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-   -   How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum? (https://her2support.org/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=56209)

v-ness 10-09-2012 08:30 PM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
i think it is a good idea to have a memorial section. it could be located down at the bottom far from the Newcomer's Section and the Her2 group, Caregiver's Corner, etc. not easily found, not the first thing seen. my personal take is that those who have died deserve it. they probably gave a lot to this site to have become well-remembered. i find that when someone dies, people naturally respond with sadness and shock, but wouldn't it be lovely if there were a place where people could write their own eulogies and pay homage to that person's life. it wouldn't have to be about what kind of cancer, how big a tumor, what kind of treatment. it could focus on what we learned from knowing that person a little or a lot, the impact they had upon us, the positive attitude they may have had, the grace with with they lived. like a memorial service. in real life, we do not pretend people didn't die. they do, and they do more often with cancer.

it seems as though in a way, they drop from our ranks and are mourned on one thread about their death and then move on. a newbie perusing the site *will* find posts about who got their wings or who lost their battle if they do any kind of searches for information. they might find, as i did, someone who was really interesting and wonder where she went, like i did with julierene. the newbies are not spared the knowledge that people here die and it is reality, people die. why cloak that? if anything, as a newbie, i would have been very touched to see there is a community here that values their lost friends so much that they even do a tribute site. i would hope i could be part of that community and IF that happened to me, that i would be so well-remembered for something, anything.

many of those who have inspired me and my attitude have been some of the very people who lost their lives. you can't protect people. if that is a concern, then more people could work the Newcomer's Corner offering reassurance, guidance, help, someone to talk to. newbies have already thought about death the first minute they were diagnosed. it comes with this territory. to have someone tell them about Andi BB or christine and the many living with stage 4 and mets and the high rate of success with early diagnosis, that will balance out any memorial page, in my humble opinion. my cancer life began with a friend with triple negative BC and later brain mets. she died on my last day of chemo. because of her, i'd done frequent self exams and i attribute my early detection much to her. her loss was devastating, but i didn't leave the church thinking i would fall apart because of her death. if anything, i went forth more determined to live after listening to the loving memorials people shared.

just my nickel's worth.


do you really think the site would need permission from family to repost what the individual already posted themselves? it does not seem so, if we were not mentioning full names, just their handles here.

rhondalea 10-10-2012 06:28 AM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?

do you really think the site would need permission from family to repost what the individual already posted themselves? it does not seem so, if we were not mentioning full names, just their handles here.
It's a problem only if the memorial site is a separate site (vs. a separate forum on this site). It's not that I think that anyone would object, but only that copyright law is pretty clear about what you can do with someone else's words. If this site had permissions like FB's (well, the permissions FB gave itself before the courts got involved), then it wouldn't be a problem, but it doesn't, so it is.

I'm not a lawyer, but I do try (not very ably, at the moment) to keep up with this area of the law.

Just so we're clear, I'm very much in favor of a memorial forum. My experience (many dead friends from the time when I participated in a high-risk sport) tells me that it is both comforting and healing. I just think it's important that it be done properly.

KDR 10-10-2012 03:56 PM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
How about their picture or Avatar, name and date of transition? That's easy. We already have it, in a way. I think for those persons who would like to see this happen, a quicklink would suffice.

Joanne S 10-10-2012 04:07 PM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
I think we're making this more difficult than it really is. We already post our tributes, condolences, sympathies, thoughts, feelings and prayers whenever we learn our sister got her wings right her on the 'her2group' forum. Perhaps we could just have a "Wings" forum/section to move the posts related to those fallen by this terrible disease. Or we could just post the date of death with their signature information. Do we know who is currently responsible for managing this site? And what it entails?

Joanne S 10-10-2012 04:08 PM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
KDR, ditto!

Laurel 10-14-2012 05:20 PM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?

I really like the ideal of a memorial "wall" that is a sticky here where we can go and post when we lose one of our own and where we can go post a funny story or even resurrect a favorite post by one of our fallen friends. Listen, it seems to me that we should do all we can to remember those who dedicated themselves to battling not only their personal illnesses, but shared in all of our battles. I never want to forget them.

Brenda Hutchinson was an amazing advocate for herself and for Her2. I remember one evening at a meet & greet thrown by Genetech at SABCS Brenda and I were seated next to one another chowing down when she said how she was debating whether to go chat up the Genetech rep that stood there in the room with us. She was bumping head long into opposition from the trial doc in San Antonio while she was desperately trying to get into their TDM-1 trial. There was an issue with an old spot on her MRI from a previous gamma-knife "tweak." I was surprised to see confident Brenda hesitate to go ask this person if he could help her move this doc to recognize it was only scar tissue showing on the MRI. Nothing worse than erasable docs!

