make any difference how you look right now. Nobody asks to get Cancer. Just put on a happy face and tell him to kiss your Royal behind. LOL

Tom 06-23-2006 03:36 PM

Dear Kat,

Close the kitchen. After a month's worth of Swanson TV dinners and boiled hot dogs, many men get interested in their wives very quickly from what I've seen and heard from friends. They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I suspect an empty stomach will bring him around even faster. If that doesn't work, try a male escort service. Having hubby find a Richard Gere type with washboard abs leaving his driveway as he gets home from work would certainly give me pause. Let us know what happens.


Unregistered 06-23-2006 03:49 PM

Way to go Tom

geraldine 06-23-2006 05:11 PM

Hi Kat, like you I have one breast removed and feel a bit..no, a lot, lopsided...!!
Being divorced and single when this happened to me, caused me more problems than i would have thought...!
I was a very outgoing person, full of fun, loved life and was very confident.
After my diagnosis, mastectomy and discovering, i couldn't have a reconstruction, I found myself unable to get into a relationship. I am not a youngster (54) but I still have feelings. I went out with a really nice guy (dinner, theatre etc) but found myself facing this brick wall that I had built up around myself, and could not get over it
My friend was very patient with me but in the end it was me who ended the relationship.
To let you know how this affects me.... i.e.
When I come out of the shower and see myself in the mirror, I cringe. How then can I get into a relationship, cos I think that whoever sees me like this, will feel the same..
I know this has left me with some personal problems and I try to deal with them, but it is hard.
My mastectomy was Aug 2001. I have been told, because my secondary was on my chest wall 2003, my surgeon would not be happy doing the reconstruction..
How do I feel about it.......... If they dont do the reconstruction then I would rather have my right breasr removed also !!!!!!
I realy feel, losing the other boob would make me feel more balanced and sane. Every time I see my one and only boob in the mirror, it reminds me of my Cancer and how deformed I now am
I am sorry for going on, just feeling a bit down and no better way to express yourself than this forum
God Bless
Geraldine x

Cathya 06-23-2006 05:18 PM


You are what you feel!! So, if you feel sexy and interested in your husband he WILL get the message, HOWEVER, if, after all you have been through you are exhausted, feeling uninterested in sex, you will project that too! And perhaps you are feeling angry...I'm not saying towards him....but gee....cancer CAN make one pissed off.....then you might be projecting that as well. Also, he could be feeling angry too...not at you but at the fates that dealt you both this horrible disease NOW. Kat, you must be realistic....you know that answers to your question. Think about it.....and relax. God bless.


tousled1 06-23-2006 06:52 PM

I can't be to much help to you since I don't have a "significant other." I've had to go through this alone. My daughter was some help but not the type I needed. I wanted a shoulder to cry on, someone to just give me a great big hug, and especially someone to curl up with at night. I had broken off a long term relationship about 2 years ago.

Thank God I have my grandson! He's only 5 but he understands in a 5 year old way what I've been going through. Everyday he gives me the hugs and kisses that I want. After my surgery he was ever so gentle in hugging me.

Now that I have no breasts I feel like no man would even want to look at me. I must admit it's not a very pretty site. I have no regrets about the bilateral mastectomy since I really didn't want to be lopsided -- especially when I was a D cup. I think I look better with no breasts than just one. I may consider reconstruction sometime down the road but who knows.

I try and maintain a positive attitude and I find that way people around me are also more positive.

Unregistered 06-23-2006 07:02 PM

I agree with Cathy "you are what you feel" and I look in the mirror and see Battle scars and know my husband could have never done this. BUT in defense of your husband (as with my husband) what I thought was disgust was him being cautious and patient because he was not always sure how I was feeling. They do need to be told what we want, most men cannot guess what is going on with us like our girlfriends do.

astrid 06-24-2006 05:59 AM

Sex is a head game. Like others have said, if you feel sexy you are sexy. Try to get your head right and believe me your husband will be there with you. Think about what makes you feel sexy. Is it visual, it is romance, is it dominance or submission? If it’s visual, find a sexy movie and watch it together in lingerie. If its romance, start a bath with candles (can you take a bath yet?) and invite your husband to join you. If its dominance, seduce your husband. Of course if its submission, tell him what you want him to do. When I first got married I was 92 pounds and my husband thought I was sexy. We have been together for 25 years now and our sex has always been great. We are inventive still. We have had great sex since I was diagnosed. I think the cancer diagnosis has made us closer. We have reevaluated how much we really love each other. I know you love your husband or you would not be worried about how sexy you are. Focus on that and the rest will come. If you need a break right now, that is understandable also. This is a time we can be selfish. No one really knows what we are going through. We are all individual with our own fears. My husband was scared of hurting me at first after surgery. The doctor told him not to shake me, so our first attempts at sex were a disaster. Be patient, if you had good sex before cancer, you will have good sex again.

