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Bill 10-06-2012 12:59 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Hi Jen, please tell your Mom she's been in my thoughts and prayers. You too. Please try to take care of yourself, too, when you can. You need your strength so that you can be there for your Mom. Give her a hug for me, ok?

KsGal 10-06-2012 03:42 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
More prayers and positive energy and hugs and love for Sheila. Im glad to hear she has been able to return home. Lets keep this prayer chain going and going...Being in the hospital is exhausting. Now that she is home, I hope she is able to be comfortable, rest and get some strength back.

Mary Anne in TX 10-06-2012 04:41 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Praying for and loving you both.

Jen 10-06-2012 04:56 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Talked to Mom tonight she sounded a little better she is resting at home. Nancy I received your card in the mail today. God bless you too and you're welcome I will get the card to her as soon as I can.

karen z 10-06-2012 08:21 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Is there an address (yours/your mom's) that we can send cards to?
If so, please post and we will flood the mail.

NEDenise 10-07-2012 05:30 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Sending love and prayers for you and your Mom. Sheila has a special place in my heart...she's a fighter, and I'm sure she'll do everything she can to stay strong, and heal. I hope all of our love and prayers is a comfort to her.

Jen 10-07-2012 05:34 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Karen Z my address is:
Attn: Sheila
%Jennifer Evans
705 S. Vermillion St
Streator IL 61364

Jen 10-07-2012 07:20 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Just want to say thank you to everyone who is sending their love, support, prayers, cards, hugs, etc.. to my Mother Sheila. Sheila as well as her family sincerely appreciates it.

LoisLane 10-07-2012 08:30 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Been away and just came back and checked boards. Sending love and prayers to dear Sheila. Sheila you are such a wonderful woman you have always been so caring and helpful to all of us on this board. As we have come on to this board when first diagnosed your words of wisdom and kindness have always given hope and strength to carry on. I am thinking of you. Lois

karen z 10-07-2012 09:29 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Jen, thanks for sending along this address. Why don't we all send cards and notes so that something or some things arrive each day? K

Karen Z my address is:
Attn: Sheila
%Jennifer Evans
705 S. Vermillion St
Streator IL 61364

sassy 10-07-2012 06:37 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Love, prayer and cards to Sheila!

tricia keegan 10-08-2012 12:36 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Jenn I've been offline for a few days but will send a card off tomorrow but from Ireland may take a few days but praying for your Mom and wishing her well. xx

Jean 10-08-2012 01:07 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Dear Jen,
Of course!!!
I met your wonderful Mother on a SABCS trip.
She is one special lady (but you know that already).
Payers of strength and healing are being done and some for you also.


Jen 10-08-2012 06:02 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
My heart really breaks tonight for my Mom, Sheila. I want her to get better but I can't stand to see her suffering. Please continue to keep her and her family in your prayers and pray for Jazzy too because she broke her rod and needs surgery~Thanks Jennifer

Mary Jo 10-08-2012 06:10 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
I am praying Jen. I'm so sorry you are all going through such a difficult time. Having had cancer and losing loved ones to cancer, I do now how you feel. It's hard. Watching our loved ones suffer is the worst. I don't know what to say. Only that I will pray. Praying peace and comfort for you all. I'm sorry this is happening. My heart is sad and I just don't know what to say.

Jen 10-08-2012 06:31 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Jasmine said to me a couple days ago "I hope Grandma doesn't give up on me" it broke my heart. Jasmine has developmental delays and is handicapped she has known Grandma all her life and Grandma has been there with us thru surgeries and hospitalizations.... What am I suppose to tell her? She asked me today if it was her fault Grandma had cancer. I explained to her that it was no ones fault that Grandma has cancer. I just wish my Mom would get better and be the Mom I have knew.... Sorry I just had to vent a little.... This is really hitting me hard and I know you guys will understand as my Mom Sheila would understand as she lost her own Mother to cancer a couple years ago almost.

Mary Jo 10-08-2012 06:49 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Dear Jen,

I understand oh so well. We need to vent....we need to say, "it's not fair"...."why her"...."I want life as I know it back"...and many other things that go through our minds.

Know that I care and know that my prayers are with you.

Mary Jo

Jen 10-08-2012 07:02 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
I feel bad for venting as I don't have cancer but I would trade places with Mom if it would save her..

NEDenise 10-08-2012 07:24 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Please don't apologize for venting. We all understand the pressure you are under.

You may not have cancer, that's true...but you're having to stand by and watch cancer drag your mom down, helpless to stop it. I lived that with my own mom a few years ago...and it's every bit as hard as having cancer yourself...believe me.

