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PinkGirl 10-09-2007 11:17 AM

She's shy
3 Attachment(s)
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Attachment 403Yes Andi, she is quiet and shy. I am very happy that she'll be with you and Believe next. It is perfect. You can coach her on believing in her own power, achieving her desired destiny and eliminating her fear-driven thoughts.

When she goes to Rhode Island, Believe can teach her about faith and always believing in miracles. She will be a very well adjusted, stable, grounded hamster who is one with the universe and filled with the peace and calm of her new faith. She's one lucky rodent!!

I'm not sure about her drinking preferences. I gave her wine in a little liqueur glass, but she drank the beer when I wasn't looking. Might have just gulped it down, eh?

I have almost posted all of her pictures from our visit. These are two from our day at the beach. She stood on driftwood but never put her toes in the water. The other one is Tip up a tree looking down at the lake. The third one is her and I on the couch reading Beyond magazine. I think she fell asleep. Hope you enjoy the pics...

Attachment 120

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Attachment 122

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-09-2007 02:03 PM

T. Toe Is In Boca, Safe And Sound...

THE package arrived today! What a relief. Tiptoe climbed out the moment I opened the box. SHE IS PRECIOUS. Much tinier than I'd imagined... She startled me at first. I squealed. Then, so did she!

I have given her some water and the nuts Pinkie sent in the teeniest round plastic container. She had trouble gnawing it open I think.

The Pink One is wise. She sent along sunscreen and dental floss!! You know, hamster incisors grow continually, so the latter will probably come in handy.

All is in tact, including Tippy's whiskers (one was flattened a bit, but I whisked it up). She came complete w/tiny blue stud earrings in her pierced ears. Perfect for her. She flashes her prehensile tail around and she has every right to be proud. I know how rare such a thing is to most hamsters. Her eyes are penetrating and her temperament very demure. The pink hair extensions Pinkie gave her protrude just a bit from behind her right ear. She says Pink Girl and Bob were really nice and asked me to send them hugs. Tiptoe is unique indeed. I find her very chatty.

Much more to follow. I promise.

hutchibk 10-09-2007 08:28 PM

Hope you girls are enjoying a nice bottle of merlot tonight. What's on tap for tomorrow?

lilyecuadorian 10-09-2007 08:34 PM

send it to me too!! please I will take it to Ecuador and show the Galapagos ....

hutchibk 10-09-2007 08:38 PM

Just be sure that she ends up with me sometime around Dec 5-10 timeframe so that I can take her to the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium and she can party with me and Sheila and Becky and Maryanne and Christine and Joe, etc.... I can then send her home from there with one of those lovely folks for her next adventure!

Believe51 10-10-2007 05:43 AM

I am getting excited!!
I went to my husband's petscan on Saturday and after he was all situated I went to check up on Chester the Chipmunk. Maybe because I have been 'clicking' like a chipmunk for over one year now, maybe by coincidence....but my furry friend comes out every time we go to the Imaging or Infusion Unit of our hospital. OAK LEAVES and ACORNS(cause ya all know my boy is my MIGHTY OAK!!) were falling all over, some even hitting me in the head. As I laughed about the complete joy I was feeling I looked into the zen garden to see many butterflies and dragonflies all busy gathering food and sun. Chester came out and layed down on his belly just like a cat or dog. My eyes filled up with happy tears and my mind was going a mile a minute.

