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chrisy 06-30-2009 05:03 PM

Ha Ha Pinkgirl,

Hmmm. I don't think I do anything all THAT weird, I mean like bathing nude in icy pools of water or anything like that...at least there is no photographic evidence of such a thing...

But did you know that if you are floating in water and are very thin, you will sink (this is probably Harriecanary's problem). If, however, you have a lot of "personal insulation", you will float!

PinkGirl 06-30-2009 05:38 PM

Chrisy, I know nothing about being thin.

Rich66 06-30-2009 06:41 PM

I hear WD41 is in phase I trials. Looks promising.

hutchibk 06-30-2009 10:33 PM

LOL Bill and Rich...

oh and: cats don't like haircuts.

Colleens_Husband 07-01-2009 08:52 AM

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.

And while we are on the subject of cruelty, who decided the word 'lisp' had to have an 's' in it?

hutchibk 07-01-2009 09:14 AM

I never knew it had an 's' in it, I thought it had a 'th' in it. :)

StephN 07-01-2009 11:07 AM

Did you know there is a thing called DICKIPEDIA - A Wicki for Dickheads?
People of all political and belief stripes are included for the dumb things they do/have done. I hope no one is offended by this, but I think it is a pretty good idea. Public figures need to mind their p's and q's!

PinkGirl 07-01-2009 11:14 AM

Mind your p's and q's ..... is this the trivia thread???

That means mind your pints and quarts.

Colleens_Husband 07-01-2009 12:33 PM

The 'Y' in signs reading "Ye Olde Shoppe" is properly pronounced "th". The 'th' sound doesn't exist in Latin so when the Romans occupied Britain the used the rune for 'thorn' to represent the 'th' sound. The rune closely resembled a lower case 'y'.

If you pronounce it 'Ye old', I don't think anyone would take notice.
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Colleens_Husband 07-01-2009 12:36 PM

Rich said: "I hear WD41 is in phase I trials. Looks promising."

I'm not using WD41! I won't drink 8-Up. I won't clean my refrigerator with Formula 410! What is so wrong with traditional values?

PinkGirl 07-01-2009 12:39 PM

what does rune for thorn mean????

Colleens_Husband 07-01-2009 02:05 PM

The Gaelic language didn't originally have an alphabet. They used pictographs, which were similar to hieroglyphs, to represent words. The rune or pictograph for a thorn looked like the letter 'y'.

hutchibk 07-01-2009 08:57 PM

I am an old-school girl myself, Lee, though I might drink V9, depending on what the 9th veggie is. But I will never drink my Dr. Pepper at 11, 3 and 5. No way, no how. No two muskateers bars for me, and never will I put Phillips 67 gas in my car.

BTW, the Snickers bar was named after the Mars family's favorite horse.

Colleens_Husband 07-07-2009 07:08 AM

The alleged last words of Warren G. Harding were:

"How do the bull seals control their extensive harems?"

Warren G. Harding was without a doubt the worst American president by any objective standard. He was probably poisoned to death by his wife while in office after having yet another affair brought to light. Nobody bothered to investigate his death, they were all just happy that he was gone.

Warren G. Harding allegedly had three testicles. I'm just saying......

SoCalGal 07-09-2009 12:23 AM

Hi Andi - sorry I didn't sooner salute your thousand posts with a useless fact. I hope that's the rule, I can't remember any longer. If not, I'll post again. Haha.
Useless fact:
I am going to wash my car tomorrow.

harrie 07-09-2009 12:27 AM

Air quality where I live.
We don't have smog, we hardly have fog, but on occasion we get a lot of vog.

Colleens_Husband 07-09-2009 07:29 AM


Vog? What is vog? Is that volcano fog?

Yesterday at 12:34 and 56 seconds the date was 12:34:56 7/8/09. Amazing! Yet somehow useless.

chrisy 07-09-2009 11:48 AM

Spray cheese, once thought of as a vaguely neon colored cheese food kind of thing you could shoot your eye out with...now comes in cream cheese flavor. Which means that although you can still shoot your eye out, at least it won't be neon orange.

Colleens_Husband 07-09-2009 12:41 PM

Thank you Chrisy for your brilliant post! That might be the best post ever! My eyes are misting up.

