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-   -   Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived! (https://her2support.org/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=23696)

rhondalea 07-22-2012 04:58 PM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!

You might want to give calendula a whirl. IMO, it's a miracle.

Hyland's makes an ointment that's pretty disgusting (petroleum, lanolin and calendula) as well as a spray (glycerin, water and calendula). California Baby makes a cream that smells lovely, but is probably not so effective as the first two. I have not used Weleda, but it gets high marks from many.

During radiation, I used California Baby in the day time (so people wouldn't run from me holding their noses). At night, I slathered on the ointment (because my husband is mightily tolerant--well, either that or he's lost his sense of smell entirely). End result? No radiation dermatitis for me. Now, when I burn myself or come in contact with something itch-inducing or have any skin irritation at all, I apply the spray immediately. Bye-bye burn, so long itch, fare-thee-well red spots.

Oh, and it also works for sunburn.

Andrea Barnett Budin 07-23-2012 09:50 AM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
Rhondalea, Hi.

I googled California Baby. It's for diaper rash. Dry skin.

What I had was rashy looking, not dry. On fire, burning and urgently knee-dropping itching.

I am glad this worked for you. Thrilled in fact. I thought radiologists gave out special creams for those special burns to the skin. Do they itch too?

I was lucky. Only mastectomy. No breast tissue, no radiation is what I was told. 2 lymph nodes affected (out of 21). 3 yrs later the bc that had a ticket to anywhere in my body landed in my liver. Just saying...


kstrahm 03-08-2013 10:10 AM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
Herceptin has become a side effect nightmare for me after almost 7 years on it. I started it in April 2006 for stage IV with liver mets. It was great at first - just a headache on infusion day and tired that day over the years it has progressed into full blown neuropathy with burning, tingling, numbness in hands, feet, legs, arm, tongue and throat, frequently dropping things and losing my balance as well. It also causes me to be dizzy and have pressure in my head as well as extremely exhausting me. I also have what the doc calls flu like symptoms which is severe pain the day off and day after the treatment in my upper back and neck. Here recently I have almost felt like I was dying the evening of taking it I was so out of it and felt so like nothing I could even explain. The verdict of this since I am NED now and have been for 6 years we are going to stop Herceptin. It is so scary and is a gamble but my body is giving me no other option. I hope to be NED for a long time because I am not looking forward to going back on it anytime soon. I certainly think the Herceptin side effects are cumulative.

frankp 03-08-2013 10:26 AM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
kstrahm--you might check your serum HER2. A very recent Danish article pretty much concludes that chances of progressing are slim if your serum HER2 is in the normal range. You can read more at www.hertestonline.com, the March blog.

rondo 03-10-2013 03:17 PM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
I'm sorry you are having such severe symptoms but glad to hear about your NED status. I
Definitely experienced increasing fatigue from the Herceptin during the year I was on it as well as some other milder symptoms. It is interesting that you mention dizinness and loss of balance. I have been having the same issue and am in the midst of vestibular rehab therapy now since my symptoms, which were mild for several years, have progressed over the last 6 months. The onc and ENT that I have seenthink it's caused by the carboplatin but now I am wondering about the herceptin since from what I have read, carboplatin usually only causes hearing loss(which I don't have.) They are having some trouble getting my symptoms under control so I am going to another specialist soon. No one seems to think its a brain met. Has anyone else that had TCH (or not) had this issue?

conomyself 03-15-2013 10:13 AM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
I've had:

2 x TCH
4 x TPH
2 x PH
2 x H
1 X PH

so far (P = Perjeta, H=Herceptin, C=Carboplatin, T=Taxotere).

My last infusion of Taxotere was 11/27/12.

Overall the herceptin has been fine for me.

I have minor issues, but I don't know if they are due to Herceptin or leftover from Taxotere:

Knees. When trying to get up from a crouching position it is difficult and painful.
Stiffness. I am quite stiff after sitting.
Nostrils. They are scabby and painful.
Diarrhea. On and off, not chronic. Never know what I'm going to get.
Fluid retention. It has improved, but my face still looks puffy to me.
Energy level. I can do about 50% of what I used to do before diagnosis.


Andrea Barnett Budin 03-15-2013 03:40 PM

Just wanted to chime in. I hear you. I am thinking of you.
I found Taxotere side effects to be the worst. Even off Taxotere for years, I would occasionally get serious and deep muscle pain in arms and legs. My doc said I'm not the only patient reporting this yrs after.