I thought how great it would be if Tiptoe and Chester could get a beautiful picture together. I have gather some acorns and cleaned up the area a bit in great anticipation for our visit. Mom is preoccupied with her potential breast problems but is eager to make this blanket in time!! I just spoke with Andi and I must have missed Tiptoes arrival. I am so ready for our visit with Tiptoe. Tonight I will be shopping for nuts and cheese. I have two large Yankee Candles (Autumn Leaves) that I thought Tiptoe may enjoy, after all she is going to have to learn about Miracles and we need to show her how WE pray for her mommy's well-being!!>>Believe51

Sheila 10-10-2007 05:52 AM

I think Tip should go to Arizona in January with Karen or someone going to the Spa....she may need rejuvinated by then...I can see her getting a massage right now...hope they have teeny towels! We definately need to take her to Durty Nellies in San Antonio...she is a little Irish isn't she?

fauxgypsy 10-10-2007 06:25 AM

When is Tiptoe going to get to come to Mississippi? The weather is finally starting to cool down and she won't be as thirsty for beer. I still have her portrait to paint. She could get her picture taken with Santa, ya'll do know I'm married to him, don't you?


PinkGirl 10-10-2007 06:56 AM

what a relief
I am so happy that Tiptoe arrived safely in Boca Raton. I was worried she would get stopped at the border (toys from China, or tiny terrorist hamster etc.)

Andi, I'm surprised that you find her "chatty". Maybe it was all the time in the box during her air mail flight. I know she'll have a great time in Florida and you will take very good care of her ... looking forward to some pictures.

Great, great idea for Tip to go on the spa vacation. So many of you would get to meet her and take some group photos.

Not that I am constantly worrying about Tiptoe, but.........Andi, I'm not sure if she can swim. Can you get some kind of tiny flotation device for her, just in case. I would hate for her adventure to end at the beginning. Maybe one of your grandkids has some kind of hollow plastic ring that would fit around her belly...

Have fun with her. Everyday I think of something I could have done with her. Should have taken her out in a boat and got her a little tiny fishing rod. Oh well, next time.

No comments from you yet about Chairman Mao???

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-10-2007 02:19 PM

The Hamster Dance And Music Are Electrifying!
Tiptoe and I were shaking our booties, and giggling, to the Hamster Dance. I played it on the computer from the website Shiela gave us. www.webhamster.com, if you want to give a listen. Let me tell you, Tip has some moves... We watched the Presidential Debate last night and Dancing With The Stars. We read CURE magazine and listened to Paul snore...

Today, Tippy and I frolicked in the garden around my house. She liked the groundcover along the front walkway and burrowed among the dwarf chenille (they look like hot pink fuzzy inchworms with ivy-like leaves). She played in the palm fronds, noting their great variety. The sky is its' usual magnificent blue and it is bright and sunny here, very tropical. (Tipsy said it reminded her of the desert her ancestors came from in northern China.)

In the backyard, she nibbled on the Birds Of Paradise. I've noticed the squirrels chomp on something from them too. So I kept a sharp eye out to make sure no one messed w/Tipsy. She's so very small, I worry. But, she is very brave! A Warrior Woman, just like us...

Then I took her in my bedroom to see my prize bromeliad. It's flaming orange, and I call her Tangy. I love that plant! I get very attached to my plants. Four have traveled from NY to Fla (shhhh... don't tell, against interstate law I think). Tangy greets me every morning. I've taken pictures and am counting on Paul to make them materialize from the camera to the computer.

BTW, Pinkie has set a very high standard for all of us. I think she is a master artsy/craftsy person. She could go in to the scrapbooking business! The details of her passport from The People's Republic of China and the amazing journal the Pink One has amassed is a treat. Wait till it's your turn to view her work! Much love and time has gone in to this grand project we are all going to take part in. I can feel Pinkie's energy throughout my house. Tiptoe came nestled in shredded brown paper and hot pink tissue paper. It was a cozy retreat that she told me she really appreciated. Her whiskers need constant brushing, as they flatten, but she is a great companion and has made me sparkle and shine since I first laid eyes on her.

More to come...

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-10-2007 02:35 PM

In Search Of A Mantra...

Tiptoe is an enlightened being, full of peace and compassion, strength and fortitude. She tells me that the Great Compassion Mantra contains great healing power! It is like a magic spell or password to invocate or communicate with The One.