Terri B 07-09-2009 01:41 PM

Michael Jacksons high-water pants with the white socks and loafer look was actually inspired by Gene Kelley whom (who?) he was a big fan of.

hutchibk 07-09-2009 07:04 PM

Iceland drinks more coca-cola per capita than any other country.

StephN 07-09-2009 07:07 PM

Grilling tip
Before you grill anything of the fauna classification:

Meat should be blotted dry with paper towels before it meets the heat. Otherwise it's boiling, steaming and braising -- not grilling.

harrie 07-09-2009 11:31 PM

VOG is smog derived from an active volcano, sulfur dioxide gas and other pollutants. On a bad day it looks like a horribly smoggy day.

StephN 07-10-2009 11:49 AM


(Now there's a kernal of wisdom! We have ants on another thread, too ...)

Bill 07-10-2009 03:38 PM

There are more boat-owners per capita in Arizona than any other state in the US. (was true a few years back, at least)

Colleens_Husband 07-12-2009 12:59 PM

Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, also wrote a children's book called Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

vickie h 07-12-2009 07:10 PM

Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour - about 1.5 pounds a year. By 70 years of age, an average person will have lost 105 pounds of skin.

sassy 07-12-2009 07:30 PM

Can I take about 50 pounds of mine off now?

vickie h 07-12-2009 08:05 PM

Yes! We should be able to speed this up, don't you think? Let's take 60 off and let the other 50 lbs take it's time slowly.....

StephN 07-12-2009 09:22 PM

Do you think I should be vacuuming and changing the sheets more often??

Colleens_Husband 07-14-2009 02:11 PM

If you add up the numbers one through one hundred consecutively (1+2+3+4+5......) the total is 5050.

Colleens_Husband 07-14-2009 02:13 PM

In the game of Tiddlywinks, the larger disk used to launch the 'winks' (smaller disks) into the air is called a 'squidger'.

hutchibk 07-14-2009 03:59 PM

Tiddlywinks is a great curse word, squidger is even better.

Colleens_Husband 07-15-2009 07:10 AM


I was thinking the same thing! By the way, you owe me a new keyboard. I was drinking tea when I read your last post.


Andrea Barnett Budin 07-15-2009 01:51 PM

Look what i found!!!!!!!!
Thank YOU GUYS (Spike et al) for my commemorative thingy. Wise and wordy aside, I can easily relate to the junk drawer in the kitchen where you put everything you don't know what else to do with but can't toss away. So this thread is apt. Kind of.

Why didn't anyone mention this to me? (Pinkie, I have e'd you and you me daily for yrs, so I guess I'm aghast that such an important thread was not brought to my attention. I'm just saying! I was just passing by... And was drawn here by some mysterious force.

Well, here's my contribution -- THE WONDERS OF WD 40:
... protects silver from tarnishing
...keeps flies off cows
...removes lipstick (crayons and tomato) stains
...loosens stubborn zippers
... untangles jewelry chains
... keeps scissors working smoothly
... removes bug guts from your car
... keeps bathroom mirror from fogging
... placed on body joints can relieve arthritis
... attracts fish, spray on live bait or lures
... takes the sting out of fire ant bites

The basic ingredient is FISH OIL...

And -- yesterday was my 15th cancerversary. 7/24/09 will be 1 year that I am off Vitamin H (Herceptin) after 10 yrs!!!!!!!!!!
http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gs...celeb-confetti I'm just saying. Plan on sticking around, working my way up to my 2,000th post...

chrisy 07-15-2009 02:04 PM


Do you think WD-40 might actually be the magic bullet, wonder cure????? I mean, it even has fish oil.

I'm just saying...

juanita 07-15-2009 03:12 PM

alaska is the state with the highest percentage of people who walk to work.

hutchibk 07-15-2009 04:10 PM

Lee - send me your address, I have a store room full of reconditioned keyboards from all the times I have squidgered on them when reading the internet.

Chrisy/AndiBB - We need to ask RB about WD40, might need to rename it WD4her2dy.

harrie 07-16-2009 12:51 AM

Bill, not to question your information: There are more boat-owners per capita in Arizona than any other state in the US. (was true a few years back, at least)

but I would guess Alaska would have more boat owners per capita.

juanita 07-16-2009 05:56 PM

horses, camels and reindeer have all been used to deliver the us mail.

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