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naturaleigh 09-03-2008 03:40 PM

Sorry, Joe, Bill, Lee and Mighty Oak
It only a joke. . . or is it?

President George Bush and first Lady Laura Bush were taking a road trip.

They stopped into a convenience store to buy gas and a few munchies. While inside, the clerk behind the counter came up to Laura and she in turn gave him a BIG hug and a kiss. George needless to say, got a little perturbed.

They got back into the car and George asked Laura, "so who in the world was that fellow"?

Laura responded: "He was the guy that I dated before you and almost married."

George then stuck his chest proudly and said, "Well aren't you glad you married me??? If you married him you would be the wife of a Convenience Store clerk!!"

Laura response:

"No, if I married him, then he would be the President"!!

Bill 09-03-2008 04:40 PM

Naw, 'Nita that's a good one!

harrie 09-03-2008 11:52 PM

Capoeira ...wmv (1552.2 KB)

Colleens_Husband 09-04-2008 07:32 AM

How do you make a Swiss roll?

Push him down an Alp.

juanita 09-04-2008 03:04 PM

a blonde returned home from work to find her house ransacked and burglarized. she called the police and reported the crime. a k-9 unit was the first on the scene. as the officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch and moaned, "i come home from work to find all my possesssions stolen....i call the police and what do they do? they send a BLIND policeman!"

Mary Jo 09-11-2008 03:32 PM

I always forget to look at "Keeping Your Mind Off of BC"
Hi Everyone...

I always forget to look at "Keeping Your Mind Off Of BC" - I had so much fun reading these jokes....I have one too............

'A wife begins to get a little worried because her husband has not arrived home in time from his regular Saturday afternoon golf game. As the hours pass she becomes more and more concerned. Then at 8:00 p.m. the husband finally pulls into the driveway. "What happened" says the wife. "You should have been home hours ago!" "Harry had a heart attack at the third hole" says the husband. "Oh that's terrible" says the wife. "I know" the husband answers. All day long it was, hit the ball, drag Harry...hit the ball, drag Harry.....

Hahahahaha! Sorry that's the best I could do. Hahahahaha!

Mary Jo

juanita 09-11-2008 05:28 PM

A young woman was brought before a judge to answer for a ticket she received for running a red light She explained to the judge that she was a schoolteacher, and requested that her case be dismissed so she could get back to her charges at school. Upon hearing this, a gleam came into the judges eye. "So you're a school teacher? I've waited for years to have a schoolteacher in my courtroom," he said. "Now sit down at the table right there and write "I will not run red lights" 500 times."

StephN 09-12-2008 11:38 AM

Tee Hee!
<BIG><BIG>For all of us who are---seniors OR have a bad case of chemobrain. It pays to be able to laugh about it when you are!

And, Speaking of Senior Moments: </BIG></BIG>

'<BIG><BIG>WHERE Is My SUNDAY Paper?' The irate customer calling the newspaper office loudly demanded, wanting to know where her Sunday edition was. </BIG></BIG>

<BIG><BIG>'Ma'am,' said the newspaper employee, 'today is Saturday .... The Sunday paper is not delivered until tomorrow, on Sunday.'</BIG></BIG>

<BIG><BIG>There was quite a long pause on the other end of the phone, followed by a ray of recognition.... As she was heard to mutter 'Well, shoot ... So that's why no one was at church today.' </BIG></BIG>

hutchibk 09-12-2008 01:31 PM

A wise sage once professed, 'The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and have never finished.' So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Chardonnay, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos, and a box of chocolates. You have no idea how freaking good I feel right now.

Colleens_Husband 09-12-2008 02:51 PM

You didn't finish off a case of spray cheese? If you did you would be feeling freaking great.

hutchibk 09-12-2008 03:49 PM

No, I thought that might be unhealthy...

