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Mtngrl 04-27-2013 06:56 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!

You have such a way with words. Goo indeed.

I have a friend whose brain mets responded well to Avastin. And my onc says she's never had a situation where she wanted a particular treatment for a patient and could not get it. Often the drug manufacturer will make it available even if insurance will not pay.

I'm envisioning myself walking along with you, holding your hand. I'm sorry for your tough week.


ammebarb 04-27-2013 07:23 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Good morning, Denise. Yes, your news is "mixed", but you are in the process of getting the Avastin rolling, and if it works as it should, you may have a clearer pic of residual disease.....and maybe the avastin will take care of that too! Having it "sit there" for nine months is a good thing, I'm thinking! You are in my prayers daily. Thank God for your not freaking out, for whatever reason. I need to remind myself regularly not to lose today to fear, depression, anxiety. Love ya!

Barb A.

StephN 04-27-2013 11:27 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Denise -
Cascade is going to slow to a trickle real soon!

In my case the docs also wanted to jump into surgery to get out what ever was lighting up. No particular danger in that, so I went ahead, even with no symptoms. If I had it to do over I would wait.

You have stumbled on my philosophy and modus operandi: Or maybe...and I think this might be the right one...I just know in my heart, and in my gut, that this too shall pass. It's not my time yet...and I still have a lot of work to do before I move on.

"Not my time" has been my mantra since 2001. The Good Lord will give me a hint when he wants me, but I did not feel what was happening could not be overcome in this life. Inner work is very important in this disease process. Check deep into your gut and heart and there can be many revelations.

BonnieR 04-27-2013 11:43 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Steph said it: "inner work"!! You've got it going on. Keep the faith!

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-27-2013 02:06 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
You've got it NeDenise! Keep listening to your Inner Voice. That's your Spirit talking to you. It is full of eons of wisdom and it wants what you want. It loves you more than you love yourself. So trust it. Stay in touch with it. Connect with it. Align yourself with that Knowing. It is the True You.

Just as you said, or suspected. Just as the ever amazing Steph says.

With Love and Light, Healing energy shooting right at you from all directions... Close your eyes and feel the healing white Light beaming down on you from the top of your head, and smile.

We were given the power of choice as our birthright. Consciously choose to decline what you "feel" is not in your best interests. Decidedly choose to live in joy, filled to overflowing with Universal Love. You're so much more beautiful than you think you are, Denise. You're a gift to all of us!


LoisLane 04-27-2013 04:36 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Denise thinking so much about you. I found this quote on a card that I thought was nice:
Relax. Breath in deep. Hold it. Let it out. Loosen your shoulders. Smile. Close your eyes.
You'll be surprised at how many voices you'll hear, whispering sweet encouragement into
your ear.

dearjilly 04-27-2013 08:31 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Oh man. We are going through pretty much the same thing eh? WOW!
Well, you still managed to make me laugh with the gooey talk. You funny Denise!
I'm back up to 4mg dex. Plus I'm now taking this Boswellia Serrata herb thing. I'll take whatever I can get.
So now I guess we wait. Argh. Waiting sucks. However, this could still be necrosis. We have to think it. Yes, necrosis. I was doing the necrosis dance the other day. Like a rain dance.
Lets dance!
Jill xo

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-28-2013 12:49 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!

Dance Walking Fitness Ben Aaron. Time to Dance Walk Baby - YouTube

I do this at home all the time. Didn't imagine it was a thing! Never thought of taking it to the streets. Mingling. Still not sure I can handle that...

Maybe Baby works for me. How about you????


KsGal 04-29-2013 10:37 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Im sorry that you didn't get the news you were hoping for, but really happy to hear that there is no progression. Also happy to see how positive and upbeat you are, and that your sense of humor is intact. If you just KNOW that you are going to get better, you are. Listen to that gut feeling that this isn't any big deal, and this too shall pass. Im sending you lots of white light and positive energy.

Andrea Barnett Budin 04-30-2013 08:20 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Well Ks (is that Kansas?) said 2 of THE most important things in her last post, and actually pretty often.

If you KNOW a thing (deep down at your core) -- it will be. IOW, if you KNOW you're going to fail -- you are sealing for destiny. Whereas, if you KNOW you can and will prevail -- you are calling your desired goal to you!!!!

And -- your gut (as we all commonly see it) is your Inner Voice. It's your SOUL! It guards and protects you. It nurtures and sustains you. LISTEN TO YOUR INNER VOICE. It is an eternal sacred entity that is always with you! You are never alone. Never. (I talk to mine all the time!! Yes, I talk to my body, and I talk to my Spirit -- at the very Essence of my beingness.)

Sending Love, Light, Positive Energy. Live in the Land of Yes!


dearjilly 04-30-2013 12:02 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Andi, I love you! :)
Thanks for that.