I vividly recall Brenda bowing and inclining her head my way saying softly, "it's just that I am so scared." She was not referencing her fear of addressing the Rep, no, she was speaking of her fear of dying of cancer. Well, that was all I had to hear! I urged her to go with my favorite life-ism "nothing ventured, nothing gained." Up she popped and as I crunched on my chicken I watched in awe as Brenda turned on her substantial charm. I was on dessert when she flopped back down beside me grinning triumphantly from ear to ear. The rep was going to help her get into a trial in Denver, which as we all know did happen.

The point is that I observed Brenda meet docs, researchers, drug reps, politicians in her quest to get help in her battle against Her2. I remember watching her and thinking, "that's the key to self-preservation and self advocacy: getting them to REMEMBER YOU." I was powerfully struck by this revelation and I continued to observe Brenda and other stage 4 gals bravely reach out to those in the "know" and in positions to help. But let me stress, the first step is to shrug off that "diagnosis" tag that defines us as patients. If you want your Onc. to care about you the first goal is to get them to remember you, to see you as a person and not a diagnosis. I did that. I bet most of us have striven to do so. It is what Brenda did so well, she got them to REMEMBER her so they would want to help her get into a closed trial, or research more diligently "because you see there is that great gal with Her2 that I met once and I want her to live because she was terrific...."

It is my belief that because everyone whom we have lost to this disease fought so damned hard to stick around, to plow a way for those who have followed them, to bravely and humbly summon the nerve to ask, beg, and plead for help, they simply must not be forgotten by us! Five years from now I want the newbies on the site to be able to know that "crap on a crapstick" is a Brenda-ism and Brenda was fabulous, and brave, and amazing and I absolutely loved her. I did and I do.


rhondalea 10-14-2012 05:48 PM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
That was beautiful, Laurel.

Nancy L 10-16-2012 10:36 AM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
I think this site did a nice job doing something like this. If you are not aware of this organization dedicated to metastatic BC, I encourage you to see what they are about.


StephN 10-16-2012 11:41 AM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
NancyL -
All I could find in that site was the following:


which is basically a request for donations in the person's name (which has a short obit) and not a tribute page.

If you found something else, please give the exact link.

Nancy L 10-16-2012 01:28 PM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
You have the right link. Sorry, i didn't mean to say this site would do the same thing as theirs but rather use some idea you think is appropriate. I like the picture and biography of what they did for the BC cause. It doesn't seem negative or scary which I know concerns some. Skip the donation piece for this site and maybe give a link to memorable posts made by the member over the years if not too much work

Adriana Mangus 11-14-2012 10:02 PM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
Hi Everyone,

I'm all for it. It will be a loving and respectful way to pay tribute to all the beautiful Angels who no longer are with us.

I do, however agree with Stephanie, the decision would have to come from Joe's daughter- Debra.



sarah 11-15-2012 12:33 AM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
Laurel that was a lovely page and posts like that would be nice to see. I think it is comforting. That may seen strange but we need a way to say thanks and goodbye. we are like a family here. I think calling it wings or angels is nice also and maybe it would have a note: for seniors only.

Cathya 11-24-2012 05:34 PM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
Hi all;

I am not in favour of a Memorial as there are so many that would be lost in the process. This site has grown
in knowledge and concern as the members have expressed their views, experienced their disease and passed. Some were members who were loved and posted often and some passed by quickly and were gone. There must be a better way to remember all who were members here. I remember an Australian women (I hate to say I can't remember her name) who was very inspirational to me from years past. Would we remember her?


Jackie07 11-29-2012 02:08 AM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
Were you thinking about Kiwigirl from New Zealand?


pibikay 12-04-2012 07:25 AM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
Hema and I are for it/But let it be a part of this forum

sarah 12-08-2012 06:56 AM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
I'm still for it. Yes, Cathya you're right those who received their wings in the past won't be on the site unless someone makes a point to update them but we will remember many of them.
I would like to hear from a caregiver or family member about how they would feel. I know personally that if it was my husband, I would like to go to a section and add stuff and read nice things about him and read his postings but my husband would never visit the website so......everyone's different.
Another thought what about a post for those who've made it past 10 or more years??
health and happiness and to the end of seeing our sisters and brothers die from cancer
love sarah

Marlys 12-12-2012 09:06 AM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
I, too, am really against doing anything contrary to Joe and Christine's wishes. I cry when my "friends" are going through the final stages of this disease because I remember what beautiful moments they have given me and I know where to find them again. I do not believe I would have joined this group if I had seen anything even resembling a memorial page. I have been on this site since 2005 and I love it. Please do not change it.
Love & Hugs,

tricia keegan 12-12-2012 03:50 PM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
I'm in favour and love the idea and would echo Laurels thoughts, I think we owe our departed sisters some form of recognition as so many of them went through earlier drug trials etc to help those that would come after them.

