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Becky 07-28-2009 06:25 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
Oh Mary Jo. Congratulations and praise God you are still the great wonderful woman you are to us and everybody else.

Believe51 07-29-2009 11:06 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
I still have my wedding flowers after 16 years and believe it or not they are still as white as they were that day. I never treated them with any chemicals, just placed them into the freezer.>>Believe51

duga35 07-30-2009 06:46 AM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
I'm 6'5 and weigh @300 pounds. I can't read nor write very well at all but I can lift the front end of a VW! I got tired of people asking me if I played football, so I just started staring down at them all mean like and replying, "No, I don't play football, are you a jockey?"

Oh yeah, and I also love the Stones. Gimme Shelter and Midnight Rambler are my fave songs. I don't like the fact that they spent the biggest part of their lives in a drug-induced fog, nor endorse it, but during the period that Keith was an all out herion addict was when he wrote most of his best music.

harrie 07-30-2009 11:56 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
If I have a yin/yang best bud, it would be Duga. We have almost identical histories with our bc....even down to carrying the BRCA gene, DCIS, mastectomies, tamox, oncotype, you name it....BUT the BIG difference is that he is probably one of the BIGGEST people at this site and I am prob one of the smallest!!!!
But I do love that big guy and I have so much respect for him.
By the way, DON'T ANY OF YOU OUT THERE BELIEVE FOR ONE MIN THAT HE CAN'T READ OR WRITE VERY WELL! He writes very VERY well...articulately, discriptively, informatively, and with an amazingly honest heart that shines through. I've seen it with my own eyes!!

Faith in Him 08-01-2009 10:57 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
I lived in Aberdeen, Scotland from 1979-1984. My father worked in the oil fields in the North sea.

notamrnpsn 08-02-2009 05:29 AM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
Hey Faith in Him, I was born and raised 30 miles South of Aberdeen, a little town called Montrose. Had brothers who worked on the rigs.

LoriE 08-02-2009 07:03 AM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
I enjoy fly fishing with my husband. My introduction was via Casting for Recovery! (and I don't eat fish.)

vickie h 08-02-2009 10:01 AM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
I love driving up the coast and camping in Big sur whenever I can. Bought a new tent yesterday for our next trip (in between chemos). We don't roast hot dogs but instead pack in all kinds of vegetarian food and take long hikes. It's so beautiful there. I'm yearning to go to Yosemite before it gets too cold.

Midwest Alice 08-02-2009 05:01 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
I took my first oil painting class this summer. It was fun.

Mary Jo 08-02-2009 05:36 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
I learned to play the piano at 38 years old. It was always a dream of mine so I did it.

swimangel72 08-02-2009 08:58 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
I'm 5'9" - and my oldest daughter is 6 feet tall (and became an All-American basketball player - she got her talent from my DH's side of the family.) In my 20's I was a really into skiing and English-saddle riding........my right hip is now reminding me of all the falls I took back then!

duga35 08-03-2009 09:33 AM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!

Ya gave away my secrets!!!


Marlys 08-03-2009 01:58 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
Today is the first time I have indulged myself in this thread and I really love it. I do have a few comments to make... Sheila- about dancing with a cardboard Marlboro Man... I used to drink a lot, too!!! I, like you, am a nurse. I was dating a man who worked as a doorman in a Roaring Twenties night club in Denver, called Big Al's GasHouse. Well, one night he broke up with me, saying that he was too young to get married. I don't remember ever saying anything about marriage but he did owe me $13 and I wasn't about to let him get away with out paying me that $13 so I started working as a cocktail waitress there on the week-ends. I wore a flapper dress and danced the twist on the tables as part of the show!! However, as some of you may know, I was raised a good little Seventh Day Adventist til the age of 23 and although I was imbibing freely by this time I did not know the names of many cocktails. I was never sure what a Cuba Libra was but the bartender must have given me the right drink because I made great tips (made more money than I did as a nurse). Oh, that doorman finally married me so he would not have to pay back the $13. That was 45 years ago.
Love & hugs,

StephN 08-03-2009 09:49 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
Yes, Marlys -
Poke around in this web site and you never know what you will run across to take you away from "your life at the moment." This the beauty of this site that Joe gives us the freedom to start threads on most any topic, avoiding the "P" and "R" subjects as much as possible!

I love your Flapper story. Guess I was never that ambitious for either the money or the husband, but that sounds like it was darn fun! You are a go-getter!

vickie h 08-04-2009 03:21 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
I was also raised a Seventh Day Adventist. My grandfather was jewish, my grandmother a gentile and so they settled on raising my mother in the Adventist church because they practiced a lot of the same dietary laws and we attended sabbath on Saturday. From sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday, there was no work allowed. We played, went to church, had potlucks (no cooking allowed either). As we grew up my mother went back to my father's jewish religion and so we attended services at the Temple then. Still later, after we were grown, she became a Jews For Jesus.
Very interesting background, wouldn't you say? I still eat no pork products, shell fish, etc to this day. I've visited and attended several different churches since then, even went to a Baptist revival in a tent in Idaho once and then to a Budhist retreat. God is everywhere.
P.S. My first real job was also as a cocktail waitress in Northern California. Since we didn't drink, I couldn't tell the difference between a bloody Mary and a gin and tonic....those poor customers....I was delivering all the wrong drinks to different tables and still didn't get fired!

Mary Jo 08-04-2009 07:25 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
Vickie, I just had to say that I loved that story. I even read it to my husband.....being a lover of Jesus, I loved the part about your mom becoming a "Jew for Jesus!" Thanks for sharing the story.

Mary Jo

vickie h 08-05-2009 04:34 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
Hey Mary Jo,
She always went back to Jesus.....couldn't live without him.
Still wanted to hold on to her jewish heritage and finally found other jews who believed in Jesus. She was also an activist for the poor, protested viet Nam, raised chickens in the middle of LA, and sang opera. Very interesting woman to say the least, which made for an even more interesting childhood!

Midwest Alice 08-05-2009 05:25 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
My first job was a cocktail waitress. One side was a bowling alley and the other side was a disco. I would work in the bowling alley and later in the evening I worked in the disco. I had fun working in the bowling alley... but not so much in the disco.

Midwest Alice 08-05-2009 07:04 PM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
I have the last four US Presidents dolls on my fireplace mantle. You push a button on their back and you hear different Quotes from them in their own voices.

harrie 08-06-2009 12:43 AM

Re: Things you didn't know about me!
Duga,....then I guess you'll just have to tell us some more of your secrets!.....come on......we're all eyes...

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