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#1son 12-31-2015 11:58 AM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
This article lists a few other possible causes you may wish to discuss with your doc. Good luck!


thinkpositive 01-01-2016 09:41 AM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
Hi Jessica,

I've been wondering how you are doing. Any word on the cause of your symptoms yet?

Take care,

Kkmom 01-04-2016 08:25 PM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
How have you been? Just checking in on you.

jra40 01-05-2016 06:42 AM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
Good morning ladies! I am so sorry I have been MIA for awhile, the holidays were busy and I came down with a severe head cold on top of everything!

I had the ductogram done on December 28th. This procedure sucked, pardon my French!! They don't numb you and basically put an IV in your nipple! WTF??? I almost passed out after they took me out of the mammogram machine to put me in another position! I recovered then they also did an ultrasound which showed a blockage. The doctor seemed confident it was not cancerous but the results had to go to my breast surgeon who would make the next decision.

Met with him on the 30th, he believes it is a papilloma and wants to remove it and biopsy it to be on the safe side.

Before I do surgery, I finally got approved for a PET scan which I have never had since I started this journey. I have been having some problems elsewhere so my doctor wants to be on the safe side and get the scan before surgery. Scan is scheduled for Thursday at 7:45am. I am so happy to finally have this scan done but very scared of the possible results.

I am staying positive and focusing on recovering from these little bumps in my road. Here is to a healthy New Year for all of US!!!

Love to all - Jessica

agness 01-05-2016 11:01 AM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
You are a brave girl and I'm so sorry they treated you so shittily with the screening. F-them. I had a tooth operated on that wasn't numb either and that hurt so bad that I cried, your teeth are right next to your brain so it was really bad. I totally know what you had going on.

A papilloma, huh. That would suck but at least it isn't cancer. The thing is that they might suggest some radical surgery and you don't want that. Make sure you try to track down the best person for the job. I read the story of one gal on another board who had a small cancer develop on her lip. Her surgeon was going to gouge out tissue and leave her with part of her mouth missing. She knew that rads could help, she was pretty sure of it. Since she couldn't get confirmation of that she got an opinion with a radiosurgery center. She was right, they nuked the cancer on her lip and she's fine. Make sure you are talking to the best people possible and in different practice areas -- maybe rads might work for you too, in example. I will dig around online and see what I find.

How are you feeling about stuff? Sending big hugs.

MaineRottweilers 01-05-2016 11:39 AM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
Oh my goodness. I would have passed out----ouch! Glad things are sounding positive. I'll be holding my breath with you until you get PET results.

In my thoughts,

agness 01-05-2016 11:44 AM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
This is a totally wacky page about breast papillomas but it has a lot of interesting information. Do you still have fibrocystic breasts or dense breast tissue?


agness 01-05-2016 12:01 PM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
I'm thinking you need more iodine. Here's why, in the breast are receptors that can accept iodine and also estrogen. If you are low in iodine (totally possible since iodine in bread products was replaced with bromine, which is pro-estrogen) then the receptors bind to any extra estrogens in the body. This can lead to all kinds of breast density, fibrocystic changes and lumps as your boobs don't have what they need.

I don't know if you have kids but I found this great flyer about the importance of iodine during pregnancy. My doc didn't mention anything about iodine to me :/

Iodine Supplementation - for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

Here's another article about iodine deficiency:

Then I found this, because we want to know why your body let this foreign body grow inside you -- even if your docs don't care. Why? Because we don't want it to happen again.

Intraductal Papilloma

If your medical team is pretty confident that it is a papilloma, which the bleeding by the nipple means it is up by the nipple, then if I were you I would take a month to take extra iodine and work with someone who knows integrated medicine and see if you can fix you without surgery. You can still opt for surgery if it doesn't work and you will still want to know why this happened and to fix it.

My friend has been taking Lugol's solution to supplement iodine. I have been taking Ionic Iodine from Trace Minerals, 3 drops, plus Concentrace, 10 drops, in a liter of water most days. You might need more than that though for a therapeutic regime in the short-term.


Carol Ann 01-05-2016 12:21 PM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
Hi Jessica! So relieved to hear it is not Paget's, and so sorry you had to suffer like you did with the test. Suck is right. And then some!!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you that your scan is clear.

Carol Ann

jra40 01-05-2016 01:22 PM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
Thank you for the information on the papilloma and iodine, I'm going to read into it further when I get home tonight. I have the best breast surgeon in the world here in Pittsburgh and I trust him with my life, so I am going with the surgery to remove it. He gave me three options, to watch and monitor, to do an MRI, or to remove and biopsy. I asked him his opinion and he said to remove.

I feel good about the decision but physically, I have not been feeling well since the 18th. Having headaches and terrible problems with my stomach. Hoping it's just a bug from the cold but it's a little worrisome with my chronic issues. Oh well, wait and see what the PET scan brings.

Thank you all for the support and encouragement - you all are amazing!

Carol Ann 01-05-2016 01:42 PM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
Hi Jessica! I am so glad you have an excellent surgeon, it makes such a difference. My surgeon I also trusted implicitly; he took one look at my nipple and declared it was Paget's ... and eventually it turned out he was absolutely correct. I didn't want to believe him at first, but in the end he was right.

It is good you are feeling good about your decision, that is so important too. Keep us all posted and know we are there with you, I have been thinking about you every day and I know I am not the only one!

Carol Ann

thinkpositive 01-05-2016 06:00 PM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast

My goodness, that procedure sounds absolutely horrible! Glad it is behind you. Hoping everything turns out to be fine. The PET scan procedure is a piece of cake. Hardest part is the worry.

Take Care,

jra40 01-08-2016 11:16 AM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
PET scan results are clear but still doesn't explain why I feel so bad? Nurse thinks Arimidex could be the culprit, she has heard many BC survivors say the same thing - wants me to talk to my oncologist about alternatives. Anyone else have bad side effects from Arimidex?

Carol Ann 01-08-2016 01:33 PM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
I have had plenty of miserable side effects from Arimidex -- hot flashes that are so strong they create panic attacks, major fatigue, depression, muscle aches and pains, sore and stiff joints ... and I was already post menopausal when I started taking it.

Given you had Tamoxifen/surgery first ... highly possible your side effects are that much worse and intense.

Hope this helps ...

Carol Ann

agness 02-13-2016 12:08 PM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
Hope you are feeling good. How did the procedure go?

jra40 02-15-2016 06:07 AM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
Hi Agness! Thank you for checking in! Procedure is on Wednesday of this week, long time for them to schedule it, not happy about that but my surgeon is very popular in this area. I have not seen any bleeding since the ductogram so I guess that is good. Been sick with a terrible virus for about 2 weeks though, finally recovered for surgery though! Will keep you posted this weekend when I am home healing. Hopefully all good news :)

MaineRottweilers 02-15-2016 06:59 AM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
I will be thinking of you on Wednesday. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather for so long. I'm glad they think you are ready for surgery, finally. It seems like you've been dealing with this for a long, long time.

thinkpositive 02-15-2016 12:11 PM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast

Sorry you are having to deal with a virus on top of your upcoming procedure. I'll be thinking of you and sending positive, healing, thoughts your way.

Take care,

Carol Ann 02-15-2016 03:28 PM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
Jessica, I'm so sorry you've been sick! Hope you are feeling better, great that there hasn't been any more bleeding. Good luck on Wednesday, rooting for you!

Carol Ann

Becky 02-15-2016 04:30 PM

Re: Bleeding from Good Breast
I am thinking of you too. Especially on Wednesday. Healing thoughts and gentle hugs.

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