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CoolBreeze 09-25-2011 11:46 AM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
These stories are so helpful, thank you all.

I'm terrified right now. My surgery is supposed to be a week from tomorrow and I have come down with a terrible cold. I see the anesthesiologist in Tuesday and I'm afraid that he will want to postpone the surgery. I am doing all I can to recover but I caught a stomach bug a few days ago and am kind of weak right now.

My cancer grows so fast - from Zero to 3.5 x 3.5 cms in a few months - I don't want to delay it even a week or two.

Please think positively that I will recover from this cold quickly and that it will not delay the surgery.

Jackie07 09-25-2011 12:18 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery

I'm certain your cold will have run its course by the time of your scheduled surgery. Having a cold/virus is one of the most miserable things in the world! It's natural for you to feel worried. Hopefully your doctor will give you somthing to relieve the symptoms.

Waiting for a pending surgery is one of the toughest things in life. Whenever I was in that situation (5 times so far :)I would always remind myself that exercise and positive thinking help release endorphin which give us an over-all well-being feeling and speed up recovery...

Sending you good vibes.

CoolBreeze 09-25-2011 03:04 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
I hope you are right Jackie.

I called in sick for work tomorrow. Right now, my legs are like spaghetti and I'm not walking much. Two illnesses in a row slammed me.

My SuperDoc said to make sure to move and get healthy before surgery. Hah!

jml 09-25-2011 05:25 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
Hang in there, CB!
Sending healing, restful energy your way.
I hope that virus runs it's course quickly and doesn't create any delays in your surgery.
You've gotten great advice from our sisters here.
You're ready. You can do this.

Rest easy & Keep the Faith~


Pray 09-25-2011 08:24 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
Ann, Please know I will be praying for you. Good health and Gods speed to your surgery date!

chrisy 09-26-2011 01:26 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
Ann, yes your superdoc is right - get healthy before surgery! Easy for me to say but forget about work - your primary job this month is to take care of you!
keeping you in prayer.

CoolBreeze 10-01-2011 04:19 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
Hi again,

As it's almost time to go, I have some questions for people who have been through this surgery, or something similar.

The surgery is Monday, my cold has mostly resolved and never hit the lungs. Tomorrow I leave for SF - we have to spend the night in a hotel since we have to be at the hospital at 6:00 a.m.

I am unsure what to bring to the hospital. I've never had a hospital stay this long before, and I'm not sure how physically able I'll be to do anything.

Somebody suggested a nightgown that buttons up the front, but i don't have one and couldn't find one. So far, I have two pairs of PJ pants (low rise) and a shortie cotton bathrobe (I have another; it's silky but has bell sleeves, maybe that would be better for arm access? Toiletries are obvious. Should I bring a tank top? Two? Three? Front close bra maybe?

Will I be even physically be able to put on my own clothes?

The hospital says you can bring your own clothing but I'm just unsure of what I will physically be able to do. Everything I read says they make you get up and walk every day and if that's so, I want my own clothes on since I'm too small for their hospital clothes and I don't want to be flashing everybody.

What about the ride home? It will be two to three hours, which I assume is going to be super uncomfortable. What will I want to wear home? Will jeans be too uncomfortable? Will I be too swollen to wear them? Leggings? Should I stay away from things that touch my midsection? A dress?


Becky 10-01-2011 06:49 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
Having had abdominal surgery but not the procedure you're having, I suggest just sweat pants or yoga/jazz pants (you even came up with leggings). Comfy is best. Time your departure with the pain meds. Have them give them to you just before putting you in the wheelchair to go to the car. It will kick in for the entire ride home. Try to get your prescriptions filled at the hospital pharmacy prior to going home so you/your driver/care giver doesn't have to do anything after you get home. Plus, you have your meds versus a local pharmacy not having everything you need.

Sofies (think that's what sweat pant shorts are called) might work well in the hospital if you want "bottoms". Bring tank tops cuz they do work well. You can always use a hospital gown as a robe or wear 2 hospital gowns (one that you put on that opens in the back and the second one over that that opens in the front). That will work well in covering you completely for your walks and you don't have to wear underwear, shorts or anything that might press on your wound. Also for the ride home, if you wear sweats, you don't have to wear underpants unless you wear bikinis that ride low (for comfort).

Bring books and crossword puzzel books (or suduko). If you wear glasses to read or watch TV. Bring your phone charger and Ipod charger (if you have an ipod). Mints or lifesavers too.

