View Full Version : Anybody recur after only seven weeks?

01-26-2011, 07:38 PM
I did TCH. Finished chemo March 31st, finished herceptin December 2nd. Had some back pain so they did a bone scan in early November (clear) and lower abdominal CT scan in December. (Never called my doctor because by then I was sure I was fine, he didn't call me so I am assuming that was clear as well.)

I tore a rotator cuff in my shoulder November 18th, and during a routine x-ray January 24, a "spot" on my humerus was discovered. I'm waiting for an MRI.

I am only seven weeks out of herceptin and find it difficult to imagine that cancer could have returned and spread that quickly. I'm also taking tamoxifen.

In thinking back to my story, I noticed a minor breast change that I thought was from an underwire leaving a crease on my breast in April of 09, and by the end of May 09 my breast was quite changed with a large lump and dimpling, so it probably grew fast. Maybe this is the same thing.

I'm curious if anybody else recurred so fast?

And, also, if anybody had spots on their bones that turned out not to be mets, what was it? I can't imagine what else it could be, I don't know anything about bone lesions.

The doctor who read my films (in front of me) is an orthopedic oncologist with a CV a mile long with lots of published papers (and he's youg) so I'm guessing it's not a stress fracture or something obvious, but he said it might be nothing - he wasn't sure.

Love to hear recurrence stories with dates under a year.

You all know I'm nervous but am not freaking out. I just find it very hard to believe it could come back THAT quick and don't see a lot of stories showing that. Most seem to have at least six months and even longer.

01-26-2011, 08:17 PM

I certainly hope it's not bone mets. But whatever it is, I'm sure it can be treated successfully.

A 'recurrence' in a different location could have been there from the earliest time of (or before) our diagnoses. My 1.2 cm - very fast growing - tumor was estimated to have been growing for 2 1/2 years. My 2+ cm local/regional recurrence had been growing almost 4 years before we caught it. Since your initial tumor was more than 3 cm, I wouldn't be surprised if the cancer had been there 4, 5 years. And that gives the 'circulating cells' plenty of time to lodge themselves in other parts of the body. Most of them probably have been wiped out by the chemotherapy already.

It's a shocker - I remember the numb feeling when my surgeon confirmed my suspecion. (Previous mammagrams ordered by either the family doctor or the medical oncologist were all declared 'benigh' - the cancer was misread as 'scar tissue'.) It explained why I had been so tired the previous 3 years... I had cancer!

However, 'When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebras...'...

01-26-2011, 08:34 PM
Thanks Jackie. Yes, I suppose it could have been there all along, although (if mets) why it didn't show up on the bone scan is interesting. I was thinking (if it is mets) than herceptin didn't work for me, but maybe it didn't show on bone scan because herceptin DID work. As soon as I went off herceptin, bam!

I don't know. There is so much we don't know!

I don't understand your coded signature at all so don't know what's gone on with you. Are you Stage IV? How long until you were dx'd with mets?

I titled this subject wrong, I shouldn't have been that specific about the time period. I should have said "under six months."

01-26-2011, 08:54 PM
I've had two separate diagnoses of 'tumors' - a (life-long)brain tumor called 'Central Neurocytoma' diagnosed and treated in 1990 (craniotomy)and 2001(Gamma-knife Radiosurgery), and breast cancer (pink-color code) diagnosed and treated in 2003 and 2007 (with two lymphnodes involved).

Because of my family cancer history - Mother's Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and 2nd Brother's colon cancer - I believe I fit into the cluster called HNPCC - Hereditory Non-polyposis Colon Cancer, especially that my brother had described his tumor as very 'big'. That's why I had the hysterectomy/oophorectomy January last year. The insurance company approved the procedure because I was also tested with a BRCA1-Variance of unknown significance.

I'm the youngest of six and the first one to have had a tumor diagnosis (1990). 2nd Brother has been the healthiest, strongest member of the whole family (and I the weakiest, most sickly one :), so I am pretty sure there's a genetic cause somewhere. All three of us suffer from seasonal allergies (none of the other 5 family members do), so I've been wondering also about the allergy factor.

01-26-2011, 10:06 PM
Hi CoolBreeze,

Interesting you mention a crease in your breast that you thought was due to your bra. I had the same thing happen to me prior to diagnosis.

Not to sure what to say about a possible spot, but here's hoping and praying that it will be nothing,


01-26-2011, 10:59 PM
That spot could be from an old injury...possible a bone spur? When your Ortho onc went over the report with you did he mention it looked benign? They can usually get a good idea from the way it looks? At least their checking it out. Sometimes it's really hard to tell what something is on an X-ray...it doesn't give a very good picture. The MRI will clear things up for sure. Once we are dx with bc we are always worried about ever ache, pain, and spot that's found...it's hard not to worry. But more of these turn out to be nothing...then something. :) I really think it will turn out to be something benign. Hang in there...I know it's not easy.


01-26-2011, 11:45 PM
Hi CoolBreeze,
A spot could be many things and the MRI will give you more precise information. It is difficult to wait but I am hoping it is nothing. Michka

tricia keegan
01-27-2011, 11:52 AM
Hi Coolbreeze,

I had a spot show on a bone scan last year, this was followed by an inconclusive MRI and Pet/ct was negative. It was too small to biopsy so we waited two months to redo the scans and it had disappeared!!!
I have no idea what it was but was just so relieved it was'nt cancer, I did have a painful bout of sciaticia after this so not sure if that had something to do with it.
I also had a spot show on my lungs on a x ray but the ct showed it was just scarring, so just wanted you to know sometimes there really is another explanation and it's not always cancer.
My best wishes to you and please keep us posted:)

01-27-2011, 12:35 PM
It does seem hard to believe that a recurrence can happen so fast. Hang in there. I will be praying and hoping it's nothing.

