View Full Version : Premenopausal, chemopause and "the return"

02-18-2013, 06:53 AM
I have a question for other premenopausal women who experienced chemopause. I had my first chemo in July and one period soon after that. My last chemo was in Oct and in Jan. my period returned...angrily, as if to say..."hey lady!! These eggs have been stored up for the last six months or so, here you go...here is ALL of them!" Aside from having a very heavy period I also had 3.5 days of the. worst. cramps. ever. Never in my "womanly" years have I had such a heavy flow for so long (6 solid days of heavy flow) nor have I ever needed to complain about cramps.

Now...if I do the math...it is late. And I have none of the "oh dear, I think my period is coming" feelings (no cramps, no increased need of chocolate, no grumpiness other than my normal level of "grump"). And no, there is no way I am pregnant...

So...what am I to make of this? Has this happened to you? Did your periods sort themselves out? If so, when?

I should also mention that I started my daily Tamoxifen pill on Jan 29 but I did ask my onc if that would stop my periods and he said "no".


02-18-2013, 12:41 PM
leah - I was in chemopause for 14mos and my period returned WITH A VENGENCE in December. Heavy, crampy etc same as what you describe. My oncologist recommended Lupron to shut down my ovaries so I haven't had a period since. I am not sure why some oncs decide to do this and some say its ok to have periods since you are on some sort of anti-estrogen therapy. My friend had her periods return and her onc did not shut her down. Her periods are very irregular, late, not at all etc same as what you are experiencing. I think this is normal. And my onc did say the same thing that tamox does not stop your periods

02-18-2013, 06:13 PM
Thank you roz for your response. Good to know that I am experiencing something "normal" (is that the right word??). I will see what, if anything, happens but if they continue to be like it was last time I will ask onc about Lupron. I don't see him again till May...which I just think is so weird.