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PinkGirl 05-27-2008 02:31 PM

Challenge Question:

The flag is at half mast because of JFK's

Lee, can we challenge any of your answers? I still
think that out of Bingo, Bongo and Irving, that Irving
was the drummer.

Colleens_Husband 05-27-2008 04:50 PM

Pink Girl:

You can challenge the answers, but I saw several web sites that said Bingo was the drummer. I concede that I could be wrong and you could be correct.

I think everyone assumes the drummer is the last person named in a band lineup, for example John, Paul, George, and Ringo, mostly because .......... uh, how do you put this delicately, ........ because drummers are more whacked than a Barney pinata at a frat party.

For example:

What does it mean when the drummer drools out both sides of his mouth?
It means the stage is level.

What do you call a drummer without a girlfriend?

How do you get a drummer offyour doorstep?
Pay for the pizza.

So I think this is indisputable evidence that you could be correct. And I use the word 'indisputable' because I really can't spell 'incontrovertable' correctly. Maybe Bill could spell it correctly, he occupies the spelling things correctly hemisphere of my brain.


Bill 05-27-2008 04:58 PM

Hi Marcia! Welcome back, we missed you. And Harriecanarie, you know I don't have a Brady Bunch doll in my closet. That's just something that "Lee from Oregon City" made up, trying to throw some misdirection into the mix. Oh, by the way, I've checked with my two best friends, Lee, and Todd, and they both readily agree that they are certifiable nut-cases, so I guess that means I'm cool. I've got alot of fear-related and low self-esteem issues, as you all know, so it made me feel so much better that my two closest friends regarded themselves as such a-hole losers. Whew, what a relief! Thanks for the free advice, Lee

Colleens_Husband 05-27-2008 05:04 PM


A-hole loser? Moi? That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in six months. They almost have to be nice to you on your birthday.

(Lee wipes a tear of joy from his eye.)

If you don't have a Jan Brady inflatable doll, why do you keep bringing it up? Do you want to borrow one?

Thanks Bill,


PinkGirl 05-27-2008 07:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, so I am challenging the answer. But, I do not have a problem with sharing the prize (of nothing) with Brenda.

ep.48: "Don't Bug the Mosquitoes": guest stars: Les Brown, Jr. (Bingo) George Patterson (Bango) Ed Wade (Bongo) Kirby Johnson (Irving)
Kirby Johnson was "the Mosquitos'" drummer

Attachment 443

Bill 05-27-2008 08:08 PM

yes, Lady Pink, I thought it was "Bingo, Bango, and Bongo, etc.", and Lee, I'm sorry, but you may be exhibiting "signs". Just because you have the same first name as one of my a-hole loser friends does not mean that I am talking about you. You don't have any "delusions of grandeur", do you? Maybe, "little buddy", you should look at your two closest friends, and then look at yourself in the mirror. It's okay, really. We can help you through this.

karen z 05-27-2008 08:37 PM

I, too, wondered about your misguided conclusion regarding Bill's friend Lee, particularly since you mention some background in psychology (perhaps some on-line work?). And I think that Bill is correct in seeing some sign of "signs", perhaps even a peculiar internet dissociative reaction involving the original Lee and the new Lee, who is Bill's friend. And, if you do look at your two closest friends and then yourself in a mirror (especially a three-way mirror) you might further splinter off some additional Lees (perhaps ones who are all of our best friends) who might meet up with themselves and the group in Las Vegas. As always (and only)- karen z

chrisy 05-27-2008 08:42 PM

I'm just SO speechless over this thread! I can' even post to it, I mean how can I really respond to all this Jan/Marcia/Ginger/Mary Ann and scotsmen going regimental?

I think mental may be the operative word here for this whole thing???

I used to think I could hold my own in any debate, but I can see I'm WAY out of my league here! I feel sort of like when I visit Hungary with my husband and they are all yapping away in Magyarul (which is Hungarian for Hungarian) and the best I can do is smile and try to keep up long enough to come up with a sentence...by which time the conversation has long ago moved on...

I know I'm out of the running for any prizes, but now I have a new goal which is to be quick enough to say something before the topic spins out of control, leaving me in a cloud of pixie dust.

love you all, whoever you are...

chrisy 05-27-2008 08:45 PM

Hey Karen Z I think I saw that on Star Trek the next generation once. Maybe Bill and Lee have broken the quantum space time continuum and have torn the curtain separating the infinite number of parallel universes, each of which has one Bill and one Lee. I think.

