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tousled1 08-31-2007 06:42 AM

Glad you did well with your first treatment. The Neulasta shot can cause bone pain so don't be surprised if your bones start to hurt. The worst part of the treatment I found was the Decadron premed -- wired me up for days and then WHAM like walking into a brick wall. You'll do fine. Just make sure that you drink plenty of fluids.

Gerri 08-31-2007 07:09 AM


Best of luck to you as you start your journey. You are lucky enough to be receiving treatment at a wonderful cancer center. I too go to City of Hope and am so grateful for the care I received there. I did not receive TCH (I had AC/T, no heart problems) but do have a few suggestions for the Neulasta shot. They sting a lot less if the nurse warms it up by rubbing it between her hands and injecting it VERY slowly. You will find that not all of them will do this automatically. Once I learned the secret I didn't hesitate to ask for these things to be done. Take all the precautionary meds as prescribed - they will get you through the rough times.

Take good care.

fauxgypsy 08-31-2007 07:58 AM

I recently finished 6 months of THC and am now on herceptin and Femara. I have always had my treatments in a recliner. Not too uncomfortable. What I have seen on this board is that while there are some similarities, everyone's response is somewhat different. I am self employed which helped because carboplatin knocked me down for several days. I tottered around like a little old lady for three or four days. I just went with the flow and did what I could. My husband called it carboflatten. Only had it once every four weeks, with the taxol and herceptin. I had them alone for two weeks and then a week off. I did not want to take the nausea meds, I didn't think I was sick enough and my insurance would not pay for the whole prescription for zofran, so I called myself saving it for when it got really bad. (my stepfather died of lung cancer, a year and a half ago and I know bad when I see it, he was so sick) When I talked with my doctor he prescribed Emend as well . It is great. Take the nausea meds , particularly with the carbo. They helped me with the way food tasted as well, particularly the Emend. After the first treatment nothing tasted or smelled right. I really didn't need them after the taxol and herceptin. The premeds I had were standard, I think, tylenol, bendryl, decadron, aloxi, zantac or pepcid and after I changed oncologist, ativan. The benedryl put me down for the count. By bedtime, though, I was wired. I tried sleeping pills, nothing seemed to work so finally I just learned to ride it out. It is a great time to catch up on your email, houskeeping, etc. When it wore off, I would nap and be better by the next evening. I decided once that I would get them to lower my dose of decadron and I payed for it.

I drank Danactive yogurt that is supposed to boost your immune system several times a week and I did not have many problems with dairrhea. My white blood count did not get low enough to need Neulasta ( I think from what I have seen it depends on your insurance whether you get that or not). I did have to have arinesp or procrit for my red cells (one oncologist used one , the other used another.) But my counts did not drop enough to prevent me from having chemo. My platelets got really low once but they picked back up. The whole experiece was not as bad as I had thought it would be, sort of like having the flu once a month and a small virus the other two weeks, Weak and achy. I am on herceptin and Femara now and I just had a mastectomy in August but so far I am having no side effects from them. I haven't completely gotten back to normal but I am regaining my stamina. I have started physical therapy because of the mastectomy, I have an impinged nerve. I think it helped that I always did as much as I could, not to the point of exhausting myself, but to keep my strength. I continued to do faux finishes up until the middle of June, worked in my studio, yard, garden (using gloves), always listening to my body and resting when I needed to. We canned bushels of tomatoes and made salsa, put corn and peas in the freezer.
They used to think that if you were on chemo you shouldn't do anything and then they figured out that that was why people were getting weak and losing muscle mass. When I was first diagnosed ( supposedly stage 4) the doctor suggested I should go on disability. I sat around and moped for a few days. I was getting depressed just thinking about it. Then I decided that I was going to keep my life, stage four or not. I started scheduling work again, again using common sense.

My hair and eyebrows, which never left completely started growing back even before Chemo had ended. Eyelahes are a little slower. It has been way too hot here for a wig so I just put on a hat or a do rag, McCalls has a pattern and they look really cool in a fun print. I occasionally put on eyebrows and eyeliner, but vanity is not my strong suit so a lot of times I didn't bother. If you need makeup, look up the Look Good , Feel Better program in your area. You should start with all new makeup when you start chemo. Sunscreen was important because with the carboplaten, the sun made me itch. I found a no-ad one that was 45 spf, made for babies. It was really good.
I guess what I am saying is that your life can go on. Only you will know what you can and can't do. But don't make it the focus of your life, keep the things that give you joy and a life outside this cancer. Stay as active as you can and learn as much as you can. Eat as healthy a diet as you can. I neither lost or gained weight during chemo and that is what you need to aim for. This is great place for you to be. ANd remember-
In the world of destiny, there are no statistics!


janet11 08-31-2007 08:06 AM

I finished 6 rounds of taxotere, carboplatin, and herceptin in January 2007. The thing that helped me the most: Biotene mouthwash!!! For a few days each cycle, I was rinsing about every 15 minutes and brushing after eating ANYTHING. This was to help reduce the disgusting taste that the Taxotere gave me.

