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Donna 11-13-2007 05:30 PM

Let me count the ways.....
Oh yeah - name an antidepressant and I have been on it - I am pretty sure there isn't one I have missed over the years. Each one seemed to give me a new "something" like lexapro turned me into a shopaholic, one combo made me bipolar - what an adventure - trying to get better only to have some new thing to cope with. I was completely off of them for about a year before BC diagnosis - then when I was almost through with rads I just felt that black cloud descending again and I am back on effexor again.


hutchibk 11-13-2007 08:43 PM

I did not take anti-deps prior to b/c. Before I started chemo, my doc suggested I consider a mild anti-dep to help keep my spirits up as I navigated my way through the first 9 months post DX. I took Remeron for 11 months, tapered off, and have not taken anything since.

Andrea Barnett Budin 11-13-2007 10:56 PM

For The Record...
No anti d's before bc.

I took Zoloft after bc. Then nothing. Then mets. Then Zoloft, Ativan, Ambien, Xanax -- all the help I could get. Then I tapered off.

Went on Effexor Sept '06 -- to relieve hot flashes mostly. Did not work. Did cure my IBS though! Okay.

Last June I began to crash. New onc. Lost my lifeline onc nurse, she left. New onc wanted brain MRI, colonoscopy, genetic testing (I am a 12 yr bc patient remember) -- if I cared at all about my dghtrs and granddaughters, were his words barked at me. He was gruff and blunt, brilliant and odious to me. I felt untethered, having had the very best of the best who also happened to be the most wonderful, humane beings I'd ever encountered. I was spoiled, I suppose. This onc traveled a lot and was unavailable a lot though I am basically a maintence patient. My old onc, now in Tenn, urged me to stay w/new onc (his old partner) via email. I trust this onc more than words can say, respect his opinion enormously. I stuck it out.

*I* figured out Effexor was the culprit in making me feel shaky, depressed, dizzy, mentally confused and scattered, unable to focus. I asked to be weaned off about a mnth ago. I have done this, w/great difficulty, returned to old IBS meds to stabilize that and have restarted Zoloft, my old standby. No meds or supplements before bc. Now big supplement lady. Please see my thread GAINING CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE.



Ginagce 11-14-2007 01:34 PM

I'm with Andi. What I see as a prime example is Dana Reeves which I do not believe is a coincidence.


Andrea Barnett Budin 11-14-2007 03:03 PM

A Bodymind With A Spirit -- That's Who We Are!!

Gin, I love that your *interest* is LIFE. And your occupation RADICAL SABBATICAL! You are a beautiful Spirit! With a bodymind! http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/08 Love your perspective...

I thought Dana, w/her great attitude and love of her son, had the need to go and be with Christopher. They are true Soulmates! A beautiful love story. Inseparable Spirits. I believe her son is being well taken care of... And the two lovers are together for sure.

Gina, I am sorry that your husband passed on in '98. When were you dx? And when did you recur? Is there a connection between the pain of the loss and bc do you think? Surely, a most difficult and traumatizing event to cope with...

With loving energy...

mts 11-14-2007 03:40 PM

I took Effexor to remedy the hot flashes. It really worked for that but I too felt the horrid dizziness, shakyness and problems remembering stuff. I started to cut back on the Effexor VERY gradually because of the side effects. But, will say that when I got down to a half of a pill I did quite well on them. By then however I had my mind made up that I was going to ween off completely. Most Px's are one size fits all and when it comes to these powerful drugs, I believe it needs to be more tailored. Everyone metabolizes differently.
Now I know that if I ever take another anti-depressant, I will work my way up the amount rather than the other way around.

Andrea Barnett Budin 11-14-2007 05:12 PM

I Can't Even See Your Face! Nice *family* Though!!
Dear Mountains, Sorry, I couldn't resist. MTS. How does one relate to that? I have a reallllyyyyy difficult time. Again -- sorry. Multiple traumatic syndrome?? Just doesn't work for me.

Well, anyway -- I took 25 mg Zoloft for yrs. Did I tell this already? In this thread? If so, move on. If not -- got to 50 mg and called doc to say, You need to prescribe a diff anti d cause I am having headaches ev day and I NEVER get headaches and my palms are sweaty and I feel horrible. No, said doc, this is a good drug. I want you to stay on it. I CAN'T. Okay, said he, cut it in half. So I went to 25 mg. I FELT GREAT. For years. Each time I'd go to another doc, which I don't have to tell you is a ridiculous amnt of docs -- I used to NEVER go to anyone but annual OB/GYN for PAP (those were the days!) -- ea doc would ask for a list of all my meds. When I got to Zoloft, they paused and asked for mg. I said 25. They'd pause, put down their pen and stare in to the beyond, saying, You know at that dosage it's probably not working???? I know. You might as well stop it. NO! I FEEL GREAT! We agreed to allow me to delude myself. Only I KNEW I wasn't...