AUM MANI PADME HOM is cleansing and transforming. It allows the one chanting those syllables to attain the exalted embodiment of Compassion, Love and Wisdom. It puts you in touch with the awareness that your body and mind are empty without your Spirit! All the answers to all your questions lie within you.

In silence and meditation, you become free to connect with your Essence, or Soul. In so doing, you tap in to the powers of the Universe. Hail the jewel in the lotus. Be motivated to seek Compassion, Love and Enlightenment -- and peace and balance will fill you up to overflowing.

(I'm just telling you what Tiptoe explained to me...)


PinkGirl 10-10-2007 03:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 404I feel so bad. When Tiptoe was at my place, she told me about her spiritual beliefs -- some stuff about metaphysics, meditation, harmony -- I told her I respect her beliefs but don't know too much about it. Told her to wait and talk to Andi about that stuff.

I had no idea it was that important to her. Now I feel awful, because the day she arrived from China, I helped her unpack and she had this photo with her; she said it's her most treasured possession. I forgot to send it with her
...Could you copy it Andi and put it in her journal for me....thanks

Attachment 123

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-10-2007 03:45 PM

Pink One...
Oh, Pinkie! Now I feel bad you feel bad!! Don't feel bad. I have been told by many people that I bring out their Inner Buddha... Tip and I are just so on the same wave length. She is all about Love, Compassion and Inner Peace. She also has healing powers which I am anxious to send on to all our Sisters.

Even if you did not sense this healing energy, Pink, it is with you. Bouncing off your walls. Open your heart, and let it in. You have had a most honored guest in your home. And Tip tells me she is humbled by your inner beauty. Your Spirit is radiant (which we can all see from your posts). Plus, you have cute dimples...


I have copied the pic and will add it to The Journal...

hutchibk 10-10-2007 07:56 PM

By the way - I have told Kathy LaTour (Publisher/Managing Editor of CURE Magazine about TipToe and she loves the story... she told me she would be interested in a little website story about her.) Let's not tell Tipsy yet, it might go to her head...

hutchibk 10-10-2007 08:02 PM

Now knowing more about Tipsy's spiritual center, I bet she knows this one, too...
Guarantees by the grace of Guru Amar Das, who is hope for the hopeless, and Guru Ram Das, who is King of the Yogis and Bestower of Blessings, past, present and future, that the prayer will be answered, and that all one's needs are provided for, signed, sealed and delivered!

PinkGirl 10-10-2007 08:22 PM

just to set the record straight...
In case Tiptoe ends up in some magazine or maybe doing the Oprah show, or Letterman........... it was Joanne S who started the first post about Chinese Hamster ovaries....not me.....

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-10-2007 10:26 PM

Sorry About That... It All Began W/joanne S.
Thanks for jogging my memory, Pinkie! You are absolutely correct. It all began with Joanne S.'s post -- HERCEPTIN DID YOU KNOW -- it is derived from Chinese Hamster Ovaries... Then, you leapt right in, followed by many of us, who wanted to join in the fun. We just kept coming up w/funny lines. It became a thread of truth with humor and even some music from Shiela thrown in, to amuse and entertain us all... A break from the tough realities of living w/bc.

We began thinking we would adopt and nurture this tiny creature and make her our mascot, passing her along from Sister to Sister. But, what we give is returned to us tenfold! So now each of us is blessed by taking part in this great venture in so many ways. We are all even more bonded. Pinkie and I have met this precious Wise One who is quick to exchange her powers of healing and granting inner peace for some hospitality and affection. And many more will know this gift, as their turn comes around. It's a win/win situation. Each of plays a role, and in the end joy and peace and extraordinary compassion will fill our Spirits and our homes. Dancing to the Hamster Song and dancing with NED...

