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BonnieR 01-27-2012 05:57 PM

Re: Crossroads
I KNEW you would get a sign! I am so happy your indecision is over. The rest will follow. Keep the faith.

chemteach 01-27-2012 08:34 PM

Re: Crossroads
It's those kids. They make the job into one we love. Take it easy, but give it a try. I'm glad for you. You've still got a few days or so to get ready.

sarah 01-29-2012 06:28 AM

Re: Crossroads
so glad you've come to a decision you feel good about. good luck, you know everyone will be with you.

Jackie07 01-29-2012 07:21 AM

Re: Crossroads
Is it possible for you to work half day first and then ease in to the full-day workload? Such as working the first half of the day and have the sub work the 2nd half of the day?

caya 01-29-2012 07:50 AM

Re: Crossroads
Good luck Ann, I hope it all works out for you.

I like Jackie's suggestion of working a half day first and then easing into a full day - would that be possible? Then you could gradually ease back into full days, maybe over a couple of weeks to see how it goes? Just asking, your health is the most important thing here...

all the best

P.S., even though it's not your birthday, eat some chocolate, it's good for you!!

CoolBreeze 02-05-2012 03:10 PM

Re: Crossroads
You guys are on my track! I first contacted the woman who has been subbing for me, and asked her if she'd be willing to work mornings for me and have me come in half days. She said she would, until summer if necessary. We then went to the principal, and he agreed to the plan. Now I have to get HR to agree, but if they do, that is what I'll do.

My son was in a competition yesterday and I told him I'd be there at 11:30. (It started at 8:00, no way could I do that). I tested myself and I did make it. It wasn't easy, mostly because I have had a relapse of c-diff and can't get out of the bathroom in the morning (TMI alert!) but I made it. That's the time I said I'd go to work: 11:30, so it's doable if not easy.

Now if HR is on board, I will try. I can either ease into longer and longer days or will have to go out on disability, but at least I came up with a plan and tried. If by summer I am not able to work full-time, I'll give up the job and let them hire a functioning secretary.

I kind of feel bad for the school but with my sub and me the work will get done and I'm pretty good at my job. My body doesn't work right but my brain still does!

ElaineM 02-05-2012 04:00 PM

Re: Crossroads
You have a game plan !!! I am happy and relieved. Indecision causes more stress. You don't need that right now.
Your plan is the best of all worlds. You make some money, go to the job you love and still have time at home to take care of your health. Now just don't let the school talk you into overtime at the end of the day. You need your rest. Smile.
You know those school administrators and students. They can tug at someone's heart with their puppy faces and get that person to go way, way beyond the call of duty. Smile again.
Take care and if you are going for that chocolate caya suggested make it dark. It is the dark chocolate that has the most health benefits.

CoolBreeze 02-05-2012 04:26 PM

Re: Crossroads
I have no doubt I'll be working longer at the end of the day. Why? My son goes to this school and often stays late himself! It's not worth the drive home only to pick him up again.

Oh well, at least after school it's only teachers to deal with, and not teachers, kids, parents, admin, upper admin, the district, the mailman..... :)

I just hope I can do it. (If HR agrees that I can.). My thought is once I make myself stick to a schedule and get out of the house on time every day, I'll start to feel better. You do get used to taking a nap whenever you want, or bathing at 2:30 pm, etc. :) I don't know how healthy a routine like that is for recovery after a certain point.

chrisy 02-05-2012 05:33 PM

Re: Crossroads
Good luck with the plan! Knew your co workers would be supportive...hopefully the HR bureaucrats will remember they are HUMAN resources and play along!

caya 02-05-2012 07:48 PM

Re: Crossroads
Sounds great Ann! I am praying that HR will go for it...

Good luck!

all the best

sarah 02-06-2012 04:41 AM

Re: Crossroads
sounds like a great plan. how could people not be compassionate under the circumstances. good luck with your work and health. I'm also sure you're husband and son can help more and will.
health and happiness
love sarah

CoolBreeze 02-06-2012 06:23 PM

Re: Crossroads
HR sees no problem with my plan. So, I'll be going back on a Friday, the day before President's Break (which is a week long.) The first day back will be a wasted day as everybody will want to say hi, and then I have a week with no kids and no teachers so I can catch up and find out what I missed.

It'll be strange to share my job but at least everybody is helping me and giving me a shot. I'm very grateful for that.

ElaineM 02-06-2012 08:00 PM

Re: Crossroads
I am happy for you. In addition going back before a holiday is a good idea. You can get back into the swing of things little by little.
Good luck and take care.

chemteach 02-06-2012 09:41 PM

Re: Crossroads
What wonderful news! I have found that people are really a bit more compassionate when they realize we have this disease,and it has complications from treatment and surgeries. Even admin and HR folks seem to have a heart. I am so glad for you, and I hope You remain strong and positive and love every minute back at work!

karen z 02-07-2012 06:50 AM

Re: Crossroads
Yes You Can !!

Gerri 02-07-2012 07:44 AM

Re: Crossroads
Great way to ease back in! So happy that you are being given the chance to return on a limited basis. I have no doubt that you will give it your all! We are pulling for you!

CoolBreeze 02-10-2012 02:16 PM

Re: Crossroads
Well.......I thought it was all set. And, this morning I got a call from HR. The head of the department is going to meet me there my first day back to discuss it with me. They are only approving it for one month.

Honestly, I am pretty sure I'm not going to be able to go back full-time in a month. I hope I can but realistically, I don't think so. I guess I should have looked into SSI disability a bit more. Sigh.

We'll see what she says.

caya 02-10-2012 02:24 PM

Re: Crossroads
Ann, are you a member of a union? If so, speak to them and have someone from that union at the meeting.

I don't understand why HR would only approve it for a month, when the parties INVOLVED (you, your sub and the principal) are all okay with it. Unless they are worried this would become a precident, and then everyone with some kind of condition/situation would want special arrangements too. And if they did, so what? Can't people help one another out?

So sorry you have this bump in the road now.

all the best

CoolBreeze 02-10-2012 02:31 PM

Re: Crossroads
My only gripe with them is telling me it was okay, and then days later telling me it may not be. I support their right not to turn my job into a half-time job if they want. It really *isn't* a half-time job. I understand their concerns and don't think my (incredibly weak) union needs to be involved.

There is money involved too - benefits for the sub (she's a retired secretary and won't need them but they didn't know that) so I can see where they are going.

It's just disappointing and if I have to rush my recovery I don't feel I can. I just hope I don't lose any rights if I go back half-time for a month.

chemteach 02-11-2012 07:02 AM

Re: Crossroads
I'm sorry they did that. Talk to them. I hope that they work with you. Districts have rules and different interpretations of rules, but surely there is a way to compromise on this. Maybe the HR person doesn't know your entire story and how good you are at what you do. Your troops will rally, and hopefully the outcome from meeting with HR will be good. In the meantime, continue to recover and take care of you.

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