View Full Version : Update and questions

08-14-2012, 06:57 AM
Hi everyone just wanted to tell everyone on August 3 I had my last surgery for the exchange of expanders to implants. Surgery was easy as recovery has been except I was in the hospital last week, my bp was 86/58 and I passed out several timesHospital was torture! They ended up sticking me 25 times for an IV before they finally put a picc line in to do a ct scan looking for cancer on my adrenal gland. All tests were negative and they sent me home with no resolution. So far I am still light headed with low bp but have not passed out. I have 3 herceptin treatments left and then will be done everything except nipple recon but thinking I will go with bamm-bamm and pebbles tattoos instead.

This coming weekend we are moving from nj to Roanoke Virginia area and need to find a new onc to follow me. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Thanks for the continued support and advice. Could not have survived the past year and a half without my cyber-friends..


08-14-2012, 07:15 AM
Congrats on finishing your surgery. I just finished my nipple reconstruction and tatoos, very easy compared to all the other stuff we had to do. Hope the BP issue clears soon, hopefully just a bad reaction to anesthesia.

08-14-2012, 11:15 AM
Congrats on being "done" with recon!! I personally LOVE the Pebbles and Bam-Bam tattoos!! Original, creative, fun!

I hope you love your new home in Roanoke! Are the kids excited? They start 7th grade this fall? So great that they have each other to lean on while they get used to the new routine and school.

I hope your blood pressure gets back to normal soon.
Be well!