View Full Version : First Dance with the ScanMan in 2012

01-03-2012, 09:17 AM
Just as all the holiday celebrations are starting to fade away and I'm feeling ready to tackle 2012, I find myself in a holding pattern, not knowing which way the path is going to take me, yet again.
I have scans today@ 2:30pm, and besides being hungry, I actually feel pretty okay. If these results are less than stable, then we'll be on a quest for another option. When you've been fighting the good fight for ~10yrs and your medicine cabinet is empty, the list of options is pretty short and the wait for Pertuzumab approval very long.
I don't want to even fathom saying goodbye to Halaven + Herceptin, which has been working so well for me for 6 cycles = 18 weeks.
My symptoms are all improved, my hair's even growing back a bit, though I fight hard to convince myself that it's NOT tightness around my liver that I feel when I take a big deep breath, or referred pain into my R scapula that they say is related to liver issues, or that my headaches are the result of wearing my wig just a little too long that day.
Additionally, I'm praying hard hard hard for stability, just to give my family a break from our struggles that started with my sweet Pop's catastrophic stroke last Spring. By Thanksgiving, when we were all home in Hawaii for the holiday, he was doing amazingly well. All a testament to my mom's incredible hard work, amazing loving & care and endless patience to help him back to some independence, like sitting himself up in bed, assisting with his dressing, walking short distances, sitting with the family in the living room to laugh & talk stories, even responding & communicating in non verbal ways that we all understood.
Unfortunately, shortly after the holiday my dad had a seizure, brought on by smaller strokes and has since been back in the hospital and now rehab center, fighting his way back to get strong enough to come home again. My mom spends every devoted day with him, and if anyone can get him back home, she can.
They had fallen into a new rythm & routine of their lives, a new normal, as we all know about. I will take whatever is version of my Pop that I can, as long as he and my mom are happy.
I just don't want my situation to detract from the energy and focus to get my Pop back home.
So with that, I'm going to go drink a cup of hot water and pretend it's coffee on this cold 22degree Atlanta day.
I'm thrilled to see another year come to pass and celebrate with all of you the highs & lows and bumps & dips in the year to come.

Keeping the Faith~


01-03-2012, 09:38 AM
Jessica, Sending along my good wishes for a positive outcome....you can handle whatever may come your way. I am hoping it is all good! Ceesun

Ellie F
01-03-2012, 09:56 AM
Hi Jessica
I am also sending my good wishes. Hopefully 2012 will see more options for us to combat this disease.In the meantime I hope you're scans bring positive news.

01-03-2012, 11:35 AM

It is definitely cold in Georgia, I'm in Calhoun today, and the wind has been blowing some. You are one of my heroes. I wish you the best on your scans.


tricia keegan
01-03-2012, 01:26 PM

Sending my good wishes for your scans and also that the coming year brings better health to you and your Dad too!

01-03-2012, 01:51 PM
Jessica, I am holding you in my heart, hoping with you for uneventful scans. You do make it sound like fun (scan man????!). I always wear a jimmy Buffett shirt to my scans - we do what we must.

Keep charging forward my friend!

01-03-2012, 02:07 PM

Sending prayers your way for good scan results.

all the best

01-03-2012, 03:06 PM

Sending good thoughts and vibes your way for your visit with the scanman! p.s. in Australia our top temp yesterday was 112 - slightly different to your 22!


01-03-2012, 03:58 PM
Best of luck with your scans. Will be thinking about you.
I just hate waiting for the scans and then for the results.

01-03-2012, 04:12 PM
Dear Jessica -
You must not get too worried over what anxiety you may cause the rest of your family. Your father is a very important figure to all, and they want to have him back. But you are still here, young and have a chance to fight for your life.

I know how hard it is to start to loose a wonderful father, but mine told me to keep my energy for MY fight and let the doctors do what they could for him. I know how that sounds to us who deal with so many doctors, but his message was for me to put me ahead of him.

This a side, I am sure the H + H combination is still plowing away at those mets. You have all our best thoughts and prayers for the kind of scans we ALL want to see!

01-03-2012, 05:09 PM

Adding my prayers for your scan results! Hang in there...


01-03-2012, 06:30 PM

Knowing you, the "giant" that appears in your photo is stomping forward in this treatment. Holding you close in prayers that all news is good.

You're a giant in my book.

01-03-2012, 08:22 PM
Dear Jessica,

I hope your scans will come back with glowing reports for the work that Halaven + Herceptin is doing for you. I'm so sorry to hear that your Dad had a seizure. Bless your Mom for being there for him. What love they have for each other.

Take care of yourself and stay warm!!


01-03-2012, 09:30 PM
Steph, thanks for sharing your fathers thoughts. Very moving, and true.

01-03-2012, 10:16 PM
Jessica, I too shall pray your tests come out well.Your Friend,Nancy

01-04-2012, 12:54 AM
Hi Jessica...Im new here, so don't know you well yet, but wanted you to know I just lit a candle for you and I am praying and have faith that your scan results are going to be wonderful. Big hugs to you...

01-04-2012, 06:50 AM
Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts on the scans...just had mine and get the results next week....hoping the Halaven or the H&H keeps working...I got a year from that drug....wished for longer but not to be.
Sad I could not attend San ANtonio this year...would have loved to have met you, you have such an upbeat positive spirit.....you are an inspiration to so many of us long time Stage IV women! Keep the Faith on the Scans!!!

01-04-2012, 03:42 PM
No horse before the cart. I take my own advice, too. It's o.k. to be worried about the scans, but don't let the little c be of consequence until it is.
Be sure to let us know how you are doing, and when you get the results.
Sorry about your father's setbacks. Just continue to love every minute of your life, no matter the condition.

01-04-2012, 06:07 PM
Thank you everyone for your encouragement, as always.
I wish I could go through and "like" everyone's comments, but
I forget - that's a Facebook thing!
I'm going to start a new thread of a quote that I've always held close.
I know you guys will understand it as I know how each of you embody it on this bumpy journey...

Keeping the Faith~