One interesting "side effect": after chemo, I had the BEST dental checkup I've had in years (*smile*).

I found very soon after starting TCH that some foods bothered me, and that I developed reflux. Per my onc, I used over-the-counter anti-reflux meds daily throughout chemo. And some foods, well, I ended up giving up because they either tasted bad or upset my stomach. But most of that came back after chemo and wasn't a major problem.

Good luck!


Cristina19 08-31-2007 08:06 AM

Thank you, ladies, for your presence here. I get myself to the computer first thing in the morning to get your wisdom. Your humor and strength is priceless.

Everything you've said is right on the mark. I'm not really feeling the Neulasta shot yet but I just got it yesterday. The nurse was great: she warmed it in her hands and gave it really slowly, just like you said, Gerri; perhaps we had the same nurse!

I have a newfound love for nurses. I know some can be less personable but every one I've been with at COH has treated me like their daughter/best friend/cute puppy. That kind of TLC is so wonderful.

The Decadron is something else. I need to clarify what I'm supposed to be taking because my perscription says 1 4mg tab in the am and another in the pm; my sheet from the doctor says to double it up the day of Neulasta. Yesterday night, I took two tabs as instructed and have felt jittery every since. I slept alright, waking every two hours or so, but went right back to sleep.

Melinda, I love your sense of humor. Thank you for reminding me to stay "up." As for the hair: it has been so hot in my neck of the woods, I was almost looking forward to cutting it all off last night! But, perhaps I'll just cut it shorter and shorter as you did (if the treatment will allow for it). I have shopped for a wig, and guess what, my head is big. (That sounds to bad!) So all of the average-sized wigs don't fit. I've got to shop for a "large-cap" wig which are harder to come by but I picked up a tlc catalogue from the American Cancer Society and they have sizes and pretty nice styles. I'll let everyone know the quality when I see it. The synthetic wigs don't look so bad I suspect; and, anyway, I'm probably going to be more comfortable in simple/cool headcoverings until it cools off here in Los Angeles.


Cristina19 08-31-2007 08:25 AM

Leslie, I think I read a number of postings from you under the "sexy cancer" thread. I didn't see the program because I "fired" my cable a few years ago. Why pay tons of money for one good channel? So I'm left with 3 PBS channels, lots of foreign language, and bad-mainstream channels. Anyway, the "sexy cancer" thing: bad title. If I'm correct from your postings, I'm with you. There's nothing sexy about this disease. We hope that we can find our way back to confidence and sense of self through this.

I'm blessed that I have a very supportive family, co-workers, friends, and most of all, a good partner. He has given me so much reassurance. I found myself again after a nasty divorce two years ago and was blessed to have someone wonderful come into my life. He has never made me feel "less-than."

What we go through, though, is less about what other people think or see than what we see. I opted for a free-tram reconstruction (which is a doozie of a surgery) and found that my shock and emotional trauma didn't come from the lost breast but the lost tummy and belly-button that I knew as my own. I didn't have so much to "donate" to begin with and now I'm stretched tight as a board. I couldn't lie down or stand up straight for 3 weeks. Where did my normal, pretty contours go? The scars: someone in another post said, "I look like a patchwork quilt." I look like a rag-doll.

I'm hoping that as time goes by and I have my follow-up surgery, everything will look more "normal."

At 37, having felt as healthy as a horse, having come back around after other trials, this has been a blow. You all know this.

When people commiserate with me, I tell them always the same thing: When life hits you with something like this, you have two choices: you sink or swim. What choice do we really have?

Maybe that show should have been called "Crazy Cancer, Strong Women."


Gerri 08-31-2007 02:07 PM


Better check on the dosage for the Decadron - I never doubled the dose on the day I received Neulasta. As for the Neulasta, since you haven't noticed anything yet, you probably won't have a problem - I never did. If you are concerned about mouth sores, the pharmacy at COH makes its own concoction. You need an Rx from your onc to get it. I used it religiously morning and night and never got a mouth sore.

How far are you from Upland? I got my wig at a salon called 'Salon Mez A Me'. The owner (Jennifer Guerra) is wonderful and will do everything she can to fit you with the right wig. I paid about $170 for mine and wore it for almost 10 months. It looked great the entire time. Most people had no idea I was weraring a wig.

Like I said before, you are in great hands. I love COH and hope that someday I can pay back what they have given me.

Take care and STAY COOL!

Cristina19 08-31-2007 03:56 PM


Thank you so much for the comments above. I confirmed with the nurses this morning that the "doubling up" on Decadron was NOT what the doctor ordered. I don't know why it was originally indicated on my medication schedule except that I was orignally scheduled to do AC-TH.

Anyway, no more of that! I have felt shaky ever since.

As for the Neulasta: I do feel a little achy in the joints and muscles seem warm. I hope it stays mild.

I'm going to try to do the Walk for Hope in October at COH. My "team" has a page if you're interested in walking!


Gerri 08-31-2007 04:07 PM


I am planning on doing the Walk for Hope in October. I did it last year and raised $2,300. I need to get things going for this year and see if I can raise money again. Let me know what your Team page is so I can take a look.


