View Full Version : Looking for your thoughts/advice - Do I biopsy or not?

07-07-2011, 11:04 AM
Hi friends-

I know that we all worry about our bumps and lumps and aches and pains. I think I have done a good job managing my fear and nowadays even go several days without thinking about BC. But now I have 1 of the above: a lump. No aches or pains though. J

Several weeks ago I felt a hard little lump in my neck. It has not gone away and maybe gotten slightly bigger. It is closer to my jaw than my collarbone. It doesn’t hurt. It’s not tender. It is just a hard little bump, like a hard pea under my skin. It is on the right side, same side as my BC.

I am blessed to have a brother-in-law that is a magnificent doctor (I am slightly biased J). He is an Otorhinolaryngology surgeon …an ENT but the long word is more fun to say. lol He is in another state so he referred me to a doctor near me that he has known and respected for 20 years.

I got a CT that showed lesions on the node. SMALL lesions. My brother-in-law wants it out. The local doctor said it was my choice.

I am not due to see my oncologist until September. I called her and told her about it. She thought there was about a 0% chance of it being BC. So that is encouraging. Regardless, she said to get it out. Because it is small she said the procedure should be quick and easy.

Nothing about cutting my neck sounds quick or easy. Seems to me, as a lay person, that there is a LOT of important stuff in there.

I am having a hard time deciding what to do. Would you share your thoughts with me?


07-07-2011, 12:01 PM
Mine was in the same side as my BC closer to the jaw..only about the size if a dime when I felt it....I had it removed, mine was the BC ..identical to my original tumor assay...only I had all clean nodes then. I did have mine removed, and it (they) the nodes have returned over and over....seems they are stubborn little buggers....get it out for your own peace of mind....mine was done under light sedation, and I never had any problems...went home an hour later. My oncologist was upset that they removed all of it...guess it is a good place to see treatment response if it is a positive node. You are in my prayers....it is so small it seems to be just a node...but get it checked for your own peace of mind!
By the way, I got my Coobie and I love it!!!!
Big hugs to you!

07-07-2011, 12:17 PM
I would get it biopsied at least. You will not rest easy until you do anyway.

07-07-2011, 01:07 PM
Sounded like you are the one who's hesitant about the procedure. Two out of three of your doctors said to take it out. One has no opinion. So the vote is really 2 to zero.

My vote is to get it out as soon as possible, so you can have peace of mind. And if it so happens that there's something requiring further treatment, it's better to take action sooner than later.

But I do understand your feeling - you have just been declared NED not long ago and probably really are not in the mood to do it again. That's what I felt in most of my ordeals. I felt like the news of needing another surgery is just getting 'old'. You've triumphed the first time, you can do it again!

tricia keegan
07-07-2011, 02:31 PM
I too would have it at least biopsied, for your own peace of mind!

07-07-2011, 03:48 PM
Biopsy. Ceesun

Pam P
07-07-2011, 04:00 PM
I agree with the others - biopsy or just get it out. Sorry you have this decision to make. You are in my prayers that your onc. is right 0% chance of bc. You'll know for sure when you get it tested. Pam

07-07-2011, 06:03 PM
Removed ... biopsied .. a little band-aide ... an extra-strength tylenol ...
an afternoon on the couch with a good book ...

07-07-2011, 06:31 PM
... a little worrying ...

suzan w
07-08-2011, 04:07 PM
I vote for the biopsy too...much simpler than all the anxiety!!

07-27-2011, 03:12 PM
Hi Mmmm
What did you decide to do??

07-27-2011, 03:22 PM
Hi there-

Thank you all for your thoughts and advice! I was uncharacteristically indecisive on this issue but went ahead and had the biopsy on Thursday. It was getting a little bigger and ended up a good sized node (hence the longish incision - compaired to what I was expecting…see attached) but the pathology came back TODAY as B9.

Yahooooooo! I could just sing I am so happy.

Thank you all so much again!

Lots of love,

07-27-2011, 06:39 PM
Maureen I was thrilled to read your post with the good news!! B9 - hooray!!

all the best

07-27-2011, 06:43 PM
Congratulations! You've earned another 'badge of courage'! :)

07-27-2011, 07:03 PM
Hey Maureen,

You have a pretty neck and a cancer-free one, too! Very happy to hear this good news. Nothing like a good dose of relief to make your day, huh?

07-28-2011, 11:10 AM
Great ending to a lump story! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you and your family! Gods blessings to you!

07-28-2011, 11:16 AM
Thank goodness! I just read and am so glad you biopsied. Aren't you glad now! Enjoy the moment.

07-28-2011, 01:05 PM
Congrats on the good new. Just remember, scars are just tatoos with better stories and this one has a good story!

07-28-2011, 03:36 PM
Yahoooooiee! You should see the OTHER guy/gal !! (your response when someone asks how you got the scar) so so happy for you!

tricia keegan
07-28-2011, 04:02 PM
Ouch Maureen but great news on the B9!!!:)

You did the right thing though!

07-28-2011, 05:56 PM
OMG! So happy for you!!! I just saw your original posting and my emotions went from - oh no, please don't let it be BC - to - yay, thank God, we can all smile and rejoice for you again! - in a quick stroll of the mouse.

So happy for you!!!!

Mary Jo
07-28-2011, 06:08 PM
Guess you've gotten plenty of replies but just had to add my 2 cents. Get it taken care of now. Your peace rests on it. Praying it is nothing, but as others have said, IF it is something, better to take care of it sooner than later. SIDE NOTE.....guess I should have read ALL the posts...because when I went back I was pleasantly surprised to read that you DID go ahead and have it done and it was B9. Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm singing for you. LOL!


07-28-2011, 06:25 PM
I love you guys! Thank you so much for caring.


Joan M
07-28-2011, 07:51 PM

Great news!


07-29-2011, 03:13 AM
Yay sososo happy it was B9 I was very distraught when first started reading this thread great for such a happy ending!!


07-29-2011, 06:15 AM
I'm so glad you got the good pathology report, Maureen! Have wondered how you were faring. Whew!

Barb A.

Emelie B
07-29-2011, 07:32 AM
Hooray on the B9. Good job being brave and doing the biopsy!
Have a wonderful worry free weekend!

07-30-2011, 06:20 AM
I was so happy to read your news on the biopsy.....one worry that you can put behind you......prayers are answered!!!!