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rhondalea 12-25-2013 06:13 PM

Re: Affordable Care Act
Without a doubt, it wasn't Anthem. That's what she had before the ACA went into effect, and Anthem drove her crazy. (Interestingly, I too have Anthem, but my plan is so different from hers that it's like dealing with an entirely different company.)

I don't know much more than that, except that her premiums went down, as did her deductible.

Edited to add: Good luck. Navigating all these changes has to be a nightmare.

sassy 12-25-2013 10:14 PM

Re: Affordable Care Act
This is a very important topic which I hope can continue to be discussed in an appropriate manner.

Not only am I concerned about the effect of the Affordable Care Act for myself, but as the HR administrator for my place of business, it is my responsibility to gather as much information as possible for both the employer and the employee. This shared information of what others have experienced and continue to experience is of great value. I am sure many on this site can benefit from a civil discussion of the topic.

When major changes occur that have a significant impact on individuals, such as the Affordable Care Act, it is easy to assign blame and frustration to whomever one determines appears to be the cause, be it government or individuals. In such a charged climate, sharing of opinions on private business (insurance companies, employers, etc.), government entities, political parties and personalities, and individuals can become a source of contention and should be divorced from the discussion. Attacks on the perceived opinions of others should also remain mute.

I join Becky in asking for a continued civil discussion of this topic for the benefit of all. Those who are averse to the topic, or who cannot refrain from personal opinion attacks are asked to simply refrain from participating in the thread.

norkdo 12-25-2013 11:55 PM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act LOL
Rereading the comments and cannot find the uncivil ones everyone is referring to. Were they censored out?

MikeF 12-26-2013 05:31 AM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act LOL
I edited my original post to accurately refer to Washington as a whole. My intentions were never to debate political preference but to get a feel for how our situation compares to others on this site. It appears to us that if anything was accomplished with this law it was to raise premiums across the board. The last thing Barb and I need at this point is more money going out. I guess I really need someone knowledgeable to explain why doubling my premium was necessary. My impression is as soon as government offered subsidies for anyone paying 9.5 % or more of their gross income the whole insurance industry raised premiums to 9.5 % of the average american income.

karen z 12-26-2013 07:27 AM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act LOL
Actually Norkdo, attacks on those who replied in a civil manner but questioned horribly non-civil attacks were primarily censored out- along with another's comments defending the person who disagreed with non-civil and inaccurate attacks (hooray for free speech for some). Thank God we are now being civil but (oh oh) we still have a frowny face, the word affordable in quotes (gosh, I don't quite think that is the actual name of the legislation) and also the LOL thing- (let's all laugh at legislation that was passed and upheld by the highest court in the land) in the name of this important thread. Very sad when accurate comments are removed but others not. PC is alive and well (but unidirectional).

karen z 12-26-2013 08:21 AM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act LOL
I have been thinking about the deterioration that would allow a hugely political discussion (to ignore that is to ignore hours and hours of extensive news coverage daily) to continue, when I believe it was not Joe and Christine's wishes for this particular site (there are many political hack sites around to waste one's time on). And to leave "up" derogatory comments or symbols about President Obama (actually, it occurred to me that many probably didn't even consciously notice these derogatory signs as such IF the signs fit one's own views- as a Ph.D. in psychology I am all too aware of how these cognitive processes work). However, to have one's comments removed from a site (without even being told) when one is trying to defend oneself against blatantly uncivil comments (let's not only pretend it didn't happen but let's reinforce the one's who did it) is a bit too much. I would like my name deleted as a member of the site as I do not believe in what it has de-evolved into. I am also not interested in political "free for alls"- but, even worse, only for the chosen few.

rhondalea 12-26-2013 09:19 AM

Re: Affordable Care Act
I wish you wouldn't leave, Karen.

I understand your frustration because I share it (as to the political issue). I believe the post deletions (including mine) were an attempt to preserve the important part of the discussion--insurance issues, which is something nearly everyone shares--without devolving into politics.

I think a better solution might have been to delete the entire thread and start over, but then some of the actual information would have been lost.

I just don't think throwing out the baby with the bathwater is the way to go here, and I hope you will give consideration to the fact that even in the best of relationships there are occasional blips. The way to fix the site is not to leave it but to participate more and to call attention to the times when the subject veers into the unacceptable. (Yes, that probably means more deleted posts in the sorting, but how else to end a contentious, political discussion than to put a full stop on it?)

I can't post much these days, and I can't stay in touch with people the way I would like--my brain refuses to cooperate--but being able to log on here and see that certain people are still posting is very reassuring to me that the light at the end of the tunnel isn't just an oncoming train. I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels that way. I would be dreadfully sorry to see you go (but I'd like to stay in touch--in my haphazard way of the moment--so I'll be emailing you just in case you won't change your mind--might take a day or two, but please don't change your address in the interim).

Anyway, give this some more thought, please. You have been a long-time contributor to this group, and I would hope that you see some value in preserving that.


