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Bunty 01-24-2013 07:43 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
You cannot keep a good woman down!! Hope all goes amazingly well for the surgery Denise.
Thinking of you, and sending you a big pain-free hug!
Cheers Marie

Jackie07 01-24-2013 10:02 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Will be thinking of/praying for you tomorrow. Be aware that the pain threshhold (after the surgery - in the recovery room)might be different this time.

starwishn2 01-24-2013 10:34 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Praying that surgery is a total success and that you have a quick recovery. Those chocolates will taste so good!

Let us know how it goes~

StephN 01-24-2013 11:03 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Happy to know your pain is now MANAGED!

And your surgery will be over by the time I am having my breakie tomorrow morning.

My very best wishes coming your way for a skilled surgeon with a steady hand to do the amazing work to bring you back to a normal life.

(Mine is not yet quite normal, but gets better as time goes by!)

Paula O 01-25-2013 05:10 AM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
I'm glad to hear that God answered our prayers to get you the help you needed with the surgery scheduled quickly. I hope you feel much better real soon.

jra40 01-25-2013 07:50 AM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Praying that your surgery went well and you will soon be pain free!

KsGal 01-25-2013 02:09 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Today is the day! Im sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers. Im so happy they got you scheduled so quickly, and you will be on the road to recovery. Also, so thankful they got your pain under control, and you are not suffering with that anymore. Yay! :)

ammebarb 01-26-2013 06:48 AM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Good morning, Denise. Lots and lots of prayers have been sent. Hope you are feeling better and will soon be on your feet and feeling fiesty! A friend told me that his post surgical pain was so much less than what he had experienced before the operation, that it was downright strange.....Hope the same is true for you, and you will soon be resting and recuperating at home. Gentle hugs.

Barb A.

IrvineFriend 01-26-2013 12:05 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Denise, by time you get this you'll be out of surgery and on your way to healing! I'm sure you'll have the relief that Barb described above. Looking forward to having someone to play scrabble with again soon!


sassy 01-26-2013 07:36 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Hope all went well and you are on the road to recovery!

Prayers still going!

Pray 01-26-2013 09:07 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Praying ever so hard that you are able to post soon with a positive attitude and out come. Gods blessings are all around you. Peace my friend

Joanne S 01-26-2013 09:14 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Denise, Oh I'm sorry to hear that. :( I've been there and my husband has too (he had to have 3 vertabrae fushed together). Damn- I know the suffering from back pain can be so unbelievably unbearable. My heart goes out to you. I hope and pray for prompt pain relief for you and that they are able to help resolve your pain!!! Denise, Please let's us know how it went.

Thank You My Dear Loving God, I pray in your name Jesus Christ. Please hear my prayer. Please have mercy and lay your healing hands on our sister Denise. I pray for your mercy of those sick, suffering with mind and body pain and all of us here stricken with cancer, and I pray for peace in this world and your miracles! Amen!

dawny 01-27-2013 03:49 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
How are you going Denise? Thinking about you

NEDenise 01-27-2013 06:59 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Hello Friends!
I'm feeling much, MUCH better today!
The surgery was on Thursday...pushed a day earlier because of the pain levels, that drugs were barely touching. Intractable pain is what they called it.

From the time I arrive at the hospital on Wednesday, until the surgery was complete on Thursday, I was treated like a queen...a drugged up queen, in a lot of pain, but a queen, just the same.

Then...and those of you who have known me for a while will not be at all surprised by what happened next.
I came out of anesthesia,
intubation tube was removed,
I was wheeled into recovery...
was spoken to briefly by someone who was clearly not old enough to shave but who was expert enough in the practice of neurosurgery, to decide if I was going to be okay.

This fine young man said everything went fine. He told the "workers" in post-op that I could return to my room, and that I could have ice or juice whenever I wanted it.

Good deal, right?! That was at 5:17. One of the post-op minions gave me a tiny medicine cup - smaller than a shot glass - with exactly 4 pea sized pieces of ice in it.

They parked me by the door to the soiled laundry room - no, you didn't read that wrong - and no one came back to check on me until I heard someone say it was 6:50, and they were going to order their pizza for dinner. They were having trouble deciding between pepperoni and sausage. I hadn't eaten a thing in 18 hours at that point...and the 4 tiny chip of ice were a distant memory.

I asked someone for more ice or some water - at this point, my teeth were actually stuck to my lips, and talking was painful. "You're next, we're waiting for transport to come get you." I could really use a drink, I replied, my mouth and tongue are sore.

"You're fine", she said, "you still have most of a bag of fluid hanging."

It was then that I looked at my arm and noticed that while there was an IV line in my arm...there waddn't shit running into it!
No fluid...because I've been battleing low blood pressure,
no antibiotics for the bladder infection,
and NO, I repeat, NO PAIN meds at all.
It had been 2 hours since my 3 hour spinal surgery and I had yet to get any pain medicine.

I looked around the room, and realized that except for the staff members trying to decide what to order from Pizza Hut I was the only one there...
clearly they were NOT rushed off their feet!

