View Full Version : Dad will start Gemzar and Carboplatin next week

01-04-2013, 05:56 PM
Hi HER-2ers,

The past couple of weeks have been increasingly difficult as I learned that my dad's bladder cancer has now metastasized in full force to his liver and peritoneum. It was only 3 months ago that he had a clear scan...

He's very weak right now and I'm at the hospital with him. My parents cared for me when I was sick and now it's my turn to care for them. Unfortunately, we're not even in the same country, but I did get a chance to fly here for the week to be with them. Things move very slowly but it looks like he may get his first chemo next week.

I'm coming here to my HER-2 family for support and also to ask whether any of you has taken or is taking Gemzar and Carboplatin. If so, what are their major side effects?

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart,


01-04-2013, 06:26 PM
Sorry you are having to deal with this, and from a distance as well. I haven't had that combo (although I think it will be "next" on the list) so I can't comment directly.

I did have Carbo/Taxol/Herceptin as my first chemo and found that combination very tolerable, but then so much depends on your overall health and when I had taxol then taxotere this year I was miserable. So you just don't know.

Gemzar does not challenge hair, but can hit blood counts pretty hard. But it is generally thought to be an "easier" chemo. Carboplatin is supposed to be rougher, and neuropathy can be an issue.

Best bet is to google these for side effects, but keep in mind the list is always longer than seems necessary because it includes EVERYTHING ever reported. And most importantly, everyone does respond differently, so you don't know how your Dad will react. You can be prepared to recognize the S/E IF he experiences them, but don't claim them ahead of time,

Blessings to you and your dad.

01-05-2013, 11:39 AM
Hi Chris,

Thank you so much for your support. My dad is increasingly tired and I'm worried that he won't be strong enough for chemo. I'm focusing on spending as much time with him as possible and making him comfortable to face what's ahead.

I've also found a support group for bladder cancer online, where I've already posted some questions.

Thanks for your blessings,


tricia keegan
01-05-2013, 03:37 PM
Marcia a friend had Gemzar with little or no side effects and I hope that's the same for your Dad, sorry I can't help on the Carboplatin though.

01-06-2013, 07:03 AM
No knowledge to share...but I'm sending love and prayers your way. Be kind to yourself while you take care of your Mom and Dad. I found it MUCH harder to be the caregiver than I'm finding it to be the patient.
All my best wishes to your Dad,

01-07-2013, 12:20 AM

Below is the link to the abstract of a 2009 artcile on Gemzar and Carbolatin for bladder cancer:


Will keep your Dad and your family in our prayers.

01-07-2013, 06:03 PM
Really sorry to learn of your father's continued struggles. I pray he will tolerate and respond to the chemo combo. Hang tough. I know you will....you are one of us.

01-07-2013, 08:02 PM
Oh, Bejuce, I am sorry to hear that your sweet father has another battle ahead. It is mind-boggling. What can I say other than, I wish you all the best. How wonderful that you can be there for him.