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Laurel 11-25-2012 07:44 PM

Re: New Battle

Man. I am not happy at all to hear your news. I hate Melanoma and I hate that it has darkened your door. Lani's informative post regarding the two forms, Class 1 or 2, leads me to pray yours is Class 1.

I have not been able to get up north in quite sometime. My mother's care has grown considerably and she is loath to leave her chair let alone her home so I cannot bring her along to the cabin. As soon as I am able we'll get together to celebrate the forthcoming good news that I am believing you will hear from Wills. Until then hang strong even though I know that is monumentally tough at the moment.

Kellennea 11-26-2012 10:55 AM

Re: New Battle
Prayers going up!

Laurel 11-26-2012 05:46 PM

Re: New Battle
Thinking of you today, Barb.

BonnieR 11-26-2012 06:49 PM

Re: New Battle
Hi Barb, I happened to be seeing my eye doctor/surgeon today and I mentioned your situation to him. He said what a top hospital Wills is. He also commented about all the advances in recent years to treat this sort of melanoma. It sounded like the sort of message we have had about how Herceptin changed the playing field for us. So I hope for only good news. Keep the faith. And keep the Ativan handy, too!

ammebarb 11-27-2012 10:06 AM

Re: New Battle
Hello ladies. Well, we spent eight hours at Wills yesterday, and just heard that U am on their surgery schedule for Thursday. The docs will place a radioactive placque implant that will remain for about seven days, while hubby and I , sis and brother in law hang out in the center city Philadelphia hotel. I'm confined to my room for that time. Released to home the day they remove the plaque. Having genetic testing done that gives info about liklihood if spread......mixed feelings. Then going back to my old oncologist for follow up. Also have a retinal specialist in my area who will put shots of avastin in my eye. There is als an oncilogist at Jefferson whose speciality is ocular melanoma metastasis....hope I don't need hum! Thanks for listening, my her2 friends. All prayers gratefully accepted.

prolifejoan 11-27-2012 02:30 PM

Re: New Battle
Dear Barb,

I am praying hard that all will go well with you at Wills and that there will be no mets, and that recovery will be thorough and as soon as possible. Bonnie, please know that I am praying for you, too. I am praying for all to have the peace of God in their hearts, and praying this for myself also. May God bless you and I hope with my whole heart that all goes well.

Laurel 11-27-2012 04:27 PM

Re: New Battle

I am believing you are Class 1 and so lots less worry about mets! We'll get together and you can show me the Hillsgrove covered bridge (haven't found that one yet). My son is up your way hunting (hanging at the cabin and drinking beer more then hunting is my bet!) and will bring down a Christmas tree from the 42 Market. Theirs are cheap and they have some small enough to fit on a table which I prefer these days (less to put up and take down!).

Will you have much discomfort associated with the implant in your eye? I surely hope not! When you get bored of the hotel room's 4 walls, type us an update. What did you think of Wills? Impressed?

Blessings to you, my friend. I am praying.

Pray 11-27-2012 06:16 PM

Re: New Battle
Barb, I'm in your corner hoping and praying all will go well. Gods blessings to you and your family. Looks like you have some great support!

Peace my friend,


Laurel 11-28-2012 05:50 PM

Re: New Battle
Good luck tomorrow, Barb! Prayers for an easy breezy procedure. You have not been far from my thoughts. Praying for good news.

Jackie07 11-29-2012 02:42 AM

Re: New Battle
Adding my prayers. Remember to take deep breaths...

Laurel 12-02-2012 05:17 AM

Re: New Battle
Checking in, Barb, to see how you are faring. Hoping that you are not in pain. Praying for good results!

ammebarb 12-02-2012 07:09 AM

Re: New Battle
Hello ladies. I am doing ok physically, since my implant. Afraid to take the vicodin, cause I am so allergic to pain meds. Using tylenol and advil, and some atavan. Implant done Thursday and comes out Thursday. Even possibilities of radiation damage to the eye doesn't bother me as much as fear of mets. I can know that one can only live in the now, but keeping a reign on a racing mind is so, so hard. I would appreciate your continued prayers, both for healing and for peace.

Pray 12-02-2012 07:15 AM

Re: New Battle
You are in my prayers. Gods blessings to you.

Laurel 12-02-2012 04:35 PM

Re: New Battle
Praying. Glad to hear it is not too painful. How long do you have to hang in limbo as far as pathology and scan results? I do not blame you one bit for the nerves. This roller coaster is so hard. Hang in there.

ammebarb 12-03-2012 04:16 AM

Re: New Battle
Hi Laurel.The genetic testing takes three months to come back. They are saying to arrange liver scan and blood draw within a few weeks. Back to my old oncologist, if he'll see me. Appointment with retinal specialist in two months and back to Wills in four. As I undersrand it, the worst genetic profile means a 50% chance for metastasis. Best profile means 20%. Gotta just pray and not borrow trouble....much easier to say than do.

Thank you to all you dear ladies who have sent words of kindness and support. I reread them at 3:00 this morning.

ammebarb 12-06-2012 01:48 AM

Re: New Battle
Plaque removal in a few hours. Trying hard to concentrate on getting through what is immediate. I'm very grateful for your kind messages and especially your prayers.
Barb A

Soccermom 12-06-2012 08:29 AM

Re: New Battle
Ameebarb,just want to send gentle hugs and let you I'm thinking about you. I'm originally from the S Jersey area and have had family members treated at Wills.. Outstanding facility!
I'm just wondering if your Onc has discussed genetic testing for the BRCA genes? Their is a link between BRCA 2 and ocular melanomas. This might give you additional options for your treatment arsenal. Forgive me if bringing this up brings you more angst.. but I felt it important to bring up.
If you like, I would be willing to post articles relevant to BRCA and OM.
Praying for good result
Gentle hugs,

ammebarb 12-06-2012 04:11 PM

Re: New Battle
Hi Marcia. I agreed to genetics testing, but the counselor didn't go into huge detail regarding which genes were being tested. I'll find out more when the results are in, and we talk. Being done at Thomas Jefferson.

Barb A.

BonnieR 12-06-2012 11:56 PM

Re: New Battle
Barb I love how you asked for prayers for healing and PEACE! What a wonderful concept. We all so need plain old peace
Keep the faith

Soccermom 12-07-2012 02:55 PM

Re: New Battle
Barb, Thinking of you today and hoping youre not in too much pain and that procedure went smoothly yesterday,
Jefferson is an outstanding facility! If BRCA testing is done will be sent out to Myriad Genetics (they hold the patent on the test)and should take a couple of weeks.

Gentle hugs,

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