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PinkGirl 07-20-2008 06:26 PM

*trivia Question*
What do Mona Lisa, Queen Elizabeth l, and Andibb
all have in common?

Colleens_Husband 07-21-2008 07:41 PM

Okay Pink Girl:

Could it be famous ship wrecks?

Could it be nom-de-plumes you have used on other forums?

Could it be towns where Bill is in the process of moving to?

Tell me I'm right!


Gerri 07-21-2008 08:43 PM

Pink Girl,

You have completely thrown me with "andibb". After much searching, and not finding anything, I starting thinking about what it could mean. Are you referring to our own Andrea Barnett Budin as andibb?

If so, my guess is the month of September (I can actually explain the "connection" I made - well, sort of). If andibb is something else can we have another clue?

Colleens_Husband 07-21-2008 08:58 PM

Be careful when searching for AndiBB on Google. There are some sites that made me blush!

juanita 07-22-2008 08:00 AM

must have really been bad if it made you blush.

PinkGirl 07-22-2008 09:17 AM

Lee, I'm sorry but those answers are incorrect. But I will be sure to mention to andibb that you think of her as a shipwreck!

Gerri, yes I am referring to our Andrea Budin as andibb. I can see
a bit of a September connection, but that's not what I'm looking

I want you all to know that I have andibb's permission to ask
this trivia question and that she has a great sense of humour!!!

I will give you some clues later if no one answers correctly.

Andrea Barnett Budin 07-22-2008 02:22 PM

You'll Laugh When You Find Out...
GOSH I HAVEN'T BEEN AWAY THAT LONG HAVE I? How quickly you forget...

I'm the *spiritual* one w/all the inspiring posts. I had mentioned a similarity I share with Mona Lisa and Eliz I to my friend Pinkie. She later thought it would be a good trivia question. When you find out, you will laugh.

I am a metastatic bc Survivor (not a shipwreck). Her2+. Been through a total of 16 mnths of hard core, shock and awe chemo, and am in my 10th year of Herceptin. I am going to live forever or die trying.

Much that is wondrous has happened to me as a result of being dx, which I think many can relate to. Life was never sweeter. Each day is a gift. I had a mastec in '95 but I do not think Mona or Liz could be on the same page as me in this regard.

But we do share something quite odd...

Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gs...mals-butterfly

PinkGirl 07-23-2008 06:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Clue #1

Attachment 476

PinkGirl 07-23-2008 06:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Clue #2

Attachment 477

Gerri 07-23-2008 08:58 AM

Of course we know who you are Andi - well, I do anyway. Lee has some issues that I won't go into right now. Suffice it to say he doesn't even know who HE is at times.

Okay here is my guess:

All three have stunningly beautiful high foreheads, with flawless skin, model-like check bones and a bone structure to die for - majestic in every sense of the word.

PinkGirl 07-23-2008 09:12 AM


You are sooooooooooo close. I agree with everything you said about
these three famous women, but you haven't quite got the specific
detail I'm looking for.

Clue: this detail makes their foreheads look even higher.
Another clue: Andibb wears more makeup than Mona and Liz wore.

Gerri 07-23-2008 09:26 AM

Okay PinkGirl here goes:

The Mona Lisa and Queen Elizabeth I appear to have no eyebrows. Andi on the other hand, has beautifully arched eyebrows but if she is anything like me she has become an expert at filling them in. (Andi if those beautiful eyebrows are indeed your own please excuse my guess - this is a tough one!)

PinkGirl 07-23-2008 09:31 AM

Yes!!!! You got it Gerri.
Mona Lisa, Elizabeth l and Andibb all do not have any eyebrows.

I know it was a tough trivia question and there should be a big
prize for you, but ....... you'll have to check with Lee for the
prize because this is his quiz thread.

Good job!!!

Gerri 07-24-2008 07:58 AM

Whew!! That was stressful! I'll wait to hear from Lee about my prize. Knowing him, and how his twisted mind works, I will probably have to claim my winnings from his grandma in jail...I'll just go with the satisfaction of knowing I solved the puzzle!

