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Andrea Barnett Budin 05-03-2013 08:12 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
I'LL NEVER LOOK AT MY BOTTLE OF GOOGONE THE SAME WAY AGAIN. (It is fab for removing pesky stickers from freshly bought items that refuse to budge. But it does have this awful smell gotta say.)

GOOGONE can be a mantra though, Denise. GO GOOGONE GO AWAY N O W ...



Chipmunks may be cute but I don't want to be one.

Would B-12 -- 3,000 sublingual help the deep valley fatigue for you? I can't live without it. (Didn't have anyone to tell me about it back in the late '90s when I felt just like you. Sleeping 12+ hrs. Get-up-and-go got up and went...) Thinking out loud.


NEDenise 05-03-2013 02:25 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
So good to see that smiling face!!

Were you a cheerleader in your youth? If not...what a wasted talent! You make me smile!!

Drumroll please...

No, really...
Seriously...somebody has to pretend to do a drumroll, or I'm not delivering my news...

Just got the call!

Avastin is approved!!

I start on Monday!!! :) :) :) :)

Woo Hoo!
My Med onc was like a terrier on a bone...she just hounded those insurance types till they couldn't take it anymore!
I am so lucky to have her!! And...yes...I told her so...repeatedly!!

One more hurdle cleared...now let's just hope Avastin is the new "Goo-gone" especially made for me!! I'm soooooooo ready to feel a little more normal again. Not to mention...if Avastin does it's job...I might see the real me in the mirror one of these days!! And that would not suck!

Have a great weekend friends!! Don't forget those prayers, good juju, and healing energy! I'll keep you posted!

NanaJoni 05-03-2013 03:00 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Denise - WONDERFUL news!!. My drum is still rolling. You've been through so much and still bring such joy to the rest of us. I know the steroids are making you feel a little like the Pillsbury doughboy (or Michelin man) - that's how my sister described her "look" when she had a similar reaction while on steroids for a lung condition. She was miserable (as I'm sure you understand) for several months but now laughs about how long it took for her to "deflate" She's back to normal now (whatever the heck that is) but still has fears about ever having to do the steroids again. Just so happy about the Avastin - your onc rocks.

BonnieR 05-03-2013 03:48 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Across this great nation, drums are rolling!!!
Keep the faith

ammebarb 05-03-2013 05:31 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Horray for avastin! May it do the trick!

Barb A.

Andrea Barnett Budin 05-03-2013 05:33 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gs...celeb-confetti http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gstres/celebrte/fists http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gstres/celebrte/hug


When you say, SMACKDOWN, you ain't kiddin!

Yeah rock star onc!!!!! Gratitude balloons...

Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/2b00001c91/06

Catherine 05-03-2013 09:24 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Denise, this is no laughing matter, but you have me giggling. Hair on fire, making sammies, huffing and puffing. Isn't that what the big bad wolf said to the little pigs? I'll huff and I'll puff til I blow the insurance company's door down. Sounds like your doctors are fighting for you. Sending my love and support your way as you keep fighting like the champ you are. Hoping this all gets better soon and you can light your hair on fire to celebrate!

LeahM 05-04-2013 02:53 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Denise I love you! So glad you are able to put on your new boxing gloves on Monday
Cyber Hugs

Andrea Barnett Budin 05-05-2013 04:35 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Puleeze check out GARLIC, WINE AND CHOCOLATE thread.

About inflammation. About ENERGY MEDICINE. Cell death (apoptosis). And supplements.


KsGal 05-05-2013 08:39 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Woo hoo! Thats the best news. Now you can commence to kicking butt. Im glad you have an oncologist who is so proactive and a real go getter. We are officially on the road to get back normal looking Denise! Big hugs to you...Proud of you and your positive attitude.

Andrea Barnett Budin 05-05-2013 09:10 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
please see ways to naturally fight inflammation above and in supplements.

As I said, love your bulldog onc. Kudoss... To her and to you, Denise. You're on a winning streak...

dearjilly 05-06-2013 10:51 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Andi, I'm glad you looked in to it. I'm happy that I'm taking it, I just hope it's helping!? Not sure as of yet. I'm still on dex, so we'll see when I go off.
Denise, soooo happy to hear that you got the avastin. Let us know how it goes.
Think of you all the time, Jill

KG1993 05-06-2013 07:33 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Congrats Denise! I hope it works!!!

NEDenise 05-07-2013 12:27 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Hey Friends!
Thanks to all you drum-rollers! You're good sports to humor me and my goo-ey brain!!

Did the Avastin thing yesterday!
No side effects...fingers crossed...so far so good!

Still tired, blown up like a tick on a hound-dog's neck, but feeling hopeful and like there's a light at the end of this loooooong tunnel again.
( I know...I know...don't go toward the light!!!)
But, in the spirit of full disclosure...I was starting to feel a little discouraged by my lack of 'progress'.

According to my wonderful med onc..
Dr. Amy Clarke...
she deserves a shout out!!...
if we're going to see results, we should start to see them in the next 4 weeks.

