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chrisy 08-29-2007 10:47 AM

Today's joy was being at my favorite coffee shop with my friend after our morning walk, listening to old Frank Sinatra songs. I didn't sing along because Frank was doin' just fine!

Sheila 08-29-2007 12:28 PM

I had to go to the car dealership, and had a horendous hot flash...of course the men looked at me like I was in a circus...bald and sweaty, how sexy is that...but then I smiled, even a hot flash brings joy, It tells me I am still around to enjoy them! So, I took advantage of the situation, stopped at Mc Donalds and ordered a senior citizen coffee.....SO THERE OLD AGE!

Jeanette 08-29-2007 01:10 PM

Joy is getting a senior discount at our local Kohl's. Love all the stores that give senior discounts . Jeanette

madubois63 08-30-2007 04:14 AM

Yesterday's Joy - Breakfast with my son (He slept all day and was awake all night for the whole summer - so this was a treat). My friend Liz (Cancer survivor and doesn't work like me. That means she is available for anything at a phone call. We drove to "The Hampton's" and ate sandwiches by the water). Walking with my daughter on the track (clear skies, cool breeze and good laughs). And I have to say, my chicken summer stew came out really good last night!

Today's Joy - The good lab reports I will get later on at the cancer center, a drive to the ocean (Fire Island) with Liz and the comfort of my own home and family. Life is good...

Believe51 08-30-2007 11:08 AM

Ooops...Lots Of Catching Up To Do
Today's Joy: My 3 1/2 yr old granddaughter had just come back from the dentist all upset. She asked her parents if she could see her Grandma Marie at work, so my Daughter-in-Law called and asked if they could swing by. They did and I left work early for something besides my husband's breast cancer. We had the best of times and I really needed her dose of medicine. I was thankful just to be able to sit there & draw and eat with my family.

My husband and I decided to go out for a ride, he is at his peak during the evening hours. First we grabbed sandwiches and coffee (yes..he cheated and loved it too..LOL). Then it was off to the ocean and as we traveled there we went the long way. The long way enables us to view a beautiful falcon nest, owl nest and hawks nest. No week is compete if we do not see our pals and this week was no different. Last night there were about 20 bats flying around the lights in this area and I was captivated with the wonder of it all. I looked up to see our falcon and told him hello. I have named him Eddie!! LOL!!

The joy did not stop here, the moon was so glorious perched boldly in the sky, the light bounced off the waves and gently touched his face. There are benches of black marble that represent mini-memorials for those we have lost and when I asked if he wanted his own bench he said "No Bop, I am no one special". Of course I stopped to face him and as that moonlight kissed his face softly I held him and we cried together. After I could gather some air I replied: "You are special love, you are my knight, my warrior...the best friend I could ever have!! I told him he has to feed his soul some more and stay strong because I am demanding a miracle and he too needs to claim it for himself. I reminded him that we have a mission here and I am so happy that we have this chance to try to get to dance with NED". We practiced the dance in the moonlight with others watching the calm ocean in the distance.

I find joy in becoming a better, stronger person. I keep to heart that I fear very little now that cancer has entered our lives. Not much can give me fear anymore and I feel that it has helped to make me that person. I worry about the little things less, I fear less, I have better perception with evreything. I find joy in the things this journey has given to us, cancer aside. You see, even before cancer I felt this way about my husband and now things are better than ever. Of course cancer aside.

And one more joy I take pleasure each day is my family support here. I KNOW I could never do this without my beliefs and the strength I gather here. I love you all. And girls, practice that dance with NED and remember to save us a seat!!


chrisy 08-30-2007 01:43 PM

internal alarm clock
Ok, Marie, as usual, your post makes anything anyone (especially me!) might say next seem like a feather in the wind!
So glad you were able to share that wonderful moonlight beach time. And keep encouraging Ed (and the rest of us!)

My little teeny joy was using my "internal alarm clock" this morning to get up at 5 am (2 1/2 hours earlier than usual), to go up to UCSF for labs and my infusion. I stopped using alarm clocks 9 years ago after hearing a speaker on "the power of your mind" tell us that your body KNOWS what time it is and you can wake up whenever you want, but most people don't trust it. Well, it took a while, but I now BELIEVE my mind has the power to wake me up at whatever time I say, and it works!

Now if I could just get it to put all those little canser cells to sleep, permanently!