Bill 09-12-2008 06:59 PM

Marejo's funny joke reminded me of a true story. Several years back, a group of my friends went deep sea fishing for marlin on a charter boat. Rick was in the fishing chair when all of a sudden a giant Blue Marlin nails the bait and takes off. Everyone gathers around and watches as this huge fish is taking line and once in awhile as Rick is fighting him, jumps through the air! This was a huge, very strong fish, and if you've never hooked into one, it's alot of exertion to land them. After about 20 minutes of hard fighting, Rick grabs his chest and falls out of the seat and says, "I'm having a heart attack!" At that point 3 men almost break their necks fighting to get into the seat and grab the fishing rod and reel so that the fish couldn't get away! No one lunges for Rick as he slumps to the deck! After about 30 seconds, Jimmy winds up in the chair and reels in the slack and they determine the fish is still hooked and the fight resumes. Everyone cheers! Then they all look at Rick, who by this time has crawled over to lean against the side of the boat, obviously having a heart attack. Mind you, these guys have been fishing buddies for years. Jimmy says, "hey man! are you ok?" Rick says,"I'm having a heart attack" Everyone is still at the stern rail waiting for the Marlin to jump again. I'm not sure who asks, but someone says, "what do you want us to do?" Rick says,"that's the biggest fish I ever hooked into. You fight that GD thing and bring him on board!" LOL, yet another cheer goes up. Every few minutes or so, someone goes to sit with Rick while he's having his heart attack. At one point the captain shouts down from the pilothouse, "what's going on down there?" Rick says,"Just tell him I'm resting! If he knows I'm having a heart attack, he'll turn the boat around" The bait boy knows what's going on, but everyone assures him that he will get a great tip, so he doesn't tell the captain, but he feels bad for Rick, so he puts a cold, wet rag on his head and gives him a bottle of water and then goes back to the rail to watch the marlin jump. Periodically, they check on Rick, but he insists that this heart attack doesn't seem as bad as the others, and that they should keep fighting the fish. Once in awhile Rick shouts encouragement from the deck and asks how the fight is going. One time he actually crawled back over to the chair and wanted to take a turn in it, but the guys, who were taking turns in the fighting chair, wouldn't let him, telling him he had to "rest". They did check once in awhile to see if he wanted to bee-line back to shore, but Rick wanted that fish. Finally, after 4 HOURS! they got the marlin aboard and told the captain, "we're not sure, but we think maybe Rick had a little heart attack alittle while ago. Maybe we should head back to the dock." They shot back to the dock and had an ambulance waiting for Rick upon arrival.

PinkGirl 09-13-2008 09:32 AM

I've got one too, but not as serious as a heart attack. A long
time ago, the Toronto Blue Jays (baseball team) were having a
very good season and ended up winning the World Series. My
husband and I, friend Bob and his daughter Brandy, were in our
basement family room, watching a very important game.

The phone rang and it was for friend Bob. With our eyes glued
to the television set, we could overhear his conversation. It went
like this: "What?......who?......hit by a taxi?.....is the ambulance
there yet?.....okay..... thanks..."

He hung up the phone and continued to watch the game. We all
looked at him, waiting for an explanation. With his eyes glued to
the TV, he said "Deb was hit by taxi while crossing Whitewood Ave."

We waited ... he said "the ambulance isn't there yet, we can watch
the end of this inning". Brandy started to cry "mommy...... she was
hit by a taxi????". We watched the end of the inning, put a VCR
tape in, and all went to the hospital.

Colleens_Husband 09-14-2008 08:16 PM

A clown, a baby seal, and a dyslexic rabbit walk into a club. The bartender says to the clown, "Your not going to start any funny business are you?" The baby seal says, "Don't worry, he is a sad clown, he won't be any trouble." The clown asks, "Do you have an Kosher dill pickles? " Then the dyslexic rabbit says................

Oh wait a minute. I forgot this joke was wholly and completely inappropriate for this forum. Never mind.

hutchibk 09-14-2008 10:17 PM

A penguin takes his car into the shop and the mechanic says he needs an hour to check it out. He goes across the street to the 7-11 to kill some time and get an ice cream. But because he's got no hands, the penguin gets the ice cream all over his beak. He goes back to the shop and the mechanic tells him "well, it looks like you blew a seal" - and the penguin tells him "naw, that's just a little ice cream"...

OK, not totally clean, but really funny!

Sheila 09-16-2008 05:07 AM

After his exam the doctor said to the elderly man, 'You appear to be in good health. Do you have any medical concerns you would like to ask me about?' 'In fact, I do,' said the old man. 'After I have sex with my wife I am usually hot and sweaty, and then, after I have it with her the second time, I am usually cold and chilly.'

