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jules9600 06-27-2008 06:52 AM

Will be 3 years for me also in Nov. Yeah!

basset girl 06-27-2008 08:18 AM

Great thread to start! 2 years, 3 months NED. I remember when I was first diagnosed I searched frantically for anyone that was NED after a diagnosis like mine. It helped so much to encourage me. I hope this thread will help many others!! May God's peace and comfort be with all of us.

Ruth 06-27-2008 01:12 PM

I love sharing happy news...

this month was my 5 year NED!

I had 10 positive lymphnodes with many of them matted together....

There is lots of hope out there!

Hugs ~ Ruth

nitewind 06-27-2008 01:15 PM

I was diagnosed two years ago this past May, it will be two years since my surgery this July. Everything is going great! No problems. Praise God!

Kim in DC 06-27-2008 02:24 PM

It's hard to believe that I have been back and forth with breast cancer for 10 years, but here I am. I feel great! Tykerb and Xeloda have brought me back to the land of NED!!!! Read my bc bio below


Lien 06-27-2008 03:47 PM

Great idea! I'm four and a half years, yes that's 4,5 years, out from diagnosis. I didn't get Herceptin, because it wasn't available then for early stage disease, and I'm doing fine. Dancing with NED!

I just read on a Dutch site that in my country 85% of those diagnosed with Breastcancer survive at least 5 years. For early stage the odds are even better. When I was diagnosed the number on the same site was 80% survival. In just 4 years the stats have improved that much!



DonnaD 06-27-2008 06:42 PM

Just wanted to bump this to the top and say thank you to all who have responded.

You have helped me and so many others regain that deep down good feeling. Lets keep the posts coming!

Thanks again!

Becky 06-27-2008 07:50 PM

I am almost 4 years out. When I was diagnosed, I never thought I'd see my daughter's graduate. Since then, my oldest (who started college right when I was diagnosed) has graduated college. My middle daughter graduated high school and started college. My youngest who was starting 8th grade will be a senior in high school.

I started my research on bc when I felt my lump in August, 2004. When I had my lumpectomy, I prayed I was not Her2+ and the odds were with me. But of course that's not what happened. I am a different but better person than I was before. I don't take no for an answer and I don't say yes as often as I used to.

I clung to the fact that I could survive and I didn't. I live!

Just remember this: bc is frightening but it is compounded by the fact that before you had bc the only women you heard about were the women who did poorly and died. You never heard about the women who did wonderfully and lived.

More live.

Jean 06-27-2008 07:58 PM

Donna you are a genius ....:)
I am now 3 yrs. and 3 months. I can remember clearly
how disturbing the dx. was when I heard Her2, Yikes...
I thought...this is very bad...especially when I found out
that as an early stager I could not have Herceptin.
Well dear sisters new and old never give up...I had
2nd and 3rd opinions and still did my searching..and then I found this site. My second home, well really my first home for a long time, for when I first found the site I could not read enough, I found others who were
thriving and living life -

God Bless All
Huge Huge Hugs to my Dear Sisters

romo9 06-27-2008 11:33 PM

18 positive nodes - now 3.8 years NED . Great to be here ! Romo9

Patb 06-28-2008 03:11 PM

Two year anniversary this month. Every day is a gift
and life has never been sweeter. My bones ache from
Arimidex but I just keep moving. This site has been
a wonderful, informative, happy, and yes sometime
sad place but everyones support has been a lifeline.
With gratitude

harrie 06-28-2008 05:26 PM

I am 1.5 yrs NED!
Donna, this is a great idea for a thread that you started here!
Thank you!

Unregistered 06-28-2008 08:13 PM

3 years. Woo hoo! I guess you never know but I'm beginning to feel like I'm done with it. Hoping it was a fluke convergence of hormones and genetic defects. Bev

caya 06-29-2008 04:26 AM

Great thread Donna!!
I was dx in Oct. 06, by accident - I had a breast reduction and my PS found my 1.7 cm. tumour. This was 3 months after a mammogram and breast u/s showing nothing. I was devastated - no BC in my family, and my DH had just suffered a brain aneurysm in Jan. 2006. (he's fine, we were very, very lucky).
Needless to say, when I started reading and investigating about Her2+, alot of the news out there was not exactly + (excuse the pun). But in Dec. 2006 I believe the Hera trials and others came out with the wonderful news about Herceptin - in Canada Herceptin was already available to early stagers, and my onc. was much more positive.
In Jan. 2007 studies were published relating that pre-menopausal, dense breasted women were 6x more likely to get BC. (I fell into both those categories). This has been my mantra - I tell everyone I meet to get checked, and to demand breast MRIs if there is any question of breast density on their mammos and u/s.
Well, I guess I am 18 months out from my MRM, looking forward to that 2 year cancerversary in Dec. 2008.

Living each day to the fullest - The Dh and I celebrated out 25th wedding anniversary in Oct. 2007 with a big catered party at home, my youngest daughter graduated high school in June 2007, and this month, June 2008, my older DD graduated university. I savour every day, and try not to put things on hold anymore.

all the best

lkc Gumby 06-29-2008 12:06 PM

I celebrated 3 yrs in May 08!
God is good.

Paty 06-29-2008 02:58 PM

I celebrate my two-year anniversary tomorrow and plan to keep counting! God bless us all!

Mary Anne in TX 06-29-2008 04:15 PM

Congrats Paty on 2 years tomorrow!
Two years and two months ago I had surgery with largest tumor 4.5 and 7 of 9 nodes positive. But here today NED and loving life more than ever. Thanks for the knowledge, support, and love on this site for making the journey so much easier! ma

TriciaK 06-29-2008 08:53 PM

As I posted earlier, my 6 months checkup this month shows I am also NED. It will be 4 years tomorrow (June 30) that I had the heart attack that led to the discovery of my her2cancer mets. I would never have discovered it otherwise in time. Herceptin saved my life. As many of you know, it has also been 23 years now since my first BC diagnosis in 1985, so I am a long time survivor of BC and also her2. THere is more hope now than there has ever been. Hang in there, fellow warriors! Our prayers for each other are of great value. Hugs, Tricia

harrie 06-29-2008 11:06 PM

Just for the record, I have 2 very good friends here where I live. Both had bc in their early 40s. One was stage 1 and the other was stage 2 with several node involvements. It has been 10 yrs plus for both of these women! They each had chemo but no herceptin since it was not available.

Believe51 07-02-2008 01:15 PM

.....doing the bump thing>>Believe51

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