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Mary Jo 06-26-2013 06:41 PM

Re: The power of your thoughts
Only HUGS.....Sleep in Peace.


Mary Jo

fauxgypsy 06-26-2013 06:55 PM

Re: The power of your thoughts
Andi, I just got on tonight and saw this. You are so full of light that you sparkle. You have touched so many people with your words. Where I tuck my head and hide, you reach out and share. I will have you in my thoughts. You take care.

Andrea Barnett Budin 06-27-2013 05:51 AM

Re: The power of your thoughts
May God bless every one of you! Can't wait to go "under". Up all night -- on toilette -- cleaning out my system. 10 hrs!!!!!! Is that a record???

Smiling still. Love you all... ANDI

off to do what i must do... and get some answers...

such kind words. you are each a sparkling soul!!!!!!!!!

NEDenise 06-27-2013 06:23 AM

Re: The power of your thoughts
I know you won't see this till after the fact, but please know I was thinking of you and praying for you.

Hoping for minimal 'unpleasantness' as you recover, and only good news in the days ahead!

PinkGirl 06-27-2013 07:08 AM

Re: The power of your thoughts
1:30 EST ... good vibes will be coming your way. I know
everything will be fine. I'll send some earlier too. It's such a
pain waiting for these things to start ... just getter done is my

Mary Jo 06-27-2013 07:26 AM

Re: The power of your thoughts
Praying this morning! Peace and gentle hugs.

Andrea Barnett Budin 06-27-2013 07:45 AM

Re: The power of your thoughts
my pit stop is YOU, all of you. saw your messages and am taking your vibes with me... here i go... gonna getter done... Love you Pink. Love you Denise. In fact, love every single one of you!!! You are so extraordinary. Thank you dear sweet Mary Jo for your prayers. All prayers. I need all the help I can get... :o))My Sisters, we're always in it together. Holding on to one another. About those prayers -- they all count!!!!!!!

Andrea Barnett Budin 07-15-2013 01:39 PM

Re: The power of your thoughts
I guess I posted my awesome news in WHO'S READY FOR SOME GOOD NEWS? and / or AWESOME OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT...

BOTTOM LINE -- BENIGN! Has a certain musical sound that word, right?!

Post surgery and wondrous news, grand milestones which I shared in above threads, I had some thoughts I wanted to share. They just came bubbling up.

I read, We're (all) on a journey of becoming that which we already are. I agreed right off.

We're each on a holy mission to find the dimension within that is sacred. There's a road map home. To the spiritual realm. I visit there. Not ready to move yet! Not by any means!!

But do you realize that you are an eternal Being?? We've forgotton who we are. We're functioning as egos (a primal stage of being). We can often be found in our private and separate worlds. And that's why we too often feel separate from the Present Moment -- and from one another!

We're each lost in our heads. The voice in our heads rules our moods and emotions.

I've learned to disregard what that voice says. Instead, I listen to my Inner Voice. Which is my Spirit. A fragment of divine energy granted each of us as we draw our first breath! We have only to claim it!

When we consciously choose to become Present, we come into the world of our senses. They come alive! We become blissful and serene. Noting the gorgeous blueness of the sky. The detail of each leaf on a tree. We are in The Now!

No memories or imaginings to distort our reality! Concepts, ideas, opinions, acquired beliefs that seeped into our heads unconsciously -- they all wane. A sense of Joy and Peace overcome them.

As we let go of our little selves, we come to feel our Oneness! It happened to me in '95. Transformed my life! And remains with me, most days...

This blissful way of being is full of Light and Love as we transcend and evolve into our Higher Selves.

We're no longer lost in the world of mind; no longer functioning as ego or controlled by it. Ego's basic attitude affects every aspect of our lives and relationships!

Becoming released from ego's dominion allows us to awaken to the truth of Life, the sweetness of Life -- and become a vessel of Universal Love. We see God in every tree. In the sky. In every Being! We feel our connection to each tree. To the sky. To every Being.



Jackie07 08-17-2013 12:39 AM

Re: The power of your thoughts
A great lecture on the topic:



The link to the Benson-Henry Institute:



Andrea Barnett Budin 08-18-2013 05:14 PM

Re: The power of your thoughts

In a relaxed state we can remember wellness. We can cognitive restructure our body's function.

There is validity to this premises.

You have the capacity to counter stress and effectively treat physical reactions/illness/dis-ease.

The mind can control genomic structure. YOU can tap into your genes' activity and therefore bodily behavior. YOU can change patterns that your body generally follows.

