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'lizbeth 09-29-2013 07:06 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
I was looking at the charities and some CEO make $650,000 when another makes $113,000. Some have huge amounts that go into fundraising - my local Relay for Life paid over 10% of donations, about $25,000.

Some of the Pink products is a scam, some limit the contribution to the first 500 sold, etc.

I used to like pink, but now I roll my eyes at the fuss.

As a former accounting manager - I want us all to get the most bang for our donation. I'm asking how much really goes to research? More importantly I've been nosing around looking to see: What is the research being supported?

If anyone has seen a listing of the different research supported by the breast cancer charities, I would like to see it.

NEDenise, I had posted a link to a government program in the US that showed how women can get free mammograms. So if you know of anyone who is procrastinating because of cost, I can look for that agency again.

This is why I feel the Pinks are failing in their message. Where are the tv or internet ads that say You Need a Mammogram, and here is how to get one. Nope, I only see the fundraising ads.

With many of you stage IV survivors going from treatment to treatment, I'd like to see more bang for the buck with cancer donations. Was it Revlon that funded Herceptin on behalf of Slamon? Now that was a good return on investment.

We are all in agreement. A cure needs to be found.

I'll let you all enjoy the pink - I'm sticking to blue!

'lizbeth 09-30-2013 07:23 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
On CharityWatch the top cancer charities are"

A- Breast Cancer Fund
A+ Breast Cancer Research Foundation
A Cancer Care
A Cancer Research Institute
A- CureSearch
A Entertainment Industry Foundation/Standup to Cancer
B+ Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
A- Livestrong
A Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
A+ Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
A National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund
B+ Prevent Cancer Foundation
A- Prostate Cancer Foundation

I was looking at the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. They are very good at posting research they support. AND . . . they have a list of their Shop Pink partners. So you can go online and see which companies are supporting research. They say the pink has raised over $450 million since 1993. Holy Cow that is a lot of money!


If you go to the Research in Action tab and scroll down - there is a significant amount of information about research supported, including the support of Herceptin.


Thanks to BCRF the color pink is starting to grow on me . . .

'lizbeth 09-30-2013 02:08 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!

and if you are curious like me . . . how much are folks being compensated to run these charities?

NEDenise 09-30-2013 02:20 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Coincidentally, while I was out shopping today, I saw a pink product that said the money raised went "toward finding a cure".
And, the money was slated for none other than the Breast Cancer Research Foundation!!

I also found pink ribbon car magnets boldly emblazoned with "Find the CURE".
I got mine at a store, but when I asked the manager if they had any more he admitted they came from Oriental Trading Company...
so I'm going online to order at least a dozen!!
That way, when mine fades, I'll have a new one waiting in the wings!
I think I might even get a few to hand out at my treatment center!

:) Denise

LeahM 09-30-2013 02:51 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
'lizbeth I have been on that website all freaking day!! Thank you for all this great info. I am shocked at the ACS grade, I expected more from them. I know last year our local ACS making strides events gave $25,000 to both my hospital and Hershey Med. for mammogram funding..thats $50,000 total...but I don't know how much they raised. I was told 80% stayed local (which makes me happy) but I wonder where the other 20% went.

LeahM 09-30-2013 04:49 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
I mentioned earlier in the thread that I was looking at the word "aware" in a whole new way these days...this is something I wrote recently that pretty much sums up my recent thought process.

So, are you aware yet? Perhaps you are one of those people who think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Well guess what folks? I live on the other side of the fence and I have got to say, my grass is not all that green. And there are weeds, lots of weeds, weeds that cut open the bottom of my feet!
So…here is something to be aware of as we enter Pink-tober; Pink-tober is all about celebrating women like me. “Survivors”, although, I prefer the term “Warrior Princess Extraordinaire” (sounds better, doesn’t it?) Yep, women like me who have beaten the odds…although, not really as the odds were in my favor. Yeah, I’m a freaking warrior princess extraordinaire….whatever….
Open your eyes!! Look around! See that lady over there that can’t seem to make up her mind between 2% and fat free milk? See that guy who just ran a red light? That person just got a Stage 4 diagnosis. Maybe they were diagnosed at Stage 4 from the get-go, or maybe, just maybe, their Stage 2 morphed to Stage 4 even tho they did everything they were suppose to do to become a “survivor”. Be aware folks that there isn’t a Stage 5.
All of us “survivors”? We are not “survivors”, we are merely still alive. And when something other than cancer kills us…well, then (and only then) can you call us “survivors”.
When you walk in cancerland you make cancer friends. And some of those friends are Stage 4. So when someone tells me how brave I am, how strong I am; all I can think is you should meet my friend “Wanda”. Wanda was Stage 4 from diagnosis. Wanda is strong. And tough. And brave. And full of life and love.
Write a story about Wanda and her struggles. Interview Wanda. MAKE PEOPLE AWARE THAT CANCER IS DEADLY!! Over 500,000 people died of cancer in 2012, are you aware of that? But Wanda isn’t a pretty picture (actually Wanda is beautiful)…Wanda has Stage 4 cancer and who wants to think about that? When newly diagnosed with cancer all you want to hear about is the success stories; you don’t want to know the horror stories, you don’t want to be aware, truly aware, of what could be your fate.
So then you are UNAWARE, which is worse than being aware.
You can’t control how you die; you can only control how you live. More people should be like my dear friend Wanda. AWARE that life is precious. AWARE that love is meant to be given to everyone, everyday. AWARE that you only get one chance at being alive so you must truly be the best that you can be.
And most importantly (in my opinion) you must be AWARE that you are not alone.

