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StephN 01-18-2009 09:59 PM

I can bring a shovel, if someone else can bring a rope and some canvas to rig up the "outhouse."

(Actually a tarp would do!)

Let's go easy on the cocoa tonight till we get the Official Bush taken care of.

freyja 01-18-2009 10:14 PM

I just caught a fear wave tonight and got a great big laugh when I came here. Just what I was looking for. I'm gonna need that "oh shoot-house" tonight.

I threw my Christmas tree on the fire, noone's gonna be cold tonight.

hutchibk 01-19-2009 03:29 PM

OK, much better now. And all warm in my Snuggie and Dearfoams. Actually, quite somber tonight - lost a very dear friend over night to this dreaded battle. He had been fighting a primary that was never totally determined, but had over the last 8 years moved from kidneys, to bladder, to liver (got all those clear) - but last March to his brain... and could never get anything to work well on that one. He was one of the good ones. Sigh. God needed another angel.

Staring at those embers is nice... don't mind my tears. It feels good to let it out. Carry on my friend Jack, and keep a good eye on us!

Terri B 01-19-2009 03:33 PM

Awww Brenda, dang.. :'(

ElaineM 01-19-2009 03:41 PM

The Campfire
Don't worry hutchibk. Your friend is with us at the campfire today.
By the way, I will bring some handi wipes for the outhouse Steph and the others are building. I commute from Hawaii, so I don't want to upset those TSA folks with heavy duty equipment in my luggage. Smile.
Good way to recycle the tree ----------helping to keep us warm.
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Bill 01-19-2009 08:40 PM

Bren, I'm sorry to hear about your friend Jack. Whenever I'm around our bon-fire, I feel closer to those that we've lost. I know that Jack and all of our other Angels are there with us. Now, as for the outhouse.....I'm sorry, but I cannot allow it. Any outhouse that is erected by day will become part of the bonfire the following night. If we have an outhouse, then everyone will want a light in it, and then running water to it, and then the next thing you know, people will be erecting small shacks around the campfire to sit in in case of inclement weather, and before long, some wise-guy will build a really nice shack on a cement slab and build a fireplace in it and nobody will tend to the bonfire and it will go out,,,,,,,,,,. I'm sorry, but no out-houses. I haven't mentioned this before, but there is a stream about 20 yards east of here. I have set up a small fishing camp along the bank at about 150 degrees on the compass. Another trail hits the stream at about 30 degrees. My idea- the ladies have the northern trail and the men have the southern trail. If you see a man on the northern trail, Brenda has my permission to "wing" him with her BB gun. Whenever a man has to answer the call of Nature, he must clearly announce, "I feel a need to go check our fishing lines" and then he simply walks down the southern trail. The women must come up with an excuse to take the northern trail, and do likewise. Maybe something like, "so-and-so, I think I dropped my lip-stick on the northern trail, can you please help me come look for it?" or something like that. If we allow an out-house, everything would change.

StephN 01-19-2009 11:23 PM

Actually, Bill, my idea of digging a hole with a tarp in front of it was much more primitave than a full-fledged "privy" with a crescent moon in the door and everything.
Just the next thing to that "dark place" my grandpa used to mention ...

Nothing that would start to take away from our atmosphere of warmth and love set in wild nature.

Terri B 01-20-2009 07:07 AM

Man, it's cold this morning!! I'm blowing in my hands and doing a freaky-deaky dance to keep warm!

There is a big tree and some branches that fell after that ice storm last week. I need some help carrying them up here! After I get warm here, it will be off to the radiologist for my daily shake & bake!

