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Unregistered 01-11-2009 09:14 AM

laurie here. Logging on with itouch and forgot my password. If I get the kids for 3 weeks would that be too long. Doc said anytime during next 4 weeks. Baby has been in dropped position for over 2 weeks now. They told me if i go into labor right now they would not stop me. I cannot believe the time has come. I swear this kid has his hand clenched on my lower area at times. Maybe a contraction? I feel the pressure mostly at night after 9 hours on my feet at work. Let's hope my one megaboob will hold out for breastfeeding. My lumpy side looks so little and pale compared to the other one. I am hoping to get my husband to help me do a belly cast today. I don't know what I will do with it later. Maybe turn it upside down and use as a chip dip bowl? Ha! For sure I will take a pic of Tip and Tex in it.

WomanofSteel 01-11-2009 11:22 AM

Just read Laurie's post. If Sheila wants to send the tykes on to her 1st that will be fine. We can wait until the new little one is born and then they can go to either us or Marlys.

StephN 01-11-2009 12:30 PM

Wow, Laurie -
Your incubator is getting a little ahead of schedule it seems, but that is OK.

Keep Tippie and friends as long as "mother nature" needs. We all know that many births have their own timetable and not much to do but be ready.

Maybe you can PM Sheila with your address - don't think you two live that far apart.

Belly cast - you can use it to keep all the baby creams, wipes, etc in. Paint it blue for the little boy!

Sheila 01-11-2009 03:04 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I will be mailing to Laureie this week...Laurie, send me your address....
just an update, Tip Toe might have a new significant other:

Mary Anne in TX 01-11-2009 06:40 PM

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_10_8.gif Hi Tipster!!!
Priceless, just priceless!!!!!


WomanofSteel 01-12-2009 07:11 AM

Sheila, I hope that Tips new friend won't be jealous when Tip gets here, Coz my daughter's hamster Hamtaro has been eyeing up the pics I've shown him. He thinks she is one beautiful furry mama! LOL!

PinkGirl 01-12-2009 10:00 AM

Okay, how can I say this nicely .... Tippy still has all of her "parts" ... so if she ends up in a serious relationship with the boy hamster .... you know what I'm getting at???? Nothing ever happened between Tip and Tex because Tip was awake all night and Tex slept all night ...

Flori ... I noticed that Tippy has less facial hair now! Was that a permanent laser job or just waxing? What can I say? The rest of us are all getting rid of our whiskers, why not Tip?

WomanofSteel 01-12-2009 10:18 AM

Pink, maybe Tip is like the velveteen rabbit and someone loved her whiskers off. Also, are you serving up that spray cheese in those fancy glasses? They would be nice for some homemade chocolate mousse!

Marlys 01-12-2009 10:30 AM

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the pictures. Made my day to see them!!!
Love & hugs,

PinkGirl 01-12-2009 10:40 AM

Haven't opened the can of spray cheese yet ... I remember Chrisy telling me that it has a shelf life of about 86 years ... But I decided to put it with my crystal wine glasses ... I think it looks nice there ... sort of a place of honour.

Believe51 01-12-2009 11:16 AM

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_8_9.gif PinkGirl. Really missed you so finding your post lightened up my day. Love the new avatar. I also agree that this is perfect place to store the spray cheese, wonderful way to honor! Nice to see you back girl.>>Believe51


WomanofSteel 01-12-2009 01:55 PM

I get where you are coming from. All hail the Great Spray Cheese!

Sheila 01-14-2009 08:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Its all about piercings, and since Tippy couldn't find her belly button, she felt it would be fashionable to have her tale pierced...she also found a necklace that she just had to have...she is such a girly girl...probably trying to impress the new man....hope her Mom (Pink Girl) approves....
I am getting ready to ship her to Laurie, but woke to 5 inches of snow, so no post office today...
The gang has been very therapeutic for me....I feel like I may be turning the corner on this pneumonia thing....just wish I would get my voice and energy back.

PinkGirl 01-14-2009 10:12 AM

Hey Sheila
What's that thing sticking out of her ear??? On the same side as her
hoop and her pink hair extension????

I'm sure it was AndiBB who turned Tip into a girly-girl ... think she got her
using that expensive mineral powder foundation..

Glad you're starting to feel better SheilaGirl

Sheila 01-14-2009 11:17 AM

Thats not a thing...thats a hair accessory from Flori...I think she got the piercing idea from California.....
Are the spray cheese fumes getting to ya?

PinkGirl 01-14-2009 02:51 PM

That thing that looks like a match stick???? Must be a Rodeo Drive
kind of thing.

Nope, no spray cheese fumes. I haven't opened it yet. I don't want
it to go bad ;)

schoolteacher 01-14-2009 03:19 PM


I am glad to see you posting on the board. I have been wondering where you have been. Is there a lot of snow and ice where you are? How much daylight do you have?


PinkGirl 01-14-2009 03:58 PM

Thanks Amelia
Yes, there's a lot of snow here and it is quite cold. The forecast is
for warmer temps. by Friday. I live a bit northwest of Lake Superior
so we have lots of daylight here ... sunrise is around 8 am. and sunset
is around 4:45 pm.

Nice to hear from you.

freyja 01-15-2009 09:23 PM

Me too?
I just found this thread and I am so happy to find out about these mascots! Now the pictures on your profiles make sense to me. I am a big fan of goofy mascots. Can I possibly get on the itinerary? They'd be great to see sometime when I'm recovering from surgery. It's now scheduled for the 28th since I'm changing it from a single to a double mastectomy.

StephN 01-15-2009 11:17 PM

Celeste next??
Hey Celeste -
That is exactly what the Furry Ones are for - to promote healing and to spread all the positive energy that collects as they get passed from person to person.

Since they will be waiting with Laurie for her baby, the timing is a little dicey right now, then we have Marlys and Woman of Steel. They may not mind if you get slipped in after Laurie, as you will have a while during your healing.

What say you ladies??

Sheila 01-16-2009 06:12 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Tiptoe Update/
I mailed the gang yesterday...on their way to Lauries...I mailed them prioity mail so she should have them by Saturday....hold on Laurie, they are coming!
Celeste, they are very healing!!! I am hoping you can enjoy them while you recover.

PinkGirl 01-16-2009 08:07 AM

Cute picture Sheila. I think Tippy looks younger without her whiskers.

StephN, I think it would be nice for the kids to go where they are most
needed.... if it's okay with Marlys and WOS, maybe they could go to
Celeste to help with her recovery ....

Marlys 01-16-2009 08:43 AM

That is fine with me.
Love & hugs,

WomanofSteel 01-16-2009 09:20 AM

That would be fine with me also.

freyja 01-16-2009 12:49 PM

Very generous of you all. I don't even know what to say. Thank you. I'm very excited to know they're coming...with that new baby smell! Any updates on the new arrival?

LAURIE 01-16-2009 04:47 PM

excited to get the kids. I hope this baby comes soon, I will feel bad holding onto them while others need them. I am starting to really get uncomfortable. Still working 8 hours a day a go to the doc on Tuesday. Maybe they will induce me early. I sure hope so. I will post to let everyone know that they arrived here safe and sound.

freyja 01-16-2009 07:22 PM

Don't worry about it one bit Laurie. Take as much time as you need. Although I know you're anxious and so are we.

SoCalGal 01-16-2009 11:36 PM

I am laughing so hard...leave it to you Pinkie to spot the missing whiskers. I'm sorry - I worried so about that decision but it just looked so masculine for a girl. I took a picture of Tiptoe with my brother-in-law who has a mustache. They looked like twins so I knew I must spring for laser hair removal. First time they were ever asked to charge by the hair. Let's not discuss money for such an important boost to Tippy's self-esteem. As for the matchstick - bad photo - they are little gold bobbie pins with a diamond star. Removable. Ditto for the second earring. Also my doing. Used the existing hole. And yes - there is a small tattoo on her wrist - says "fight" just like my daughter's. So please don't blame Andi. But it's funny to me that you thought it was her doing! You guys would die if you met me in person because I'm really so down to earth and not at all affected by all the ridiculous bs of BH. Hello to you from LA LA land. Don't be mad at the changes to your Tippy. I think she had fun with me. Stay warm and thanks for creating this Tiptoe bond for all of us to share. Love Flori

PinkGirl 01-17-2009 08:16 AM

Hey Flori
It's all cool ... I know you would have had Tippy's permission and she's
an adult, I think.

