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WomanofSteel 11-09-2009 07:31 AM

Re: vickie h update
Keeping Vickie in my prayers. Hope things work out for the best.

Unregistered 11-13-2009 04:25 AM

Re: vickie h update
Good Morning Vicki and Cap!
Wanted to say hello and that I'm surely thinking about you guys.
Much love and lots of prayers.

Unregistered 11-17-2009 04:48 PM

Re: vickie h update
Thank you for your prayers. We just got back from Idaho, where Vickie was the last one enrolled in the TDM1 trial there. She had her first treatment on Monday and she is feeling ok except for fatigue. I believe one of Steph N's friends is going there also. We are definitely praying this works, but if for some reason she doesn't respond, we are ready to live out her life with some quality of care.
She so cares aBout all of you and talks about you like she would a trusted family. Her pain meds are sustaining her and we will know more soon. She misses you all and can't wait to get on the computer again and talk to you.
Again, my sincerest gratitude for your love and kindness.

Jackie07 11-17-2009 05:01 PM

Re: vickie h update
Thanks for the update. Glad that she got in the TDM1 trial. We will continue to pray for her.

Mary Anne in TX 11-17-2009 05:30 PM

Re: vickie h update
I'm believin' sooooooo BIG that it works like a charm!
Luv to U both, ma

Faith in Him 11-17-2009 05:44 PM

Re: vickie h update
Thank God she is in the trial. I'll continue to pray for her.

Please give her my love,

Midwest Alice 11-17-2009 06:29 PM

Re: vickie h update
Prayers for Vickie and so thankful she is in this new trial. Sending a hug.

SoCalGal 11-17-2009 11:00 PM

Re: vickie h update
Hi Cap,
Thanks for keeping us updated. Sending prayers to you and Vickie.

StephN 11-18-2009 01:34 AM

Re: vickie h update
What good news that our (and your) dear Vickie made it under the wire. I knew they were swamped with requests, so I am glad you did not wait any longer.

Now for the REAL test of this drug. It has done well with so many others who used treatment after treatment. This bodes well for Vickie to have a chance to fight back while regaining some of her strength.

Love and hugs to her.

Ellie F 11-18-2009 06:00 AM

Re: vickie h update
I am so thankful to God that Vickie has got in the trial. Please send her my love and my sincerest hope that this drug does the trick!

Rich66 11-22-2009 02:03 AM

Re: vickie h update
Please keep in mind that treatments of the past might might work again if reintroduced in a metronomic fashion. Leave no tool behind.

Leslie304 11-30-2009 01:13 PM

Re: vickie h update
Hi Cap,
Vickie has become a dear friend to me. I 'met' her when I was first diagnosed and somehow was drawn to her posts. We soon started emailing privately and I have appreciated her friendship. She tells me often how grateful she is to have you in her life. She is an extraordinary person. I tell her often but wanted to tell you as well, that she is never far from my thoughts and she is in my prayers nightly. I hope the TDM1 trial gives you both the renewed hope that you are so desperate for. I'll be thinking of you. Thanks for posting an update, I was worried as I haven't heard from her lately. Please give her a warm hug from Leslie in New Jersey.

Chelee 11-30-2009 05:58 PM

Re: vickie h update
Hi Cap, if you see this please tell Vicky I said hi and I wish her all the best! I hope this trial is working it's magic on her...no one deserves it more. Vicky is such an awesome, loving and compassionate person and I so want the best for her. I will continue to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. When ever you have a chance please update us.

Sending my love!


Unregistered 12-06-2009 03:11 PM

Re: vickie h update
Vickie is on her way to Idaho for treatment number 2. In two weeks time, after her first treatment, she was able to remove all her bandages. Her bleeding has completely stopped and she is almost off the pain meds. Her tumors are shrinking already and some are drying up. She has had a lot of fatigue and a bit of blue days but so far, so good. She will be posting soon when she returns home but she wanted me to tell you all how much she misses you and loves you. She has literally gone from the clutches of Hospice care to this trial and the results so far are amazing. Please keep her in your prayers. You are her sisters and she values your friendship and love. You are always in her heart.
Thank you for your support,