Laurel 12-26-2013 09:37 AM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act LOL

I have not commented on this thread, principally because I have strong feelings about our new healthcare adventure. However, I will say that as a politically divided and polarized nation we Americans are bound to have polarized opinions of the new health care legislation. It will not be easy to respond CAREFULLY to this discussion. However we all DO need to know what is happening to one another regarding our insurance experiences going forward. By doing so we can assist one another around the bureaucracy and unintended pitfalls that ANY system will inevitably manifest.

So look, everyone, this is here and now and must be dealt with no matter what one's feelings about it may be. We need to assist, enlighten, and educate one another so we can continue to receive the needed care for our members. Karen, stay. Please know you are loved and respected. Stay. Let's all fight on together our real enemy--Her2 breast cancer--not one another. We can do this, because at the end of the day love prevails. Let's not be too harsh on ourselves at his moment in time. This new legislation is frightening to some, welcome to others. We must allow civil discourse to go forward and not attempt to silence one another so we continue to share our experiences. We need to hear the GOOD, the BAD, the BEAUTIFUL, and the UGLY. We, certainly as cancer warriors, know all too well that knowledge is power.

Laurel 12-26-2013 11:44 AM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act LOL
Just another thought: I for one would really appreciate hearing positive experiences with our new system. Has anyone signed up and paid their new premium? If so, will you share how this has affected you, positively or negatively? What was your experience?

norkdo 12-26-2013 01:01 PM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act LOL
Please, Karen, stay? Please.

StephN 12-26-2013 01:26 PM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act
Mike has done what he can to edit this thread.

Anyone who has posted here and wants to take out the LOL in the title of their post must do it themselves.

Click Edit and then at the bottom of the edit box click on Go Advanced. There you can edit the Title.

Onward in a positive manner, please.

MJsHusband 12-26-2013 08:33 PM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act
We have Blue Cross Blue Shield through the corporation we are employed by and have experienced no changes at all since the ACA began.

KDR 12-26-2013 10:25 PM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act
In the past, I have felt attacked for my points of view and opinions on this site before and, at one point, felt it divisive, even. I asked the powers that be to be taken off, too. Felt under-appreciated. Uncared about. I have my beliefs, others have theirs. But when asked to reconsider, I'm glad I stayed. I've made great friends here.
I am very careful with verbage, keep it quick, simple and short. Not at all how I write poetry or speeches or fiction.
So, just sleep on it.

evlin75 12-27-2013 09:08 AM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act
This is an article showing cuts to oncology clinics in 2014. More local clinics will be forced out - but funds to hospital outpatients services will increase for cancer treatments.
To read you have to sign in though.


Catherine 12-27-2013 11:19 PM

Re: Affordable Care Act
Brokers are available to help you anaylze(sp) the policies. I am not sure how fair and unbiased they are. Just another option. Staying alive and not running out of money is enough to scare any of us. Praying for the best for everyone.


Adriana Mangus 12-28-2013 12:25 AM

Re: Affordable Care Act
Hi Everyone,

As a former Civilian Employee I don't qualify for the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. But I'd like to say that I agree with Becky, we need to leave politics outside of this organization and stick to what matters most to all of us, just by talking about premiums and health plans and how everyone is affected by these changes, we're learning and getting an education on the new healthcare ystem. I have a daughter who's 27 y/o and has no medical insurance at the present time- - we're still waiting on a response from Health Net. I checked some of their plans and they don't look good for her-- each one of them has a deductible of $6,500.! It's a lot of money considering she's a young, healthy woman with no pre-existing medical conditions. I believe this new healthcare thing is for people with more money to pay for those who can't afford health insurance, that's what socialized medicine is all about.
I find it very difficult for people who don't wish to sign up for the Obamacare to be forced to do so. Regardless, I find this thread educational and personally I'm learning from other people's experiences .

So in short, let's keep this thread alive.

Thank you for your time.


Adriana Mangus 12-28-2013 12:27 AM

Re: "Affordable" Care Act

Your response is lovely.


Laurel 12-28-2013 06:16 AM

Re: Affordable Care Act

In your post you said your daughter is 27 years old and without insurance presently. When she searched the new website the best she can do is a $6500 deductible? Without getting too personal, can you tell us if she is in a higher earning bracket? That kind of deductible would be impossible for my 21 year old daughter to float on her salary. Gosh, it seems very high to me on first blush. Thanks.

MikeF 12-28-2013 07:19 AM

Re: Affordable Care Act
Our deductible is 6350.00 with a monthly premium of 644.00. Barb can go in for one treatment and that would knock out the deductible. Im still trying to get my mind around why the premium had to increase so much. If the insurance industry cant discriminate against preexisting conditions how do they justify doubling our premium. Is it simply that now they anticipate more in claims?

Mary Anne in TX 12-28-2013 08:44 AM

Re: Affordable Care Act
Good Morning Warriors! As I read the responses and concerns in this thread, it takes me back to so many times I felt uncomfortable with what was being said by some of our greatest warriors (now angels). They were fighting for their lives and felt strongly...very strongly about whatever. I didn't like everything people said....some made me mad or sad....but I loved the person who was saying it. I know we need to be a bit more careful in who we "fire" at with our words, but we also must feel safe to "unload" feelings and fears. This is a mean, dirty fight for so many and they need a place to come that is safe. Love and Happy New Year and success in battles to everyone......

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