ElaineM 01-20-2009 03:20 PM

The Campfire
Okay Bill. You are a man. You don't "get it".
I am not hiking along the river in the dark.
I am going to stay warm by the fire.
I am bringing my own portable fold up potty, either that or sitting near Steph and her "comfort station".

freyja 01-20-2009 07:15 PM

roughin it
Don't be afraid ladies...that's why we're here!!! Besides, this is a VIRTUAL campfire. It doesn't have to be cold here if we think it warm. Heck we don't even have to go pee here if we don't think about it. All we need to do here is feel confident, caring and compassionate for each other and free from obstacles and suffering for these moments we're together by the fire. Our collective mind is a very powerful thing.

vickie h 01-20-2009 07:23 PM

Well said, Freyja! It's always warm here and I've never had to pee (not here, anyway). Love, Vickie

Bill 01-21-2009 09:47 AM

Hey, if this is a 'virtual' campfire, can I have some 'virtual' common sense? Boy, that would be great. Then I could be vastly out-numbered by a large group of woman and realize that I wasn't going to talk them into or out of anything. Ok, ladies, I brought the shovel. I'll dig the hole and help string the tarp, if you like, but then I've gotta run down to the river and check my fishing lines. Keep the fire going!

ElaineM 01-21-2009 03:43 PM

The Campfire
Thanks Bill !!!
Nature calls even in the virtual world. Smile.
I am warming my hands by the fire. Humm. Nice !!

freyja 01-21-2009 04:49 PM

One of my favorite bluegrass/country songs you might enjoy.

I've lived a lot in my time

I once had a mansion and lived in my glory but now I'm down to my last dime
I once had a sweetheart but I was unfaithful oh I've lived a lot in my time
I fought the grim reaper down in the dark valley I prayed when the sun wouldn't shine
I've looked through the bars of a cold lonely prison oh I've lived a lot in my time

I've been a soldier and I've been a rambler I once thought that everything was fine
I've put in the cornfields I've picked in the cotton yes I've lived a lot in my time
I've walked with our Master down in the dark valley and wonderful peace I did find
Someday I'll journey to Eden's green pastures yes I've lived a lot in my time

hutchibk 01-21-2009 07:08 PM

I think a hole in the ground with a tarp is a good idea for 'duty' - but I am a tree tinkler from way back... I just hate where the little twigs on the lower branches sometimes 'end' up, pun intended.

ElaineM 01-21-2009 09:12 PM

The Campfire
Just dropped by to make sure there are enough logs for the fire. Nice song
freyja<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_185963", true); </SCRIPT>

Bill 01-22-2009 04:45 PM

Celeste, great song! You can sing it while Lee plays his six-string and I prance around and play my harmonica. (I once woke up with a very sore neck and couldn't figure out why. "well, you dumbass", Nicola said, "you pranced around that fire and played that harmonica for five and a half hours. It was an awesome show, but you should've taken a break now and then") And Hucklebuck, as we all know, you gotta watch out for the poison ivy. Without getting into too much detail, as a young man I once kissed my girl goodbye and went out on a week-long trip into "outback" and on day four developed an "inflammatory/burning/itching" problem. I tend to be rather chatty, believe it or not, but on day five I was quiet, too quiet, and 'twitchy'. One of my companions noticed this and inquired. I said, "man, I think I got something". "Like what, are you sick or what?" "No, I think it might be worse", I whispered. "you're not impotent, are you?" he said. "No, just the opposite.......I'm pretty sure I've got IT! and now I'm ruined!" "Man, what the heck are you talking about?!" I hung my head, and described my symptoms and fears, and my buddy busted out laughing, "You dumbass! Ya got poison ivy, that's all!" So, y'all be careful. I haven't seen any around here yet, but I know it's out there!

freyja 01-22-2009 05:40 PM

Yup, I can see it now. The HER2 band at the annual HER2 summer camp! Anyone have a good sight idea? Oregon's got great campgrounds, but someplace like Colorado is central to most states. Just a thought ;)

Bill 01-22-2009 06:46 PM

Hey.....that is not a bad idea, Celeste. An her2 site group campout. (and Steph, the more I read your post, the more I like it. "a hole with a trap in front of it". Who knows what we could trap and roast up!) A little cold here, I'm gonna chuck a few more logs on the fire....

StephN 01-22-2009 07:26 PM

Bill - get your eyes checked. That was "tarp" rather than "trap" - but have it whichever way makes you happy. The trap idea might not be conducive for Ms. Hutch to stow that pea shooter.

Regarding a camp site - I think in the current economy a lot of people will be taking cheaper vacations such as camping. Just mentioning that if we want to reserve something, ought to do it soon as the best ones fill up early.

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