I hope all the love and prayers we're sending to you and to Sheila are a comfort. And, of course...I'm praying for Jazzy too.

Jen 10-09-2012 07:38 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
I just got a text from Sheila's sister Sheila's husband and father had to take her to the hospital because she was short of breath and needs oxygen. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

lkc Gumby 10-09-2012 07:47 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Hi Jen, I am sorry honey for the pain you and your Mom and family are going through. Your Mom is a special person and I know first hand how hard it is to watch mommy in pain. ( I lost my mom to BC, and she lost her mom and only sister to BC)
I am praying for you all.

radiant 10-09-2012 08:58 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Wow Jen -

We r SO sorry to hear of your moms situation.
Cancer robs it all from us and others around



Andrea Barnett Budin 10-09-2012 11:39 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila

Dear Sheila, Just want you to know I haven't stopped streaming a multitude of loving, healing energy to you!!! May all that you have given for all these many years be returned to you -- 100-fold...

My love to you too Jen, as what you are going through has to be so very hard. Your Mom is such a special Spirit. I know she is trying her best to stay positive which is truly a challenge when in pain and feeling overwhelmed with all that she has been going through. It can overtake you, if you aren't on guard. May she soon find her footing again. Really really really soon!

Still, if anyone can do it -- I believe in Sheila! Warrior Woman extraodinaire. A shining Light in our lives, and in your family's life I have no doubt!

I am always so touched by and proud of Sheila's grace and tenacity. You just can't keep that Woman down!

Stay strong Sheila, please. I am deeply sorry you have to go through all this. It's too much. Hard to keep your chin up. So, I pray for your strength and resolve to persevere, anyway. Cause that is who you truly are.

Please stay focused on healing, darling Lady! Not so simple to reject all other thoughts as they are in your face and in your head, but that is what you must do my Sister.

With Love and Light, and a giant hug,

chrisy 10-09-2012 03:19 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Dang. I wish I was eloquent like Andi...

Sheila and Jen, lve to both of you...

Laurel 10-09-2012 03:53 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila

Please know we do understand your fears, fatigue, and frustration having to sit ideally by while your mother is in the battle of her life. The helplessness of it all is overwhelming, and fear is exhausting. I met your mother 2 years ago. She is an amazing women, vulnerable and honest about matters. I found her so refreshing and counted myself in awe of her. I imagine you have inherited a few of those fine qualities. You sound brave and selfless like your mom. Sending love and prayers to both of you.

Midwest Alice 10-09-2012 05:31 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Sending prayers Shelia

karen z 10-09-2012 07:49 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Andi said it all and very well. Thanks Andi for expressing all of our thoughts so beautifully.

Love, the best thoughts, prayers, and cards are coming your way Sheila.

v-ness 10-09-2012 08:37 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
dear sheila - you barely know me, if you know me at all, but i have seen and read many a post of yours here over the years. i am so sorry to hear that you are admitted to the hospital and i am proud of your daughter for calling upon the her2support group to lend you their love & support. that can only feel deeply, richly good amid all the troubles you are experiencing. you are very well loved here and highly respected. people would come out of the woodwork to do anything for you. that shows how special you are, and i hope you gather your strength and the doctors do some magic and heal you. yours, valerie

Kim in CA 10-09-2012 10:48 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila

Sending my most heartfelt prayers and lots of love your way. You are very special to all of us.

DonnaD 10-10-2012 04:36 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Dear Jen,
Your Mom is so important to us all. We understand how hard this is for you and your whole family.

I can't believe all this has happened. Just a little over two weeks ago we (Sheila, Michael, Loren and I) met in Ottawa at one of her old haunts for pizza. We had a great time chatting and laughing.

Many prayers are coming your way. Please tell your Mom we love her!
The flowers in my photo were from Sheila, celebrating my Cancerversary

Ceesun 10-10-2012 07:51 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Keeping Sheila in my heart and prayers. Ceesun

Jen 10-10-2012 08:17 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Thank you everyone for your continued love and support. It is very hard to see my Mom like this. I think she will be going home from the hospital today they kept her there overnight until they can get oxygen delivered to her home.

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-10-2012 10:12 AM

Prayers needed for Sheila AND FOR JEN
Dear Jen,

You are an angel for keeping us all posted. Do not hesitate to vent on this site. We are Sheila's sisters. You too are family. Where would any of us be without our caretakers and biggest supporters -- on the front lines?!

We all understand that when one member of a family is stricken, the whole family suffers. It is so painful to watch someone you love dearly fight for their lives and struggle doing so! It is the hardest thing in the world.