Mary Anne in TX 12-06-2009 03:14 PM

Re: vickie h update
What a tremendous gift your news is Cap! I'm so excited that the treatment is working for our girl! Please add just one more hug for me! Luv and continued prayers to you both, ma

Midwest Alice 12-06-2009 03:18 PM

Re: vickie h update
Wonderful news!! Thanks be to God Vickie! Answered paryers

Patb 12-06-2009 03:58 PM

Re: vickie h update
What wonderful news. Vickie is in my prayers and
thoughts daily.

lexigirl 12-06-2009 03:59 PM

Re: vickie h update
Thank you Jesus!! Awesome news!! I am thankful that Vickie is responding so well to her tx! I hope each tx shows better and better results quickly!

Hugs and Prayers,

Chelee 12-06-2009 04:01 PM

Re: vickie h update
Hi Cap, I literally teared up when reading your post. I can't tell you how happy I am to hear such good news after only one treatment. What amazing results so quickly. I pray her body adjusts some to this trt so that the fatigue might lesson some for her. I will continue to keep her in my prayers. Let her know how much we love her...miss her...and are pulling for her. You two take good care and thanks so much for the update. This TDM1 seems to be doing great for so many...can't wait till more of us have easy access to it. You both hang in there.


StephN 12-06-2009 05:27 PM

Re: vickie h update
Dear Cap and Vickie -
I am overwhelmed with joy at this wonderful news. This is truly a positive sign for Vickie. With his amount of healing, hopefully she can gain more of her strength in the next few weeks.


Gerri 12-06-2009 06:05 PM

Re: vickie h update
Dear Cap,

This is such fabulous news!! I am so happy for Vickie, and of course her loved ones. HOPE is a powerful gift, and you have just given that to so many here.

Jackie07 12-06-2009 09:07 PM

Re: vickie h update
Thank you so much for the wonderful update! Please thank Vickie for us - she's such an inspiring warrior - and let her know that she's in our prayers.

Ellie F 12-07-2009 03:06 AM

Re: vickie h update
Thank you for such wonderful news. I have been praying so hard for Vickie and can't stop the tears rolling down my cheek.Please tell her that I am thinking of her and remembering her kindness to me.

juanita 12-18-2009 01:19 PM

Re: vickie h update
sending prayers and positive thoughts!

StephN 12-23-2009 02:29 PM

Re: vickie h update
Dear Vickie and Cap -
Want you to know you are thought about, and all best wishes for a healthier new year to come. My prayers are sent your way for continued response to the new treatment.

Peace, joy and understanding.

Chelee 12-23-2009 02:55 PM

Re: vickie h update
Hi Vickie & Cap, Just wanted to let you both know I continue to keep Vickie in my thoughts and prayers. I hope shes contining to get a good response and that the side affects aren't to hard on her. Please let her know she is thought about and how much we love her.

You two have a very Merry Christmas, and may the New Year bring you improved health and much happiness. Again, always in my thoughts & prayers!


Unregistered 12-23-2009 07:36 PM

Re: vickie h update
Thank you all for your good wishes and love. I read your emails to Vickie almost everyday. She has been such a trooper and has now been able to remove all of the dressings over her right breast and back as the bleeding has subsided. She is extremely tired these days and I've never seen her this low on energy. Some days she is in bed almost the entire day, other days she forces herself up and takes small walks or visits with friends. All in all, she is doing much better as far as the mets (we think). Last week she had a Passport put in because her other port is covered by tumors and they could no longer access it.
We go back to Idaho on the 28th of this month and on January 18th she'll have a ct scan to see if this is working. Please continue your prayers for her. She cries when she thinks of all of her wonderful sisters and brothers here, tears of joy for your friendship and compassion. Please know that not a day goes by that you are not in her heart and prayers. Have a very Merry Christmas, Hannuka and Kwanza.
Much love from our family to all of you,

Mary Anne in TX 12-24-2009 01:06 AM

Re: vickie h update
Hi Vickie and Cap! It's the incredible courage and love you two share with each other and all of us that touches me so this Christmas season. I see that picture of Vickie at the beach in my mind and think of her as strong, busy and so full of life! Much love to you both along with many prayers for Vickie's treatments to kick in gear and work it's magic. May the angels surround you all this holiday season. ma

