View Full Version : Reconstruction

02-02-2011, 08:45 AM
Hi. Was just wondering whether anybody knows anything about/has Becker implants? I had an appointment with my plastic surgeon last week and he suggested straight forward silicone/becker implants for my double reconstruction due to me not having enough tissue for a DIEP or TRAM flap procedure. Any comments would be gratefully received! Thanks

Debbie L.
02-02-2011, 09:04 AM

Implants are a pretty hot topic right now, at least in the states. As usual, it seems like the media is making a bigger deal over it than it actually is, but it would be good to know the issues so you don't have any regrets. I know women who had their implants done as long ago as 20 years and are perfectly happy with them. But I do know those who have had trouble, with infection, scarring, encapsulation, etc.

Too bad those of us with "enough" (ahem) tissue could not donate for your DIEP. I wonder if women have ever worked to put on some weight, in order to have enough for a DIEP flap (and then gone back to their normal weight after -- but then maybe their reconstruction would shrink also?)? I guess it would depend in part upon how big a breast size you were aiming for. You could also, if you wanted, just live awhile without breasts and see how that worked for you. Reconstruction would always be an option, if it didn't work. Like everything else, these are very individual decisions with no right or wrong answers.

As for the becker implant itself, there seems to be info available online (google it). It's quite new? In the US I see it some trials. Sort of a hybrid between an implant and an expander system, where they expand it gradually and then remove the port that was used for the expansion, so that it becomes the implant (as opposed to removing the expander and replacing it with the permanent implant). It's probably too new to have much data on longterm issues, but it seems like they'd be the same as for other implants.

I'm sure you'll hear here from the many women who've had implants, about their experiences.

Debbie Laxague

02-02-2011, 09:49 AM
I have no experience/knowledge on the subject, but I found an abstract of an article about Becker implant:
