View Full Version : Side Effect Question

12-25-2012, 07:15 PM
I am new to the community. I was diagnosed with ER-/PR-/HER2++++ Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Breast Cancer two months ago. I had my first TCH Chemo treatment 12 days ago. All in all I would say that I handled most of the side effects pretty well and am finally on an upswing in terms of how I am feeling. However, i have a new side effect that is literally making me a crazy person. My face has begun to breakout in clusters of bumps similar to acne, I have developed red burning patches on my face, and have insanely dry skin and chapped lips. I feel like it just came on suddenly. I have done some reading and have found out that this is not uncommon, my question is what to do about it? I am desperate for some type of cream to give me relief. My face just feels so tight, sore and dry. Has anyone found a product or products they feel work best for this type of thing? Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.

12-26-2012, 10:56 AM

I didn't have side effects like this, but welcome to the board. Sorry that you have something that is driving you crazy.

Have you spoken to your medical team about it?

I hope it is resolved very soon.

12-26-2012, 11:13 AM
Hi - so sorry you are having miserable side effects. I did have the bumps on my face. They went away after about 2 weeks. The burning and tightness I have had were mostly on my hands. I found that any pain relieving gel with Aloe Vera and lidocaine took away the pain (this is usually purchased for sunburns). I found it at Walgreens but have seen it in grocery stores. Make sure you let your doctor know about this side effect.

I hope you are able to find relief!!

12-26-2012, 02:54 PM
I cannot give you any advice on this, as I had not similar effects of chemo. Try talking to your doctor or oncology nurse about this, i am sure there is some cream or lotion out there that will help you deal with it. Drinking a lot of natural juices helped me keep a nice skin during treatment.



12-26-2012, 03:23 PM
I had the EXACT same thing. I put Neosporin in the mornings and Aquafore or Argan Oil on my face to help soothe at night. I had it during my whole treatment. It definitely flared up two days after the infusion and settled a bit before the next go. You should tell your Oncologist though. They need to know, especially if your skin starts to crack/get scaly from being so dry. Good news is that it does go away bit by bit when you finish chemo. Also, sunlight somehow made mine better. I went through treatment during the spring and when it was warm enough I sat outside and let the sun hit my face for 10 minutes.

12-26-2012, 10:10 PM
Welcome to the board. I'm so sorry you are having these side effects. Please know that you are in my prayers. Gods blessings to you and your family. Peace my friend, Nancy