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dawny 05-14-2013 11:03 PM

Re: More Progression
Hugs to you Amanda, keep smiling!


NEDenise 05-26-2013 06:25 AM

Re: More Progression
Any updates you're willing to give? I'm feeling hungry for news from down under! :)


While I'm waiting for news...Dawn requested my radical views on homework.
I hate homework! I hate it as a teacher, and I hate it even more as a parent! On the first day of school, I share this distaste with my students. They waver between skepticism and joy at the news. I also share this opinion at back to school night, where I assure the parents that while I am required to assign homework...they outrank me in their home, and can simply initial any assignment, and cancel it out. Done. Full credit earned. There is absolutely no homework in the world that should ever interfere with family time. Parents too seem skeptical. It's only after the veteran parents, whose older children have had me, attest to the fact that I'm totally serious, that the other parents get happy!

I also make sure that every homework assignment is "started" in school...in case anyone is confused. What a nightmare for parents AND kids when they don't remember how to do what's assigned!

I remember several occasions with my own kids that became a royal pain! One time, when I was teaching 5th grade, and my son was in 5th grade too...he came to me for help with math. Now, at the time, I had been a teacher for over 20 years. I had been teaching from the same math series he was using in his school for 5 years. I literally own shoes that are older than his teacher was at the time. You can probably see where this is going...

He asked me for help.
I showed him what he was misunderstanding.
His reply was, "That's not how Miss Long taught us."
"Hmmm", I said, "I think you might be remembering wrong...that's the way it's taught in this series."
"No, Miss Long didn't do it that way, are you sure you taught it right?"
"Seriously", I asked him? I've been a teacher longer than Miss Long has been alive! I've been teaching 5th grade math for longer than she's been a teacher. You really think I'm the one who's confused?"
Friends, the look on his face said it all.

She did not have a "sign the bottom of the page" policy. So we "fought it out"...checked it with a calculator...consulted with his older brother - who evidently seemed more reliable than mom, who had dared to question Miss Long's pedagogy...and agreed to disagree.

In the end, he came home the next day and grudgingly admitted that I had not been exactly right...but that I had been doing it Miss Long's way after all. Is it any wonder I hate homework?

Just have the kids read a good book for an hour! That's the best way to get smarter anyway!!


dawny 05-26-2013 07:52 PM

Re: More Progression
Denise, thank you for your views on homework. My kids would love your view. Especially my 12 year old son. He says "but mum, I have been working at school all day, how come I have to do more work when I get home?". "I'd rather read my book" usually comes.next! He would read all day, I think he gets that from me, I love to read.

A mum from school rang me not long ago, to ask if I knew how to do the grade 6 assigned homework, I Hadn't yet looked at it and thought " oh geez, we haven't even made it to secondary school, and we 'the parents) are having.trouble with the homework!". It just wasn't explained very well, we got through it, sheesh.

Hoping you are doing ok Amanda, and that you daughter is also

Dawn. Xxx

Mandamoo 05-26-2013 09:22 PM

Re: More Progression
Firstly to homework! I like your style (no surprises there) Denise! I find my girls' school pretty low key on the homework and assignments compared to others I've seen though we did spend the weekend helping Mic spray paint her space shuttle model - I am not looking forward to the space themed board game. I totally step back and let them do the work (or not as it is for Alex at the moment). A my son's school the no longer call it homework but "home learning" - go figure! Even funnier, we don't have parent teacher interviews but "learning progress discussions". I love the use of the language - cracks me up.

They spend so much time at school they need downtime and family time when they get home. I never get them working on holidays. I have a friend whose girls are 12 and spending all weekend and hours each night on homework that makes my brain hurt just reading it. Crazy.

Secondly, I'm doing fine thanks. One cycle completed. Now sporting a funky little pixie as my hair thins and I'm desperately hoping it will stay enough for me to get to a wedding without having to wig up next weekend. I enjoyed my week off this past week and my energy improved. So far just a general joint flu like ache that we are all familiar with - a little worse 2 out of the 7 days. Have my bottom troubles managed with regular gastro stop. I am feeling like my cough has dramatically improved in the past couple of days but is am trying not to get too excited as the weather is a little warmer (the cold sets my cough off). We have decided to wait another cycle until we scan as I seem pretty stable symptom wise and my tumor markers are stable too (never a good indicator for me but they had steadily risen for about 6 months). My onc is off to ASCO and hopefully going to find something new and wonderful for me if I need it but for now here's to this shrinking things to NED (why do I hear someone somewhere laughing as I write that?) - more mysterious things have happened. She said next step for me would be reinventing the wheel -oh well, I'm always up for a challenge.