Every one, as you say, is different. NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL. Including, by the by, HGB!!! For ME 13-15 is NORMAL. Others, at 7 feel great. I collapse below 11!!!
Those NORMAL RANGES don't even apply. I fall beyond the *range*. So what??? I'm just saying...
Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/0201e05fca/06

Joanne S 11-14-2007 07:17 PM

Interesting, but I really hope we get some more responses----over 400 have read this post alrealy, but only a mere 20 some responses were posted.

As I mentioned previously, I allowed myself to be stressed and depressed for a few years without medication---because I thought I was entitled as my daughter was terminally ill and died. I have been on Zoloft for several years now, too bad for my mental health, I didn't start taking it alot sooner. Good question, was it the severe stress, antidepressants, both or neither that had any effect on my bc.

I certainly hope none of you are too embarassed to admit you were on antidepressants. I am very curious at the possibility of it possibly having effect on BC risk. Thanks for your responses ladies!


Andrea Barnett Budin 11-14-2007 07:28 PM

Just Me...
It's just me again. Same message, but different... I do not believe the anti d's cause ca. I believe the toll of the chemical alteration in your bodymind causes T cells to plummet (actually proven in many studies -- linked w/stress, distress, pp out of work, loss of loved one, etc.). This leaves your immune system not in good fighting position and open/prone to infection and malfunction/dysfunction. Ca is out of control cells run amok, w/no NKs (natural killers) around to hold them off. Joanne, please read Leslie's fab links. Read my post in this thread re this. Step back. Become The Witness. The Observer. Change your perspective a bit, from a distance. It is an astounding realization that can EMPOWER you and change your life forever...

I haven't adequate words to say how sorry I am that you lost a daughter. As I first read your words something clutched at my heart and choked it. I gasped. How utterly devastating such an experience has to be. Can you ever recover? Surely Zoloft and the like will assist you in getting your footing and embracing Life with gusto, as I have no doubt, your daughter wishes for you. You will put your arms around her again. For now, live for her, in memory of her, as a tribute to her. That is the best you can do. With much loving, healing energy sent from me to you, with my deepest respect for you and all you have had to endure...

weezie1053 11-14-2007 07:52 PM

I took Paxil for about 3 years starting in 1997. I took myself off as stress in my life lessened. My gyn nurse practioner put me on Lexapro several years later, and then I again weaned myself off. I had been off Lexapro several years when I was diagnosed with BC. I am, once again, on Lexapro. Seems like I had more problems handling the day to day crisis later in my treatment than the earlier stages. As I look back, it was probably due more to fatigue and not being able to juggle 10 balls in the air as everybody was accustomed to me doing.

Joanne S 11-14-2007 08:32 PM

Hey Just Me Again...
Bless you Andi!

Oh ---I hate it so much when I type a long thought out response and somehow manage to lose it.

Here's a short version cuz I tired and frustrated now.

Thanks for responding to my post about depression and anti-ds, and for your suggested reading. I will read them. What enthusiasm you have!

I can relate to your dosage amount. When I started taking Zoloft many years ago, I could only handle 1/8 of the smallest dosage. During some of life's chuck holes, my brother's leg amputation....I've had to up it to 250 mg. I've been mostly on 100mgs for the duration.

I handled my initial dx of BC very well and had a very positive attitude during the first 9 months. Several of my doctors recommended uping my dosage to 200 mg again to aid with my chest pain and depression from the frustration of dealing with the pain. (Doing better now with the addition of Neurotin and physical therapy.)

Thank you so much for your very kind,compasionate and supporting words.

Wishing you continued improvement and wellness,

Soccermom 11-14-2007 08:51 PM

Prozac, Celexa, or Lexapro since 1993 ( PTSD resulting from an assault in 1990) dX 2004 since then Prozac or Cymbalta

R.B. 11-19-2007 05:47 PM

Thought provoking.



"In a cohort of 380 Australian women, plasma DHA was investigated at 6 months post-partum. Logistic regression analysis indicated that a 1% increase in plasma DHA was associated with a 59% reduction in the reporting of depressive symptoms [24]. It is well known that during pregnancy there is a significant transfer (up to 2.2 g/day) EFAs to the developing fetus [7]. Increased risk of post-partum depressive symptoms has recently been associated with a slower normalization of DHA levels after pregnancy [25]."

Carol H. 11-20-2007 05:32 PM

Don't remind me....
This brought back memories of my awful panic attacks that I was having 10 years ago. Celexa worked great for two years and then I had to switch to paxil 10mg. I have been on the paxil for 8 yrs now and I'm afraid to stop taking it of fear I will fall back into a deep dark hole again. Just think, not that many years ago without anti-depressants we would have been put in mental hospitals. No matter what, I'm not giving up my pills, I like being normal and happy. Carol H.

dhealey 11-20-2007 06:41 PM

I have never been on any type of antidepressant before or during treatment. I try to handle my stress through exercise. Walking, light weight lifting, yoga, pilates. This approach seems to work for me. I often wondered if the 7 years I took birth control pills had anything to do with my breast cancer particularly since I am ER/PR positive. My mother also took birth control pills for about 7 years. She also was ER/PR positive.

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