View Full Version : bone mets

09-05-2011, 06:41 PM
My mom was just diagnosed with stage 4 her2+ breast cancer last week. She begins her chemo regimen this week. Along with the lump in her right breast she also (according to MRI) has several spots in her vertebral column. Pet scan done Friday but results not back yet.

Anyone else out there with multiple bone mets? If so.....how are you doing? What did your oncologist do?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

09-05-2011, 07:18 PM
I was originally dx with stage IIIc cancer, and about 4 months ago found a recurrence in my bones. My pet scan showed only cancer in 2-3 spots in my back, thankfully. He started me on Tykerb and Xeloda which are pills taken at home. The Tykerb is taken everyday (it is like Herceptin, in that it targets the Her2 receptor) and the Xeloda is taken 14 days on and 14 days off. And the last thing I get is a shot every month of Xgeva to prevent further mets and to stop the degradation of my bones by the cancer cells growing and eating the bone.

If your mom is completely newly diagnosed, she'll probably move right to the hard core stuff, like A/C, FEC, .... the drugs that cause hair to fall out. Not to worry- these are good drugs despite the negative hype. I didn't get more of the intravenous drugs because I'd already had them and they limit the dose of these drugs due to organ damage at high doses. Importanly, your mom should start on Herceptin which has almost no side effects! I would highly recommend the Xgeva shot instead of bisphosphonates, because it has less side effects and in some studies has shown to prevent new mets. She should definitely have some sort of imaging done on her brain- the PET scan can't see into the brain well enough, so an MRI or head CT (with and without contrast) is a good idea.

I am doing great- enjoying life and looking forward to many more years. My bone pain stopped within 2 months of starting my therapy, thereby enabling me to do everything I was doing before treatment. It is important to stay positive despite all the negatives associated with stage IV, every person is different. Sending good vibes your way.

09-05-2011, 07:42 PM
Thanks so much for the fast feedback. We are currently going to Mayo clinic this week for her first chemo treatment. They are going to give her herceptain + 2 chemos once ev 3 weeks. I will ask about the MRI /CT scan on her brain. She has had MRI on v.c. but not brain. Glad to hear you are doing well. This forum is so great to talk to others who are going through this journey.
I am keeping the faith.

09-05-2011, 07:43 PM
PS they are going to start with the biophosphates becausae of her calcium levels in bone. I think taxol is one of the chemo drugs but cannot remember the other one she will be getting in addition to it.