View Full Version : Urgent-I would like to ask you

12-07-2010, 09:56 AM
Hello All, greetings!!!

Unfortunatelly, My wife got right breast cancer with positive nodes
and tripple positive kind(Her2+ etc)
After the chemotheraphy (AC, taxol+Hereceptin) the tumor in the breast was found very small but she has 15 of 20 positive nodes.
Please Please Please...
tell me do you know such cases of woman that live for LONG years?
I very very need your information.
You can give me a hope....i need your help now....i hope that i also can help you with something in future.
thank you a lot
and best regards

12-07-2010, 10:39 AM
I am sorry to hear about your wife. I can tell you that there are many women who have lived for many years not only with positive lymph nodes, but with breast cancer mets in other parts of their bodies. The experience can be bumpy and stressful sometimes, but with positive thoughts, determination, good medical care, healthy food and some exercise it can be done.
Good luck to you and your wife. Many more years together for the two of you !! Take good care of your wife.

Mary L
12-07-2010, 10:40 AM
Boris, Hello. If your wife is Her2+ she can take Herceptin and Tykerb which take care of the cancer very well and quickly with no side effects like the other chemos she probably had. There are many women on this website that will give you alot of information and hope. Herceptin saved my life and millions of others. Her oncologist will give you all the information. I'm surprised he hasn't talked about Herceptin. Does she have an appointment with him soon? Best wishes. Mary L

12-07-2010, 11:34 AM
Herceptin and/or Tykerb plus chemo plus radiation is a very good treatment. My friend had multiple tumors and many positive lymph nodes and she celebrated her 5th cancer free anniversary six months ago. Your wife will likely also take aromatase inhibitors (Arimidex or Femara) for five years after her chemo ends as an added precaution. The oncologists where I go consider Herceptin and Tykerb VERY effective against Her2 cancers. My oncologist also says that the aromatase inhibitors are as important as chemo. So your wife had excellent treatment choices for her disease. Treatment isn't easy, but it's easier than it was 5 years ago, and the body heals.

tricia keegan
12-07-2010, 06:23 PM
Hi Boris,

I'm highly triple positive but "only" five years out but had a similar treatment to your wife.

However, I have a friend who was diagnosed twenty four years ago with an aggressive large tumour and twenty two positive nodes and is still doing great and has never had a recurrance.

She does'nt know if she was her2+ as testing was'nt done back then but suspects she was, her daughter was two and is now twenty six or thereabouts and she wondered if she'd live to see her grow up:)

No one knows how each of us will respond, but yes, there are many ladies here on this site that had many positive nodes and still doing well years later, so stay positive and I hope your wife will do well too:)

lkc Gumby
12-07-2010, 06:44 PM
Boris, I had 12 positive lymph nodes. You can see my tx below.
Thts was 5.5 yrs ago, and I am blessed to be healthy now.

12-07-2010, 10:37 PM
Im sorry about your wife, you have come to the right place for help and support. I am 5 years out with stage IV, mets to lung...every node they took out was positive. I am cancer free today and pray to remain that way for a long long time.

12-08-2010, 09:39 AM
Boris, you have come the right place for support and especially HOPE! You will find many people here who are thriving.
Your wife is fortunate to have you. Be sure when you attend doctor visits with her that you have a written list of questions and then write down the replies. It can be so confusing and overwhelming, all of the information we have to absorb.
Keep the faith.