Colleens_Husband 07-24-2008 09:54 AM

Great guess Geri! I'm impressed by your brilliance. Now all I need to do is convince you to use your natural talents to serve the dark side of the force.

I was going to say that they looked like they were being goosed, except for Shipwreck Andrea, but upon further reflection I thought that would be unkind to mention, so I put that thought out of my mind. And you know, I feel pretty good that I didn't bring it up. It shows that I do have some restraint.


chrisy 07-24-2008 02:17 PM

Um, I think you lost your restraint by bringing up how proud you were about showing restraint...

I'm just saying...

Andrea Barnett Budin 07-24-2008 05:04 PM

I Am No Shipwreck...

Yes, *Spike*, in 1956 the Italian transatlantic passenger vessel, The Andrea Doria (an icon of national pride, post WWII), collided with The Stockholm. Much like the Titanic, this ocean liner tragically sank, taking 46 lives. Whereas 1,660 Souls were rescued, through extraordinary heroic means. All with tales to tell.

I too am a Survivor, of a very different course of events. My cancer cells (tumors and all) have been torpedoed. Yet, *I* remain, alive and well -- body, mind and Soul. I AM NO SHIPWRECK.

Also, I believe Mona has a most placid smile; her eyes speaking of her connectedness to her Spirit. As for Liz, gosh she must be hot in all those bloody clothes. Though, it could be quite chilly in England's castles, I hear. Perhaps that is what you're seeing, Spike. Just a thought. I'm just saying...

On a lighter note, I recently read that it took Da Vinci 12 years to paint Mona's lips. This has elated me, as it is taking forever and a day for me to finish my book. All much to my chagrin from friends and acquaintances inquiring IS IT DONE YET???

Gerri, my sweet, you are too kind and generous, not to mention gracious. FYI, since my 2nd round of chemo (after my recurrence) and after 8 months of Taxotere (the Freight Train drug) most of my hair came back. However -- *no* eyebrows. I do not know what happened to Mona or Liz, but Life is full of surprises. Not the least of which is that eyebrows serve to give our faces expression. My younger daughter has sweetly observed that I do not have a receding hairline (as I claim) but rather that I have a *high forehead*. Gotta love her.

I think those eyebrow hairs have relocated -- to my upper lip. I have always believed we must learn to laugh at ourselves, before others do, don't you think? Cosmic humor is gaspingly funny.


...MONEY IS NOT MADE OF PAPER? ANY GUESSES AS TO WHAT IT IS MADE OF? (This is a *trivia* thread, right?)



And so ends my post, completely lacking any semblance of order, as I segue from thought to thought occurring in my brain and then suddenly appearing on my keyboard. (Some may hasten to add -- per usual. Or as always.)

I ALWAYS SAY -- NEVER SAY NEVER, OR ALWAYS... http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/smi/2b00001c91/08

Andi http://cdn-cf.aol.com/se/clip_art/gs...mals-butterfly

SoCalGal 07-25-2008 12:42 AM

Since it's you Andi
I will attempt to answer your trivia.
I do not know what money is made of. I do know - however - from my father - that is DOES NOT GROW ON TREES.

I do not know the official first recorded Wendy. I do know that the first time I ever heard that name was Wendy - the lost boys' mother from Peter Pan. I unofficially changed my name to Wendy and lucky for me my mom called me that for about 6 months.

The beans thing is universal... It's the same reason no one is allowed to eat them in my house. Odorous gaseous.

PinkGirl 07-25-2008 07:09 AM

You know, it wasn't that long ago that I knew the answers to these 3 questions. Right now I can only remember the Wendy
question. I think Flori is right - the name came from Peter Pan.

Colleens_Husband 07-25-2008 07:41 AM

Paper money is made of rag bond, which is a combination of starch and ground up threads of cotten and linen. If you get a magnifying glass and look at a dollar bill, you can easily see the cloth fibers.

Oh, and I am pretty comfortable with Spike, which is an Irish term for a mischievous boy. Some people see that quality in me.

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