Herceptin was tolerated fairly well. Low energy. B-12 sublingual. Phyto Formula for chronic fatigue recommended by nut onc (supplement guy).

Ayr gel in a tube for nose. I used to have to blow my nose for the first 1/2 hr I got up in the morning. And it was bloody.

Poopies/bathroom drama really bad. After all is said and done, I have created a FOOD TRIGGER list that I must stick by religiously. After 5 gastro guys and every med they could throw at me, 1 Wobenzyme 1/2 hr before meals plus LIQUID IMODIUM have proven to be fantastic. My chronic IBS since the first chemo is somewhat under control. (KY jelly for diaper rash works wonders when you've spent hrs on the toilette...)

I was on Herceptin for 10 yrs. Off for nearly 5!!!!!

So sorry to hear of those battling the side effects of whatever.

From the Taxotere I had severe neuropathy, fingers, soles of feet, toes. Burning pain. Dropping things. No headache. No dizziness. Well from the Roxicet yes.

My fav onc told me at the 5 yr mark on Herceptin, I could stop. I stayed on for another 5, cause I wasn't going to mess w/NED. It is very scary going off, but I celebrate each year, have the date of last infusion marked on my yearly calendar. It is my THIS IS MY NOW Day! Freedom. No more chemo rooms.

Still do the supplement thing twice daily (many many). Meditate. Talk to my body. HEALTHY AND WELL! It hears everything you think, say and whisper. And it follows your instructions! Honestly. State your Intent and your Expectation explicitly.

KNOW that the Universe is also listening to your thoughts and intentions. And it responds -- in kind. So I stay far from fear and worry, uncertainty and all negativity.

I focus on The Now. Not yesterday. Though it was all life-altering. I look to tomorrow with as much love as I can muster. I allow myself to be a vessel for Universal Love. Compassion. Kindness. Generosity of Spirit. Forgiveness. And GRATITUDE. Every day, several times a day, I look up and I say, THANK YOU FOR MY LIFE.

I visualize myself far far into the future. I breathe. In. And hold. And out. Slowly. Releasing all that is toxic on the exhalation.

This is the very best advice I can offer. I pray you all find joy and serenity, wellness and health.

With Love and Light,

These are my best suggestions.


norkdo 03-30-2013 10:03 AM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
I finished my herceptin in August. Side effects: none. (slept heavily afterwards tho.)

daughter_1 04-16-2013 01:34 PM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
My mother was diagnosed with Pulmonary toxicity (interstitial pneumonitis) with additional infections (K. Pneumonae), towards the end of her 12 week Herceptin+Taxol cyle. After spending a considerable time in the hospital (4liter oxygen, Saturation at 90, fever) she's now recovering, but our oncos are uncertain whether this is a case of pulmonary toxicity caused by Herceptin or by Taxol!!! She was due for a year long treatment on Herceptin, but her oncos have suggested moving to Trykerb at this point, given that there is no way of knowing and they do not want to risk another episode of pulmonary toxicity.

Also, post her 4th taxol+herceptin cycle, she started developing unexplained tachychardia, which till date hasnt been explained. The oncos once again think it could be herceptin, but state that there is no way of knowing!!

Any inputs on the above situation would be great!

Questions in our mind right now - Is Trykerb as good as Herceptin? Was the episode really caused by Herceptin?? Is it a risk to move from Herceptin to Trykerb given that she is node+ve.

Dx: Stage 2b, 2 lymph nodes, Her2+ve, ER-ve, PR-ve
MRM: Sept 21st 2012, 4 AC cycles started on Oct 10th after which 12 Taxol+Herceptin weekly cycles were started in Jan.

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-16-2013 01:40 PM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
Sorry dear Daughter to hear of your mom's situation.

FYI -- for what it's worth -- I developed a pleural effusion (fluid around the lungs) and a peri-cardial effusion (fluid around the heart) when on Taxotere (a cousin of Taxol).

Once I went off Taxotere the effusions dissipated. I remained on Herceptin for 10 yrs.

Another opinion or 2 would be wise. I understand their concern of course.

I wish your mom better and better health. She is blessed to have you in her corner. Sent with love...

daughter_1 04-16-2013 01:54 PM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
Thanks for the wishes and love Andrea!

My mum also had peri-cardial effusions through her Taxol+Herceptin cycle and yes, her effusions have disappeared now. Unfortunately, the doctors haven't been able to establish whether it was because of Herceptin or Taxol!

