View Full Version : Herceptin flu?

05-29-2012, 06:17 AM
Hi Friends~
Just wondering if you guys still get the Herceptin flu after each infusion, and how long does it last for you?
I've been getting q3week Herceptin for close to a decade & I know to take a couple of tylenol during my infusion otherwise I start to feel flu-ey about an hour after the infusion.
But lately I think I've noticed that in the few days following, I spike a little temp, ~99deg, sometime during the day, typically in the late afternoon.
I don't know...it could be so many things with me & not the Herceptin. I'm chronically neutropenic, take oral cytoxan that is very hard on the bladder & predisposes me to bladder irrittation & UTI, and I just got a transfusion last Friday.
I'm just so tired of feeling puny, not knowing if I'm going to get through a day without Tylenol AND now I'm paranoid about the effects of Tylenol on my liver, as my bilirubin was elevated when I had labs last week.
Sorry to be so grumpy this morning...maybe I should go back to bed & get up on the other side?

Keeping the Faith~


05-29-2012, 07:26 AM
I'm headed out for my Vitamin H in a little while, and I've already taken my Claritin, and a couple of ibuprofen to try to stave off just the symptoms you describe. My Herceptin side effects are certainly not debilitating, but they make me want to sleep most of the following day.

Have you considered alternating between tylenol and ibuprofen to give your liver a break?

Wishing you well!

05-29-2012, 05:51 PM
I only had that with the first infusion, and never had it since....I have had Herceptin given weekly, every 2 weeks, every 3 weeks....like all drugs, we can react differently, sometimes not to the drug, but the compound it is reconstituted in. hope you are feeling better

05-29-2012, 06:30 PM
"herceptin flu" Never even heard that term!

I've been on herceptin for 3 years and have never had any flu symptoms from it. Sorry you do.