She looks younger and cleaner without the whiskers and if she ever
wants them back we can send her to AndiBB who is a pro at creating
eye brows ... and there's always thread or embroidery cotton to consider...
whatever Tippy decides is fine with me. Obviously she wanted them gone.

I meant to say "lovely" matchstick ... sorry ... couldn't see it well in the
picture. And, I didn't actually know that Tip has wrists ...

Hope you are well FloriGirl ...

StephN 01-17-2009 12:44 PM

"Girlifying" Tip
I think Flori actually did our Tipster a favor in "eliminating" those too-thick, too-black whiskers. All the live hamsters I ever met had shorter and much thinner & lighter colored whiskers. Sometimes almost hard to notice they were so whispy.

We would not like to think that Tip has a hormone imbalance causing unwanted hair! However I don't think Pinkgirl would approve of a "Brazilian" for our girl ...

Some CARE tips:

Hamsters are susceptible to wet tail, which is severe diarrhoea. This can be avoided by not feeding hamsters too much fresh food. However, it can sometimes be caused by stress, such as moving home. (We must do all we can to minimize this threat!) Wet tail is a serious condition, and if you suspect your hamster has it, you should consult a vet immediately.
Overgrown teeth can be a problem with hamsters as their teeth are constantly growing. This can easily be prevented by adding wooden toys to the hamster's cage.
Remember: Hamsters can also catch human colds, but a vet is very rarely needed in this case

Sheila 01-18-2009 06:04 AM

What about pierced tail?

LAURIE 01-19-2009 04:58 PM

They have arrived safe and sound in Massillon Ohio (on Sat. like you thought) I cannot believe it, I had them almost exactly a year ago. I will try to post some pics soon. Maybe the kids resting on my big ol belly. Going to the doc tomorrow. Hoping for god news. Maybe an early inducement.!!! Still wondering about the pushing part and my recent problems with the roids. Ouch!

StephN 02-13-2009 04:11 PM

Freyja next?
Hi Laurie -
Looks like from this thread that Celeste (Freyja) wants to be next.
Then she can send on to either Woman of Steel or Marlys, whoever is ready (or home) to receive them.

Look forward to a couple of pics when you are able.

Hugs to you and Ryder.

Unregistered 02-18-2009 08:25 PM

sent to oregon
hi laurie here. I sent the kids today. Wow $24 for 3-5 day arrival . I wonder if ups would of been cheaper. I figure the postal service needs the biz right now. So celeste they should be there soon. Enjoy!!!

freyja 02-18-2009 10:48 PM

So exciting. Thank you. They'll be here just in time for the beginning of my radiation treatment. Does Woman of Steel or Marlys want them next?

WomanofSteel 02-19-2009 07:46 AM

I believe that Marlys was actually next on the list, but was kind enough to give up her spot for Laurie. Therefore, she can send them on to us after her visit.

Marlys 02-19-2009 09:36 AM

I am going to be out of town so send them on to Woman Of Steel. We are doing our annual trek to Phoenix for pre-season baseball. I now know how to wait for the steps to come out on the motor home so hopefully I will not break any bones on this trip.
Love & hugs,
P.S. It cost me $42.00 to send them U.P.S. to Laurie last February but worth every cent.

freyja 02-19-2009 12:49 PM

okeydokey Womanofsteel,
PM me your address. Will tiptoe get to meet that gorgeous white creature in your pic?

WomanofSteel 02-20-2009 06:34 AM

Sent you my address. Unfortunaltely This is my mother-in-laws cat Mickey. He weighs in at 25 lbs. I just like the pic and am a sucker for cats. We have 2 kitties, Sydney and Pepper. I have had pics of them as my avatar also. I think my daughters hamster, Hamtaro is the one anxiously awaiting the visit. LOL

freyja 02-20-2009 01:44 PM

I got 'em! I'll post updates soon.

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