With loving energy, Andi

Catherine 10-10-2007 11:52 PM

Visions of Tiptoe
Thank goodness that Tippy arrived safely. I think it is wise that you packed her so carefully. Those whiskers can probably be set with hair gel if necessary. Not sure she will have time to go to the salon with all of her beach time, pool time and meditation time. I am going to bed now, with visions of Tip Toe dancing in my head.

Ummmmmmmmm, Catherine

PinkGirl 10-11-2007 07:54 AM

me again
Andi, I keep thinking about whether or not Tiptoe can swim.... more negative thoughts...... Have you had any luck with the flotation device? I was also thinking of a teeny tiny inflatable raft so she can float in your pool. I don't know if hamsters like to get wet.

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-11-2007 08:29 AM

Tiptoe Takes On Boca
Yes, Chinese hamsters hail from the desert. Not much water there. Tip found a tiny bottle of scotch (from an airline or hotel, I'm guessing) in my liquor stash. I poured some in to a small bowl. She drank it and fell in! (I have a picture for y'all once I can pin Paul down to transposing it...) He's very busy w/his activities. Retirement is a more fully packed schedule than work was.

When Tip tipped into the bowl it was empty, and I was w/her all the time. I take my Mommy role very seriously, but we are pals too. We go to my Boca daughters on Sundays w/Chase and Scamp to visit Alison, husband Harvey, Josie, Brett and Georgia (3 of my fabulous grandkids) and their dogs, Dibs and Dash (another Maltese/same age). Tiptoe has of course also been invited. They have a pool too and since Georgia is age 2 I'm sure we'll find lots of little things for Tip to enjoy. Ali is very creative and I will bring my camera. Rest assured, Tippy is in good and loving hands. She's like family, after all.

Thought we'd go to Mizner Park today. Plaza Real is like a Mediterranean suburban town center, w/Gazebos and tall palms and many flowers. The flora and fauna are a big draw in the hamster world, I know. But there's also swanky shops, restaurants and outdoor cafes and walkways to stroll, all under a heavenly blue sky full of sunshine. (I'll bring a snack for Tip, though the vegetarian section of the menus probably will be to her liking.) There's an Ampitheater and the Boca Raton Museum of Art in the Park too. No shows in the day time, but ample space to roam, burrow and gnaw. (Note: Raton literally means little mouse in Spanish I think. Pronounced to rhyme w/phone...) There's a strong Spanish influence architecturally throughout Boca and we have streets named Camino Real, Verde Trail, Spanish River Boulevard.

I haven't told Tiptoe about the alligators (in the Everglades and the canals) yet...
Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

Karen W 10-11-2007 08:40 AM

I haven't had a chance to read all the posts yet, but I think Tiptoe is kind of like Flat Stanley. Am I right? You send Tiptoe around and (he/she?) lives and travels with you for a while and then Tiptoe is off to visit someone else.

Is that how it works?

Very cute.


DonnaD 10-11-2007 09:17 AM

Please, please, please go back and read all the post about TipToe the Chinese hampster. You will laugh till you cry. She will soon be a celebrity. Do hope the press gets her name right, lets see its Tip Toe, Tip, Tipsy and Tippy? Wonder what one she likes best. Lets hope she does not take after Brittney. Andi if she wants to be a bartender tell her NO!

Can't wait to meet her in San Antonio.

PinkGirl 10-11-2007 09:18 AM

me again
Yes Wendy, Tiptoe is just like Flat Stanley only she's not flat. She will be visiting everyone on this Board who wants her (and her journal.)

Andi.......... GATORS ??? You didn't mention that when you invited Tip to your house. I thought those things were only in the swamps somewhere in the deep south. Oh, I guess Florida is south.... I watched a CSI program one night where a gator ended up in someone's swimming pool.......flotation device or little rubber raft won't help Tip get through that.....

Your city sounds beautiful. There's so much for you to show Tiptoe. Did she tell you about the one grocery store here, and the stop signs? She kept asking me where the traffic lights were. I hope this adventure isn't too much for her.....culture shock.....Her dark eyes got huge when I told her to watch out for the black bears that come into town on "garbage day". Hopefully she can handle all of this.