Ellie F 12-31-2009 07:04 AM

Re: vickie h update
Hi Cap
Would love to have an update of how Vickie is doing if you have time
Love Ellie

Midwest Alice 01-02-2010 05:23 AM

Re: vickie h update
Dear Cap, So happy to hear the news. Please give Vickie a hug and tell her I love her. She was my first friend on here and she is so important in my journey. She is so strong and I am so proud to call her my friend. She has now traveled for treatment 2 and praying the treatment helps heal her body.

tricia keegan 01-02-2010 06:45 PM

Re: vickie h update
Sending hugs and good thoughts to Vicki that this treatment works:)

schoolteacher 01-05-2010 06:52 AM

Re: vickie h update
Hope you and Vicki are doing well.


Shobha 01-05-2010 09:07 AM

Re: vickie h update
Continuing to pray for great results for Vicki!! Thanks so much for keeping us posted!


Unregistered 01-12-2010 09:00 PM

Re: vickie h update
So sorry I haven't been back to update you. Vickie and I are meeting with a Hospice nurse next week just in case. We will know more about what lies next after she goes to Idaho with our daughter on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Dr. Tezcan wasn't sure that this treatment is working but will have the option of adding perzatumab or something like that to her next treatment on Tuesday. She gets a CT scan on Monday and we will know so much more then.
IT has been hard to get her to eat much of anything as her appetite is waning. She's lost a lot of weight but she stays hopeful even when it is hard for her to get out of bed. She so misses all of you, your birthdays, your encouragement, your compassion. She truly loves you as her sisters. She has not posted because she gave her lap top to one of our grandsons for Christmas. She has a notebook but can't get it to work.
as soon as I get it up and running she will be posting to all of you. Thank you for your prayers and love. She will be posting by next week again.
In the meantime she sends you all her love and prayers. You mean the world to her, each and every one of you.

StephN 01-12-2010 11:03 PM

Re: vickie h update
Thank you, Cap. We very much appreciate any news.
Fervent prayers coming to Vickie for a resurgence of appetite and scans that show she is improving.

Years of treatment can just wear a body out. We got news of a 100-year-old family member's passing just this evening. He was in his home and managing his own life til the end.

Chelee 01-13-2010 04:35 AM

Re: vickie h update
Cap, I'm so glad you had a minute to give us an update. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Vickie...she really is such a special Her2 sister. We all love & miss her so much.

When she first started this TDM1 trial it sounded like it was doing a good job. I hope the scan shows that it's been doing more then they think for Vicki? Maybe adding the perzatumab will to the trick & get her stable again. I just wish she didn't have to go thru any of this...my heart goes out to her.

I'm just so sorry to hear Vicki isn't feeling better. But I still have so much hope that they can turn this around. I sure hope she can get some food in her...I know how hard it can be during treatment. You guys have probably tried everything over the yrs of battling this...but has Vicki tried Ensure? It has to be "cold" though. That's the trick! It's just a thought.

I know you and the entire family are going through alot right now but we are so thankful for the updates. Tell Vicki she is always in my thoughts and prayers.

Sending a big hug for Vicki! God bless you all.


WomanofSteel 01-13-2010 06:36 AM

Re: vickie h update
Cap thanks for the update. I am so sorry that Vickie is having such a tough time of it. Meanwhile we are praying for her. She means the world to us too.

Mary Anne in TX 01-13-2010 08:22 AM

Re: vickie h update
Hi Vickie! Now, isn't it just like you to give your lap top to your grandson! I'll bet you've always been the good fairy in your family! Sending you tons of love and prayers again today! I'm wishing for quick miracles for you all! luv ya muchly, ma

schoolteacher 01-13-2010 10:16 AM

Re: vickie h update

Thanks for the update on Vickie. She is a warrior.


Unregistered 01-15-2010 11:39 AM

Re: vickie h update
Thanks Cap for the update on Vicki. I come here to this site just to see how she is doing. Please tell her she is in my prayers daily. She is such a warrior after 6 years with IBC. Most people with that disease never get this far. She is truly inspiring to all of us.
Best wishes,

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