View Full Version : Block Center

01-17-2011, 01:56 PM
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has gone to the Block Center in Evanston, Ill for treatment or a consult. I am thinking about going there, and wondering if anyone has any experience with them.


Stage 4, diagnosed 7/2010

01-17-2011, 10:13 PM
Hi -
My brother-in-law went to the Block Center for a consult on his prostate cancer. He was VERY happy with his reception there, his examination and their recommendations.

My only close recommendation with this center.

01-18-2011, 05:16 AM
Someone I know went there too and was glad to have gone there....

01-18-2011, 11:23 AM
I went to the Block Center August 2009. I still go there twice a year for followups.
It is a most wonderful place. I would recommend this place to everyone with Cancer, regardless of what type and what stage. I had breast cancer and had 4 rounds of chemotherapy. I had NO nauseau, tiredness, or any other negative side effects. I had my chemo on Monday and was back to work on Wednesday. [I live in Michigan and they are in Illinois so I had to fly back and forth, that's why the additional day between chemo and work]. They have a 'spa' feel, which is what they want. They treat the mind and body. So while I was having my 6 hour chemo experience, which includes an IV drip of Vitamins and Minerals at the end, I also was able to schedule one hour with a physical therapist to do general exercising, one hour with a massage therapist, then I spent one hour at the group cooking demonstration and then one hour at the group exercise class. It was 4 hours of fun, all while walking around with my IV pole. The Block Center puts you on an eating program for life, thus the cooking demos. You are also put on supplements. The eating plan is vegetarian style, sugar free, dairy free, whole grains, proteins are beans, fish, eggs, tofu & seiten [wheat meat]. The program is portion controlled based on each individual. I don't consider this a diet because the overall point isn't to lose weight, it's to never have a recurrence of cancer. Dr. Block wrote a book called "Life Over Cancer", you can get it at any bookstore. It is all about his program and the supplements and eating plan. He says if you started on this eating plan from birth, you would never get Cancer. Otherwise, if you already have it then this will prevent a recurrence. Although it is very limiting if you aren't already a vegetarian, you certainly won't feel hungry. Dr. Block's wife is a therapist, so she handles patient's emotional needs. Since I had Hodgkins Disease when I was 21 in 1986, thus the breast cancer from the radiation treatments I had, I was in need of her services. Dr. Block told me that people on his eating plan say they haven't felt this good in years. After being on it for 3 months I understood why. You loose all the extra fat you have and you have loads of energy. Of course you feel great. :-)
When you start there you have an ocologist and a nutritionist assigned to you. My consultation was 5 hours long. Everyone there is very positive and helpful.
Feel free to call me at work if you want to talk at 616-956-4736. I can give you my home number if you want to talk after work hours. I can go on and on but I've tried to highlight the overall program.
I hope this has helped.
All the best to you.

01-18-2011, 08:14 PM
I have always been interested in integrative medicine and use it in my own life. I participated in a tele conference last year when Dr. Block was the host and learned alot of very useful information.