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Cristina19 09-03-2007 08:24 PM


Thank you! I am relying so much on the support from this group and it is helping.

I took an extra day of the anti-nausea and it seems to have settled me enough to eat more today. The Zantac may be a large factor in it as well as my issue seems to be more about acid than nausea.

This evening, it was "cool" enough to go into the garden and water and water and water. The plants needed the cleansing and so did I.

I do feel better today and hope tomorrow is even better.

Okay. Two "trivial" questions:

1) Why are wigs so top-heavy? My hair is naturally stick-straight and fine. The wigs are like afghan rugs on top with huge bangs!

2) I think I know the answer to this, but did any of you break out in little tiny pimples after an infusion? I've been drinking gallons of water but right after surgery and the infusion my skin has broken out into little tiny bumps. I think the saline or drugs or both are making their way to the surface. No matter how much I wash and scrub, they appear!


harrie 09-03-2007 10:28 PM

Yes, I broke out in some acne. One or two here and there and I normally do not get pimples.

My wig came in one length, took it to my hairdresser and she styled it exaclty how mine own was. People cannot tell the difference. In fact, if you look at my pic, that is my wig.


Cristina19 09-21-2007 12:30 PM

Hello Ladies,

A short message here as I am in Day 2 after tx 2.

Week 1 after treatment was "typical"; week 2, I was plagued by nasty acid reflux (now on Nexium); and week 3, had splitting headaches almost all week (partly due to that glorious period during the month...).

Went to tx 2 expecting it to be uneventful as was the first one and had a reaction to the Taxotere. Thank God my mom was in the room to run and get the nurse and thank God I pinched off the IV line to stop the meds. It seemed like an allergic reaction, the nurse just called it a "side effect": felt it first in the stomach, then chest, then felt like I was going to faint. Face was lobster red and I got a few red spots on my tummy (like hives) that went away within an hour. By vitals were high but still within normal range. Ugg.

More Benadryl and cortisone and they started me up again. Ugg, again.

After effects seem lessened this time round, but it's still early before the proverbial "3rd day after chemo." My oncologist lowered my dose of Neulasta by half to ease the flu-like aches and is tapering me off of the Decadron more gradually to ease the shaky feeling.

Hair started shedding in greater abundance in Week 3 after tx 1 so my lady-barber cut it into a pixie-cut that is thin on top but looks fine for now (maybe only a few days...) and when I put on my glasses at night, I look a little like Harry Potter!


Jean 09-23-2007 01:03 AM

Too bad that you had a reaction to the Taxotere. Hopefuly your next
trt will go without that event. But just think you will be halfway through
your trt's. I found that yogurt was very helpful with the tummy....
Try small little meals to help control the reflux...also brown rice was
another great food for the tummy with some steamed veggies.

Thinking of you and sending you many hugs,

tousled1 09-23-2007 08:29 AM


You're half way through treatment now! You will find that with each treatment you may have different side effects. My adivse is to drink plenty of fluids. As for an allergic reaction -- if you have one it will happen immediately upon infusion. When I was on Taxatore I had low blood counts (red and white) for which I received Procrit and Neulasta shots, hair loss, change in taste, and neuropathy. I also found that the Decadron wired me up -- couldn't sleep. Hang in there, you're almost finished.

harrie 09-23-2007 10:11 AM

Whoa...well you survived that one bout of side effects from the Taxo. Whew...did it....hang in there. Wish you good management with the upcoming txs. You have a lot of us right there supporting you offering you helpful hints and encouragement anytime! I was told, and found to be true, it does not get significantly more intense around #3/#4. Remember, most side effects are not fun, BUT are manageable, tolerable and TEMPORARY.....and when I look back, very much worth the benefits.

Andrea Barnett Budin 09-23-2007 10:51 AM

Not So Silly Stuff
Not so silly questions. I found, believe it or not, that Raquel Welch's line of wigs are AIRIER. A wide range of colors and styles and fairly reasonable in price. My wig lady is an expert on cutting wig hair -- for free. Touch ups and *comb outs* any time, also free.