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-11-2007 03:08 PM

Okay, Pinkie... BLACK BEARS?????? On garbage day? Oh, dear.

My friend's mother actually wound up w/a gator in her pool. Cut through her screening and came up from the lake (which is connected to the canals).

Some hang out on the golf courses, minding their own business. They have signs posted -- BEWARE OF ALLIGATORS. Once was Chase was a pup he ran away. My dghtr came w/her kids to help in the search. As darkness fell, and we were frantic, Paul went out in a golf cart w/my then 6 yr old granddghtr, calling for Chase to come. She could read. When she saw the sign, she said, OH MY GOD... And called even louder. CHASE!!! My then 3 yr old grandson stayed w/me at the house, hoping for a call. Mima, what will we do? I said, Have you ever prayed? Yes, he said. LET'S PRAY NOW.

We went out the next morning, Paul and I in 1 car w/Scamper and Ali in her car w/kids and Dibs and Dash. I had a Costco BarBQ chicken cut open in foil hanging out the car window, hoping to entice him w/the scent. Figured, if he survived, he'd be hungry. I PRAYED ALL NIGHT. And we got him! I think he was lost. He was frozen (from the coldest night of the yr, 50's, and/or from fear) in the bushes. Ali saw his big black eyes, pulled off the road (at the entrance to our *village*), put the car in gear and instructed the kids to hold their dogs leashes tight and NOT TO MOVE! She ran across the main road of the community I live in (Broken Sound) and snatched him up. He was shivering. Once in the car Dash (her Maltese cousin) jumped from the back seat and threw his body across Chase, to warm him up. We all cried w/joy!

All night I prayed that no alligator would eat him for dinner...

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-11-2007 05:19 PM

By my front door...


This is miraculous...

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-11-2007 05:20 PM

A miraculous failure. Sorry. I'm working on it...

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-11-2007 06:50 PM

Tiptoe At The Front Door

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-11-2007 06:52 PM

H E L P .... H E L P .... H E L P ... H E L P ...
Okay. PINKIE -- HOW'D YOU DO IT???????

StillHere 10-11-2007 07:40 PM

Love to take Tip to Miraval in AZ
How is Tip Toe on keeping secrets? Remember I am taking my daughter (caregiver extrodanair) to Miraval with me for her supprise Christmas Present. I do hope Tippy won't spoil the supprise. I have known some hamsters to get quite chattie after a couple of belts. Maybe it would be better if she came just after Christmas, but before Jan 2nd. Andi-Could you test her ability to keep tight lipped somehow? Maybe tell her something you don't want Paul to know and see if she can keep your secret in confidence.
I was already planning on taking part in Miraval's group activities about Mindfulness and Meditation, but I will pick out a few that I think Tip would benefit from. Does she prefer a window seat or the ailse? Hope she can run fast. We only have a 26 min layover in Denver on our way to Tucson. Sherri, Chrisy, StephN and I will take loads of pictures of Tip Toe relaxing at the SPA.
FYI-Miraval still has openings for 1/2 to 1/5-2008 with the $200.00 daily discount if anyone has decided they really need some R & R after the holidays.
Wonder who will have Tip for Halloween? Will she ware a costume, or is she anti-pagen rituals?

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-12-2007 11:24 AM


Marie and Brenda -- you girls are very efficient! Which is a good thing. We need to be organized. A calendar of itinerary is a super idea.

Wait till you lay eyes on Pinkie's Journal! (BTW, P -- what kind of glue do you suggest??) This book is a work of art!! No kidding. Most impressive. And intimidating to live up to its high standards.

Paul has copied the pic of Tipsy and -- is that the Dalai Lama(?) that Pinkie forgot to include in her package. Forgive my ignorance. I know that face. Just can't remember his name...

