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Becky 09-19-2008 08:20 PM


The reason its all your fault is we have at least a half a dozen threads, started by you, that in reality may never end. This thread included. I never know where to post first. Its confusing and frustrating. And then there are the other forums too. Do I joke, ask a question about why men are the way they are and why women are perfect, add to a never ending murder- mystery that is long ago forgotten or try to pretend I am at the shrink's office saying the first thing that comes to mind when he throws a flash card up with a word on it.

Then there are the other forums where I have to put my propeller head thingy on...

Why are men so childish and ??!!?!?:)

Joan M 09-19-2008 08:53 PM

Or as one of my sisters-in-law always says when she's asked whether she'd ever consider divorce:

Divorce? Never. Murder, yes.

Sheila, congrats on your 2,000th post.

Bill 09-19-2008 09:12 PM

Becky, you're being a little rough on Lee. I'm sure you were only joking. Maybe I'm just a little too sensitive at being called "childish"

Jackie07 09-19-2008 09:54 PM


Don't feel bad. It took me a while to distinguish the difference between 'childish' and 'child-like'. I'm sure she meant to say 'child-like' which would have made y'all sound very, very adorable. :)

Now wait, would 'boyish' make you guys feel better? Seems that both 'girlish' and 'boyish' would sound better than 'childish'. How confusing is this English language?

hutchibk 09-19-2008 10:01 PM

I discovered this long ago - all men are stuck in the 7th grade. Some learn how to fake maturity better than others as they age, but they are allllll stuck in the 7th grade. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.

PinkGirl 09-20-2008 08:53 AM

Bill, it was slippery Lee who caused that big mess on
Wall Street??? I might be retracting my apology.....

sassy 09-20-2008 08:18 PM

Well gosh....I apologize for not reading this sooner. I was caught up in the wall street debacle--I should have known to check on Lee's activities during that time.

Brenda, I'm sorry but I do not have any apologies left for you to borrow. I used them all with employees who were asking about their 401k's.

Sheila---I'm sorry this has turned in to a forum asking for forgiveness--but happy 2000th post. Your wisdom, humor, support and all around great attitude make you a true "gem". I say this unapologetically!

Becky 09-21-2008 05:14 PM

I didn't mean anything - writing and talking are different. Like Jackie 07 said, I meant pre-pubescent!:)

PS> Really pre-pubescent like.

Bill 09-21-2008 07:44 PM

Sheila-Happy 2000th post! Becky, I accept your apology, although it seems that you're not very good at it. It was a little unclear. My hand is cupped to my ear. I've fallen into a snake pit, and fought off a bear in my camp, crawled through an underground river, scaled up and down mountains bare-handed, survived two near-drownings, but I never felt child-like. Maybe it's just me.

Colleens_Husband 09-21-2008 07:57 PM


I didn't take offense with your post. I do wonder if sometimes I overdo it. After all, I am your guest here, I didn't have cancer. I just want to be entertaining or interesting.

I can't answer for all men but I'll tell you why I act childlike at times.

I am the boss of a company and seven families rely on me to make sound decisions for their income. In my county, two-thirds of the businesses in my profession have already gone out of business in the last year. Our company is one or two bad decisions from going under. Because business is iffy, I can either work harder and faster than everyone else or I can lay people off. If you are a good and decent boss, there really isn't much of choice.

When I get home I still have a load of housework to do and two younger children who still need guidance and care. Colleen has been a great worker and a super helpmate, but she is just finishing chemo and she is overdoing it, so I have to work even harder to keep the household running. It is more often than not that my day starts at 5AM and I am working pretty steadily to 8PM.

That's just too much serious stuff for too long. If I get a chance to be like a real person, on a rare occasion, I'm taking it. So I come here and act like a total goof, it's because it gives me a sense of balance in my life. Plus, I hope that I can help make this place a refuge to all the brave women and some men who come here to escape the grind of dealing with cancer. If I can make a few people laugh, then that is all I can hope for and I would feel that I succeeded in some small way.

So why do men act childish? It's probably just to remind themselves that they are still people and still capable of experiencing ............ something other than the crushing responsibility of feeding a family, being a husband, being a dad, and everything else.

And it's mostly a real hoot.

And I didn't cause the stock market crash just to get rid of my business competition. I did it because I got bored and couldn't think of anything better to do other than try to get my name on television.

hutchibk 09-21-2008 08:21 PM

Oh oh - me thinks Becks was misunderstood! She wasn't taking the piss outta anybody - like she said, it is harder to intonate a "dry wit" with typed word than spoken word, and that is really all she was trying to do! Let's get back to the playful tone here! Too much seriousness is really just like a gnarly bummer dudes and dudettes! Cowabunga.

Bill 09-21-2008 08:46 PM

Ok, then you're saying I should change my avatar, Hucklebuck? I was just letting my boy, Lee, know that I had his back.

hutchibk 09-21-2008 09:38 PM

I ain't insinuatin' any such ting... what happens with avatars and "having Lee's back" (you wanna rethink that, Bill? LOL), stays in Vegas...


Bill 09-21-2008 10:00 PM

Darn, you gals are feisty! Alright then, let's call a truce, ok? No harm, no foul. (Lee, that means me and you, just the two of us, stood up to a "horde" of intense female warriors and beat 'em to a draw, and, honestly, that's the best we can hope for at this point, my brother) Ok, Brenda, and Becky, Lee and I accept your apologies.

hutchibk 09-21-2008 10:26 PM

I accept your acceptance. Because Milo ( <--- ) said I could.

harrie 09-21-2008 10:52 PM

Holy Smoke! This commemorative thread to Sheila's 2000th is a combo of men vs women and loaded with apologies all over the place!
Lee, for such a busy guy, you sure are able to contribute a lot to this site!
The threads you start are good in that sometimes we just need to take a break from all this concerns and issues and rather then avoid this site altogether it gives a good and sometimes a bit crazy diversion.
I just wish I had more time to keep track of some of this stuff.

harrie 09-21-2008 10:54 PM

Ralph returns from the doctor and tells his wife that the doctor has told him he has only 24 hours to live. Given this prognosis, Ralph asks his wife for sex. Naturally, she agrees, and they make love.
About six hours later, the husband goes to his wife and says, 'Honey, you know I now have only 18 hours to live. Could we please do it one more time?' Of course, the wife agrees and they do it again.
Later, as the man gets into bed, he looks at his watch and realizes he now has only 8 hours left. He touches his wife's shoulder and asks, 'Honey, please... Just one more time before I die?' she says, 'Of course, dear.' And they make love for the third time.
After this session, the wife rolls over & falls asleep. Ralph, however, worried about his impending death, tosses & turns until he's down to 4 more hours. He taps his wife, who rouses. 'Honey, I have only 4 more hours. Do you think we could....?'
At this point the wife rolls over and says, 'Listen Ralph, I have to get up in the morning... You don't.'

hutchibk 09-21-2008 11:59 PM

Harrie - keeping track of things is highly overrated!

harrie 09-22-2008 12:17 AM

Hutchibk, is that your kitty cat? Cute!! Our cat is a geriatric guy at 14 yrs old and his name is Dude.

From what I read on some of those ongoing threads, it seems like many of you are right on top of it all. I usually end up doing a lot of catch up reading (skimming) just to get the gist of what I missed.

harrie 09-22-2008 12:24 AM

In my opinion, adults that can retain some child-like qualities is a good thing.

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