Cristina19 08-31-2007 04:59 PM

My "Walk for Hope" page:


kcherub 08-31-2007 05:07 PM


How are you feeling today?

Take care,

Cristina19 08-31-2007 06:34 PM


Hello! Thank you for asking. I feel a little achy today in the joints and a little sleepy and my muscles feel a little sore. So far, it's only a "little" everywhere. I hope it stays mild. I was actually tempted to go to the pool for a light dog-paddle. It sounded like a nice idea for the aches. Anyone out there try a little swimming, yoga or walking to alleviate symptoms?

I read your bio above and see that we have a very similar diagnosis. Young age, Stage 1, etc. I will look forward to hearing about your journey. Apparently, the doctors have received results from my genetic testing but I have to go in for an appointment. Uggg! Another appointment in this 100+ humid weather!

I have never had children. I thought it would happen someday but it doesn't seem to be in the cards. I went through an unpleasant divorce in 2004 and have since met the most wonderful man. I just don't see babies in the future after Tamoxifen.

I suspect that these issues have come up in the various threads.... I wonder what it will be like and how it will effect my life/body/relationship to be pushed into menopause, perhaps permanently.

I tend to go to the "worst case scenario," so I'm always eager to hear the experiences of others.


Cristina19 08-31-2007 06:39 PM

By the way, what kind of steroid dosage were you on? I am only to take Decadron (4 mg), twice a day, the day before, the day of, and the day after chemo.

Also, did you see the recommendation for Glutamine in one of the above posts? I did a little research and see that there have been some studies of the supplement given during chemo treatments to help against neuropathy.

BonnieR 08-31-2007 06:57 PM

Christina, good hearing from you..
regarding the Glutamine, my research, including the ACS, indicates that the recommened dose is 10 Gm three times a day for about 4 days after chemo. But it is always best to check with your onc. They all seem to do things a little differently.
for instance I am not receiving Decadron except for what is given in my infusion. I guess my blood count is still okay because I am not receiving any other meds yet...
Janet, you are right about the Biotene. I am having mouth sores but my treatment center/onc staff only could recommend salt water gargle. They seemed unfamiliar with anything else. What is the concoction that COH mixes??? I should check with the pharmacy at the cancer center...
The physical therapist told me that swimming was always a safe and recommended exercise for us....yoga too. I hear of people who attend throughout treatment. But again, get clearance. I am sure people with more experience will reply to your questions...
Keep the faith...

ETA: off topic, but KCHERUB, is that the little boy you mentioned in another thread who used the term "laughingstock"?? LOL

tousled1 08-31-2007 07:17 PM

If you use the Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash you shouldn't be plagued with any mouth sores. It's much easier to take precautions not to get the mouth sores than to deal with them when they happen. I you get mouth sores your oncologist can give you a prescription for "magic mouthwash." For the neuropathy you should tale Glucosamine/Chondroitan complex - sodium free. You'll notice a difference in about a week of starting it.

Gerri 08-31-2007 07:34 PM


I go for genetic counseling at COH on Sept 24. My goal this weekend is to stay in the air conditioning and do the dreaded paperwork. Were you able to supply a lot of information? I have bits and pieces but not an extensive background on all of the family members. It would seem that all of that information plays a major role in deciding on whether or not to test. Did you find that to be true?

Good luck with your results. I hope it is good news.

Gerri 08-31-2007 07:46 PM


The concoction from COH was called 'Radio Mix'. It had three ingredients - the only one I remember right now is lidocane (darn chemo brain!). It wasn't covered by insurance but it was only about $23 for a big bottle. I used it as a preventative measure and it worked great.

BonnieR 08-31-2007 08:13 PM

Gerri, thanks. That is enough info to present to the Cancer Center pharmacist and see what they might have to offer......meanwhile, the Biotene is helping alot....

rentrac 08-31-2007 10:17 PM

Dear Christina,
I was on the Herceptin, Taxol, Carbo combo last year (had Taxotere alone 2 years earlier). I had more side effects from the Decadron and Benadryl, with some hair loss thrown in - though I was left with wisps which I shaved off. The result was the best short hair I've EVER had- My white hair continued growing, then later the dark that had fallen out... so I had a "reverse pelt" of silky white, underlaid with thick dark. That was the best part. The worst was that I developed an allergy to both the Taxol and the Carbo - My 11/12 tx with Taxol, and the final 12/12 with Carbo. Speak up quickly if you start feeling odd... such as chest flutters, sudden skin flushing, sudden rash, or just feeling strange. My chemo nurses were on top of my reactions at once. Got lots more benadryl and decadron, but wasn't any worse for the scare. Don't let my experience scare you, just be aware that it can happen and don't be afraid to question. My motto is "when in doubt, check it out!" Other than that, I just seemed to get a little more fatigued with each treatment. Good luck. You'll be in my thoughts.

BonnieR 09-01-2007 08:03 AM

Rentrac, thanks for the caution to continue to be alert for allergic reactions. I had assumed that since my first two treatments were uneventful I was home free on that front. I guess we can never let our guard down! It's always something!

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