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chrisy 05-30-2008 07:58 PM

Now now Catherine...
Let's not go there with double gin and tonics!

I seem to have become a poster child for chocoholics here on this thread, but at least I've shed my (undeserved) reputation as a lush! I still have never had a chocolate martini, but I love the thought of it! Ha ha everyone probably thought it was because of the 'tini!

All this talk of chocolate, and would you believe I haven't a BITE of it in the house???!!!


Unregistered 05-30-2008 08:41 PM

Best wishes for you to being able to resume the trial soon. I'll think of you when I consume my 72% with cacoa nibs tomorrow.

I wouldn't even give 2nd thoughts to the crying thing. I did my jumper thing with the rads people. I'm sure it's in my "permanent file". Don't know why it happened then. I use to think of myself as strong but one or two valiums helped when I needed it. There is some sort of limit, and we can't totally control when we've reached it.

I'm looking forward to hearing positive news soon. Bev

abitjaded 05-31-2008 10:20 AM

I love "we are greedy for life" Chrisy.



Soccermom 05-31-2008 10:22 AM

I ate a Baby Ruth in solidarity..BTW, where did Tiptoe and Tex find those FRANGOs' ? I thought they were only from the old Marshall Fields stores in Chicago?
Dont be embarassed, as all the others have stated we are all entitled to a meltdown, now and then!
Big chocolately hugs,Marcia :)

Barbara H. 05-31-2008 10:54 AM

You may be on the trial for a long time!
Hi Chrisy,
If this trial is working for you, you may be on it for a long time. There are some patients at the Dana Farber who have been on it for over a year and are doing well. As long as you are doing well they won't take it away from you even if the your trial year is over. They just keep extending it.
Best wishes,
Barbara H.

BonnieR 05-31-2008 01:53 PM

I'm still eating chocolate in solidarity until I get the "all clear". No rush.

chrisy 05-31-2008 04:26 PM

Good Eye, Marcia
You could tell I have Chicago roots!

That box did come from Chicago, but now that Macy's has moved in :( I can actually get them here, too!:)

Kim in CA 06-01-2008 09:46 AM

Dear Chrisy,

Now I know why I have been having this greater than usual craving for chocolate. I must have been telep-ing that there was a disturbance in the "force" and more chocolate was needed imediately.

You have to let those tears flow whenever and wherever, otherwise we might explode, or is that implode. I find that since cancer, it doesn't take much to make me cry. I have boxes of kleenex everywhere!

Praying your labs get back to normal and you can resume treatment soon.

Big hugs and a big slobery "horsie kiss" from Bailador,


chrisy 06-02-2008 12:25 PM

Bad marks again!
Kim, thanks for the sloppy horsey kisses...somehow I think you have found a unique way to provide support!

Now the bummer news...

That darn AST was too high again! Now that may mean I'm DQ-d from the study. I'm so bummed because I know this drug was doing a great number on the cancer and I don't want to "lose" this weapon. The AST is elevates slightly over the study protocol max, not anything close to life threatening, and not as high as it HAS been for me while on this trial.

The doc is at ASCO, so that makes communication much harder, but I think she is going to talk to the trial medical monitor - hopefully they can find a way for me to safely stay on this drug.

Keep your fingers crossed.

chrisy 06-02-2008 01:00 PM

At least I didn't cry in front of them this time!

Colleens_Husband 06-02-2008 01:30 PM

Yeah Chrisy!

At least for keeping it all in perspective. Sometimes drug trials are more interested in people who go out of the margins than those safely in the middle. This may make you more likely to stay in the trial. You never know for sure.

Reward yourself with chocolate covered in spray cheese. Smoky Bacon Cheddar goes best with chocolate.


chrisy 06-02-2008 01:38 PM

No spray cheese at the airport
Gosh Lee,
I'm here at the airport waiting for a flight and I found some VERY nice Ghirardelli 70% chocolate at the airport store, but not a sign of any spray cheese...and definitely not smoky bacon cheddar. I suppose they figure it could be used as weapon - as I said on the "might need some help" thread, you could put an eye out with that stuff!

Maybe I can get some smoky chipotle salsa, but it won't be the same

Barbara H. 06-02-2008 03:43 PM

trial also
Hi Chrisy,
Unless your AST is way out of bounds (grade 3), I can't believe that they would pull you from the study. It just may take a few weeks for it to come down. Mine was much more sporadic at the beginning of the trial. Nevertheless, my treatment was also withheld last Thursday.
I hope you will be treated next week.
Best wishes,
Barbara H.

Carolyns 06-03-2008 08:39 AM

Hi Chrisy,

I have my fingers and toes crossed for you.

If it helps, I have had an uncontrollable urge to eat chocolate and I am not a chocolate person. It is interesting to be influenced by a Her 2 thread. So far, at the Italian market, I bought those butter cookies with jelly in the middle dipped in chocolate, cranberries dipped in dark chocolate (does this count as medicine for my frequent UTI's... I count it as being pro-active), M & Ms with and without peanuts and chocolate chip cookies.

Chrisy, You are in my prayers evey night. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Love, Hope, Peace,


Faith in Him 06-03-2008 08:45 AM


I hope your numbers get in line soon and that you can have treatment.

Sending a prayer your way.


PinkGirl 06-03-2008 08:54 AM

Hey Chrisy
Sorry about your big-AST numbers :) I guess this means we have
to keep on the chocolate binge for you. It's a lot for you to ask
but I will do it, just for you!

I like your new avatar with the kids eating the chocolates. Notice
how dainty and lady-like Tippy looks and then there's Tex - in the box
feet first.

I'm really sorry you have to wait longer for your treatment. I don't
think they're going to kick you out of the trial.... just have to wait
for those big-AST numbers to come down. Keep the faith Chris.

abitjaded 06-03-2008 12:34 PM

Oh Chrisy,

So sorry.

Have you all ever seen the Goofy Movie. Funny , uplifting and a very good spray cheese sub-plot.

Thinking of you.


Believe51 06-04-2008 05:33 AM

BURP! Oh, caught me chugging some chocolate! Thinking about you and wishing you are feeling better today. Try not to be so tough on yourself you sweet thing. And before I forget, sending a gynormous cyber-hug to you. Lots of Love and Prayers>>Believe51

Sheila 06-04-2008 06:32 AM

OK Chrisy
I believe your onc. should be home by now, loaded with Chicago Frangos....(there is no other no matter what Macy's says...they are made here!!!!) and should be able to "sweet talk" them into keeping you in the trials.
I am overindulging in chocoalate until I get the word that you are back on schedule getting the goods!

chrisy 06-04-2008 09:09 PM

BIG-AST numbers????
Pink Girl, you really crack me up!!!!!! (ha ha)

Sheila, fortunately my doctor took some time off from the Frango mints to call the Genentech people and get me an exemption, so I was able to go in today and get treatment. YAY!

I'm now on the 28 day schedule, but and definitely going to work on getting my big AST numbers down!

That said, I'm lowering the chocolate alert level to white...

Pinkgirl, I think the idea of spray chocolate is sacrilege. Don't go there!

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