At this point, we just hope Trykerb does the trick. Yes, we will be taking 2 -3 opinions about this as well.

pibikay 04-19-2013 05:45 AM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
Hema is on a 3wwekly course after a break.This is her 3rd cycle.After the first 2 infusions diaorreah was there.But the main side effect is extreme tiredness

linn65 07-17-2013 02:11 PM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
Feet, knees, hips, and hand pain. It moves around in my body they don't usually all ache at once. Fatigue. I had cold sore inside of nose. Emotional. At times lack of concentration/focus and Sometimes hands ache and are tingly. Night sweats and chilling. All these start several days after I receive herceptin. Then I almost forget I had any side effects because I feel fine for several days before then it is time for another one.

It will be interesting to see how much the tamox plays into the side effects.

YNieves 08-06-2013 07:16 AM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
I am on Herceptin and Tykerb. I first took Herceptin I. 2009. I had an an allergic reaction 15 minutes into the infusion. My chest started to tighten and my breathing got increasingly labored. My BP sky rocketed. I had to go to the ER for prednisone inhalation treatment. Luckily that cleared it up, the net step would have been an epi needle! I went o an allergist and was desensitized toHerceptin so I could accept it. I took it for 1 year. 3 months after I was off my cancer returned to chest wall. ( personally I think it was always there.). I then went on Xeloda and Tykerb (1250mg. 5 pills). Did that for for twelve weeks then stayed in Tykerb only. Pet scan should cancer cells in axilla lymph node. Went back on Herceptin in 2011 along with Tykerb. I reduced the Tykerb to 4 pills about a year ago because of the increasing neuropathy in hands and feet. I have experienced the crusty blood nose in the mornings, numbness in toes and middle of feet, painful achy knees, photo sensitivity and rash like swelling around ankles. Never goes away. I was just given a 10 day break from the Tykerb but have decided to get off it. Onc. Wanted me to reduce to three pills daily but admitted he has no one on 3 pills and does not know if it will be effective. I feel that the Herceptin on its own is good enough. I have had clear pets cans for over a year and a half. My feet are so painful and the numbness is increasing. My hands started to get shooting pains and electrical shocks? I am Her 2 ++ and ER and PR neg. Had a mastectomy in 2009 and then cancer returned to chest wall and lymphatic system after chemos, Herceptin etc. I am told I will have to stay on Herceptin for life. I get infusions every three weeks. My faith is strong. God will heal me!

Nancy L 08-06-2013 07:38 AM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
I never had a reaction to Herceptin but I did to Tykerb. Dr. Slamon was directing my treatment at that time. I broke out in hives all over my body after taking 1000 mg (4 pills) Tykerb for four days. Dr. Slamon immediately dropped the dosage to 750 mg (3 pills) Tykerb at bedtime and Herceptin every three weeks. I was on this from 2/2009-6/2012 until the cancer came back a second time. Now I am on Kadcyla which is a very difficult drug in my opinion.

KDR 08-06-2013 07:37 PM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
Nancy, wondering...did you get the information needed in the email?

Nancy L 08-06-2013 08:21 PM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
Thanks Karen--just sent you a private message.

KDR 08-07-2013 09:13 AM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
Ah, yes, I see we are on the same page. When the body speaks, we must listen.

Hope you are well, Nancy.


Raz 08-08-2013 09:20 AM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
I was Stage 1 ER+PR+ HER+++,Lumpectomy left, 6 rounds of Chemo and 4 weeks daily rads. Still on Herceptin through November 2013 every three weeks.
I have been mentioning my joint pain but onc says not due to Herceptin.
I have to disagree. I hurt every morning and I walk really stiff. It takes about 2 hours to feel normal.
The side effects are very real. My onc thinks it might still be residual from Taxotere.
Either way it sucks.

Raz 08-08-2013 09:43 AM

Re: Please post your two cents on Herceptin "side effects" real or perceived!
I was Stage 1 ER+PR+ HER+++,Lumpectomy left, 6 rounds of Chemo and 4 weeks daily rads. Still on Herceptin through November 2013 every three weeks.
I have been mentioning my joint pain but onc says not due to Herceptin.
I have to disagree. I hurt every morning and I walk really stiff. It takes about 2 hours to feel normal.
The side effects are very real. My onc thinks it might still be residual from Taxotere.
Either way it sucks.
However not to end on a whiney note.
Exercise does help.

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