'lizbeth 09-30-2013 08:06 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!

You have a wonderful way with words. I think we all are less than happy about the options for our stage IV friends. Cancer treatment sucks. I raised over $1500 this year for ACS. Next year, I will still support them, but . . . show me results. I'm tired of making wonderful friends just to have them kick the bucket - and because of cancer? Seriously, have we not spent enough? Totally not fair.

NEDenise, don't you dare kick the bucket! Live a long time, and buy lots of pink schuft!

I'm disappointed with ACS. We've got to hold these folks accountable. We're dying over here - get serious about supporting cancer research, hello!

NEDenise 10-01-2013 05:29 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
1. Leah, that was terrific! Well said, my friend!
2. 'lizbeth - I truly have no intention of dying anytime soon... but I'm aware that it's not up to me :( very aware.

Keep up the good work!

janieR 10-01-2013 12:25 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Here in England I shall be glad when October is over with the madness that goes on over here during this month with the "pink month". Having said that I think I am very lucky to still be here to have a rant about it! Very, very glad!!

'lizbeth 10-02-2013 12:36 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
I just got a breast cancer awareness "cartoon" with Maxine and pumpkins. Somehow that is easier to handle in October than Pinkness.

NEDenise - the NED says it all!

I was freaking out over something Larry Norton said about new researchers should go into neuroscience instead of oncology research because Cancer is about to be cured. Oh, Really? Somehow my idea of a cure is very different. No surgery, no radiation, no chemo, and absolutely NO CANCER! Seriously.

NEDenise 10-02-2013 12:59 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Oh Hunny!
I'd do surgery, chemo and radiation all AGAIN if at the end I could be cured!
I'd gladly be permanently bald, give up chocolate, and live only on supplements...
if it would mean no more cancer!

Sadly, my balance is waaaay off over the last few days. :(
And my hand doesn't just shake a little... now I'm dropping things too.
More swelling?
New lesions?
Something else?

Pushing the dex back up to 5 mg/day... I can feel my face re-inflating.
My life/health seems like a very scary high-wire act lately.

But, I'm wearing my pink shirt today! (not for awareness...
but rather because it makes me look and feel cheerful!)
My car is adorned with my 'Find a Cure" pink ribbon.
And... of course... God and I have had a nice heart to heart chat...
so things could be a lot worse... right!? :)

~who is very "aware" that cancer sucks and she can't do a thing to change that
ps- can you post the Maxine cartoon, 'lizbeth? :)

'lizbeth 10-02-2013 01:18 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
1 Attachment(s)
Ah rats NEDenise . . . this is so totally unfair. You are by far the funniest stage IV cancer survivor I had ever met.

Here is Maxine:

NEDenise 10-02-2013 01:56 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Thanks for the giggle!

I figure I get to choose whether I laugh or cry...
and laughing is waaaaay more fun! (for me, and for the people around me!)
And I know... cancer HATES laughter!

StephN 10-02-2013 02:47 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Hey 'lizbeth -
I like some of those products on the Breast Cancer Research foundation website that are making contributions to that organization.

Some of the companies are donating a fixed amount in the thousands, and others are donating some amount per purchase.

Some items or services are not available here in the misty woods, but others are, and I will buy accordingly!

Saygoon 10-02-2013 11:00 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Lizabeth mentions Sharsheret in the charity list. They really are amazing. I had gotten their number from a friend. A few seconds into the conversation I felt the need to apologize, I was unaware that their main target is Jewish women. The lady I was speaking with said that's ok doesn't matter ( I am Native American) so we shared some great jokes. They have sent me all sorts of wonderful things and their website is a wealth of information. It has been a year now and they still keep up with me.

Saygoon 10-02-2013 11:17 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
NEDenise - keeping laughing, keep smiling but don't forget you're only human. Sometimes a tear has to fall. When I get really scared I talk to my dogs, they make more sense than most people I know! Oh and I wear my pink cape around town just so people will think Im crazy - thats always good for a laugh.

norkdo 10-04-2013 10:09 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
jillaryjill: lmao!!!!

'lizbeth 10-22-2013 04:24 PM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
So, I was training today at JCPenney's for the holiday season and discovered that the October charity in the Round-up program is the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Nice to know the money is going to help all of us!

ShebaFunds 10-31-2013 05:38 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
Don’t be afraid of fighting it. You’ll maximize your chances for victory over the cancer if you go into it with a fighting attitude. Cancer Funds

ShebaFunds 11-16-2013 06:38 AM

Re: The Pink-tober Madness begins!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Wear Pink - Support Breast Cancer Awareness. Give Free Hospital Mammorgrams To Women In Need For Breast Cancer Screening & Treatments! Cancer Funds http://CancerFunds.org

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