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it was then that something inside me snapped. Even with all the untreated pain I was feeling...
I sat bolt upright and announced in a rather determined tone of voice:

Excuse me everyone, I think I've gained just about all I can from my view of the soiled laundry room. It would probably be best if one of you would find me a wheelchair, so I can transport myself to my hospital room. I'll just be removing these IVs and monitors while you work on that.

Sadly, it was then that one of those post-op worker bees set down her 32 ounce Pepsi...with LOTs of ice in it, to come running to stop the lunatic patient (That would have been me in her view)

My state of extreme dehydration, coupled with that beautiful sloshing ice sound was a very bad combo.

Then, not knowing with whom they were dealing...they all adopted what I'm sure were intended to be calming tones, but telling me to stay calm when I am perfectly justified in my fury...OH MAN!!

Fortunately for their bodies, and for my perfectly clean criminal record, I was too weak to do much more that say loud things about my perceived mistreatment at their hands.

Then, my whole body started to shake, and I realized, I was crying, but I was too dehydrated for tears to form.

I don't remember who finally got me to lay down and wheeled me back to my room - she was dressed in OR garb not Post op. What I do know is that the nurses, CNAs Food service staff, maintenance, PT, OT on my floor...all checked in on me several time over the next day or two. "How could anyone treat their Denise" that way! Very sweet! (Boy does a good story travel through a hospital in a hurry!)

And the neurosurgeon, when he came to see me about my "entire experience" - that's how they always ask here...YIKES!

What they want to hear is something like"seamless", "couldn't have been better", "your team is certainly top notch".

Clearly, that was not the case. I didn't have the names of any of the people who were slackers and caused the problem...he says he can easily track that down himself...but I did make a point of telling him the names of every person who took exceptional care of me...because there have been many.

If you didn't laugh when you read this because you were feeling bad for me...go back and read it with the knowledge that it all turned out fine, and the part where I tell them to get me a wheelchair cause the IVs are comin' out...I wish I had video of those faces when they realized just how much trouble their poor treatment of me could end up causing. I bet they didn't enjoy that pizza as much as they thought they would!! :)

Thanks for checking in on me!
Still having pain, but nothing like I had before the surgery. And...I'm pretty sure I get to go home tomorrow!
Love to all of you!

dawny 01-27-2013 07:30 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Oh Denise!!!!

What a day! Yes, I was feeling bad for you, but you are right, everything turned out well, so ll you can do is laugh! Fancy leaving you with a view of the laundry room, with no medication, or water for hours, whilst they debate their pizza toppings! WTH?

You are a funny lady, Denise, you always have a goo d story to tell. I'm so glad you are feeling ok, and will be home soon. If you can get out the hospital now that is, they may be trying to make up for it now, keeping you in with extra special care!
Take it easy my friend x

Redwolf8812 01-27-2013 09:45 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Oh, man. Was this at UPenn? I'm so disappointed in them. Disgraceful.

StephN 01-27-2013 10:13 PM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
I CAN NOT BELIEVE THAT! The hospital staff is NEVER supposed to leave a just-recovered-from-surgery patient unattended!

Having had the same recent surgery, I am shocked! That staff was completely negligent, and it is not one bit funny. You were starting to have complications and needed attention. They should have never taken you out of recovery until you were either going home or directly to a room.

I can't stop shaking my head ...

You were right to give the riot act to the physician. That place could be in big trouble.

On a brighter note, I am so glad you are feeling better and in much LESS pain.

Jackie07 01-28-2013 01:48 AM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
O Denise, that was aweful! I'm so sorry about your odeal.

Thought my experience after hysterectomy/oophorectomy three years ago was bad enough (terrible pain in the recovery room because my tolerance of pain medicine and then late at night a staff attempted to put the blood pressure cuff on my right arm where 11 lymphnodes had been out and I'd experienced lymphedema!)

Those staff must have thought you were still under the influence of Anesthetics and they could just sneak off... [A nurse had told me some personal stuff during my rehabilitation after the brain (tumor) surgery in 1990. When I mentioned it (asked about her 'Oriental' daughter-in-law) a year later at the 'reunion', she turned to my husband and said: "You watch her! She doesn't forget anything!"]

I also had been left alone by a young 'boy' (probably a high school student volunteer) after he had pushed my wheelchair to the 'wrong' station unattended. Susan, my PT, 'fetched' me about five minutes later. From her pale face I realized what a big deal it must have been for them to have a patient 'missing'...

But the IV part was inexcusable...

twosenuf99 01-28-2013 08:14 AM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????

So sorry for all the mistreatment you had to endure. Very glad you are feeling better and on the road to recovery.

Lien 01-28-2013 10:07 AM

Re: Pain? yes Appt? yes Relief? ????
Hi Denise,

So good to hear your pain is under control. I saw your message too late to suggest finding a friend with an RV, who can transport you in a horizontal position.

I once pulled a muscle in the mountains in Switzerland which developed into an infection. Until then, I'd never ever felt such excruciating pain (I learnt that childbirth can be worse, since, but that's another story). My boyfriend and I had a van, and he put a mattress in it & drove me back to the Netherlands (900 Miles, the first 150 through the mountains). I think if I had known in advance how painful that would be, I'd have screamed for euthanasia.

You are a real trooper to have done the 45 minute trip without killing your sister or the doctor or both.



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