Just to let you know... Tiptoe is darling. She likes when you stroke her hunched back with your index finger. She gives you this look, like she's blissed out. Just took a pic (WHICH I HAVE NOT YET FIGURED OUT HOW TO GET FROM THE COMPUTER TO THIS SITE!!! **#!??* -- but The Pink One is helping from Canada -- all for the cause -- sharing). She was on the comfy chair in my bedroom w/Chase and Scamp looking out the double sliding glass doors overlooking the pool and greenery. I actually saw Chase, who was closest, lick her! Several times. He is generally very stingy in that area, whereas the Scamp is a lover, giving kisses to any one. They have both quickly grown quite fond of the tiny one... Chase put a paw on her back, trying to get her to play w/him. She didn't move. Guess she's content just to hang. And I don't mean by her prehensile tail.

Can't wait till my grandkids meet her on Sunday! Did I tell you the pink plastic bc bracelet I had for her is way too big, so I have put it around her neck as a lovely necklace. I have a HOPE charm dangling from it. That, with Pinkie's teeny blue stud earrings that seem to bring out the sparkle in Tippy's eyes make her look especally beautiful. Not to mention the pink hair extensions Pinkie has woven behind Tip's right ear! She enjoys all the pampering. I can tell. She's a real girly girl.

Oh, and I learned that Tip loves all veggies. (Tomato leaves are poisonous though, so be careful...) And as for fruits -- they contain too much sugar and cause hamsters to develop diabetes -- so even though T sniffs them, I take them away. Seeds and grains and nuts are good however (and the insides of Birds Of Paradise are a real treat!).

We are having the best time! Oh, and Karen, I told Tiptoe not to tell Paul about our meditation sessions -- just to test her ability to keep a secret... Turns out, he can't understand her little pipsqeaky voice anyway. Must be a sound only *women* can hear... Sometimes I say to Paul, What's that sound? And he says, What sound. And we're extra quiet. And he says, I don't hear any thing. And I clearly do hear this high-pitched shrillish sound (maybe coming from the radio that has the volume turned wayyy down). Women are especially sensitive, as y'all know, in many ways.

With loving energy and hugs,


PinkGirl 10-12-2007 11:42 AM

technical difficulties...
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 405are being worked on. Please do not adjust your television set.......

Here goes, straight from Florida to Canada and back to where ever this is... Attachment 132

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-12-2007 12:05 PM

Like Magic!
Does that not look like a happy hamster or what?? By my front door on Day 1 (see above posts w/o pics describing pic)...

I too am sooo happy! I bow to the genius of The Pink One and her computer skills. I'M ELATED WITH YOUR GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT! THANK YOU, THANK YOU...

I'm waiting for Paul to get home tonight to help me get more pics on this site without bothering Canada for help. Lots more pix to come. Maybe. Definitely in the Journal anyway. That's easy. Working w/pixels however is a dead end zone for me. Paul, w/Pink's instructions in his hand (again thanks for the detailed email for the technically challenged) is my only hope right now. Not that I've given up trying myself. But, let's just say my time would be better spent printing out Journal entries...

We ALL thank you, Pinkie, from adopting Tiptoe in the first place -- to caring for her -- to outfitting her and sharing with us all! Your fun energy is glowing from all the way up there, down to southern Florida, w/prospects all over the place... You're spreading sunshine everywhere! Look what you created? With the seed of an idea and a sense of humor that is dearly cherished by us all! Thanks for being you, Pinkie!!



PinkGirl 10-12-2007 01:08 PM

Tiptoe's whiskers
I forgot to mention about her whiskers that easily flatten and stick to her cheek. I think a bit of hair gel or maybe hair spray may help. It's an ongoing thing - I wasn't able to fix it for her.

PinkGirl 10-12-2007 01:59 PM

more Florida pictures
Andi will have to supply the narration...

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Andrea Barnett Budin 10-12-2007 02:12 PM

I'm Right Behind You!
How do you spell AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH (scream). So excited...