Mandamoo 05-26-2013 09:36 PM

Re: More Progression
1 Attachment(s)
It was a student free day today for my boy as the teachers were writing reports so we had a morning of kicking the footy in the park. Here's a picture.

dawny 05-26-2013 10:05 PM

Re: More Progression
Hi Amanda, thanks for the update, sounds like things are going along pretty well. Good to hear. Nice not to have to scan too soon also. Keep up the good work, you will get an A in your "learning progress discussion" lol

dawny 05-26-2013 10:05 PM

Re: More Progression
P.s. great photo!

Bunty 05-27-2013 12:17 AM

Re: More Progression
Great photo Amanda! He'll be playing for the Swans (!!) before you know it. I reckon your hair will be fine for the wedding!
Cheers Marie

NEDenise 05-27-2013 05:03 AM

Re: More Progression
OMG! could he be cuter?! Now help me out..is a footy and American football, a rugby ball?

Home learning?...I'm not buying that one!
Home learning is stuff like: where did Mum hide the (insert name of junky snack here)...
when I do this to my sibling - this happens...
do carrots bounce...
how about eggs...
will the dog/cat eat crayons...
how long till the technicolor poop appears...
It's not related to classrooms in any way!!

But learning progress discussions...that sounds much more fun than parent-teacher conferences! My heart goes out to you on the project front...but I'm glad to know you're a supporter, not a do-er. On more than one occasion over the years I've had parents complain about the grades they got on projects. Of course they correct themselves when I call them on it...but by then the cat's out of the bag! :)

I'm glad the new meds are not knocking you out. And I definitely think the improvement in your cough sounds promising! My onc is off to ASCO this week too. Looks like we both picked go-getters! Good for us!

And, I'm with the other gals...I bet you get to that wedding wigless and lovely! Is the pixie like the one in our avatar photo? I love that look on you.

Keep feeling good...sending love your way!

dawny 05-27-2013 03:10 PM

Re: More Progression
Oh no Marie, he will play for the Cats, definitely!! Lol

dawny 05-27-2013 03:12 PM

Re: More Progression
Amanda, which team does HE support? I think he probably should get some say in which club he plays for! Xxx

norkdo 05-27-2013 03:19 PM

Re: More Progression
Amanda! You listen to Denise right now!! (this is your nagging auntie here) hahahaha. But really Manda, you are an Aussie!!!! You are a Melbournian!!!!! You are going to survive dammit!!!! (forgive me please if this is out of line) You are a star! So supportive like the Aussies here all are!!! My prayers are with you and you come here please to these boards no matter how you feel. We are here for you.

Mandamoo 05-27-2013 05:09 PM

Re: More Progression
LOL! He is a Hawker! He would be mortified to think of playing for the Cats or Swans but at least you didn't suggest Collingwood! (I am a Lions Supporter - no joy there this year...)

Denise - here is Melbourne we play AFL (Australian Football League). I however, come from the north of the country where Rugby and Rugby League are considered the game that is played in heaven though living in Melbourne you cannot help but get involved in loving the AFL. As for calling it "footy" - just another of those "Australianisms"

My hair is currently perhaps just a little shorter than in my avatar. I think I will make the wedding but was thinking this morning that maybe I would get myself a lovely long wig - dang - maybe I'll get a few!
And Yes Nora - I have plans to survive - because that is just what I am planning to do!

NEDenise 05-28-2013 05:38 AM

Re: More Progression
If you decide to get multiple wigs...check out the website for the American Cancer Society http://www.tlcdirect.org/default.asp...FYKd4AodkEUALA

The prices are unbeatable...they accept returns...I loved my wigs from there. I paid $350 for a wig at a salon, and it was beautiful...but the ones from TLC (the link above) were under $50 and looked just as nice! I can't imagine they wouldn't ship to Australia, but if they won't...you could have them shipped to me, and I'd be happy to send them on to you. :) No pressure...I know Dawn posted about a great wig shop near you...just supporting that hunger for hair-do variety! When we're having fun...cancer is miserable! Always a good thing to my way of thinking! I've already decided that when I need/want another wig...I'm getting a curly dark one, and a longish blonde one. How many reddish brown heads of hair does one woman need?!!