Sandra in GA
01-27-2011, 02:00 PM

I am praying your scare turns out like Tricia's did!!!


01-27-2011, 02:47 PM
Could just be what they call an "artifact" or a shadow. Might not show up on closer inspection.
And just remember that it is not anything until you are told FOR SURE it is something. I am a prime example of that. (lung cancer scare that resulted in unnecessary surgery) And just because we have had cancer does not mean that we are not subject to other things going amuck!
Keep the faith

01-27-2011, 05:14 PM
Thanks! Especially Tricia, it helps to know that it happened to somebody else and turned out to be nothing. It seems really unlikely that it could come back this quickly.

This is certainly a rollercoaster ride! This is my second scare - my first one was a bad mammogram in my remaining breaast - my first one after surgery! Ack! They found something with irregular margins, and I knew that wasn't good. Turned out to be one cyst on top of the other, giving an irregular shape. :)

I wasn't worried at all about the shoulder pain. I knew what it was but in the process of diagnosing that, they found this spot. Even then, I didn't start worrying for a couple of days, I mean, how can it be cancer this fast? I just finished herceptin and I'm on tamoxifen.

The doctor has a CV a mile long and has published tons of papers. He said he didn't know what it was. He didn't say it was benign but didn't say it was cancer - "I don't want to worry you, but see that?" He just didn't know but wanted to MRI it, "with your history...."

It clearly isn't something simple to see like a stress fracture, because a guy with his experience would recognize that. But, of course, it may not be cancer.

I'm not really freaked out - just sort of in a holding pattern. I don't know enough about bones to know what else it might be.

I have an MRI saturday so whatever it is, I'll know next week.

Unfortunately, I have to wait until February 18 for the arthro-MRI for my shoulder. Considering the amount of pain I'm in, that is a bit frustrating. But, if it is what the doctor suspects, (a SLAP tear) that means surgery.

I'm falling apart!!!!

01-27-2011, 06:06 PM
Hej CoolBreeze,
Glad you have that MRI tomorrow to put your mind to rest. I like what Bonnie told you that it's nothing until you're told for sure that it's something (but we all tend to worry anyway, I know). Funny about this shoulder business. I never had issues with my shoulder prior to left masectomy and now my right shoulder is bothering me as well. Hmm, the feeling of falling apart sure sounds familiar :-). Hang in there!

01-27-2011, 07:05 PM
I keep looking at it like I only finished herceptin seven weeks ago.

But, I just realized - I finished chemo ten months ago. Relapse is common in the first two years, so I suppose it's possible I'm one of those that herceptin didn't work for and only the chemo counted.

See, I can scare myself with the best of 'em! :)

01-27-2011, 07:11 PM
Oh, whaz, nobody tells you but shoulder problems are very, very common after mastectomy. Really, all women should have some PT. I don't know why we don't - cutting off a breast is not nothing. It affects our posture, and if we got implants, our musculature.

However, my shoulder problem was post-surgery. I was trying to get out of bed right after my reconstruction and got my arm in the wrong position and tore the rotator cuff. It's hard to imagine that but I think having the expanders in for a year probably strained my shoulder, plus tamoxifen has caused me a lot of joint pain. I'm probably not as strong as I was before all of this.

Unfortunately, the kind of tear my doctor believes I have - a labrum tear - is only fixable with surgery. :( I really really really wanted to be done with all this - if even for a year. It's been 18 months of constant medical problems, and I was an extremely healthy and fit person.

01-27-2011, 07:32 PM
Ah, the rollercoaster ride in Cancerland - we all know it well. Try hard not to stress out about it too much, the MRI will give you the answers you need.

Funny about your shoulder - well, not funny...let's say strange. I have been having shoulder pain (waking me up in the middle of the night) for the past few months. I am also having major problems with my right knee (osteo arthritis) so I went to my rheumatologist. He gave me a prescription for Naproxen (500mg morning and night) - it has helped tremendously!

I saw an orthopedic surgeon yesterday and he thinks I have a turn rotator cuff too. I have my MRI on Tuesday next week and will have my answer by Friday. If you are not currently taking something for the pain you might see if you can get a prescription for Naproxen while you wait for your test. It really does take the edge off without making you feel dopey. My knees (or lack there of) are a whole different story that I will probably find out about next week. The joys of getting older...but at least I/we are doing just that...getting older and experiencing 'normal' maladies too!

Best of luck with all your tests. Please be sure and let us know how things turn out for you.

01-27-2011, 10:18 PM
I tore a rotator cuff sometime during this cancer experience too! Was able to get relief from periodic injections and PT. Avoided surgery.
Keep the faith.

Yes, Cool Breeze, you CAN scare yourself with the best of them! We should have a contest, all of us! But, hey, it IS scary.

01-28-2011, 06:47 PM
Well, they called me in for my MRI today. They said they needed a radiologist there to read the films and decide if I needed contrast or not.

I didn't.

They said my doctor had written "urgent" on it so they were going to fax the results over immediately.

I called my doctor later in the day - he'd left for the weekend already. :( I asked if anybody else could tell me what it said - I didn't want to go through the entire weekend worrying. So, they had a PA call me - and good news! It's not cancer. They hadn't gotten the full report yet but it looked clear.

So, off the rollercoaster. I guess I won't get on again until August, when I have my next mammogram and it comes back bad. :)

No, I can worry about what really is bothering me - my labral tear!!!!!! ARG!!!!! PAIN!!!

Whew. :)

Joanna J
01-28-2011, 06:59 PM
COOL Breeze,So Happy for you w/the Good News