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Joan M 11-25-2009 10:24 AM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day

It's great news that the Tykerb and Herceptin combo is working on reducing the size of your enlarged nodes. Yes!!!

Thanks for the photo with your oncologist. You are really blessed to have such a great relationship with her.


Patb 11-25-2009 10:51 AM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day
Good news that your treatment is working.
You deserve everything good, you worked
so hard to get this. Its funny how we become
so attached to our Doctors, even when I am
traveling I want my Doc with me. Congratulations
and good and healing thoughts for your future.

chrisy 11-25-2009 12:54 PM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day
Except for the getting pulled over (didn't playing the "cancer card" work?), it sounds like a really good day. The part about your oncologist moving on is so bittersweet - you've been so very fortunate to have this lady in your life. And she is also fortunate knowing you.

See you soon

WomanofSteel 11-25-2009 12:57 PM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day
Sheila, I am so happy to hear that this treatment is working for you. I am soory about your onc though. It is so hard to find another doc that you feel just as comfy with.

Sheila 11-27-2009 08:08 AM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day
A true test of chemo brain will be can I remember all the questions to me in the replies.

Steph, yes my onc. is retiring....

Brenda, this is the 1st time I have had a problem with the headlights...mine is a turbo VW...more power and speed....it's almost time to decorate with my light up Christmas tree in the vase (my own creation )..it will replace the palm tree and flip flops that are currently there (another person creation)

Flori...thanks to you recommendations, I am taking 5 tablets with no problem....my oncologist said she would pass the step up program on to other onc's since it seems more successful than starting on the 5 tabs right out of the shute!

Elle, because of Flori's recommendation, I am taking the full dose with really no side effects...in 3 weeks, diarrhea only 4 times and a rash on my nose...other than that, no side effects and GREAT results so far!!!

Shoba...I have her home number and know that I can call her anytime, even if its not cancer related.

MJo...my husband's head is still swollen from your compliments....now thats all I hear!!!!

Pink....you are jealous of all the gray hair, right??? Hey, it matches my glasses....

Everyone else, thank you for all the good wishes and happy thoughts....I feel so blessed for all the support and the fact that the Tykerb/Herceptin combo seems to be my new magic! If i forgot to answer anyone, its just the residual chemo brain.

Catherine 11-28-2009 09:47 AM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day
Yeah Sheila,

So glad for your good results. This reminds me a little of the good, the bad and the ugly and Clint Eastwood in his younger days. Keep the good news coming and your cute Bug rolling and a special place in your heart for you wonderful ONC.


Chelee 11-28-2009 03:43 PM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day
Hi Shelia, So sad to hear you are losing your long time "trusted" onc. I can't even imagine what that must feel like. But it sounds like you have a good replacement that will keep you going for many YEARS to come. :)

I am so interested in this Tykerb/Herceptin combo your on. This is what Dr. Slamon's office recommended for me if I could not do the TDM1. But...my onc and the City of Hope onc BOTH told me that combo would NOT work without a chemo drug added. (When I called Slamon's office back and told them what these onc's were telling me...they made it quite clear that there was no doubt that this combo would work great.) In fact one person in that office laughed and said, "Obviously we don't know what we are talking about here". lol I got a kick out of her...she is so funny. I even asked my onc & the COH onc to give Dr. Slamon's office a call since they obviously thought I didn't have a clue about what I was talking about. I hope this upcoming ASCO conference has some current info on this for our onc's can get updated. I hate to see so many women missing out on good treatment options when there out there.

Since I was told of the Tykerb/Herceptin combo I'd done alot of searching to see what I could find on it...and it seems most that have done it has been clinical trials and they have all be very positive with great results. So WHY is it my onc and the City of Hope onc is not aware that these two drugs work fine without any help from a chemo drug? I would think they would be current on something like this?

I am glad your not having to deal with nasty side affects...thats great. Lets hope it stays that way. But wow...what awesome results in just 2 1/2 wks! They Tykerb/Herceptin combo isn't wasting any time in knocking down those nodes! Wooo hoo. Keep us updated on those disappearing nodes. You had to fight SO HARD for this...and it's so nice to hear the pay off so far has been terrific. (Keeping you in my prayers.)

Jackie07 11-28-2009 09:53 PM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day

Good to hear the 'good' result. Sorry for the 'bad' and 'ugly' part. :)


I have experienced similar things with my oncologist. He wanted to stick to the '5-year' Tamoxifen protocol before we talk about anything else. It is really frustrating.

Glad to see that you are feeling well enough to post. You sound good. Take care.

chrisy 11-29-2009 03:11 PM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day
Chelee - glad you got a good laugh out of that one!
"So WHY is it my onc and the City of Hope onc is not aware that these two drugs work fine without any help from a chemo drug? I would think they would be current on something like this?"

Obviously, Dr. Slamon's office doesn't know what they're talking about - nor do the people who will be presenting trial results at San Antonio in 2 weeks! LOL!.

Actually, I think many oncologists who are not heavily involved in studies do NOT stay up on what is coming in the research. Without cutting too much slack here, there is just TOO MUCH going on, particularly if they are not only specializing in breast cancer. However, even the most out of touch oncologist should have the good sense to defer to info you get from THE MAN himself!

It will be fun to walk in there with copies of the study results...:)


Lori R 11-29-2009 08:27 PM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day
I am so happy to hear the fantastic results of your treatment. I know that you went through a very uncertain period that was quite nerve wracking.

I have quite the image of you in your turbo VW. Made me smile.

Thank you for posting....you remain an inspiration on so many fronts.....Keep up the good results.

rinaina 12-01-2009 07:49 PM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day
Sheila, I know just how you feel about your doctor leaving. My surgeon got an amazing offer at Southern California to be Assistant Chief of Surgery so he has been gone since August. He not only did my bc surgery, he also did parathyroid surgery on me. He was with Evanston and was responsible for the new breast center there. He was passed over for the position there when North Shore University Health took over and brought in their own people. It is a great loss to many of Dr Sener's patients. He was not only superb clinically but also as a person. He was extremely easy to talk to and very kind, understanding and caring. I wish I could travel to see him every six months. I am however, very happy to hear that your nodes are shrinking. Keep up the good work. Are we ever going to go for lunch again?

Jean 12-01-2009 09:37 PM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day
I am so thrilled to read your post. It is just wonderful that the new treatment is giving you the results we are all praying for.

How lucky for you to have a dear friend for your onc.
She is certainly an angel. It is bitter sweet for you.
Is she retiring?

Please keep me updated with your great news and progress....you have made me smile today!

With hugs and love,

juanita 12-18-2009 01:00 PM

Re: A Good Day but a Sad Day
sheila- glad to hear that at least some things are going good for you. hope that others improve!

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