If you think, I know -- I can't do this or that, because you've become accustomed to "being" a certain way -- that will become so! Whereas, if you KNOW you can alter your body's functions with the power of your thoughts, in a responsive and relaxed state (preferably) -- anything is possible!

If you daily sit quietly, listening only to your breathing, quieting your mind, you can change your body's response to stress by using a phrase or mantra of your choice.


These messages are heard by the body, whose job it is to follow your instructions. The body hears EVERYTHING you think, say or whisper! It has no sense of humor. So you must be careful what you think and say.

The simplest statement, This is killing me, is inadvisable obviously. Whereas repeating a comfortable phrase to your body 4 x a day, every single day, over time, will retrain your body and help it create wellness.

The innate ability of the body to heal is real.

It is a commitment you can consciously choose to embrace. A daily habit to take the time out of your day, to relax and to program your body with the power of your thoughts. Thoughts that you consciously choose to use and empower your body to function better.

Rather than expect/anticipating how you always remember feeling when you do this or that, you can call upon your mind's memory of how your body functioned at a younger and healthier time!

You can open the door. YOU! Midst relaxation, we can remember wellness.

The relaxation response is the antithesis of fight or flight. Open your mind. Remember! Choose to do this. Or not...

Find a word or a phrase that resonates with you.

Close your eyes. Relax from ankles up. Slowly, moving up. Think NO MIND. Push away thoughts that occur. Return to the PRESENT MOMENT. Within minutes of doing this, you will be receptive to speaking your truth. Say your chosen phrase. I call it my mantra.

For me, I believe HEALTHY AND WELL. NO MORE CANCER. -- works. My body understands and though I don't know precisely how my body is to achieve this, IT knows and it follows instructions, as you specify your command.

It is the body's job to do as you think, to respond as you say, to note how you act.

Self-fulfilling prophecies are real! Because we MAKE them occur! With our thinking. With our words and thoughts!

YOU can lower your blood pressure. Even, and especially, midst a painful episode -- YOU can calm yourself, not panic or become frightful or what feels like naturally "predicting" what will come next -- YOU can alter that response. With your thoughts, reprogramming, and remembering, how it used to feel, when it was younger and healthier.

Choose not to be overwhelmed with stress. A determined attitude helps. You have the power to choose to control it instead of let it sweep you away. BREATHE...

With love, as always


Andrea Barnett Budin 02-06-2014 02:59 PM

Re: The power of your thoughts
Here I am bringing up the past again.

Still searching for what I think of as my SURVIVOR's thread.

This'll do in the meantime...


Andrea Barnett Budin 04-03-2014 12:30 PM

Re: The power of your thoughts
I'm always with you my Sisters! Even when you don't see me! I swear.

Here to inspire you.

Bumping this up.

NED since 1999.

Off of Herceptin for almost 6 yrs -- after being on for -- 10 yrs!!!




Andrea Barnett Budin 04-03-2014 12:31 PM

Re: The power of your thoughts
I'm always with you my Sisters! Even when you don't see me! I swear.

Here to inspire you.

Bumping this up.

NED since 1999.

Off of Herceptin for almost 6 yrs -- after being on for -- 10 yrs!!!




Andrea Barnett Budin 01-17-2016 06:08 PM

Re: The power of your thoughts
Seems I had a lot to say in 2013...

Sharing... We all need to share out thoughts. We carry messages for one another.

We need to share our experiences and ideas for the betterment of all.

You may think you have a silly little story no one would be interested in, but I bet you if you post it many will find it edifying.

This is such a complicated disease with so many twists and turns. Even someone who's been around for 20 yrs hasn't seen or heard it all.

Michka shared something with me recently that I had never heard of and I believe is has important information for each of us. Just in case -- good to know.

When something occurs it is usually all of a sudden, catches us off good, makes us sick and fogs our brain. We often don't have time to post and ask for advice. We need to make snap decisions. And they can have lifelong
lingering results we don't want to have to deal with as an ongoing ordeal.

So, now that I know what happened to Michka, I can be alert, if I find myself in a similar predicament. We ask questions, we know to do that, but we don't always get satisfactory answers and we only learn that after the fact, when it's too late to rectify.

So -- please share your little stories. Every one of them is important. Honest to goodness.

No one will laugh. And not one of us will think, how foolish to post such a thing. We might say, Oh, I knew that. It happened to a friend. Or me. More than likely, we'll say -- wow, I never would have even thought of that.

Forearmed is forewarned. Knowledge is power.

Sending love,

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