So...as an uninformed American...just to clarify...in the photo, Alex is kicking a rugby ball? What I'd call a soccer ball is actually a football...and the team Alex will play for...when he gets a little taller...is the Hawks...also a football team? Or, am I still waaaaay off?


KsGal 05-28-2013 08:43 PM

Re: More Progression
First off, I wish I had a teacher that had even remotely the same attitude towards homework as Denise. I had a teacher in middle school who used to let us have the last 15 minutes of class to start our homework, and that made me LOVE that class. Kudos to you, Denise, for putting family time first!
Im so glad you are feeling better, Manda. Im sure your scans will show improvement. And what a cute little guy! I miss having smaller children. My youngest is a teenager, and well, don't even get me started on that!
Now, tho, I am super confused on this sports issue...what is the difference between rugby and football? And what we call football here...passing with the hands and such, does that exist anywhere else? lol. Blame Denise for this..she asked all those questions and now Im confused! :P
And if you do decide to get a long wig, let us know how you like it. I have stuck with the short ones up until now, but just a few weeks ago I started thinking how I would like a longer one that I can maybe do some different things with..hair clips and bands and such.
Big hugs to you, and as always prayers and positive energy.

Mandamoo 05-30-2013 12:57 AM

Re: More Progression
Oh dear - trying to explain the intricacies of the different football codes could get very messy. AFL is a game where the ball which is like the one used in rugby (a bit small and narrower) is mostly kicked about a circular field toward a goal - the ball is passed forward rather than back (usually) using a hand pass which is like punching the ball. You can only run a short distance with the ball without hand passing, kicking or bouncing. A kick through the middle posts is 6 points, through the outer posts is 1 point.

I a shedding more and more so today I used the Cabrini Wig room service at Brighton - an amazing service where I was fitted with a brand new wig for free and then also received a number of hats, sleep caps, beanies all donated! Wow! I went long! I haven't been long for years - it is very sexy... I need to get the fringe trimmed a little but I am not complaining. I can also purchase another later if I want to. I can't imagine wearing this one in the heat of summer.

And.... My oncologist rang me to tell me she had good news - my markers have dropped - first time in almost a year - they have steadily risen since about August last year! Good news indeed coupled with my reduction in cough. Here's to long term benefit!

Pamelamary 05-30-2013 01:20 AM

Re: More Progression
This sounds promising, Amanda - and we all could do with good news right now! Just flick those long locks over your shoulder and keep smiling... Pam

Bunty 05-30-2013 01:54 AM

Re: More Progression
Yay yay yay on so many fronts! Firstly Amanda on your excellent description of AFL, secondly on your sexy new wig, and thirdly, and best of all, on your TMs dropping, and the cough reducing. I reckon you are going to rock that wedding on the weekend.
Best wishes, Marie x

NEDenise 05-30-2013 03:32 AM

Re: More Progression
Add my Yay to the chorus!!

First - Tumor markers dropping...WooHoo! In fact, any good news call from an onc...double Woo Hoo!!

And, reduced coughing has to be such a relief!

Sexy wig...AWESOME...but hey, what doesn't look sexy on someone whose tumor markers are dropping? I mean really...the inner glow must be dazzling!
So what shade are your new long locks?
What do your girls think?
When can we expect a photo shoot?

Now, as to the AFL thing...I get the passing, and the differently shaped ball...but I'm off to google the circular field. Even Quidditch can't boast a circular field! I was just getting used to my guys being CFL fans (Canadian Football League), and learning those rules...
I even tolerate their fixation with the whole World Cup Extravaganza.
I don't think they're aware of this circular field thing though...I'm pretty sure that would have been too much for them to resist.
They do watch the NFL but our team, the Eagles, has had a bit of a rough patch, on and off the field...so the bloom is off that rose a little in our house.

As an aside...my eldest has embraced rugby. He's built for it, for sure. And I like to think that my Irish heritage is the reason his mind and body are so suited to the game. Read that...he's built solid as a fire plug and is stubborn as a mule! His speed and grace on the field are most definitely NOT attributable to me in any way though. Unless it skips a generation, like baldness...those qualities definitely come through his Dad!

I hope the wedding is fabulous! And, really...maybe a picture or two of your new "do" might just show up here?
Stay happy!

dawny 05-30-2013 03:48 AM

Re: More Progression
Yay from here too! Amanda that is great news, fantastic! Yes, we would love to see the long locks, says me who doesn't even have a photo here! Amanda you are the only one who knows what I look like!

Hope you have a great time at the wedding Amanda
Dawn xxx

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