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freyja 01-14-2009 01:38 PM

shooting star
Shooting star! Everyone make a wish!

StephN 01-14-2009 02:09 PM

Bone fires
Wishes wished! For Believe's dream to come true!

Definition of BONFIRE from Wikipedia:

A bonfire is a large controlled outdoor fire. The word is a contraction of "bone fire" (cf. for example "kostjor" in Russian - from "kost'" meaning "bone"). The practice is believed to derive from the Celtic festival of Samhain when animal bones were burnt to ward off evil spirits. Today the practice is still common in Ireland, with bonfires commonly lit for Halloween night, as well as Midsummer in some areas.

Maybe we better throw a couple of chicken or rib bones into that fire to make it more effective?!?!
I know, Bill, you called it a CAMP fire, but what's in a name ...

Believe51 01-14-2009 02:14 PM

My wish was answered when we found a place to have our campfire. A place to stare 'fear' in its eyes and tell it that it is not welcomed here.

Guess my other wish would be to remove the BB's from Brends's BB gun....ROTFL....sorry, but that gun has me chuckling>>Believe51

ElaineM 01-14-2009 09:00 PM

The Campfire
Thanks for the information on campfires StephN !! I can understand the connection between fear and chasing evil spirits away.
Whether people come to eat at the campfire, release fear, or evil spirits, pray, play scrabble, sit in silence or wish upon a star they are most welcome at our campfire.

chrisy 01-14-2009 09:24 PM

I love this campfire, or bonfire or whatever we want to call it. It is so warm here. So safe. No need for the BB gun, brenda - nothing can touch us here. Maybe a friendly little prank or scary story, but nothing that won't end with a comforting hug.

Perhaps it will grow at times, then at other times settle into a comfortable but warm ring of glowing embers.

Thank you all for being here. I love you all so much.

Believe51 01-15-2009 09:09 AM

Alright, which one of you hung all my 'Believe' decorations all over that Mighty Oak tree?? Nice addition to all of its bare limbs I must add. How did you know that I would feel right at home bumping into my "Believes" all night?? I think this is wonderful for all to be reminded to ALWAYS BELIEVE.

Believe in whatever makes you get through the night, whatever sends you power, but most of all we must believe in ourselves and others. Whoever placed them so strategically upon the lifeless limbs surely knew what they were doing. The tree looks so alive now and it reminds me of many things besides to always Believe. It shows me that even when there looks like hope and beauty appears barren we must look deep within. There is always hope and beauty if you continue to Believe.

My only concern now is that I hope Brenda does not get alarmed with the sounds this once lifeless tree and think it is an intruder! LOL. I would not want to see her use them for target practice.

Now for the good stuff, I brought some of my famous Portuguese Kale Soup in two batches. One batch is for us vegetarians and the other batch has chourico, a Portuguese sausage. It is bitter cold and I am even colder since the tears of happiness have streamed down my face. Grab a bowl and a vacant blankie and let us huddle around the fire. Brrrrrrrrr.


vickie h 01-15-2009 11:59 AM

I am at the campfire now, sipping a bowl of Matie's vegetarian Kale soup. It is delicious and warm and nourishing. Thank you, Marie.
I come to the campfire to meet with my sisters and brothers and God. The embers burn brightly and hot, staving off sadness, doubt, and regret. I will spend the night here with all of you, in song and thankfulness for your love. PS. I'll keep a steaming pot of tea brewing and a bowl of fresh berries to eat at sunrise!
I love you all, Vickie

Believe51 01-15-2009 12:39 PM

Vickie, I am a little busy right now so I need a favor. Mind?

On this flourescent orange "M-shaped" Post-It I have written down my fears. Wondering if you could throw this in the fire as you are brewing your tea??

Glad you liked the soup, the secret ingredient is "love" but let us keep that a secret!! Please save me some berries so I am assured I have snacks for this diet of mine.

I'll see you in a while. Tonight I have to take my male Maine Wave Coon cat, Mookie since he followed me twice here already. He cannot live without me (conceited huh?) and is always by my side. He has wonderous healing powers that Ed firmly believes has healed him thus far. He is looking forward to healing other family and friends. He is the cutest marmalade cat you ever want to see. Love and thanks to you my girl!>>Believe51

hutchibk 01-15-2009 07:17 PM

Ok, ok, ok - I'll put the bb gun away. But can I keep the pepper spray? Just in case the monster in the woods makes his-self known...

Lee, I just had a dark and crispy m-mellow with dark and melty chocolate. Amazingly, I am very much less afraid after my treat. Bill, can you pour me another dark choc cocoa when you are done putting that log on the fire. I love watching the embers fly up in the air... oops, that's from the corner of my fleece Snuggie - yow, gotta go put that out!!!!!

Bill 01-15-2009 07:41 PM

Whatever you want, Brenda, you got it. Quick!!! Nobody Read!!! (Here, Hucklebuck, take this little handful of BB's. May they serve you well) I'm getting a little hongry right now. I think I'll grab a mug of Marie's soup and a Cajun hot-dog and lay back agin' this log and smile quietly to myself and thank the stars for such a good group of friends.

vickie h 01-15-2009 08:43 PM

Marie, I just threw that post-it note in the fire. It is burning brightly away (it lit up the sky) I threw in a few dozen of my own. I'm sitting here with many others and we're telling spooky stories and laughing. I almost overturned the bowl of berries (saving you some). I'm waiting for that gorgeous cat of yours, Mookie, to get here so I can cuddle with him. I love CATS! Love, Vickie

ElaineM 01-15-2009 08:55 PM

The Campfire
I dropped by to warm up by the fire and sit awhile with everyone on this rainy Hawaiian night. The vegetarian kale soup looks delicious. Can I please have a cup of it?

freyja 01-16-2009 10:05 AM

Little cold here this morning. I stoked it up for us. The birds are chattering like crazy this morning. I think they have some fears of their own they're bringing here. The squirrels are happy, too. "Don't touch that squirrels nuts, you'll make him crazy!" (Willy Wonka)

Bill 01-16-2009 08:48 PM

It's a cold night here. Let me stir the coals a bit and place another piece of wood onto the fire. Pinkgirl! Where are you?! We need your northern expertise, and possibly your sled dogs come Sunday. Hey! Talking about campfire stories, have I told you guys the one about the shape-shifter I saw at the campfire when I lived in Arizona?

StephN 01-16-2009 11:04 PM

A whole thread of stories ...
Yes, O Bill the storyteller, you DID tell us that one.

Here is the link, along with the rest of the thread that spawned some more great tales true and strange!


For a good read, click the above - no kidding!

Bill 01-17-2009 12:09 AM

Oh.....Thanks, Stephie, now I'm creeped out all over again. Thanks for backing up my memory. Have I told the one about encountering the wil'o'the wisp during a night hike in the Appalachians? Man, if I haven't, that would be a really good bone-fire story, m'lass.

ElaineM 01-17-2009 08:49 PM

The Campfire
Just stopped by to throw a log onto the fire to keep it going and sit with you guys for while.

hutchibk 01-18-2009 07:27 PM

I need to go tee-tee (thanks to Bill filling my cocoa about 50 times - but the last 25 cups with kahlua were mighty tasty, though I feel an eentsy bit woozy), but I'm a-skeerd to go into the woods alone... anyone wanna come along and be my look-out?

hutchibk 01-18-2009 07:27 PM

I'll let you carry my bb gun...

ElaineM 01-18-2009 09:52 PM

The Campfire
I think we need an outhouse and some handy wipes Bill.

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