Andrea Barnett Budin 08-30-2007 02:35 PM

My Little Joy! Sybnchronicity At Work!!
MY LITTLE JOY. I ran errands and got to my 3:00 appt for a manicure exactly on time. A woman was standing at the counter in front of me. I gathered my credit card (to pay before, so I don't smear my nails) and was off somewhere else mentally. Then I tuned in, and I heard my Friend Anette's voice coming from this woman in front of me. Anette?, I asked KNOWING it had to be her; that was Anette's voice to be sure! Of, my God. She wouldn't turned around. What's going on?, I asked, as she is the most huggy person, full of joy and affection. What are the odds!!?, she said proclaimed aghast. She was buying a gift certificate for my Bday to give me on Sunday, when my daughter and son-in-law are making me a BarBQ to celebrate, and have invited Anette and hubby (Bunky). Yes, that's his nickname, don't know why. Yes, I'm *guilty* -- Virgo!

Anette (Antoinette) was so utterly embarrassed (caught with her hand in the cookie jar). She just kept repeating, What are the *#?!ing odds of you being here on this day, at this exact time??!! Stunned, nodding her head (which I could still only see from behind. FINALLY, she turned and hugged me and told me sheepishly that I better act surprised when she gives me my present. She left and then as I was paying, Bunky came in to give me a hug too, didn't want me to think he was ignoring me he said. (I didn't even realize she was with him. He was in the car.)

So I just felt all glowy and loved and loving and joyful, and it's *stuck* for hrs now! So nice to be remembered. And, she honestly didn't have to buy me anything! I mean it! (Paul bought some champagne in Costco to chill and bring and surprise everyone, to rejoice with.) Birthdays are wonderful. I intend on keeping on having them. I'm going to collect them, in fact.

May your every day have moments of joy, love and serenity. This is what I wish for my dear soul mates I find myself bonded to. Joy, love and serenity are what keep us sane and get us through the worst of times. Sending happy energy to all my Sisters and Brothers, as always...
Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

kcherub 08-31-2007 06:26 AM


Yes, he is too funny! One more reason to think positively!!!

Take care,

hutchibk 08-31-2007 12:29 PM

Today's joy was making the "rounds" at my clinic... just went in for some quick labs, and stayed for almost 2 hours! I visited with my Access program advocate, my social worker, financial counselor, Dr's nurse (her hubby will be on CMT tonight, plays in band with Miranda Lambert), infusion nurses, my lab techs... and around every corner seemed to run into my doctor who kept laughing at me, asking "are you still here? - you should get a job here"...and he targeted me with a rubber band, and told me my eyes looked pretty today... He is such a nut and I love him and all of the associated staff there so much. For such a serious place that does such serious work, they are so positive and playful. What a blessing and a joy!

BonnieR 08-31-2007 12:46 PM

Brenda, wow, that is one happy place. Mine is friendly but nothing like that! Maybe I am still too much a "newcomer". I am working on developing relationships...They always assign a different infusion nurse, I am told. I wonder if it is to avoid too much bonding???
My JOY today:
Our CO detector went off this morning. I could not get it to reset so I did as instructed and called the non-emergency fire department phone number. Two firemen showed up. I apologized for bothering them but said because my husband was away and I was on chemo, I did not want to take any chances. They fixed the problem and then one of them asked me about my cancer. His wife has been having pain and finally, at a routine mammogram, something "suspicious" has shown up. They cannot get get a follow up appt until next Wed and he is SO concerned. He was beside himself and was getting teary-eyed telling me about it. Big strong fireman. I felt so grateful to be able to share what knowledge I had with him. Gave him my phone # for her to call me if she wanted. Nothing happens in God's world by mistake. It was meant to be that he came to my house today.
It filled me with joy..
AND, later, I received a suprise basket of flowers from a friend "just because"!!

hutchibk 08-31-2007 01:50 PM

Yeah - I am definitely on the "guest-list" there, LOL. I guess I am an old-timer and have the benefit of knowing everyone, been going there for almost 4 years now. It's a great place. It's where Lance Armstrong started locally before going to the specialist he found... and it's where Ann Richards went, too.

kcherub 08-31-2007 05:10 PM

My joy today...

I had lunch with one of my favorite people, and tried a new Thai dish!

Sales were great at my store, AND I had the day off!

My son's teacher said he is doing great this year (he attends Montessori and takes medication for ADHD, so I am extra proud)...

My husband paid off one of my credit cards, and

I am here and feeling great!!!

Here's to tomorrow,

StillHere 08-31-2007 05:31 PM

Krista, I just have to say that the picture of you and your son just made me feel wonderful. It is just so REAL and like true life captured on film. It looks so spontaneous, it could not have been posed. I feel so lucky to have my children all grown up before I was diagnosed. I truely pray that a cure comes along soon for all you courageous women with young children. I know that I will trial experimental treatments if/when I ever get to stage IV, first for my daughter (Nicki Age 27), and second for all my sisters on this site with kids who need their mothers. Got to go this is getting long winded and my husband just came home with fish fry's. Yum Yum!, yes I know fried foods are not healthy. Tooooo Bad. Peace to everyone tonight! Karen

kcherub 08-31-2007 07:15 PM


If I can bring joy from another day into this--the picture was taken at The Titanic exhibit in Atlanta in early May. I had actually just told him that his Daddy wears girl's underpants (with cherries on them to be exact), so that he would giggle. It worked. ;)

Take care,

madubois63 09-02-2007 04:00 AM

Joy in my life: A phone call from the doctor saying my blood type has FINALLY changed from my B+ to my donor's A+. It's kind of weird, but this is a great thing!!