My first wig in '95 was REAL HAIR which I paid a fortune for and found that it had REAL BAD HAIR DAYS. The *synthetic* ones have memory curl and are way easier to care for. I was always getting compliments on my hair w/the wig. I love your hair. Great cut. You're hair looks nice. But the moment I got home, I hung it on a hairspray bottle or whatever. Then, when wearing it, I'd shake it out vigorously and then plop it on and rearrange it as if it were my own hair, making it look more *natural*.

My first wig I took to my very excellent hair dresser or worked and worked on it, on me, in a private back room and then, displeased asked if he could take it home to work on it. Then he came to my house for a final *fitting*. He really screwed it up. I didn't tell him though, he was so sweet and loving and refused to accept a penny from me.

I do believe if you look good you feel good. Even when I'm feeling crummy, like now (recovering from an almost 2 wk cold/flu/whatever) -- I put a bit of makeup on and gave my hair a quick blowout. Still in my nightgown (oooh, you can't see but that's what I'm wearing for the day). No earrings. But I do look noticeably better. And maybe I feel a bit better. Though I declined a movie date w/Paul and friends. Not up to it just yet.

During chemo, when I was greyish yellow, bald w/no eyebrows (still have none -- most annoying) and no eyelashes -- I looked like a blob. Some foundation, blush, shadow and lipstick + wig, earrings and something nice yet comfy -- pp always told me you look great. You can't be sick. Though I knew it was smoke and mirrors, powder and paint as they say, it seemed to encourage me to do more, mingle more. Pp felt comfortable in my presence, virtually free of dealing w/a ca patient facing death (which honestly can be a bit depressing). Their good vibes met mine and we all felt good!

PS -- Would someone please define TUMMY PROBLEMS?????????? Does that mean: Cramps, spasms, pain, rumbling, sensitivity, diarrhea -- WHAT?


Cristina19 09-23-2007 12:04 PM

Wonderful Ladies,

I don't think I've ever felt more indebted and more grateful as I do now that I have been the recipient of so much support from family, loved-ones, and friends... all of you who come out to give me words of encouragement.

Sometimes my spirit feels so wounded. How, why does something like this happen? Then, I see those little babes at the hospital, bald with baseball caps, and I know that none of us "deserves" this; none of us did anything to cause this to happen. Nonetheless, when feeling crummy, it's easy for me to remember how healthy and strong I felt 4 months ago and lament that I'm hobbling along more slowly than my 14 year old dog.

My man-friend shared a quote with me today from Martin Luther King. It may be inspirational to some of you:

From M.L. King, Jr., “Suffering and Faith” (1960)

“My personal trials have also taught me the value of unmerited suffering. As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways that I could respond to my situation: either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course. Recognizing the necessity for suffering I have tried to make of it a virtue. If only to save myself from bitterness, I have attempted to see my personal ordeals as an opportunity to transform myself and heal the people involved in the tragic situation [that] now obtains. I have lived these last few years with the conviction that unearned suffering is redemptive.”


This round of after-effects seems to be going a bit better than the first. My oncologist stepped me down gradually with the Decadron so I didn't get shaky or have such a strong pulse. I still wonder if the Zofran doesn't make me feel sick in-and-of-itself. Anyone have thick-headed, woozie feeling from the Zofran?

By the way, my onc also halved my dose of Neulasta which may have lessened the flu-like feeling but clearly is working because my joints and legs are achy.

Andi: As for "tummy problems": I generally feel a little sicky but not totally nauseated. I generally feel HUNGRY but don't necessarily feel good after I eat.

Maryanne: Your bio mentions Diep reconstruction. You look very slender and I wonder if your reconstruction left you pulled tight! I didn't have a lot to donate for reconstruction, and I'm still tight in the abdomen. I'm not in bad shape, but if I get any pressure in the abdomen, it's exacerbated by the tightness. How did your recovery go with that?

Going to rest,

Andrea Barnett Budin 09-23-2007 12:40 PM

:) :) :) Love You All So Much!