After examining his elderly wife, the doctor said, 'Everything appears to be fine. Do you have any medical concerns that you would like to discuss with me?' The lady replied that she had no questions or concerns. The
doctor then said to her: 'Your husband had an unusual concern. He claims that he is usually hot and sweaty after having sex with you the first time, and then cold and chilly after the second time. Do you know why?'

'Oh that crazy old fart,' she replied. 'That's because the first time is usually in August and the second time is in January.'

RobinP 09-16-2008 07:29 AM

Whoa, Becky, congrats for all your posts and helpful communications here! Way to go, girl.

Since you are the expert in MEDICAL here goes some medical jokes:






juanita 09-17-2008 06:38 PM

a minister was walking down the street when he came upon a group of about a dozen boys, all of them between 10 and 12 years of age. the group surrounded a dog. concerned that the boys were hurting the dog, he went over and asked, "what are you doing with that dog?" one of the boys replied, "this dog is just an old neighborhood stray. we all want him, but only one of us can take him home, so we're having a contest. we've decided that whichever one of us can tell the biggest lie will get to keep the dog." taken quite aback, the minister said, "you boys shouldn't be having a contest telling lies!" he then launched into a 10 minute sermon against lying, beginning with "Don't you boys know it's a sin to lie," and ending with "why, when I was your age, I never told a lie." there was dead silence for about a minute. just as the minister was beginning to think he'd gotten through to them, the smallest boy gave a deep sigh and said, "all right, give him the dog."

Sheila 09-19-2008 08:35 AM

Subject:Important new health advice for women

Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
Do you suffer from Shyness?
Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or
pharmacist about Chardonnay.

Chardonnay is the safe, natural way to fell better and more confident about
yourself and your actions. Chardonnay can help ease you out of your shyness
and let you tell the world that you are ready and willing to do just about
You will notice the benefits of Chardonnay almost immediately and with a
regimen of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you
from living the life you want to live. Shyness and awkwardness will be a
thing of the past and you will discover many talents you never knew you
had. Stop hiding and start living, with Chardonnay.

Chardonnay may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing
should not use Chardonnay. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or
becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

Side effects may include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, erotic
lustfulness, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, loss
of virginity, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headaches,
dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to sing Karaoke and play all-night
rounds of Strip Poker, Truth or Dare and naked Twister.


The consumption of Chardonnay may make you think you are
whispering when you are not.

The consumption of Chardonnay may cause you to tell your friends
over and over again that you love them.

The consumption of Chardonnay may cause you to think you can sing.

The consumption of Chardonnay may lead you to believe that ex
lovers are really dying for you to call/text them at 4 in the

The consumption of Chardonnay may make you think you can logically
converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.

The consumption of Chardonnay may create the illusion that you are
tougher, smarter, faster and better looking then most people.

hutchibk 09-19-2008 03:32 PM

I've heard that Tequila is another in the same class of drugs... the added side effect with Tequila is that it makes your clothes fall off.

Sheila 09-19-2008 04:08 PM

Gee, I feel shortchanged, I just fell off the barstool.

Bill 09-19-2008 04:31 PM

Sheila, that Chardonnay joke was hilarious!

juanita 09-21-2008 11:55 AM

st peter and satan were having an argument about football. satan proposed a game to be played on neutral ground between a select team from the heavenly host and his own hand picked team. "very well," said st. peter. "but you realize, i hope, that we've got all the good players and the best coaches." satan replied, "i know, and that's all right. we've got all of the referees."

hutchibk 09-21-2008 08:13 PM

My onc told me this one the other day - (he has 4 kids all under the age of 7)

Why was the ant so confused?

Because all of his uncles were ants...

Sheila 09-22-2008 06:52 PM

Retirement plans compared...

If you had purchased $1000.00 of Nortel stock one year ago,
it would now be worth $49.00.

With Enron, you would have $16.50 left of the original

With WorldCom, you would have less than $5.00 left.

If you had purchased $1000.00 of Delta Airlines stock you
would have $49.00 left.

If you had purchased United Airlines, you would have
nothing left.

But, if you had purchased $1000.00 worth of beer one year
ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the cans for
you would have $214.

Based on the above, the best current investment advice is
to drink heavily and recycle.

This is called the 401-Keg Plan.

StephN 10-09-2008 10:02 PM

Hi gang!
Hope this one is "clean" enough. Most of us can relate ...