Sherryg683 06-24-2006 08:54 AM

Go to a Tatoo parlor, someones bound to find you attractive there..lol. Not making light of the situation BUT...The other day my son decided he wanted his ear pierced but needed me to go along to give permission. We went into this wild ass tatoo place where everyone looked freaky. I was dressed in my jeans, tank top and doo rag. I started chatting with the owner who was an older "biker" looking tatooed guy. When it came time for my son to get the consent form signed he told the owner "this is my mom". The owner said "and a HOT little momma she is". I didn't think I had heard him right until my son started picking on me about it later that the "tatoo man was hitting on his mom". I told him "Cory, I am bald that man couldn't be interested in me", my son said "Mom, you'd look perfect on the back of his Harley in that doo rag"...I laughed my butt off and have still been ragging my husband that if he doesn't want me I know a successful business owner (although tatooed) that thinks I'm hot. Also, the guy who works on our pool said he thought bald women were totally hot..lol...he's bald too. Luckily (or unluckily) my hubby is so sex obsessed that he's always interested no matter how I look. I swear that if I die, when I'm in my coffin he's going to tell the funeral director he needs 5 minutes with me alone..lol..sherryg683

sarah 06-24-2006 09:56 AM

Dear Kat,
I agree with many of the other responses that your feelings are due to your low self image. You have to start to think of yourself as special, sexy and beautiful and then that will project to others. You're suffering depression (totally normal) and you have to find a way to get back into life in a positive meaningful way for you.
I doubt very much that your husband is looking at you the way you think. I think sometimes our loved ones are just freaked out by the whole thing, afraid we'll die and confused as to what to do or say for fear of upsetting us and most of us definitely go through mood swings that are hard to handle particularly if we've always been "sweet" natured! Men (and women sometimes) steel themselves against showing too much emotion. Maybe try asking him for a hug. Buy a nice lacy black night dress.
Also think about getting an animal - dogs are very affectionate and couldn't care less how you look! they just worship you the way you are! and then you can take it for walks and get out and meet people, etc. Join a club. do something outside the house. Go to the cosmetic dept and get a make-up make-over.
Reading is another great way to get outside of yourself and funny movies.
So the order of the day is realize how brave and beautiful you are and look in the mirror and say that until you believe it!
good luck, you'll get through this bad patch.
PS otherwise, check out that tattoo guy!

MCS 06-24-2006 10:34 AM

Dear Kat,

It sounds as if you are really struggling with self image. I just responded to another threat of yours.

Yes. It's tough. Not only are we sick, everyone "sees" we are sick becasue we lose our hair, our face colour is pale, we are tired, worried, we cannot plan on a lot of things in the future, there are tons of bills from every doctor on the planet, there's a lwyas a test to get results that we might not like to hear, there's diet issues, vitamins, medications. We take two steps back and one forward only, always in a mid rut. I lost my job, which for me was a lot of self esteem. You lose friends and others are scared to talk to you.

I hear ya very well.

Sex?! Well, it's just about gone for us, mostly because of my self image. I can't simply relax and feel good on how I look. We are trying to be patient on this. Maybe once i feel a little better about myself, it will come back to normal-hope not loo late for the relationship. I used to get dressed nicely every day for work, now I just have the same pair of jeans and shirt to hang out and can't give myself the excuse to buy anything and certain low neck tops just don't look right either.

Also, this also hits an age where ourselves and our marriage may be changing even without the cancer and that itself would cause the same issues. Dealing with menopause, our bodies are dragging down, teenages at home, emptynesters. It's lots of stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try other things: go to a movie, got to a local inexpensive restaurant you like, plan on some change at home, like garden, carpet, etc.; have a glass of wine at night, plan a short weekend get away. Search web for some news that would be interesting. Maybe he's scared out of his mind also. I would not suggest trying to talk about it. Sorry to the men on the site BUT men don't talk!