That quote is now embedded in my computer. I love it. Use your suffering as a creative force. Transform yourself. To save myself from bitterness I have chosen to view my suffering as an opportunity -- for myself and in turn, for those around me. To set an example for my children and those who come with me and after me. Just beautiful.

RE ZOFRAN. When on shock and awe chemo, they gave me Zofran as a pre med in the infusion before the infusion, if you know what I mean. Then, they gave me a prescription for Zofran and told me to take it first thing in the morning. But what if I don't feel nauseous?, I asked. The nurse thought for an instant and said, TAKE IT ANYWAY. (She knew something...I surmised.) I thought, why didn't they give me all these prescriptions at my last visit to the onc? But anyway, Paul and I filled the scrip on the way home, waiting for it to be filled. Wanting to have it ready.

We got home around 5ish. I felt okay. We went out to dinner. Mid dinner I started to feel weird. Queasy. I couldn't eat. Then it started to escalate to the point that I asked Paul to get the check so we could go home. I washed up and got into bed. I felt lousy. Around midnight I heard my voice moaning. I was thrashing around. I felt like throwing myself overboard and just giving in to drowning.

I woke Paul, who could sleep through anything. Take a Zofran, he said. But they said to take it first thing in the morning. I was a newbie. I wanted to follow doc's order to the letter. He said, What time is it? 12:05. IT'S TOMORROW. TAKE IT NOW. I did and felt better within a half hour. Yes, that loggy, foggy feeling, but tolerable vs intolerable.

For mild queasiness I found that Phenergan worked best for me, having less of a knock out punch than Zofran (when the big guns weren't really needed). The *usual* med they give you for this did not work at all on me. Kytril?, I think. Like eating a banana for me. No effect. I learned quickly what worked for me and denied using the other immediately upon hearing the name. This would work for your TUMMY thing, I think, taking the edge off. Though feeling hungry and being unable to eat became the norm for me when on major chemo. A metallic taste, an inability to taste foods I ate and used to love. A craving for new things, like cucumbers which used to be tasteless and now I find wonderful. Lost 33 lbs.

FOUND IT. And then some... ANYONE ELSE HAVE A WEIGHT GAIN PROBLEM ON HERCEPTIN? It's most annoying as I never ever eat dessert of any kind (not a single piece of candy, a bite of cake or cookie), don't eat anything fried, etc. I should be having more FUN at my present weight. Well, I guess I am having fun -- being alive and all!

Andi :)

TSund 09-23-2007 02:27 PM


Astragalus root and and Reishi mushroom can help bolster the WBC and might prevent the Neulasta necessity. Ruth took Gaia Herbs (Astragalus Supreme and Maitake Defense - liquid caps of both) and they seemed to really help.


Andrea Barnett Budin 09-23-2007 02:45 PM

Bummed Out, Wiped Out And Feeling Helpless
With all the supplements I take, I can't imagine how much *worse* my low RED BLOOD CELL COUNT would be without their help.

Still, open to suggestions. Slugging along like never before. Oh, the good old days when Aranesp kept me going strong...

The monoclonal antibody people need to revolt. At least, those in need of some pep. My get-up-and-go, got up and went. Bummer...


Believe51 09-24-2007 06:17 PM

Pulling This Back Up
Just pulling this back up for our new friend "SuePer"......Believe51

SuePer 09-24-2007 08:41 PM

Boy this sounds exactly like my nightmare, same reconstruction, and pretty much same stats. I will be getting my port the week of Oct 8th and chemo starts the following week. I also will be on the same drugs as you, I feel better taking these than the AC etc. Good luck to both of us, it will be a long ride I think.


Cristina19 09-25-2007 11:04 AM


Write to me or visit this thread as much as you want, need! Everyone here is so supportive; I don't know how I'd get through this without this team to reinforce me.

The latest complaint: my face breaks out like crazy after both treatments. Now that my hair is falling (and my barber has cut my hair into a pixie) and my complexion has gone to the dogs, I look like a pimply Harry Potter. Uggg. The doctor suggests that it's the steroid (Decadron). It will go away by next week, if my last experience says anything, but ugggggg.