A ferry ride to my sister's with my kids and friends, and a big party for me that was postponed from last week. A pool, good food, nice weather and lots of people I love....

Spending nearly $30 on tomatoes at the farm stand and making a HUGE pot of homemade sauce for the winter. My house smells sooooo good! Oh, and I making fresh salsa too - yum!!

dhealey 09-02-2007 05:36 AM

Today's joy is being here to celebrate another birthday with my loving family!

StephN 09-02-2007 04:15 PM

Wasn't sure if it was yours or a family member's by the post - but I will go with "it is yours."

Sunday farmer's market nearby is always great for celebrating the joys of Mother Nature's bounty. I went today and there was such a profusion of ripe vegetables and tree fruits that I hardly could choose. We are celebrating my brother-in-law's birthday here tonight, so I could buy a few more items to share at the dinner. Even the first ripe red bartlett pears were fragrant so I got some.

The heirloom potato/tomato man was so nice he even gave me a VERY ripe and LARGE heirloom tomato with we will use tonight. He remembers that I have been coming to his stall most Sunday's and told some friends to go see him. Today he even had some lovely eggplant, which I got to go with the medly of squash I got from the hispanic family I buy from.

I feel so "old-fashioned" looking forward to Market Day! Like I should have on a big hat and long skirt instead of the organic cottons I often wear. Have to confess I often go to a Thursday farmer's market also not far away. Organic, organic, organic!

dhealey 09-02-2007 04:54 PM

Yes it was my birthday. A year ago I wasn't so sure I would still be here, so it was a great day! Thank you!

hutchibk 09-02-2007 09:35 PM

How about this one... waking up yesterday morning to find that my cat had been doing his job overnight and had caught and killed a garter snake who had snuck into the house! Joy was that I did not wake up to a snake in my bed! LOL

Andrea Barnett Budin 09-03-2007 01:41 PM

I am grateful to be celebrated another Bday. Every one that I truly love has called me and/or sent cards. I even got a few gifts, some totally unexpected. I feel so special. It has been a lovely day! Yesterday my son-in-law made one of his fabulous BarBQs in my honor. So I was with 3 of 5 grandchildren and my daughter, SIL, hubby (of course) and a favorite couple who is friends w/both us and my dghtr/SIL! Paul brought champagne. (We are both thankful for reaching this milestone, very aware and deeply moved!) There was a Carvel cake for me and they all sang the HAPPY BDAY SONG with gusto! With help, I smeared my name and dotted each of my grandkids noses (at their request) and we ALL blew out the multitude of collected candles.

My California dghtr called and sang to me along w/my 3 yr old grandson. They sounded like a choir, I swear! Very loud and resonant. Tonight we're going w/friends to *the club* for dinner and more toasting and chatter and laughter. Life is a party. (My dad was 63 when he died of a massive heart attack, in '77. I always thought he was way too young to die. I particularly feel that way as I turn 63. I remember the funeral home being literally filled to *overflowing*http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/ph...happy-bday.gif with people who were blown away by the terrible and sudden loss. It was quite the tribute.) So, for many reasons, I am keenly glad and jubilant to have reached yet another Bday, after thinking in '95 (at age 50) that I may not make it to my next Bday. I quickly rethought that, as I find I must do on a regular basis, cheering myself up with strong, bold thoughts of endurance. But back then, I did have moment of thinking I'd be disappointed and not live to welcome in the next century, as I'd looked forward it for so long! And here I am. HERE AM I, Lord. Thank you for sustaining me and enabling me to reach this glorious day. I take nothing for granted. Feel utterly blessed and joyful.

I have spent the day avoiding packing, the most horrid chore in the world to me. We are leaving on Wed. for a quickie to NY. Pelvic sono, family affair, friends, rush, rush, hug, hug. I haven't brought the suitcases out yet as I know once my pups see them, they will be sad. Right now, they're still clueless. (I haven't told them.) Looking for a major adrenaline rush tmrrw to see me through... http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06 Sending loving, joyful energy to all my Sisters and Brothers who I feel so very close to... May you all live many, many decades to come in happy harmony and good health! I'll drink to that! Later...

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