Even as I watched my Mother deteriorate with Alzheimers (not cancer) I was heartbroken. We feel so helpless in certain situations and all we can do is advocate for our loved one and be there for them, with all our hearts.

Jen, you are welcome here any time so vent away. Our hearts are with you. We are grateful for your posts, for the information and for the feelings. Wish I could do better than a cyber hug but that you have. I am holding you tight, cheek to cheek.


Jen 10-10-2012 10:38 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Just talked to my Aunt (Sheila's sister) She will be coming home today when they get oxygen delivered and she is signing up for hospice care. Continue to keep Sheila in your prayers.

jml 10-10-2012 10:42 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Oh Sweet Sheila~
You are my sister in this Stage IV Decade-long odyssey and I'm heartbroken over how much you are enduring now.
As has been so eloquently said by our sisters here, we are lifting you up in prayer and comfort, honoring and celebrating your incredible friendship and support you've given us over the years.
Rest easy, my friend, and know how much we are all here praying to ease your burden.
Keep the Faith~


ps- Hang in there Jen. I know the burden must be unbearable, but lean on us here. We're here to pray for you and Jas too.
God bless~

Laurel 10-10-2012 05:55 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Dear Sheila,

All I can say is that I love you. I am praying.


Pray 10-10-2012 10:08 PM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Dearest Sheila, I too love you so! I'm hoping and praying they are able to keep you comfortable. Just wanted to let you know what a wonderful daughter you have in Jen. What a kind loving woman she is we appreciate her so. I'm sure you couldn't be more proud of a daughter than you are of Jen. My heart is breaking for you and your family. You are so well loved. May the peace of the Lord be with you always

Emelie B 10-11-2012 07:30 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Hello Jen,
I wanted to chime in here and tell you about my experience with hospice since June of this year. Everyone that I have encountered has been wonderful to me. Very supportive and on top of everything I need to stay comfortable. I have been on continous oxygen since the beginning of Sept. and morphine has been the drug that allows me to live a pretty normal life. I also take dexamethasone for the inflammation in my lungs from the cancer. There are other med's that I take on a daily basis, but I don't think I should post them here. If you want to know more about that, please email me or private message me. I would be glad to share.

As for how I am doing, I am good. I can tell it is progressing because of the lack of oxygen and the fatigue, but we are managing to tile the master bath and have dinner with friends. Pretty good for me. I have to really pace myself and know when to rest and when to go for it.

My nurse visits me once a week to review my meds and make sure I am NOT in any pain and that I am doing well. She also checks in with me at least twice a week just to say "hi". I feel like I am getting better care now than I ever did in regular treatment.

I hope you got my card and passed it on to your Mom, and that you will contact me with any questions you have. We are all here for you Jen, no matter what.

Take care and love to your Mom you are all in my prayers,
Emelie B

Mary Anne in TX 10-11-2012 07:41 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
God bless you Sheila, Jen and all your family. And God bless and grant peace to all of us here who love those in pain and transition. May we each find a way to cope with what we do not want. I realize more each year that no others can understand as this band of warriors do the journey taken. Luv to each and all.

Andrea Barnett Budin 10-11-2012 10:03 AM

Re: Prayers needed for Sheila
Mary Anne, your post was so well stated! Those of us who love someone "in pain and transition" must indeed find a way to deal with unwanted realities. How true that simple idea is! And how towering a goal to reach for!!

I know hospices across this country do the most amazing job at this delicate time. They are angels with a special wisdom that most of us just can't begin to fathom. For the patient, and for the family standing by.

Jen, keep talking to your Mom. Tell her how much she is loved, by so many, and especially by you. (As a Mom, I surely know that there is nothing sweeter than my daughter's lovingkindness to me.)

We all have seen how you adore her, and that is an understatement. I feel certain as well that your Mom treasures you and is beyond proud of how strong you are. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree... Good for you, Jen. You are a role model for others in your family. Never forget that. It is that very concept that kept me going strong throughout my personal battles.

We all send you and your family our support and loving admiration, which will never falter. I am trying, as Mary Anne says, to cope with this most unwanted news about Sheila. Her resolve is such a beautiful thing we've all seen demonstrated over the last decade -- time and time again. Positively remarkable how resilient Sheila has shown us all one can be! The might of the human Spirit is awesome!.

Surely her Spirit is willing, in fact eager, to go on. Her body just isn't cooperating. I pray she will continue to talk to her body (and yes I mean that literally) cause I do believe it's the body's job is to follow the commands of the mind.

I am sending much love,


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