Can't seem to resolve the sensitive tummy issue. I just got a round of magazines in the mail and all the recipes look SO GOOD! Eating is one of the great joys in life! I want to have a good meal and feel good afterwards!

I'm going to be getting a port, too. I did the first two rounds with an IV until they scared me that the drugs can really damage the veins. Anyway, getting poked all the time for everything is a drag and the thread on ports was encouraging.


Andrea Barnett Budin 09-25-2007 11:42 AM

Port...tummy Issues...and More...
Hi y'all! Must say, getting a PORT is the best thing I ever did. I love it. And it loves me. I am totally protective of it. Will not allow just any one to access it. Check that I am being given saline before and after w/heploc. This is my 2nd one and I want it to live another 50 yrs at least...

I remember my tummy issues. Major IBS came w/Taxotere and did not go away when done. Daily pain, spasms, somersaults going on in there, and my stomach would get hard as a rock. Chemo ate away at my stomach lining I was told. Took every med they have, w/little relief. Took 20 Imodium a day, most days, just to try and maintain a *normal* (HAH HAH!) life style...

Ate -- like a hamster. Ummm... Had flavored oatmeal w/raisins I added (when I felt up to *cooking*). Ate a handful of nuts on the shuffle from room to room. Ate two bites of a pasta, a pretzel. Hungry, but then, couldn't eat. Would push my plate to the middle of the table, I often couldn't tolerate the SMELL! I lost 33 lbs and never looked better, but for the bald head and no eyebrows or lashes. Makeup, a wig, some earring to be sure and I was a knockout, if you didn't mind cherubic cheeks/moon-face from Dexymethazone (steroid, day of and day after was my onc's rule back in the day). I swear I recall my MJ (fav onc) telling me that now not every one loses their hair from Taxotere (?different dosing). I just remember saying, OH, GREAT. Too bad for me. Good for others. Yet, I'm reading -- bald. Heard something about a little known ICEPACK (to wrap your head in when getting?? chemo). I pictured a showercap. Don't know. Most oncs don't know. But I have a friend -- a 30 yr SURVIVOR of bc -- who did not lose her hair -- all those many yrs ago -- because of the icepack thing. I'm just saying...

So eventually Effexor (which is an anti-depressant and couldn't hurt) is also supposed to help HOT FLASHES. I am in my 23rd yr of this *phase* that is non-stop hell. So I take the Effexor. And I'm happy. I'm ME. I still have the hot flashes. BUT -- no more tummy issues! It cured the IBS. I no longer live with daily pain, diarrhea, spasms, grumbling, rumbling, topsy turvy tummy. Occasionally, I take 1 Imodium and I'm good to go. Hope this helps at least 1 person!

With love,

janet11 09-25-2007 02:19 PM

My onc also recommended the salt water gargle which I hated. And that didn't do anything against the "sewer mouth". Biotene mouthwash was the only thing that helped. I tried the Biotene toothpaste, but it sure felt "skimpy" -- it didn't foam up at all. Still, it did work.

TSund 10-05-2007 07:48 AM

WIG answer
Wigs come heavy with hair because you can't ADD hair when needed. You need a wig stylist to cut and thin out to match your own hair. Ruth had hers thinned out quite a bit (and she had thick hair!) and it matched her old style. She gets compliments on her "hair" (wig) that she wears at work all the time. ONly difference are the wispy bangs that are there so there's not such a "line" between scalp and wig. (makes it look more realistic)

BonnieR 10-05-2007 09:18 AM

my only contribution about the "tummmy" issue is that I have noticed I need to eat as soon as I feel hungry. Because if I postpone it too long, the hunger morphs into nausea and then most food seems repulsive. So I try to have things handy that are quick to prepare or ready to eat. "Seize the moment!"

Cristina19 11-18-2007 03:29 PM

Bringing this up to the top for a new member.


SuePer 11-18-2007 05:04 PM

Well ladies,

I have had my #2 TCH and it didn't seem too bad until now, my hands and face are swollen and my muscles in my upper arms are aching. My eyes are puffy as well, but I don't have a fever or feel sick.

Have any of you wonder ladies experienced the hands swelling and they hurt because they are so big.

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