Okay. Tip favorite activity is foraging. Take her to the Morikami Orchid Gardens for special Tea Ceremony and she's off burrowing happily. She has a bit of a time running in my house, slipping on the marble floors with those tiny feet and nails. But she's a good climber and gets into my house plants, even the ones up on the tea cart.

As you know -- she's a great BELIEVER. So I showed her my BELIEVE rock and my BELIEVE sign (which Paul keeps promising to put above my office door).

Isn't she precious? I feel like a proud grandma. She's very precocious. Good-natured. Curious. Open minded. Amenable. Adaptable. And smart!

I'm 3/4 of the way to posting my own pictures. But will never give up, I promise you. (I'm really counting on Paul's help later tonight.) But Pinkie's been wonderful taking my emails to her and doing her magic thing (which involves a scanner, which we own, but is in its original 2 yr old box). We don't know how to hook it up. And then, we'd have to figure out how to actually use it. So we're a bit hamstrung. I can reduce pix and I can email them but I can't get the reduced pix to go to the web. YET. NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER GIVE IN. That's my motto...

LOVE AND HUGS TO ALL (and kisses for our Pinkie! on both cheeks),

PinkGirl 10-12-2007 05:43 PM

Too cute......
Attachment 137

Attachment 138

These aren't very clear - they are traveling a lot of miles before you get to see them. The sign Tip is reading is about "not feeding the gators". She is wearing her pink "hope" necklace. Very sweet puppies Andi........

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-12-2007 05:51 PM

Tiptoe Sends You All Her Love...
Pinkie has a heart of gold! I am incapable of posting my own pics, but Pink is doing the job -- for all of us to share and enjoy. A round of applause please. I cannot say THANK YOU enough...

PinkGirl 10-12-2007 07:24 PM

more Florida pics
Andi will have to explain these later.............

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Andrea Barnett Budin 10-13-2007 10:20 AM

Our Little One Brings Huge Joy...
Tip loves palm fronds. Leaves of any kind. She went near my little red pepper plant and I told her not to nibble. Hot red peppers can't be good for her. She sweetly just sniffed and admired its fabulous color!

This half moon table represents my MEDITATION SPACE. Pictures of my children and my children's children abound, along w/a healing candle (purple = healing) from a friend that I refuse to burn and need to SAVE -- and Tiptoe, who joins me for my meditations. I soak up the energy of each person I hold closest to my heart. I sit on the little bench (it faces East, where the sun rises each day) and I go deep within and connect w/my Spirit, at my core. I emerge full of bliss and serenity and Empowerment!!! It's just a tiny space in a hallway outside my bedroom, but it's mine. Of course, I shared it with Tiptoe. Can you see her? She's really teeny...

Also, there's the pic of a miniature bottle of scotch that Tip found in my liquor stash. See Pinkie's little round green container with nuts for Tip that were included in her package? I gave Tipsy a small bowl to drink from. She finished the scotch and fell in! Then, we went to sleep...

The Pink One has sacrificed at least one costly ink jet to print out not only her pictures but mine, as I am incapable of scanning. (Our scanner is in its original box on the floor in Paul's office for several yrs now.) We all owe Pinkie eternal gratitude. Her generosity of Spirit is extraordinary. It can only be matched by her tenacity, cutting and scanning and whatever she does to magically make the pics appear on the web! We're both so proud of our TIPTOE. I know Marie and Ed will watch over her next. I have slated Monday as Journal day and will get it all together for mailing...and passing on...

PinkGirl 10-16-2007 03:19 PM

more Florida pics
Andi told me I didn't have to post these, so I took that to mean that she wanted me to post them.

Here goes...the pictures are of Tiptoe in her Barbie accessories, in a Barbie house, in a race car, with Andi's three beautiful grand babies, and with Andi and one of the grand babies. Hope you enjoy........

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