Mandamoo 04-30-2013 07:56 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Denise - you know this "goo" is gonna be alright! Time and space and an inner knowing - you know you will be fine.
Keep being you (puffy face and all!)
A xx

dearjilly 05-01-2013 08:06 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Morning Denise.
Thinking about you.
xo Jill

Andrea Barnett Budin 05-01-2013 09:43 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Jilly mentioned this and I googled... anti-inflammatory effects to this herb?/?supplement...

Boswellia Serrata - In-Depth Scientific Supplement Information | Examine.com

study in effect size. Remarkably, Boswellia appears to be quite anti-cancer that appears to be more anti-proliferative rather than apoptotic (the latter meaning to induce regulated cell death) since it is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis and cell invasiveness.

The suggestion that Boswellia can potently suppress tumor growth (Pancreatic, Colorectal) and in some cases actually outright prevent tumor growth (Prostatic, Glioma) is there.

Boswellia appears to be a very promising anti-cancer herb due to the potency it exhibits in animals, with one study noting this after oral administration (100mg/kg of the main boswellic acid in animals). The potency has been replicated in other cancer cell lines in vitro (including breast, cervical, myeloma and leukemia) but these cancers do not yet have animal interventions yet.

Boswellia appears to be fairly nontoxic, has a history of usage as a phytopharmaceutical for brain edema associated with radiotherapy (a cancer treatment), and the general anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects make it a fairly interesting herb relative to others that have subpar evidence.

How'd you come upon this Jilly? Smart lady. Sounds more than promising.


NEDenise 05-01-2013 12:42 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Hi Friends!
Sorry I haven't checked in here for a bit...

Botswellia Herb thing...check! I'm on it...well not on it, on it, like Jill...
more on it, like I'm off to find some!!
Like... on a mission.
Thanks Jill and Andi!

My docs are on a mission to get Avastin approved. We all know the dance they have to do.
They request.
Insurance denies.
Docs appeal.
Insurance bargains.
Docs "threaten".
Finally, hopefully, everyone agrees to do the right thing for the patient.
My doc expects the process to take about 2 weeks this time...so that means Avastin won't start till late next week...at the earliest.

In the meantime, I've weaned to 8mg of dex...for no other reason than I'm hoping my face will shrink a little.
Vanity! Thy name is Denise!
So far...nuthin!
All I'm getting for my trouble is sleepiness...I fall asleep, and don't even realize it till I wake up...
but only when I'm sitting down, so no falls so far :)...
but I probably sleep 12-14 hours a day right now,
and I'm a little off balance when I walk around...mostly when I turn corners.

I guess, sort of hand-in-hand with the sleepiness...I'm also feeling weak, and physically tired most of the time.
Hoping the decreased steroid load will let my energy and muscles rebound.
I wake up with big plans for the day!
Then, I get up and use all my energy to get dressed, and get the family off to work and school.
Who'd think making a coupla sammies would leave me huffing and puffing?
So, I sit down for a rest, and some coffee...and usually wake up an hour or two later. I guess it's not so bad, really...but I won't miss it.
I much prefer my former "fly through things with my hair on fire" pace of living...and I can't wait to get some of that energy back.

Till then, I'm hangin tough...trying to keep my chin up...actually it's chins up right now! Looking for the silver linings in all this junk...and relying on my HER2 sisters to help keep hope floating!

Love to all of you!

Laurel 05-01-2013 04:49 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
I think Rich posted quite a bit about Boswellia. Glad to hear you are hanging tough, Denise!

I was in Lowes the other day and came upon a product called Googone! Felt like packaging up a can and sending it to you, but then thought it might not be appreciated even with your amazing sense of humor. Sure wish there was a GOOgone for you. Maybe Avastin is just the thing. Hoping so!

NEDenise 05-01-2013 06:55 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
HA ha ha!
Like Chrisy's willingness to try 'ammonium'...if I thought googone would do the trick...

I'd be on it like white on rice!!
Thanks for the giggle!

Bunty 05-02-2013 11:55 PM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Hi Denise, I'm just catching up on your news - oh my GOOdness! You keep the channel open listening to your inner voice, and all the voices here who believe in you and what you can do.

I hope the doctors are "dancing like no one is watching" in getting Avastin for you.

Thinking of you and keeping you always in my prayers.

Love Marie x

norkdo 05-03-2013 06:31 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you ! Please post no matter how happy, scared or sad u worry we might be. We love you so very much. You are so deeply associated with helping me as we started on our "cancer journeys" so close together in chronology. You are my shining star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

norkdo 05-03-2013 06:41 AM

Re: NEDenise vs NEDecadron Smackdown!
just read your update. prayers coming up from inside and out over the way to Pennsylvania. I am hoping when I get the brain lesions (not if, but when) I will have the same braveness and "F/U" attitude. You go, girl!!

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