OH, and of course, there is the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas where this can all be proven out...

chrisy 05-27-2008 08:47 PM

I think Bill and Lee should meet in the chatroom and we can all watch them dueling with ever increasingly bizarre behaviors. Call it an intervention. And if they do turn out to be just one person, we'll be able to see how fast Bill/Lee can type.

karen z 05-27-2008 09:08 PM

I like the way you think. I hope that Lee and Bill (and the other Lees) have not stepped over the curtain regarding any intellectual property rights that may be related to the old Star Trek series and I hope that I have not violated any APA ethical guidelines by suggesting a new internet category of mental illness (at least one not currently listed in the DSM-IV manual). And we could inspect Bill/Lee and Lee/Bill more closely in the chat room than in Las Vegas (the chat room could, after all, be considered a modern day version of a Skinner box) and we could even throw in some food reinforcers to see who bites (and if the response rates are similar).
I remain (and always have been) karen z

Bill 05-27-2008 09:15 PM

Wow, Secret Squirrel, your speechlessness flew right out the window didn't it? "Spock, I'm sick and tired of your damned half-breed interference" That one, Chris? You're so funny. I gotta funny feeling, though, that if Lee and I show up in the same chat room, it will work out that the screen will alternate our comments. And I'm sorry, Lee, if it does work out that we wind up in Las Vegas together, we cannot share a room together. My room will be too crowded with me and 50 of my 100 girlfriends. You can entertain the other 50 (the ones PO'ed at me, it changes as the wind blows) Don't worry, though, "little Buddy", I'll make sure you have a cartful of nickels with you at all times to keep them busy.

Colleens_Husband 05-27-2008 09:31 PM

Pink Girl:

Are you insinuating that everything I read on the internet is not the truth? (Like the website that said Bingo was the drummer, for instance.) Pick one of the following:

Whoa!!! Talk about rocking my foundation! The next thing you know you are going to tell me that the Teletubbies are fictional characters. Where is it all going to end up? Anarchy! That's where! Do you think I am just going to stand around and watch you destroy the fabric of society? Gosh no. Someone is going to have to make a stand. The barbarians are at the gates! Save yourself! Head for the Hills! And I thought Canadians were supposed to be polite. I read that on the internet too. Actually they are polite, I've met some in person.


Mea Culpa. Your right. You even had a picture to prove it. Congratulations! You win! (Insert your smiley face emoticon here).

Karen Z:

DSM IIIR? That's my favorite book. They had my picture on the axis 2 personality disorders title page in the illustrated version. I'll send you an autographed copy as soon as I gnaw through the leather straps.

As for food reinforcers, I prefer Wheat Thins with spray cheese.


I can't type that fast. I peek. I do use all ten fingers. Do I win a food reinforcer for that?


hutchibk 05-27-2008 11:22 PM

And Bingo was his name-o...

I don't need no stinking money! But thanks, that challenge was fun. What's the next one? Huh? Huh?

harrie 05-27-2008 11:42 PM

I second the motion for a chat room dual!! AWESOME idea Chrissy!
Lets go it! You game BOYS!!?? Can't wait!! Hows about back to this Sunday...9:00pm EST as usual!
Gonna be GOOD!!

Colleens_Husband 05-28-2008 08:02 AM


If that is your real name. As for the next challenge, it's going to have to be Star Trek. Its heading that direction anyway. It is as inevitable as waking up in the morning and only finding dust in the box where the Cap'n Crunch used to be. But it can't have anything to do with Voyager.

The problem with Voyager is that, much like Gilligan's island, it wasn't believable. You see the replicators were using too much energy to produce food, yet Cap'n Janeweigh could still replicate three packs of Marlboro 100's to keep her voice sultry and low. It's good to be the captain.

So give me a short while for the Geekfest Star Trek Trivia Challenge and I will come up with some boffo questions. And this time, some of the answers could actually be correct. But hopefully not all of them. I like it when Pink Girl believes she is right.


chrisy 05-28-2008 03:30 PM

no DS9, Lee...

although I did love andrea martin as quark's mother...i just think any discussion about females not being clothed would get quickly out of hand...

Bill 05-28-2008 04:19 PM

Lee, I think you've found a new calling here as the site's quizmaster.

Colleens_Husband 05-28-2008 07:36 PM

Okay, here it is. The Her2 Support Groups Geekfest Star Trek Trivia Challenge. These are going to be a whole lot more challenging because there are some seriously smart people on this site.

1. Which actor or actress had credited roles in all five Star Trek series?

2. Who was that obnoxious twerp Wesley Crusher named after?

3. Prior to creating Star Trek, what was Gene Rodenberry's profession?

4. What is the large curved weapon favored by Klingons for hand to hand battle?

5. Ensign Chekov was added in the second season to boost the younger demographic. He was a direct response to the popularity of which entertainer?

6. In Deep Space Nine, who was Kai Winn's predecessor?

7. On the series Enterprise, which clothing innovation was introduced which hadn't been previously seen on Star Fleet uniforms?

8. What is the significance of Lt. Uhuru's name?

9. How did James T. Kirk win the Kobioshi Maru dilemma?

10. In the Star Trek episode "I Mudd", what was Mudd's full name?

11. Which episode did Captain Kirk say "Beam me up Scotty?"

12. What physical defect did James Doohan have that was hidden from camera?

13. Who was Mr. Data's creator?

14. Who invented the warp drive?

15. What was the race of people who had white hair and blue skin?

16. Quark was obsessed by the accumulation of this?

17. What is the First Ferengi Rule of Aquisition?

Work together and I'll double the prize from the first quiz.

Good Luck,


hutchibk 05-28-2008 07:45 PM

Ummm, teacher, is this an open book test?

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