By then, I will have had 2 Avastin infusions. And, if I'm feeling "better" then, and only then, can we start to get me off thes d*%# steroids...once and for all...I hope!!
Then, the plan is scans, 2 more Avastin infusions...
and this is where my plan, and the FAAAAAAR less important plan of the tumor board digress...

I'm planning to...
feel like my old self...
start shrinking my face and body to a more manageable size...
go on my merry way...
perhaps not NED...
but stable...
back to just Herceptin and Tykerb...
not dead...planning to live quite a while in fact!

(My 2 favorite docs agree with me...perhaps that's why they're the favorites! Certainly why they're the smartest...IMHO!)

I suspect that the dreaded tumor board still expects...
Avastin is a waste of precious time...
there is cancer still growing in my brain...
a craniotomy in needed post haste!

(So sad that they are confused and mistaken! Will they have the sense to be embarrassed by how wrong they were?)

So...in layman's terms...if this is going to 'shrink the dead brain goop'...
so the tumor board doesn't start clamoring to 'scoop the goop'...
it better start workin' quick!
Not that I plan to do anything I think is a bad idea mind you...

as to chocolate as a medical treatment...I believe my views on that are quite clear.

And, I can tell you, without a word of exaggeration that every single meal we eat at Denise's Divine Diner begins with onions and garlic. I can't think of a single meal that doesn't include those two essential ingredients!

But, like green tea...I just don't like red wine. So I just double up on the other three!!

And Andi...did you really think I would see a thread with that title...and your name attached to it...and not jump on it immediately!?!

I'll keep you posted! Keep praying...she asked boldly...and shamelessly!
Love to all!

Midwest Alice 05-07-2013 01:18 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Good news! So glad it went well. Thinking of you

mamacze 05-07-2013 07:04 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Hey Denise!
So happy to hear this Avastin update!
There is nothin' like a bucket full of HOPE. Avastin (with NO side effects!) sounds great!
Sending truck loads of love to your Onc; Dr AMY CLARK which is (coincidentally) the same name as a good friend of mine who is also just terrific.
LOVE chocolate (it IS a tad bit better than garlic); it really works miracles....
Praying that you can kick the can of steroids down the road chop chop...that you will be sleeping like a baby through the night soon... that Avastin will zap your brain mets.....and above all else, I am praying that you will feel healthy again. How good that first day of feelin' like your old self will be...
Love and Hugs and shouting from the rafters,
Kim (from CT)

KsGal 05-08-2013 08:39 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Im so happy you are not having any side effects. I swear, you just seem to power through about anything. Dr. Amy Clark, thank you, thank you, for being such a wonderful oncologist!!! Four weeks will pass before we know it, and you will be picking up the good news. Just keep picturing yourself in your mind looking like yourself, feeling like yourself, and doing all the things you love to do. That nasty dex, I swear, it is just almost unbearable. Big hugs and lotsa prayers to you!

Andrea Barnett Budin 05-12-2013 11:01 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!

Denise, Been thinking about you. So appreciated your update. Thank you.

Wanted to say -- you are doing everything -- and I mean everything -- right.

http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/snd/soundClick to play sound: Drumroll and Hit

Glad you're on Avastin and KNOW you will get results. I say that cause "you" KNOW you're going to be fine. You're talking to good, smart oncs (forget the doubters/hardline purists), you're talking to your body, and to your goop -- rejecting it with all you've got. http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/pe...er11-biff-clip

I definitely have been shouting out to Dr. Amy, since I heard what a cheerleader she is for you. I discussed her with the Universe and asked for more like her!!

You've stated your INTENTION clearly. You plan on living a long while. You plan on feeling like your old Self, though the Self we all get to talk to is pretty darn fantastic and awesome, puffy though she may be. We still love 'ya.

Tis sad the dumber docs live in a grey world.

Onions and garlic are sooo good. And chocolate (dark) too.

I will continue to post and pray. Love your boldness and shameless greed for Life! I applaud it in fact.

Have you ever tried Petite Sirah red wine? Spellbound from California. Or -- take some resveratrol. Good for you...

Love your magnificent radiant Spirit, even in the face of feeling so cruddy awful. I recall such days way back and (minus your incredible humor, I did laugh a lot, and crack jokes), I did tell myself to LET IT PLAY OUT.

I consciously chose to EMBRACE INNER NONRESISTANCE, aligning myself with the Present Moment (such as it was) KNOWING I was in the process of healing, and that I would get there. I decidedly allowed the suchness of the moment to simply be, not wasting time and energy (the latter being in pathetically low supply) to fret about what was. I kept moving forward. And you, Denise, clearly get all that!

Keep smiling my friend. Big hugs, Andi

Mtngrl 05-12-2013 11:50 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!

I'm so happy you got approved for Avastin and have gotten one treatment with no side effects. Hang in there, my friend. We're all pulling for you.

Pray 05-14-2013 06:30 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Hi Denise ! Just checking in on you Lil Sis! Gods blessings to you

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