Be happy with what you have accomplished Kat. It's a lot. Pat yourself on the back.


MCS (maria)

kat in the delta 06-24-2006 12:00 PM

I loved your advice, and may do just that. Tell me more. I love hearing from a man's point of view!! You want to go to Paris with me ??? I have a free place, but no free flight?!!
kat in the delta

Patty H 06-24-2006 06:47 PM

I think the cancer really changed me. They took my hair and breast! So I went out and bought big ear rings and 2 wigs. Even now that my hair has grown back, I never leave the house without make up and my ear rings. I was never that type before, but I work hard at not looking sick. I have more clothes now then when I worked and needed them. If I wake up and feel like I have nothing to wear, I go shopping. I always tell my hubby that I'm not leaving our money for his new wife. (just kidding ) I think looking death in the eyes made me decide to do what I want now. To look healthy and alive makes me feel that way too.
Patty H

al from Canada 06-24-2006 07:11 PM


Everyone has said it all...especially the part about feeling sexy = attracting sexy husbands. That said, it is also well documented that in most cases, BC will change your sex life.

Here's food for thought, from a male perspective. Remember when you fell in love and everything was a rush? There was so much "ka-bam" back then that I doubt if he would have noticed a missing breast... I know I wouldn't have. You were sexy, not only because you felt sexy (I'm trying to be polite here but think of synonyms for sexy) but also because you were given the permissions to feel that way. Get the ball (yikes) rolling, and get buy-in to go to the next level, which isn't hard to do, (yikes again).

Again, not to be condescending to my male brothers but when you stip away all the layres, walls and posturing; create the setting and his brains will drop down to below his belly button.

How's that for a tactful reply?

mamacze 06-28-2006 10:17 PM

Hi Kat!
I agree with Astrid, sex is a head game. Decide in your head how you want it to be; then get that sexy black night gown ... and do what your head tells you will be fun. You'll find that once you get started your heart will follow and before you know it, you will be feeling like your old self. Sometimes it is that getting started part that is tough. But look at you; gutsy enough to discuss it with us; going after your hubby should be a cinch! (especially with a name like "Kat"!)
love Kim from CT

Tom 06-29-2006 01:09 PM

Thank you...
Dear Kat,

I think that if I didn't have Mom to take care of, I might just take you up on your generous offer. Although the idea of your husband driving us to the airport makes me a littlw squirrely about the plan...lol.

Seriously, I hope things are working out for you and that others are feeling a bit more "frisky" after some consideration of your feelings.

I'm sure that these things are difficult for all involved. I always suggest that they try to imagine themselves in the same situation. It's not easy to visualize, but it can be done. That usually prompts more thoughtfulness on everyone's part.

At any rate, I'm glad you have a place to flop if you're in Paris. Must be nice to know if things don't work out at home...lol

Je te souhaite tout meilleur avec votre sante !


kat in the delta 06-29-2006 02:36 PM

kat in the delta(the home of the blues)
Merci beaucoup, Tom!!! ET Toute les monde pour les repondes. Ta Amie, Kat in the delta

jag 06-29-2006 03:17 PM

I F After All You Been Through Your Husband Makes You Feel Unattractive Then He Doesnt Deserve You... To Me Love Is From The Heart...i Would Be Thanking God That I Still Had My Wife After All You And All These Ladies Go Through....and I Would Being Doing All I Could To Help Her.....like Tom I Search Every Day To Find Things To Help My Mom Stay Well....happy....and With Me For Hopefully Many Years To Come.....you Are A Fighter....a Survivour....and Someone Who Should Hold Your Head High....

Ginagce 06-29-2006 08:10 PM

Hi Kat
Great answers from the men don't you think? Right on!

I'm a mess right now after bilaterals, chemo, herceptin, arimidex, back surgery, etc. etc. you know the rest.

But you know what, I can feel as sexy as I did before all this crap happened by simply pulling my hair up and putting on a pair of fun earrings!

I know this is a truly superficial response but you know what, sometimes cancer calls for some superficial thinking just to get you through!

I prefer the dangly kind myself! In silver!

Best to you Kat, you are a beautiful woman, we all are!


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