View Full Version : Scan results

04-29-2012, 01:09 AM
Hey everyone...I was without internet during a move and just got it back today, so of course this was the first place I visited to read all the updates. Im still trying to catch up.

Anyhow, thought I would say I had a CT scan halfway through my six treatments with TCH. Got the results a few weeks later that showed one tumor left in my liver. It started at 2.5 cm and is down to 1.2 cm. Not having much experience at all this, I am thinking this is definitely positive. I just had my fifth treatment, and have one more to go this cycle...Im hoping this last three treatments knock this stupid tumor into oblivion, but Im trying not to build my hopes up too high. Still, fingers crossed, and I hope to have a chemo break after this. Yay!

04-29-2012, 04:23 AM
I would say this is definitely a good thing! Yay! God is good!

04-29-2012, 04:55 AM
Having it shrink that much is definitely great news. You are doing wonderfully well.

Keep us posted.

04-30-2012, 10:00 AM
Unlike George Castanza...we appreciate shrinkage....that sounds like wonderful news....so happy for you!

04-30-2012, 11:08 AM
The tumor is more than 50% smaller. Is that positive? Are you kidding! That's wonderful!


Vicki revised
05-01-2012, 04:43 PM
The TCH is def. kicking that tumor's rear! My original tumor was over 10 cm. I didn't have another scan until after finishing my 6 treatments and then it was 1.5 cm which exceeded the best case expectations of my treatment team.


05-04-2012, 02:15 AM
Vicki, yay!!! Im so glad it worked for you too! All my little "birdseed" tumors in my liver are either gone or too small to detect now. Im ever so cautiously hoping for NED. The doctor says after this he is hoping to maintain me on Herceptin alone, and Im really looking forward to not visiting the chemo clinic every Wednesday. :)

05-04-2012, 03:20 AM
Was wondering about you too, Vicki! Glad to hear it!

05-04-2012, 06:32 AM
That is wonderful news!
After I finished chemo, I still had one liver tumor left. I had radiofrequency ablation done and I have been NED for 14 months.
I don't know if your dr's have mentioned any targeted procedures, but it may be an option if the chemo doesn't finish the last one off.


05-04-2012, 09:28 AM
That is GREAT news! Keep it up, ok?

05-04-2012, 09:50 AM
Keep up the great work !! You are certainly going in the right direction.

05-04-2012, 10:09 AM
That is great news!!! Give it some more time and i hope this treatment will get you to NED :) My oncologist says he prefers slow and gradual regression rather than a overnight express ! I was surprised as we want the tumors to disappear in days !