Subject: ROOM 302

A sweet grandmother telephoned <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comhttp://her2support.org/vbulletin/ /><st1:City w:st=St. Joseph</st1:City>'s Hospital. She timidly asked,
'Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?'

The operator said, 'I'll be glad to help, dear. What's the name and room number? '

The grandmother in her weak tremulous voice said, 'Norma Findlay, Room 302.'

The operator replied, 'Let me place you on hold while I check with her nurse.'

After a few minutes the operator returned to the phone and said, 'Good news. Her nurse has told me that Norma is doing very well. Her blood
pressure is fine. Her blood work just came back as normal and her physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged Tuesday.'

The grandmother said, 'Thank you. That's wonderful! I was so worried!
God bless you for the good news.

The operator replied, 'You're more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter?'

The Grandmother said, 'No, I'm Norma Findlay in 302. No one tells me ANYTHING.'

Soccermom 10-09-2008 10:10 PM


Sheila 10-14-2008 05:34 AM

Tide Testamonial
Dear Tide:

I am writing to say what an excellent product you have! I've used it all of my married life, as my Mom always told me it was the best. Now that I am in my fifties I find it even better! In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse. My inconsiderate and uncaring husband started to belittle me about how clumsy I was, and generally started becoming a pain in the neck. One thing led to another and somehow I ended up with his blood on my new white blouse! I grabbed my bottle of Tide with bleach alternative, and to my surprise and satisfaction, all of the st ains came out! In fact, the stains came out so well the detectives who came by yesterday told me that the DNA tests on my blouse were negative and then my attorney called and said that I was no longer considered a suspect in the disappearance of my husband.

What a relief! Going through menopause is bad enough without being a murder suspect! I thank you, once again, for having a great product.

Well, gotta go, have to write to the Hefty bag people.

<!-- end of AOLMsgPart_2_bf6334c2-1f88-4f91-b6f0-42bf3c1ec806 --><STYLE>.AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink { height: 1px; width: 1px; overflow: hidden; } .AOLWebSuite a {color:blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer}</STYLE><LINK href="http://o.aolcdn.com/cdn.webmail.aol.com/39155/aol/en-us/microformat.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>

Soccermom 10-14-2008 03:11 PM

double roflmao

StephN 11-04-2008 12:34 PM

Hey peeps! We need to freshen up this thread - most of us need a good chuckle! This is fairly timely ...

Doctors' Opinions ofGovernment's Financial Bail Out Package

The Allergists voted to scratch it, and the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves.

The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of nerve, and the Obstetricians felt they were all laboring under a misconception.

The Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted; the Pathologists yelled, 'Over my dead body!' while the Pediatricians said, 'Oh, Grow up!'

The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, the Radiologists could see right through it, and the Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing.

The Internists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow, and the Plastic Surgeons said, 'This puts a whole new face on the matter.'

The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists felt the scheme wouldn't hold water.

The Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas, and the Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no.

In the end, the Proctologists left the decision up to some a**holes in Washington, D.C.

StephN 11-20-2008 01:09 PM

More jokes, anyone?
WE STILL NEED OUR CHUCKLES to keep our Endorphins working!

A wife was making a breakfast of fried eggs for her husband. Suddenly, her husband burst into the kitchen.
'Careful,' he said, 'CAREFUL! Put in some more butter! Oh my gosh! You're cooking too many at once. TOO MANY! Turn them! TURN THEM NOW! We need more butter. Oh my gosh! WHERE are we going to get MORE BUTTER? They're going to STICK! Careful. CAREFUL! I said be CAREFUL! You NEVER listen to me when you're cooking! Never! Turn them! Hurry up! Are you CRAZY? Have you LOST your mind? Don't forget to salt them. You know you always forget to salt them. Use the salt. USE THE SALT! THE SALT!'
The wife stared at him.
'What in the world is wrong with you? You think I don't know how to fry a couple of eggs?'
The husband calmly replied, 'I just wanted to show you what it feels like when I'm driving.

Colleens_Husband 01-09-2009 08:47 AM

My oldest daughter, Heather, has a very warped sense of humor. I cannot for the life of me figure out where she got that. Anyways, these are examples of jokes that Heather thinks are the funniest:

What is red and goes up and down?

A tomato in an elevator.

What is red and smells like blue paint?

Red paint.

What is long green and has six wheels?

Grass, except for the wheels part.

She may be a big goof, but she's my big goof.

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