You will be fine for your surgery and we will all be here rooting for you.

Pray 10-02-2011 01:48 AM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery

I will be praying for a successful surgery for you! Gods blessings to you and your family!

I can not wait for your first post after surgery saying all is well!

Your friend,


Ellie F 10-02-2011 11:04 AM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
Sending you lots of good wishes across the pond for successful surgery and a speedy recovery.
Looking forward to hearing from you after the op.

jml 10-02-2011 04:37 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
Hi CB~
I've been thinking about you lots and will continue to do so with lots of prayers & love & energy coming your way the next few days.
If I remember correctly, I went from the OR to overnight in CCU, then that 1st morning was moved to the regular floor. I was lucky to have a great room with a view - my friend, a PT at the hospital, told me which wing to request;)
The first 36-48 hrs you'll likely be most comfortable staying in the hospital gown - outside of walking a little bit as much as you can, when you can, youre probably going to be really tired and sleeping lots. I remember being too tired to read, watch tv or even focus on visitors.
I think if you bring some options, like pj bottoms, cozy sweat pants & a men's or boys pj top that buttons down the front might work? I wore lots of thin tank tops (instead of bras) under soft, cozy t-shirts or a favorite cardigan sweater.
I was pretty bloated & gassy, so there's that discomfort. I remember hearing these gurgling, creaking sounds from my belly- kind of like a sunken ship shifting under water. I know, weird, but that's what it sounded like to me! And then there's the incision pain and dressings to be changed that may weep a little on your clothes.
And ofcourse there are all the IV's - a couple of different lines from your arm, and I had a triple lumen central line in my neck. I don't think any of those were dc'd until the day I left the hospital to go home.
A "NO STICKS/NO BP's" sign is a really good idea. Seems like the nurses & MA's always want to go straight for my L side.I always write on my arm myself before any procedure.
Becky had great suggestions about meds & when to dose. Remember to stay ahead of the pain, especially if you're anticipating moving, like to get to the car or get out when you get home.
I do remember when I made it home, as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning, I would ask my Mom for pain meds, lie quietly to give them a chance to kick in, then I could manage to get up and start moving around.
It sounds like a lot CB, but you can do it. You'll get through it, and every day you'll get a little stronger & will be back on your feet in no time.
Know that we are all here, sending you healing energy, love & light, and will look forward to hearing an update from you as soon as you feel able.
Try and relax. You will be well monitored and cared for, so you can focus on healing.

Keep the Faith~


Soccermom 10-02-2011 04:53 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
No words of wisdom.. Just love , prayers and concern,


CoolBreeze 10-02-2011 06:28 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
Thanks all. I'm here in a SF hotel room. I drank my magnesium citrate at 1:00 pm and am still waiting for it to do its job - it's almost 6:30. I'm puzzled at what's taking it so long. I hope it doesn't hit late and I'm up all night.

My family has gone out to dinner and are bringing me back some Miso soup. It's a beautiful night and I wish I could go with them but I worry that the laxative will start to work in the restaurant. From what I read, sometimes it can be violent.

I'm a bit nervous now but I bet it hits tomorrow. Then I'll go, lol. :)

michka 10-03-2011 12:41 AM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
Thinking of you CB. Hugs. Michka

Delaney 10-03-2011 01:05 AM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
Best wishes. I hope you make a speedy recovery.

Sheila 10-03-2011 05:54 AM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
I will be thinking of you today and keeping you in my prayers....as scary and hard as this day seems, remember, you are one day closer to resolve of the liver issues.....stay strong, we are here for you.
Hoping you have a miraculous and easy recovery....surgery, like new treatment is always scary...more of a fear of the unknown. Please let us know how wonderful you are doing as soon as you are able!

Elizabethtx 10-03-2011 08:16 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
I have stopped to think, meditate and pray for you many times today! I hope you feel our hugs! Quick healing!

Mel3 10-03-2011 09:26 PM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
You're in my thoughts and prayers.

rhondalea 10-05-2011 04:32 AM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
She tweeted the following yesterday:

"Alive. In pain. More later"

If you want to follow her progress, her Twitter address is @butdocihatepink.

Pray 10-05-2011 04:49 AM

Re: Liver Resection Surgery
Thank you Rhonda for the update! So glade she is doing ok!!!!!!!! I hope she is able to post here soon and tell us all about it!

Gods blessings to you and Coolbreezes!

Your Friend,


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