View Full Version : Liver Biopsy

06-05-2011, 04:21 PM
I'm having a liver biopsy the 9th, and I'll see my onc on the 15th for a treatment plan.

I haven't had a biopsy before - what can I expect? Also, I have a frozen shoulder and cannot move my right arm over my head - they won't cancel because of that, will they?

Finally, I am going to be working 15 hours the following day, on my feet for the most part. Do you think that will be an issue? (I work in a high school and that is graduation day)

Appreciate the opinions of people who have been there.

06-05-2011, 04:26 PM
The liver biopsy is not that bad. The anxiety leading up to it surely is a different story. So stay calm if you can. I asked the nurse to hold my hand throughout and she did (the person driving you home probably won't be able to come into the room, but you could ask). It's the usual numbing, little incision and then the biopsy is taken by the tool. Mine was ultrasound-guided and I'm sure yours will be, too. The procedure is over relative quickly, but then you must lie still for two hours.

I will keep you in my thought for this day, CoolBreeze. Promise.

06-05-2011, 04:28 PM
P.S. I think I was asked to take it "easy" for a few days. Definitely no lifting or things of that nature.

06-05-2011, 04:34 PM
Thank you! Did you have to put your right arm over your head? If you could not, do you think it's still possible to have the test?

Did it hurt at all?

I'm usually pretty calm about all these tests and am about this one too. But, if it's painful I like to prepare.

The scheduler told me not to lift anything the next day, but I didn't tell her about how long my day was going to be.

I think mine is going to be CT-guided.

06-05-2011, 07:00 PM
Wishing you a smooth, problem-free biopsy and a successful treatment plan ahead. I went through some of your blog today and wow, what a gifted writer you are! Thanks for sharing your story so beautifully.

Sending you love and hugs for your biopsy,


06-05-2011, 08:05 PM
I don't remember if my arm was up or down. It was a long time ago. There was some pain but not intolerable (they numbed the skin, and then at the last minute said "oh by the way, we can't numb the liver so that will hurt a little bit") Surprise! Anyway, it was not a long procedure and as I said was doable. I went home that day, went back to work the next day but I think I was also told to take it easy the first day. They kept me around for an hour or so to make sure there was no bleeding (there wasn't) and fed me a nice veggie sandwich.

You'll do fine, and I hope this procedure helps guide your next steps.

Hang in there.

06-05-2011, 11:41 PM
Here's a link to the WebMD site on liver biopsy

A paragraph from another website states the following:

"How long does it take to recover from a liver biopsy?

Most patients fully recover from a liver biopsy in 1 to 2 days. Patients should avoid intense activity, exercise, or heavy lifting during this time. Soreness around the incision site may persist for about a week. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or other pain medications that do not interfere with blood clotting may help. Patients should check with their doctor before taking any pain medications."

Perhaps you can ask to move up (or down) the procedure a couple of days? I would call the surgeon's office to let them know about the situation and ask for their advice.

06-06-2011, 04:12 AM
Good luck for a successful, pain free biopsy this week. May you experience peace and hope during the wait! Also, the count down to graduation should be "worry-free"! Hugs!

06-06-2011, 11:06 AM
I would see a therapeutic massage therapist for the frozen shoulder today or tomorrow... I wouldn't just leave that as is.

06-07-2011, 05:19 AM
I too had a frozen shoulder, years after my mastectomy. When PT didnt seem to relieve it, 1 cortisone shot and more PT did the trick.. Hoping it wont interfere with the liver biopsy....I willl be thinking of you!

06-07-2011, 08:18 AM
I remember the anxiety being the worst part. I don't remember if I had my arm up, and I don't remember it being painful. It's similar to a core needle biopsy of the breast, which I found much scarier and hurtful. The doctor will numb the skin a bit before going deeper, give you a second injection before making the incision (tiny) for the tool, and by that time you should feel nothing. Visualize yourself with someone you love or feel safe with. For me, I pretended the doctor was actually my gentle, loving dermatologist who is filled with so much white light that her eyes on my body alone give me peace. Her needlework is always so precise and her presence comforting. Think peace. I learned this new mantra at a Reike session, "Every cell in my body is a healthy cell." Repeat. Repeat. Be surprised what you can talk yourself out of.
Love & Light,

06-07-2011, 08:19 AM
Any chance of or interest in getting a sample for chemosensitivity testing?

06-07-2011, 08:29 AM
Wishing you and easy biopsy and with little pain or annoiance. I'll be praying for you.

06-07-2011, 03:05 PM
My liver biopsy was much more comfortable than I expected. They gave me IV pain medication and sedation, and numbed the site. I really didn't feel anything. They had to work a bit to get me into a position that allowed the probe to go in. My right arm was actually across my chest, not over my head.

Mine was ultrasound guided. I don't know what difference CT would have made.

I had no problems afterwards either. They said not to lift anything heavier than ten pounds--for a week I think.

Here's hoping your biopsy is comfortable and uneventful.

06-08-2011, 06:13 AM
Good luck tomorrow on your biopsy - you are in my prayers. Thank you for your advice on my thread, it will really help me when it comes to my decision for surgery.

God bless you CoolBreeze!


06-08-2011, 05:54 PM
Thank you. Tomorrow is the day! No moving the appointment. I tried to get them to move the graduation, but that didn't go over well. :)

I did get a cortisone shot for my shoulder. The pain is lessened a lot and I regained some range of motion but not enough to move it over my head. I get another at the end of June. I may ask for them to fix it surgically, I may need to be able to move it with new treatments coming up. :)