Mtngrl 12-13-2012 11:57 AM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
Reading through these reflections is a fascinating exercise. We're all so different, and we each bring a unique perspective to the "big questions" about not just the meaning of this forum but the meaning of life, of suffering, of struggle, and of death.

I'd like it if we had a thread dedicated to honoring the lives and achievements and personalities of members who died. It would be great to have a central hub for anecdotes, insights, tributes, etc.

Newcomers need hope, of course, and encouragement. They need to know they have choices. They need concrete information and assistance. I think this site does that very well.

I also find a great deal of hope and encouragement for us stage iv folks, and, selfishly perhaps, I appreciate that. Many in-person support groups shy away from talking about death. And there aren't many stage iv groups. A significant percentage of people with HER-2 bc are metastatic at diagnosis. I was both a newcomer and stage iv. Everyone knows cancer is deadly. People who go looking for information and support are not the type to hide or deny. So, even newcomers, and even those diagnosed at early stages, probably need honesty and frankness about all the issues.

It's a support group. Everyone's idea of what that means is colored by what he or she needs at the moment, or finds helpful (or not), or expects from others. Each person uses this site in a self-directed way. Every thread is specific to certain groups of members. They don't click on the ones that don't appear relevant. To me, one of the best things about being in support a group is knowing I'm not alone. Right up there with that very high value is knowing I won't be forgotten. Having a way to remember and honor those who are no longer with us would serve both these values.

We're all going to die. Yes, it's sad for the survivors. (That's the only thing about my own death that bothers me. I wish I could shield my loved ones from the pain.) They suffer and mourn. But most of the time it gives their lives more depth and fullness than they would otherwise have had. I think awareness of our mortality is one of the most humanizing things about being human.

Becky 12-13-2012 02:05 PM

Re: How do you feel about a Memorial/Tribute Forum?
Well, I put this sticky up because this subject comes up from time to time. I feel obligated to ask ALL OF YOU your opinions because it is our site and (as an aside only), I am on the Board of Directors of the Her2 Support Group. As such, the board wouldn't exist without all of you coming here, caring and sharing.

However, I am also just a member too. I haven't even voted yet. I put this up for you. When I put this up, I really did want a Memorial page although I think that decision must be made taking into full consideration of what you want. There are many things to ponder. Some of these things have been brought up on this thread.

We have had a hard year on this board. Two long term members who everyone knew, Brenda, and now Sheila have passed on. Emelie B, Krisvell and others. Being a member 8 years there were members many of you will never know but would have loved very much such as Tousled, Lolly, Lisa (Love and Light), SandyH, Shell, Lily from Equador. But there are new members who come for our love, support and friendship. In this thread, many state they may not have come back after coming on the first time and seeing a memorial page. Since Brenda and Sheila have just died, you can image what that page would look like just with them. So, as me, just good ole member Becky, I will tell you what I have been thinking about. The group's name is Her2Support group. It was founded to give support to breast cancer patients and survivors who are Her2 positive. At the time, and actually even now, we are different from other kinds of bc. Different (and new) treatments and different and new outcomes. At home based bc support groups, we may find that we are the only Her2+ one in the group. Not so here and this is why Joe Druther created this site. So we can find each other. We understand "Herceptin, Tykerb, Perjeta, TDM1" etc. If I haven't gone thru it, someone else here has and can lend a hand - the word SUPPORT shines through. This is what we are. This is what we do. It is clearer and clearer to me everyday that we are a family of close friends who never meet, may never even know what each other even looks like or even know each other's real name (my real name is Becky;)). A memorial page may be very frightening for a new member who NEEDS us and may not post nor return. How sad that would be. I will say one thing. In our birthday section, our Angel members still come up if they put their birthday in. That may be a good way to remember if someone wishes. Start a Happy Birthday thread and if there is a funny story to tell, tell it. Also, anybody can start a thread about "Remembering SandyH (and her green shoes)" or Tousled or anyone at all. I'm not sure.

I will still discuss this with the Druther girls in the New Year if a memorial page or something like it is what you want. And I will do this just like a Congressman votes for his delegates even if it is not his opinion. But as just Becky, I believe support and the love and caring we all have for each other (which is evident) is what Her2Support is all about. I wish all of you peace during the holiday season and love during this difficult time on the board.

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